World Of Monsters
Chapter 41 - Dining With The Witches
Cornelius had taken the time to fly to New Lycan and return back to Alyssa's town with over an hour to prepare for dinner. While he was over there, the Dark Prince picked up his formal wear, a suit that was custom made for a man of his position. He also took the time to pick something up for Diane. Diane was not only surprised by the gesture but shocked that the prince was able to get her size perfect just from mere observation. After the young girl ran off to change, Cornelius was smiling as he turned to his younger brother.
"What?" Gabriel asked, and then he figured it out. "You didn't!"
"Oh, I did." Cornelius said, even laughing a little. "I brought it here."
"I hate that thing!" Gabriel shouted.
"What is it?" Pablo asked, as he was the only one in the room that had no idea what they were talking about as both women were changing and getting ready in their rooms.
"You are a member of the royal family," Cornelius said, "And you must wear the official suit of when representing them and the council."
"Dammit," Gabriel said, as he was well aware of the regulations. "I left it behind for a reason."
"You've trimmed down in the last few decades," Cornelius observed, "It will not be as tight as it used to be. As the Dark Prince and the senior member of this family that isn't sleeping, I have to insist. You know how much of a stickler father was concerning etiquette and formalities."
Gabriel couldn't believe that he was bringing up their father, but his brother was right. Their father was a fan of pomp and tradition. He designed the suits himself, and was always proud when his favorite boys would wear them to supper. Gabriel looked at the table where the suit bag was laying.
"How did you even know to bring it?" Gabriel asked.
"I always pack our suits together," Cornelius said, "Just in case."
Gabriel took the suit bag off the table and stormed out of the room in a huff. Pablo watched him go and then looked back at the Prince.
"Man, he really doesn't like that suit." Pablo observed.
"No one does," Cornelius said, "It was just one of many ways our father liked to usurp his control over everyone. He liked to dress everyone up like we were his dolls, and we all complied because of the alternative."
"Which was?" Pablo asked.
"The spike," Cornelius replied.
"Even for you?" Pablo said, "His own sons?"
"It was worse for us," Cornelius explained, "We are immortal, so to us the spike was like a very sinister time out. He's leave us on that thing for a few days or until he felt that we had learned our lesson."
"And I thought my dad was tough on us," Pablo said.
"This isn't a competition," Cornelius added, "Everyone's father is tough on their kids, ours just had to be extra harsh because we were tougher than the average kid."
"Your father sounds like a real piece of work," Pablo said, "No offense."
"None taken," Cornelius said as he grabbed his own suit bag off the table. "Father is an acquired taste. You get used to him after a few thousand years. If you don't mind, may I change in your loft?"
"Change away, I don't mind." Pablo said, "Just go easy on Gabe. He's complying so cut him a bit of slack."
"Very well," The Dark Prince concurred, "But only a little."
Pablo remained in the kitchen as the Prince left the room and had something to drink as he wasn't coming along. He didn't like the idea of being around the witches, at least not until he got used to them. He was still seriously creeped out by their sudden arrival. They had a bad reputation, but everyone was doing their best to be respectful. Gabe had invited him to join them, but he was happy to use night shift at the wall as his excuse to pass on what could be a very awkward breaking of the bread. Ironically, Cornelius was the first to return from changing, and Gabriel wasn't kidding about how much cooler the Dark Prince's outfit looked. It was all black with a silver sash, and it just made the Prince look even darker than he did before. As if he didn't look imposing enough, the outfit seems to compliment the darkness he was naturally brooding.
"Now I know why they call you the Dark Prince," Pablo observed. "That actually makes you looks very authoritative."
"Thank you," Cornelius said as he was checking his collar in the big mirror in the living room. "I think that was why father had chosen it for me. He had a reputation to think of and I had to play my part."
Alyssa and her sister emerged from their rooms and both looked very nice in the dresses they had chosen for the big dinner. Alyssa was wearing the dress that Gabriel had bought her earlier, and Diane was wearing a similar one that Cornelius had earlier acquired. Alyssa was surprised by how similar the two dresses were.
"That's a very nice dress," Alyssa said, "It looks very similar to mine."
"That's because it is," The Dark Prince answered, "I purchased it from the same shop where you got yours. I recognized the box when I was questioning Gabriel with the wolves. So I spoke with the shopkeeper about your visit and she showed me the dress you purchased and gave me recommendations to what would go well with it. She was quite co-operative."
"It's very nice," Diane added, "Thank you very much."
