World Of Monsters
18 The Man with a Plan
Gabriel got some rest in Nashville, drank up some of Alyssa's blood from a backup supply and then flew back to her town the next night. He made good time getting back to town and when he landed on the roof, there was three people waiting for him as Sean, Alyssa and Pablo were all there. As he came to a sliding stop, Gabriel was all smiles and surprised to see them all there.
"Hey guys," Gabriel said, looking back at Alyssa. "And lady."
"Hello son," Pablo said, laughing. "We need to catch you up on what's going on here before you get to work."
"Alright," Gabriel said, "Let's hear it."
Pablo went into detail of how their first encounter with Max went, and how he pretty much salivated at the thought of having a surgeon and few nurses added to what was an already weak medical staff. He also informed him about their relation, how Pablo claimed that Gabriel was his son. Despite the fact that Gabe was a lot older than Pablo, he still looked young enough to be his son but he still laughed at it.
"I know, it's funny." Pablo agreed, "But this helps our story. I also told the mayor that you work at night and sleep by day. They think it's suicide to go out there at night with the dead walking around, but I told him you work better at night. He seemed to buy it, and as long as we keep delivering the goods he won't question it. He doesn't seem like the kind of man to look a gift horse in the mouth."
"What does that mean?" Alyssa asked, "I never really got that reference."
"It's a very old saying," Gabriel said, as he was technically the oldest one there. "In the past the best way to check a horse's health was to look at their teeth. So if someone gave you a horse and you checked its teeth too soon, it was considered offensive because you looked ungrateful."
"Oh," Alyssa replied, "I can't believe it actually had something to do with an actual horse."
"Getting back on track," Pablo interrupted, "The mayor seemed to welcome us with open arms, but Alyssa is right about him. The guy acts like a used car dealer, and I can't trust the bastard any further than I can throw him. What I can trust is his need for supplies so a long as we show results, his ambition and ego will keep him in check."
"For now," Gabriel said, "If he starts to piss me off, I can always take him out."
"Try to be careful," Sean said, finally stepping in. "My wife and the kids really like this place. I can see ourselves going long term here. Try to not ruin it as we'd hate to move again so soon after what happened in Denver."
"We'll try," Gabriel said, "But I'm going to start doing some renovations at my place in Nashville. Not ideal considering how infested it is, but it's better than nothing. Pablo can look for some other alternatives if we need them, but I agree with you. We'll move mountains to make it work here. I don't see the Californians going this east. They'll have to go through New Lycan to get anywhere near here, and I have a feeling they wouldn't get a warm welcome there."
"That's putting it mildly," Pablo replied, "The wolves won't kill anyone, they'll just turn everyone into them. The wolf population could double overnight."
"That's a scary thought." Sean said, thinking about it.
"It won't come to that," Gabriel rebutted, "The Vampires will step in long before that happens. A population explosion in New Lycan is not something anyone wants to see happen, so I doubt the council will allow it."
"I'm sorry," Alyssa said, as she heard something new. "The council?"
"Not now," Pablo said, as he heard it too. "We'll let you in on it later, but for now the less you know the less you'll be distracted from your objective."
"To be continued?" Alyssa asked.
"Yes," Gabriel agreed, "We'll fill you in later, but not now."
"Speaking of the Lycans," Pablo said, smiling back at his son. "Here's a list of items the town needs. Fly Alyssa to New Lycan and spend stay over again. Make it look like you're making an effort and just kick back and relax. Have a meal at the pub, on me this time."
"Sound great," Alyssa said, "I want to go shopping."
Pablo couldn't help but laugh at that.
"Here's my list," Sean said, handing his own paper over, "Just a few things to help the family settle in."
"I only have two arms," Gabriel reminded them.
"You'll be fine." Pablo said, slapping his shoulder. "Take the sack with you."
"I hate that thing," Gabriel said, "And I gotta carry her too!"
"Don't me a whiner." Pablo said, "Most of the stuff is small. This is also a fact finding mission. I want you guys to mingle with the wolves and find out what they know about California and Denver. Talk to your contacts as well as the common folk. Find out what they know and bring it back to me."
"Not a bad idea," Gabriel said, thinking about it. "That's worth carrying the sack for. Shall I speak to Cornelius as well?"
"Don't even joke about that," Pablo answered, sighing deeply. "Chances are that arrogant bugger is still in Europe. Speak to the other Vampires if you can, see if they've heard anything from the council."
"I'll inquire," Gabriel confirmed, "But make no promises."
"Get going," Pablo said, "Do you need something for the road?"
