World of the War Machine

Chapter 213: All killed

(One more time, drunk in these two or three days will make the previously unreasonable plot, you all said that the chapter of the water adjusted and amended, accept the criticism with an open mind, ha ha ha, ask for rewards, monthly tickets, monthly tickets ~~~~ also One chapter)

The flying eagle felt that Qin Yun's trough did not seem to be impossible, and he said, "It is not impossible to attack the west, and deliberately created suspense to attract attention, because their attack can also reduce the fourth fleet's patrol circle and give them more Large event area. "

"It's not even possible that the enemy is infiltrating towards the rear of the line and transporting a certain amount of combat power. Now the fixed wall clearing tactics implemented by the Commonwealth because of your proposal will have a great impact on them. If help eventually becomes a vassal, the rebel party must have its own source of materials. "

"Therefore, there may be some attention-grabbing moves made by the rebels when they accept supplies, but in this case we cannot confirm the true purpose of the other party and where the other party meets."

Qin Yun was also somewhat helpless. "In summary, the Federation has no quantitative advantage and no scale advantage. The sixth and seventh fleets seem to be useless at all. At this time, what use is it to stay outside?"

The flying eagle said "I said just now that all weirdness will have a corresponding reason. There must be a reason for the two fleets to stay there, and since the opposing Gallar fleet does not have the same as the sixth and seventh fleets, If you choose to go to war, there must be a corresponding reason in it, but you and I do n’t know the reason. "

"But judging by the various countermeasures of this federation, this federation is at least not a mess, it is unlikely to do meaningless things, and it is impossible to intentionally leave the two fleets as targets. "


There was a sudden sound in the cockpit, a message popped out of the screen, Qin Yun stopped chatting with Feiying and looked at the message popping up on the screen.

After the two eyes swept the screen, they looked at the radar, and immediately found a target in the radar. It was not found by the detection system of the airframe, but was discovered by the warship and then synchronized to the airframe.

"found it?"

A few minutes later, a picture on the Phantom Pain cockpit screen was enlarged, showing a warship that had become a wreckage. The warship broke off from the middle and exploded into two sections. At this time, there was a gap between each other. distance.

The bridge of the battleship is completely invisible. Except for a part that is relatively flat, the bridge ’s location is all traces of external fragmentation and blasting. Among the two sections of the front and rear battleships, there are many scars that sink into the interior, only Weakly see the faint light that flickers from time to time.

"It's the Purple Thunder."

Qin Yun opened the communicator and said, "Slowly approach the area, release the mech units to confirm the surrounding conditions, and let the landing forces go in to recover the black box and search for any survivors."


A warship that has been disconnected and there are signs of destruction everywhere. The possibility of a survivor in such a wreck is already very small, but there will be accidents, such as those who have changed their combat uniforms or spacesuits in advance in combat. Or, someone who has not been affected by entering a sealed space, if not lucky, is not impossible to survive in such a wreck.

But even Qin Yun didn't think anyone in this warship would survive, so it was just a matter of destiny to do everything.

"Bai Pei, Jack, check first when you get closer."

The two mechas were ordered to leave the Vulcan's external deck to accelerate towards the wreckage. After approaching the wreckage, they slowed down and turned around the wreckage, observed the situation of the wreckage at close range and transmitted the picture to Qin Clouds and the bridge of the Vulcan.

One mech was ejected from the Vulcan, and a group of three mechas quickly spread out and began to detect and defend the surrounding situation, guarding the Vulcan gradually approaching the wreckage of the Purple Thunder, in After the airframes were dispatched, members of the heavily armed landing forces flew into the wreckage from the small landing craft flying from the Vulcan.

What can be done next is just waiting and alerting.

Each of the landing troops' helmets has monitoring probes that can transmit all the meetings they see to the Vulcan in real time, but Wang Hai did not let Cic project these pictures onto a large screen, but only used the virtual screen in front of the captain's seat. Watching alone.

Because the next picture is definitely not acceptable to ordinary people, the picture inside is miserable, the body is exposed unprotected to the cosmic environment, some people even stay unprepared forever with fear on their faces At that moment, the body was wandering in the fragmented wreckage, or was entangled in the wire sparked by electric sparks.