"You're quite welcome," Cornelius replied.
It was at this point where Gabriel came into the apartment with his rather interesting royal suit. It was similar to what Cornelius was wearing but was red with a yellow slash, where as his older brother had a cooler outfit that was all black.
"Gaud, I hate this thing," Gabriel muttered.
"I think it looks very nice," Alyssa said, trying to make him feel better.
"For some reason, Father was into those colors around the time that you were born." Cornelius added, "Be luck you weren't born a few centuries earlier. He had this rather weird phase when he was into bright pink colors. That was when our sister was born so that might explain it a bit."
"I suppose," Gabriel said, checking it in the mirror. "I guess it could be worse."
Alyssa then noticed something, "I can see you in the mirror!"
Cornelius laughed, "Of course you can. Not everything you read in books are ever true. We actually were responsible for the whole mirror thing, cause it made us harder to detect. It gave us deniability whenever we needed it. That and the whole garlic thing."
"Garlic isn't real either?" Pablo asked, rather surprised.
"It's not," Gabriel confirmed, "The truth is father just didn't like it, so he outlawed it in his kingdoms. People read that the wrong way and that's just how the rumor of it being a weakness started."
"The last thing we want to do is offend him," Cornelius added, "So we wear what he picked for us, no questions asked."
"Isn't he sleeping?" Alyssa asked, "How would he know?"
"He has a knack for knowing these things," Gabriel answered, "It's rather uncanny but he tends to know when people don't do what he asks, even when he's not there to see it himself."
"That's enough talk about the old man," Cornelius said, "We should be going or we're going to be late. The sun is going down so our exposure is minimal."
"The sun is a real thing?" Diane said, still sound curious.
"It is," Cornelius answered, "But it's only lethal to younger, less pure blooded vampires. The younger they are, the faster they burn. Any vamps that are less than a few years old would pretty much explode if touch by just a small beam."
"Oh, wow!" Diane said, rather surprised by the details.
"Is this appropriate before supper?" Alyssa asked.
"My apologies," The Dark Prince said, as he held the door open for the ladies. As they were walking down the stairs, Diane couldn't help but keep asking.
"Would you and Gabe explode?" She asked him.
"No dear," Cornelius answered, "My brother and are still susceptible to sunlight, but it would take many hours, maybe even days to have the same effect on us. We just avoid it because it's very irritating to the skin and we itch for weeks."
"Except for the day walkers," Gabe added.
"They're not real," his brother countered, "I've been walking this planet thousands of years longer than yourself, and I've never met one. The concept of day walkers are just unproven myths."
"So are you guys," Alyssa reminded him, "Sometimes myths can be legit."
"Good point," Cornelius concurred.
The sun was very low, so they had no trouble walking over to Mrs. Goldman's house, and she had a magnificent spread made at her table, which was much bigger than Diane had remembered it. Turns out the witch used a spell to change it's shape and would put it back to it's regular size once everyone was gone. A trick witches used to accommodate everyone and not have to use multiple tables.
"Where do I sit?" Diane asked.
"A wise tip," Cornelius said, "Sit beside Gabriel."
"Why is that?" Diane inquired.
"He doesn't eat," The Dark Prince reminded her, "Gabriel doesn't like regular food. So if you really like what's being served, you can steal some more from his plate."
"Good point," Diane said, "Do you eat?"
"Oh, yes," Cornelius answered with a smile. "I have a very good palate."
As everyone took their seats, Cornelius was the last to sit down as he looked across at the witches with a smile.
"I realize you are very fond on pre-dinner ceremonies," he started, "But please keep it brief as the little one, who is also the guest of honor, probably hasn't eaten since lunch and would prefer to eat sooner than later."
"We understand," one of the witches replied, "We shall be brief, but keep close to our hallowed traditions."
"Thank you," The Dark Prince said, taking a seat. "Proceed."
The witches at the table gave a small hymn and were over rather quickly, much to everyone's delight as dinner was served. As Cornelius had predicted, Gabriel was served a portion despite the fact that he wasn't going to touch it. It was a very nice meal that Mrs. Goldman and the other witches had concocted, and everyone dug in were quiet for the most part. Cornelius had brought a bottle of blood from New Lycan and had poured a glass for himself and his brother, as if it were a simple wine. Finally, Alyssa broke the silence.
"I hope you don't mind me asking," Alyssa started, "What is Salem like?"
The witches were surprised by the question, but were delight to answer it.