"No," Gabriel replied, "I'm good for now. I'll get something in the city."
Gabriel grabbed Alyssa and took off back into the darkness in the sky that he came from and flew away. Sean and Pablo watched them disappear and then looked back at one another.
"Are you sure we should consult the vampires at all?" Sean asked, looking rather nervous. "I don't like the idea of Alyssa being around him."
"Nothing will happen," Pablo reassured him, "Those vampires knows better than to cross Gabriel."
"I hope you're right," Sean said, "Cause I have a feeling he likes her."
"He does," Pablo confirmed, "I haven't seen him look at someone like that in a very, very long time."
Gabriel had no problem flying back out to New Lycan, and since the skies were clear, he was able to notice that there was only a half moon, which mean security wasn't going to be a hassle either. He flew back to the same building that they had resided in before, and landed on the roof again. The same security guards that had greeted them before came back out to see them again. Gabriel handed both his and Alyssa's card to the guard, and waited as he inspected them.
"Welcome back," the guard said, saluting him after giving the cards back.
"How many days till the full moon?" Gabriel asked.
"You'll be fine," The other guard replied, "We're only half way through the cycle, so you've got more than two weeks."
"We're only going to be here for two days, three tops." Gabriel informed them.
"There are many vacancies," the guard informed him.
"How many Vampires are here?" Gabriel asked.
"Two," the guard informed him.
"Book my room on whatever floor they're not on." Gabriel requested, "Also, is one of them named Cornelius?"
"No sir," the first guard replied, "Your brother is not here."
"He hasn't been here in years actually." The second guard added.
"I know," Gabriel noted, "He used to like visiting here."
"He's used to be a regular." The first guard confirmed.
"Thank you for your help," Gabriel said as he took Alyssa's hand. "We're going to get dinner and then do some shopping. Please have our room ready for us when we return."
"The front desk has already been notified." The guard confirmed.
After that Gabriel and Alyssa entered the elevator and went back down to the main lobby to exit into the streets.
"Can't we just fly to the mall or pub?" Alyssa asked.
"Not ideal." Gabriel answered, "Remember how that kid freaked out when we had our encounter at the super store?"
"I get it," Alyssa said, thinking about it. "Don't draw attention."
"Precisely." Gabriel confirmed.
"Also," Alyssa started, "Cornelius is your brother?"
"I didn't mention that?" Gabriel said, smiling back at her.
"How does a Vampire have a brother?" Alyssa inquired.
"You see," Gabriel started, his tone thick with sarcasm, "When a mommy and daddy vampire love each other very much..."
Alyssa punched Gabriel's shoulder playfully, "Okay, so you're actually brothers. Is that normal?"
"No, it's not." Gabriel said, "Natural breeding is very rare, because vampires who are naturally born have more powers than vampires those who are turned. We all have blazing speed and super strength along with our claws. Yet the natural born ones can do a lot more than the average vamp."
"Like the ability to fly?" Alyssa suggested.
"That's right," Gabriel replied, "Flying is something that usually only natural vampires can do. Now I've seen some turned Vamps develop the ability, but it only seemed to happen if they live to a very old age. Pure vampires get a lot of power a lot faster in life. I was flying before I turned twelve, while Cornelius happens to be unnaturally powerful. He has the strength of twenty regular vampires. He also flies twice as fast as I can. He can cross an ocean in less than two hours. It's obscene."
"Wow," Alyssa said, thinking about it. "That's faster than the concord!"
"He reminded me every time I saw him," Gabriel said, chuckling.
"So who's the oldest?" She asked him, as they continued to walk.
"He is," Gabriel confirmed, "But only by a few hundred years."
"Are we hitting the superstore first?" Alyssa asked, no longer interested in his older brother.
"No," Gabriel told her, "Since we're getting something to eat first, I think it would be best to hit a shopping center for medical supplies. I know someone there that owes me a few favors. That will take care of your mayor's medical needs."
"Are there any other stores in there besides this pharmacy?" Alyssa asked.
"A few," Gabriel confirmed, "We can hit a some of those tonight, and then we'll do the superstore tomorrow."
"Sounds good to me," Alyssa said, hooking her arm into his as they walked.
Gabriel led the way to the pub to buy her something to eat, but as they walked there he used the shop windows to look behind him as they passed. It allowed him to notice the person that was following them. Since the person was not staying too close, he chose to leave the person be, unwilling to make a scene in front of Alyssa. He also had no idea what kind of being that person was, and until he knew Gabriel was unwilling to confront anyone. Since he wasn't doing anything illegal with Alyssa, Gabe chose to let the tail watch them do nothing significant that night, especially since he planned to take Alyssa to ever shop they had. While he'd be bored to tears, so would the person following him. As his brother would always tell him, misery loves company.