There are still more people who lack arms and legs, or lose a part of their body, or they have something extra in their body, and all die without protection.

When Qin Yun first saw the picture on the screen, he closed his eyes and held his breath. After taking a deep breath, he forced himself to open his eyes to take all of this into the eyes, but he did n’t know why it made his scalp a bit The numbness and breathing have slowed down a lot, and my body feels numb and uncomfortable.

"Calm, habit, calm, habit."

This picture is too incompetent. Although Qin Yun has done a number of times to destroy the battleship, such a wreck is also the first real contact for him, but he has to bite the bullet and let himself Come and accept the picture in front of you.

After more than half an hour, a deep voice appeared in the cockpit "The black box has been recovered. No survivors have been found for the time being. We will continue to search for it."

Under such circumstances, searching is very difficult and slow. The most direct result of the destruction of a warship is that at least more than 80% of the ship's internal communication system has lost functionality. Landing forces can only use equipment to find Life response, or hitting walls or pipes with iron rods all the way, if there are survivors, they will naturally respond with tapping.

The landing forces were also working very hard to find someone who might survive, but after another half an hour, the scattered landing forces eventually returned to the Vulcan with a black box.

All members of the Zilei were killed, and not far away were several wreckage of broken mechs.

When the Vulcan turned and left, the crew of the entire Vulcan, including the mech pilots who had already attacked, all set their eyes on the gradually decreasing purple thunder on the screen, and raised their hands to the forehead. He did not let go until the picture of the Purple Thunder disappeared.

The wreckage of the battleship was not recovered, and the corpses in the wreckage were not recovered. The mission of Vulcan is not this and there is no energy to do this. The wreckage of this battleship will be recorded and then wait until the end of the war or until the situation is more stable. Only some people came back here for recycling. For the time being, those 'people' on the Purple Thunder can only quietly wait here to float here.

Qin Yun was silent for a while after the picture disappeared, and pressed the communication button "Send the coordinates of the Purple Thunder to the Thor, and confirm that the contents of the black box are now heading to the area where the second battleship is missing."

"it is good."

After recovering the black box, Vulcan quickly began to interpret the black box. After reading the information inside, Qin Yun also knew the experience before the purple thunder was destroyed.

The dog is dead, Ghost No. 1 and Zi Lei let the new machine of the ship sink. Five new machines easily wiped out the Zi Lei ’s mech units, while Zi Lei was destroyed. After the dog died, the wreckage turned into a main gun, and the battle lasted less than ten minutes in total, and it became what it is now without resistance.

But even in less than ten minutes, the Purple Thunder should actually be able to make a response, but the reason why no news was sent was also recorded in the black box.

The Zilei found that the radar had no hint at all when the dog was dead, and the first thing to do when the reaction came was of course to send the body to meet the protection, and the Zilei did indeed choose to evacuate and escape at the first time, and Sent a message for help.

They did run some distance, which could also explain why the Purple Thunder was not found on the scheduled route, but the Purple Thunder was easily overtaken, the communication was interrupted, and it was impossible to get any contact with the outside world. Silently sunk in this place.

After understanding the contents of the black box, Qin Yun also sorted out a few keywords. The radar could not respond, assaults, and communication interference.

"That warship also has anti-radar means and strong communication jamming means? In the case of Cosmic Night, it is like an assassin in the shadow hits and decisively leaves ~ ~ Saying "revenge ... this may be a revenge, is warning me that they have the ability to come closer when we can't find it?" "

The eagle felt strange. "Why do you think so?"

"Guessing." Qin Yun said calmly. "Just guessing. Of course, your guess is also possible. As long as you don't determine the true purpose of the other party, guessing is all right. This behavior does not seem to be in progress. Revenge. "

The flying eagle stopped talking. For the earth people and the air to fight for wisdom, first imagine all the possibilities and then take all the food. Before coming to this world, I also have some understanding. This time, the flying eagle thinks that Qin Yun is a bit like Real earth people.

Qin Yun said, "The more I got in touch with the rebels during this period, the more I felt that there might be a very great staff behind the rebels. Each step was counted two or three steps in advance, and they often did nothing. They all like killing two birds with one stone. If this is a revenge operation, it is impossible to do such a thing without much meaning in accordance with their mode of action, so the other party must be doing something else. "


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