"It's quite lovely dear," one of the ladies replied.
"Very peaceful and quiet," another added.
"Yes," Mrs. Goldman concurred, "Sometimes too quiet."
"How do you keep the dead out?" Diane asked.
"The cauldron, dear." Mrs. Goldman reminded her. There are hundreds of them, maybe even thousands active in the town right now. The dead don't like them and stay very far away. Those that are strong enough to handle them are quickly dispatched by the many guardians watching the gates."
"Wow," Diane said, thinking about it. "Could Alyssa and I visit one day?"
"We would be delighted if you did," one of the other witches replied.
"That sounds nice," Alyssa added, "I wouldn't mind seeing it too."
"They usually don't allow normal people to enter the city," Mrs. Goldman informed her, "but considering your sister is a witch, I am quite confident they might make an exception for you."
The other witches at the table all nodded in agreement. To them Alyssa was a small price to pay if it meant the newest heavenly witch visiting their fair city. There hadn't been a witch that powerful in centuries, and the city was already a buzz about it. Mrs. Goldman was confident Diane could take the vampires with her if she asked, that's how desperate they were to have her come over. The old lady peered over at Diane just as she reached over and stole a piece of meat from Gabriel's plate. The vampire didn't seem to mind as he hadn't taken a bite since he sat down. The old lady smiled as she watched Diane enjoy a her seconds. Yet her watching was interrupted as Cornelius stood up from where he was sitting, as if something had startled him.
"Is something wrong, my lord?" Mrs. Goldman asked him.
"The dead," the Dark Prince replied, "I can feel them."
"No need to worry," one of the witches said, "They will not come here, they are repulsed by the cauldron."
"They're coming closer despite that," he countered, "As if they're being forced to keep moving forward by another force. As if they're being herded."
At that moment Gabriel stood up as well, as he understood what that meant.
"Californians?" he asked.
"It appears so," Cornelius sneered.
"Are everything okay?" Diane asked, as she could sense his anger.
"It's alright, dear." He said, smiling down at here. "It appears someone needs to be reminded of what happens when my orders, and the council's orders are ignored."
"Right now?" Gabriel asked.
"I'm afraid so, brother." Cornelius said, "Unless you want me to wait until they start shelling the town like they did to Denver?"
"No!" Alyssa said, as she was scared of what might happen. "Take care of it."
Gabriel paused for a moment. "You heard her, brother. Take care of it."
"Very well," Cornelius said, placing his napkin on the table. "Excuse me, ladies."
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"What?" Gabriel asked, and then he figured it out. "You didn't!"
"Oh, I did." Cornelius said, even laughing a little. "I brought it here."
"I hate that thing!" Gabriel shouted.
"What is it?" Pablo asked, as he was the only one in the room that had no idea what they were talking about as both women were changing and getting ready in their rooms.
"You are a member of the royal family," Cornelius said, "And you must wear the official suit of when representing them and the council."
"Dammit," Gabriel said, as he was well aware of the regulations. "I left it behind for a reason."
"You've trimmed down in the last few decades," Cornelius observed, "It will not be as tight as it used to be. As the Dark Prince and the senior member of this family that isn't sleeping, I have to insist. You know how much of a stickler father was concerning etiquette and formalities."
Gabriel couldn't believe that he was bringing up their father, but his brother was right. Their father was a fan of pomp and tradition. He designed the suits himself, and was always proud when his favorite boys would wear them to supper. Gabriel looked at the table where the suit bag was laying.
"How did you even know to bring it?" Gabriel asked.
"I always pack our suits together," Cornelius said, "Just in case."
Gabriel took the suit bag off the table and stormed out of the room in a huff. Pablo watched him go and then looked back at the Prince.
"Man, he really doesn't like that suit." Pablo observed.
"No one does," Cornelius said, "It was just one of many ways our father liked to usurp his control over everyone. He liked to dress everyone up like we were his dolls, and we all complied because of the alternative."
"Which was?" Pablo asked.
"The spike," Cornelius replied.
"Even for you?" Pablo said, "His own sons?"
"It was worse for us," Cornelius explained, "We are immortal, so to us the spike was like a very sinister time out. He's leave us on that thing for a few days or until he felt that we had learned our lesson."
"And I thought my dad was tough on us," Pablo said.
"This isn't a competition," Cornelius added, "Everyone's father is tough on their kids, ours just had to be extra harsh because we were tougher than the average kid."
"Your father sounds like a real piece of work," Pablo said, "No offense."