"Hey guys," Gabriel said, looking back at Alyssa. "And lady."
"Hello son," Pablo said, laughing. "We need to catch you up on what's going on here before you get to work."
"Alright," Gabriel said, "Let's hear it."
Pablo went into detail of how their first encounter with Max went, and how he pretty much salivated at the thought of having a surgeon and few nurses added to what was an already weak medical staff. He also informed him about their relation, how Pablo claimed that Gabriel was his son. Despite the fact that Gabe was a lot older than Pablo, he still looked young enough to be his son but he still laughed at it.
"I know, it's funny." Pablo agreed, "But this helps our story. I also told the mayor that you work at night and sleep by day. They think it's suicide to go out there at night with the dead walking around, but I told him you work better at night. He seemed to buy it, and as long as we keep delivering the goods he won't question it. He doesn't seem like the kind of man to look a gift horse in the mouth."
"What does that mean?" Alyssa asked, "I never really got that reference."
"It's a very old saying," Gabriel said, as he was technically the oldest one there. "In the past the best way to check a horse's health was to look at their teeth. So if someone gave you a horse and you checked its teeth too soon, it was considered offensive because you looked ungrateful."
"Oh," Alyssa replied, "I can't believe it actually had something to do with an actual horse."
"Getting back on track," Pablo interrupted, "The mayor seemed to welcome us with open arms, but Alyssa is right about him. The guy acts like a used car dealer, and I can't trust the bastard any further than I can throw him. What I can trust is his need for supplies so a long as we show results, his ambition and ego will keep him in check."
"For now," Gabriel said, "If he starts to piss me off, I can always take him out."
"Try to be careful," Sean said, finally stepping in. "My wife and the kids really like this place. I can see ourselves going long term here. Try to not ruin it as we'd hate to move again so soon after what happened in Denver."
"We'll try," Gabriel said, "But I'm going to start doing some renovations at my place in Nashville. Not ideal considering how infested it is, but it's better than nothing. Pablo can look for some other alternatives if we need them, but I agree with you. We'll move mountains to make it work here. I don't see the Californians going this east. They'll have to go through New Lycan to get anywhere near here, and I have a feeling they wouldn't get a warm welcome there."
"That's putting it mildly," Pablo replied, "The wolves won't kill anyone, they'll just turn everyone into them. The wolf population could double overnight."
"That's a scary thought." Sean said, thinking about it.
"It won't come to that," Gabriel rebutted, "The Vampires will step in long before that happens. A population explosion in New Lycan is not something anyone wants to see happen, so I doubt the council will allow it."
"I'm sorry," Alyssa said, as she heard something new. "The council?"
"Not now," Pablo said, as he heard it too. "We'll let you in on it later, but for now the less you know the less you'll be distracted from your objective."
"To be continued?" Alyssa asked.
"Yes," Gabriel agreed, "We'll fill you in later, but not now."
"Speaking of the Lycans," Pablo said, smiling back at his son. "Here's a list of items the town needs. Fly Alyssa to New Lycan and spend stay over again. Make it look like you're making an effort and just kick back and relax. Have a meal at the pub, on me this time."
"Sound great," Alyssa said, "I want to go shopping."
Pablo couldn't help but laugh at that.
"Here's my list," Sean said, handing his own paper over, "Just a few things to help the family settle in."
"I only have two arms," Gabriel reminded them.
"You'll be fine." Pablo said, slapping his shoulder. "Take the sack with you."
"I hate that thing," Gabriel said, "And I gotta carry her too!"
"Don't me a whiner." Pablo said, "Most of the stuff is small. This is also a fact finding mission. I want you guys to mingle with the wolves and find out what they know about California and Denver. Talk to your contacts as well as the common folk. Find out what they know and bring it back to me."
"Not a bad idea," Gabriel said, thinking about it. "That's worth carrying the sack for. Shall I speak to Cornelius as well?"
"Don't even joke about that," Pablo answered, sighing deeply. "Chances are that arrogant bugger is still in Europe. Speak to the other Vampires if you can, see if they've heard anything from the council."
"I'll inquire," Gabriel confirmed, "But make no promises."
"Get going," Pablo said, "Do you need something for the road?"
"No," Gabriel replied, "I'm good for now. I'll get something in the city."
Gabriel grabbed Alyssa and took off back into the darkness in the sky that he came from and flew away. Sean and Pablo watched them disappear and then looked back at one another.