"None taken," Cornelius said as he grabbed his own suit bag off the table. "Father is an acquired taste. You get used to him after a few thousand years. If you don't mind, may I change in your loft?"
"Change away, I don't mind." Pablo said, "Just go easy on Gabe. He's complying so cut him a bit of slack."
"Very well," The Dark Prince concurred, "But only a little."
Pablo remained in the kitchen as the Prince left the room and had something to drink as he wasn't coming along. He didn't like the idea of being around the witches, at least not until he got used to them. He was still seriously creeped out by their sudden arrival. They had a bad reputation, but everyone was doing their best to be respectful. Gabe had invited him to join them, but he was happy to use night shift at the wall as his excuse to pass on what could be a very awkward breaking of the bread. Ironically, Cornelius was the first to return from changing, and Gabriel wasn't kidding about how much cooler the Dark Prince's outfit looked. It was all black with a silver sash, and it just made the Prince look even darker than he did before. As if he didn't look imposing enough, the outfit seems to compliment the darkness he was naturally brooding.
"Now I know why they call you the Dark Prince," Pablo observed. "That actually makes you looks very authoritative."
"Thank you," Cornelius said as he was checking his collar in the big mirror in the living room. "I think that was why father had chosen it for me. He had a reputation to think of and I had to play my part."
Alyssa and her sister emerged from their rooms and both looked very nice in the dresses they had chosen for the big dinner. Alyssa was wearing the dress that Gabriel had bought her earlier, and Diane was wearing a similar one that Cornelius had earlier acquired. Alyssa was surprised by how similar the two dresses were.
"That's a very nice dress," Alyssa said, "It looks very similar to mine."
"That's because it is," The Dark Prince answered, "I purchased it from the same shop where you got yours. I recognized the box when I was questioning Gabriel with the wolves. So I spoke with the shopkeeper about your visit and she showed me the dress you purchased and gave me recommendations to what would go well with it. She was quite co-operative."
"It's very nice," Diane added, "Thank you very much."
"You're quite welcome," Cornelius replied.
It was at this point where Gabriel came into the apartment with his rather interesting royal suit. It was similar to what Cornelius was wearing but was red with a yellow slash, where as his older brother had a cooler outfit that was all black.
"Gaud, I hate this thing," Gabriel muttered.
"I think it looks very nice," Alyssa said, trying to make him feel better.
"For some reason, Father was into those colors around the time that you were born." Cornelius added, "Be luck you weren't born a few centuries earlier. He had this rather weird phase when he was into bright pink colors. That was when our sister was born so that might explain it a bit."
"I suppose," Gabriel said, checking it in the mirror. "I guess it could be worse."
Alyssa then noticed something, "I can see you in the mirror!"
Cornelius laughed, "Of course you can. Not everything you read in books are ever true. We actually were responsible for the whole mirror thing, cause it made us harder to detect. It gave us deniability whenever we needed it. That and the whole garlic thing."
"Garlic isn't real either?" Pablo asked, rather surprised.
"It's not," Gabriel confirmed, "The truth is father just didn't like it, so he outlawed it in his kingdoms. People read that the wrong way and that's just how the rumor of it being a weakness started."
"The last thing we want to do is offend him," Cornelius added, "So we wear what he picked for us, no questions asked."
"Isn't he sleeping?" Alyssa asked, "How would he know?"
"He has a knack for knowing these things," Gabriel answered, "It's rather uncanny but he tends to know when people don't do what he asks, even when he's not there to see it himself."
"That's enough talk about the old man," Cornelius said, "We should be going or we're going to be late. The sun is going down so our exposure is minimal."
"The sun is a real thing?" Diane said, still sound curious.
"It is," Cornelius answered, "But it's only lethal to younger, less pure blooded vampires. The younger they are, the faster they burn. Any vamps that are less than a few years old would pretty much explode if touch by just a small beam."
"Oh, wow!" Diane said, rather surprised by the details.
"Is this appropriate before supper?" Alyssa asked.
"My apologies," The Dark Prince said, as he held the door open for the ladies. As they were walking down the stairs, Diane couldn't help but keep asking.
"Would you and Gabe explode?" She asked him.
"No dear," Cornelius answered, "My brother and are still susceptible to sunlight, but it would take many hours, maybe even days to have the same effect on us. We just avoid it because it's very irritating to the skin and we itch for weeks."
"Except for the day walkers," Gabe added.