"Are you sure we should consult the vampires at all?" Sean asked, looking rather nervous. "I don't like the idea of Alyssa being around him."
"Nothing will happen," Pablo reassured him, "Those vampires knows better than to cross Gabriel."
"I hope you're right," Sean said, "Cause I have a feeling he likes her."
"He does," Pablo confirmed, "I haven't seen him look at someone like that in a very, very long time."
Gabriel had no problem flying back out to New Lycan, and since the skies were clear, he was able to notice that there was only a half moon, which mean security wasn't going to be a hassle either. He flew back to the same building that they had resided in before, and landed on the roof again. The same security guards that had greeted them before came back out to see them again. Gabriel handed both his and Alyssa's card to the guard, and waited as he inspected them.
"Welcome back," the guard said, saluting him after giving the cards back.
"How many days till the full moon?" Gabriel asked.
"You'll be fine," The other guard replied, "We're only half way through the cycle, so you've got more than two weeks."
"We're only going to be here for two days, three tops." Gabriel informed them.
"There are many vacancies," the guard informed him.
"How many Vampires are here?" Gabriel asked.
"Two," the guard informed him.
"Book my room on whatever floor they're not on." Gabriel requested, "Also, is one of them named Cornelius?"
"No sir," the first guard replied, "Your brother is not here."
"He hasn't been here in years actually." The second guard added.
"I know," Gabriel noted, "He used to like visiting here."
"He's used to be a regular." The first guard confirmed.
"Thank you for your help," Gabriel said as he took Alyssa's hand. "We're going to get dinner and then do some shopping. Please have our room ready for us when we return."
"The front desk has already been notified." The guard confirmed.
After that Gabriel and Alyssa entered the elevator and went back down to the main lobby to exit into the streets.
"Can't we just fly to the mall or pub?" Alyssa asked.
"Not ideal." Gabriel answered, "Remember how that kid freaked out when we had our encounter at the super store?"
"I get it," Alyssa said, thinking about it. "Don't draw attention."
"Precisely." Gabriel confirmed.
"Also," Alyssa started, "Cornelius is your brother?"
"I didn't mention that?" Gabriel said, smiling back at her.
"How does a Vampire have a brother?" Alyssa inquired.
"You see," Gabriel started, his tone thick with sarcasm, "When a mommy and daddy vampire love each other very much..."
Alyssa punched Gabriel's shoulder playfully, "Okay, so you're actually brothers. Is that normal?"
"No, it's not." Gabriel said, "Natural breeding is very rare, because vampires who are naturally born have more powers than vampires those who are turned. We all have blazing speed and super strength along with our claws. Yet the natural born ones can do a lot more than the average vamp."
"Like the ability to fly?" Alyssa suggested.
"That's right," Gabriel replied, "Flying is something that usually only natural vampires can do. Now I've seen some turned Vamps develop the ability, but it only seemed to happen if they live to a very old age. Pure vampires get a lot of power a lot faster in life. I was flying before I turned twelve, while Cornelius happens to be unnaturally powerful. He has the strength of twenty regular vampires. He also flies twice as fast as I can. He can cross an ocean in less than two hours. It's obscene."
"Wow," Alyssa said, thinking about it. "That's faster than the concord!"
"He reminded me every time I saw him," Gabriel said, chuckling.
"So who's the oldest?" She asked him, as they continued to walk.
"He is," Gabriel confirmed, "But only by a few hundred years."
"Are we hitting the superstore first?" Alyssa asked, no longer interested in his older brother.
"No," Gabriel told her, "Since we're getting something to eat first, I think it would be best to hit a shopping center for medical supplies. I know someone there that owes me a few favors. That will take care of your mayor's medical needs."
"Are there any other stores in there besides this pharmacy?" Alyssa asked.
"A few," Gabriel confirmed, "We can hit a some of those tonight, and then we'll do the superstore tomorrow."
"Sounds good to me," Alyssa said, hooking her arm into his as they walked.
Gabriel led the way to the pub to buy her something to eat, but as they walked there he used the shop windows to look behind him as they passed. It allowed him to notice the person that was following them. Since the person was not staying too close, he chose to leave the person be, unwilling to make a scene in front of Alyssa. He also had no idea what kind of being that person was, and until he knew Gabriel was unwilling to confront anyone. Since he wasn't doing anything illegal with Alyssa, Gabe chose to let the tail watch them do nothing significant that night, especially since he planned to take Alyssa to ever shop they had. While he'd be bored to tears, so would the person following him. As his brother would always tell him, misery loves company.
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