"They're not real," his brother countered, "I've been walking this planet thousands of years longer than yourself, and I've never met one. The concept of day walkers are just unproven myths."
"So are you guys," Alyssa reminded him, "Sometimes myths can be legit."
"Good point," Cornelius concurred.
The sun was very low, so they had no trouble walking over to Mrs. Goldman's house, and she had a magnificent spread made at her table, which was much bigger than Diane had remembered it. Turns out the witch used a spell to change it's shape and would put it back to it's regular size once everyone was gone. A trick witches used to accommodate everyone and not have to use multiple tables.
"Where do I sit?" Diane asked.
"A wise tip," Cornelius said, "Sit beside Gabriel."
"Why is that?" Diane inquired.
"He doesn't eat," The Dark Prince reminded her, "Gabriel doesn't like regular food. So if you really like what's being served, you can steal some more from his plate."
"Good point," Diane said, "Do you eat?"
"Oh, yes," Cornelius answered with a smile. "I have a very good palate."
As everyone took their seats, Cornelius was the last to sit down as he looked across at the witches with a smile.
"I realize you are very fond on pre-dinner ceremonies," he started, "But please keep it brief as the little one, who is also the guest of honor, probably hasn't eaten since lunch and would prefer to eat sooner than later."
"We understand," one of the witches replied, "We shall be brief, but keep close to our hallowed traditions."
"Thank you," The Dark Prince said, taking a seat. "Proceed."
The witches at the table gave a small hymn and were over rather quickly, much to everyone's delight as dinner was served. As Cornelius had predicted, Gabriel was served a portion despite the fact that he wasn't going to touch it. It was a very nice meal that Mrs. Goldman and the other witches had concocted, and everyone dug in were quiet for the most part. Cornelius had brought a bottle of blood from New Lycan and had poured a glass for himself and his brother, as if it were a simple wine. Finally, Alyssa broke the silence.
"I hope you don't mind me asking," Alyssa started, "What is Salem like?"
The witches were surprised by the question, but were delight to answer it.
"It's quite lovely dear," one of the ladies replied.
"Very peaceful and quiet," another added.
"Yes," Mrs. Goldman concurred, "Sometimes too quiet."
"How do you keep the dead out?" Diane asked.
"The cauldron, dear." Mrs. Goldman reminded her. There are hundreds of them, maybe even thousands active in the town right now. The dead don't like them and stay very far away. Those that are strong enough to handle them are quickly dispatched by the many guardians watching the gates."
"Wow," Diane said, thinking about it. "Could Alyssa and I visit one day?"
"We would be delighted if you did," one of the other witches replied.
"That sounds nice," Alyssa added, "I wouldn't mind seeing it too."
"They usually don't allow normal people to enter the city," Mrs. Goldman informed her, "but considering your sister is a witch, I am quite confident they might make an exception for you."
The other witches at the table all nodded in agreement. To them Alyssa was a small price to pay if it meant the newest heavenly witch visiting their fair city. There hadn't been a witch that powerful in centuries, and the city was already a buzz about it. Mrs. Goldman was confident Diane could take the vampires with her if she asked, that's how desperate they were to have her come over. The old lady peered over at Diane just as she reached over and stole a piece of meat from Gabriel's plate. The vampire didn't seem to mind as he hadn't taken a bite since he sat down. The old lady smiled as she watched Diane enjoy a her seconds. Yet her watching was interrupted as Cornelius stood up from where he was sitting, as if something had startled him.
"Is something wrong, my lord?" Mrs. Goldman asked him.
"The dead," the Dark Prince replied, "I can feel them."
"No need to worry," one of the witches said, "They will not come here, they are repulsed by the cauldron."
"They're coming closer despite that," he countered, "As if they're being forced to keep moving forward by another force. As if they're being herded."
At that moment Gabriel stood up as well, as he understood what that meant.
"Californians?" he asked.
"It appears so," Cornelius sneered.
"Are everything okay?" Diane asked, as she could sense his anger.
"It's alright, dear." He said, smiling down at here. "It appears someone needs to be reminded of what happens when my orders, and the council's orders are ignored."
"Right now?" Gabriel asked.
"I'm afraid so, brother." Cornelius said, "Unless you want me to wait until they start shelling the town like they did to Denver?"
"No!" Alyssa said, as she was scared of what might happen. "Take care of it."
Gabriel paused for a moment. "You heard her, brother. Take care of it."
"Very well," Cornelius said, placing his napkin on the table. "Excuse me, ladies."
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