World of the War Machine

Chapter 306: Spark Conference

(One more chapter today, it should be home the night after tomorrow, disgusting.)

Three days later, the Spark fleet has been moving at full speed towards the star gate on the blue star orbit of the moon for three days. The Babel fortress is now three days later. With the drag of the entire fleet and its own acceleration, it has finally reached the theory The maximum speed on the road.

And then on the theoretical route, it only takes one deceleration to change direction to maintain this maximum speed and finally reach the position of the star gate.

At this time in the fortress, almost twenty high-level members of the Spark Fleet were sitting in the conference room, conducting a summary meeting of all their work over the past few days.

Qin Yun sat on the main table of the long table. The original commander of the Fourth Fleet, General Bai Li, sat in the lower left of Qin Yun. Misti stood in Qin Yun ’s right hand, and in the lower position was the head of each department. Such as the head of the technical department, logistics department, personnel department and so on.

"Since the expansion of the Spark fleet, it is expected that 80% of the main work plan has been completed, which is the fleet part and the fortress part."

"In the fleet part, the newly entered warships have completed the formation of the Spark fleet, have been fully integrated into the fleet's command structure, and have also completed the formation of all warships."

"At present, the Starfire fleet has a total of 650 warships, including one GHOST-class brilliance, one Tenjin-class Vulcan, three Titan-class aircraft carriers Skyfire, Shenhuo, Lighthuo, and 36 shield-class frigates There are sixteen high-speed reconnaissance ships, and the rest are standard trident-class warships. They also have carrier ships at all levels and a total of 48 maintenance ships. "

"The integration of the new warships is presided over by Deputy Commander Bai Li. The transfer of the entire ship has basically been completed. The rest of the work will be carried out by the ships themselves and reported to the personnel department for confirmation."

"The fleet has a total of more than 6,700 mechas, of which there are more than 4,500 mechas in the fleet, and the rest are the mecha units belonging to the Babel fortress. Among the mecha units belonging to the Babel, there are Five hundred mechas are part of the new pilot division. "

"Once needed, the Babil Fortress can assemble more than three thousand mechas in the shortest time."

"In terms of mechas, there are a total of 20 phantom pain mechas, and a total of 800 new guardian mechas. This part of the mecha evacuates all the guardian mechas on the moon base, and the rest are ray mechas and a few other mechas. , But both can be used with a type 1 backpack or a type 2 backpack. "

"In addition to the mecha, there are two groups of tactical armor, one of which is carried by the brilliance, the other group is located in the fortress, and the meteor equipment is in twenty groups. The meteor equipment of the brilliance is already full, five groups are in the skyfire, and five groups are in the fortress. "

"The ships of the fleet have sufficient materials, the mechas are fully arranged and need to be run in for a short time, and the remaining tail-cleaning work can also be carried out by the captains of the ships themselves and reported to the relevant departments."

"In regard to the Babel fortress, there are 70,000 original personnel and 38,000 new personnel. The total number of personnel is currently close to 110,000. The increase in the number of people has put a lot of pressure on the management of the fortress. The personnel will be supplemented, and the rank promotion and job transfer of many personnel are also waiting for the commander's signature to confirm. "

"The resettlement of all personnel was completed before the start of the meeting, and arrangements for life and residence were made, but inventory and transshipment storage are still being paid for in terms of materials. It is estimated that all storage can be completed in three days, but now the entire fortress includes The fleet is all fully loaded. "

"The fortress is currently operating well. All departments have been on track but some of the sweeping work has not been completed. The Spark Technology Department has officially started work after the transfer is completed."

"The preparation work for the Pilot Academy has also been completed. This time, a total of more than 4,000 students have been accepted. At present, there are 25 instructors transferred from the fleet to the academy, and 38 instructors transferred from the military department. Compared with the number of trainees, there is a serious shortage of instructors. "

"This is currently the case for the time being, and the work of the various departments can only be kept generally normal at present, requiring the coordination of overall leadership from the top."

One by one, the problems caused by the expansion of the fleet were spoken by Misti, who was standing next to Qin Yun. Basically, it was a briefing to the entire fleet.

The Starfire fleet is expanding too fast. The current expansion belongs to the Snake Swallow model, which is to forcefully transform the Fourth Fleet into the Spark Fleet, while the Babel Fortress originally belonged to the Fifth Fleet, but now it is actually all It is a school of thought, and the core orientation of the skeleton is like this. Ruyi can achieve this degree in just a few days.

Qin Yun, who had been listening carefully after the completion of the Misti report, raised his head: "Fortunately, everyone, the current situation is roughly the same. Does anyone need to add anything?"

The following people shook their heads, and it wouldn't be necessary to add or not to supplement for the time being. It was the most important thing to sort out the current fleet and fortress first.

Bai Li also has nothing to say. Anyway, he came to the Star Fleet. He was a setback, in order to allow Qin Yun to enable the Star Fleet to complete the expansion of the stable tool person, although from the commander of the integrated fleet to another fleet. Deputy Commander, Bai Li, who was obviously deprived of power and demoted, was fully understandable.

Who let him set the best in the Federation, the first person who did not have two integrated fleets in a row, he now only needs to act as a **** for Qin Yun, to fill in the vacancies for Qin Yun instead of seizing power or As an elder, I am pointing my fingers.

Another point is that he also needs to make credit in the Spark Fleet to redeem the merits, and when Qin Yun becomes the commander of the universe army, he can continue to maintain his current status and remain in the universe army as Qin Yun ’s effective assistant. Anyway, all this is the arrangement of Raymond and Principal Zhou.

Seeing that no one responded, Qin Yun said, "Then I say a few words. The expansion of the Spark fleet I believe is very sudden for the people present. Here I also want to say thank you to everyone. "

"Fortified things will not be subject to other special arrangements. First complete the work on your hands, just make a report and confirm once a day. This report will be directed to Commander Bai Li, and the management of the fort will start from today. It ’s handed over to Commander Baili, and the rest of the work needs stability and orderliness. ”

Bai Li has more experience in this area than Qin Yun. Of course, it is more appropriate for him to do these tasks. Qin Yun only needs to watch and understand, there is no need to distract his energy by himself.

"The destination of this mission is very special, and everyone present has already known what our next mission is, but the entire fleet is not clear. This will not be announced until the expansion and integration work is completed. "

"As for the cooperation with the Carel Empire and the rebel party, I can also think that there will be a lot of dissatisfaction in the fleet, but the hatred between us is really not so important in front of human life and death, I will not say Not worth mentioning, but everyone must understand the importance of succession. "

"Protection of human beings from alien threats is the eternal theme of the Space Army since its inception. We must do a good job in the emotional communication of the entire fleet, and we must appease and unblock. Fighting with hatred, hatred can be or can be remembered, but you must choose the time. "

"From now on, all of us will see the rebel party, no, not right, regard the Universe as our ally, we will start to change from the name, as for the future, wait for the future."

"The military affairs department must communicate well with middle-level officers in these matters. It must be careful not to cause mutiny, and all officers should also take the lead."

Speaking of this, Qin Yun also shook his head helplessly in his heart. This happened. The last second was still alive and dead, and the next second would be hugged and beat other people. This is really difficult to accept and Qin Yun also understands very well, but That's what you should do.

Everyone in the meeting room also nodded very understandingly. Most people are interested and not in a good mood.

Qin Yun knocked on the table and said, "There is still another thing. Almost three days later, a joint fleet of the universe will come to join us. The notification I received is like this. This fleet will also bring something to our Spark fleet. Support, what will be supported is not clear for now, you are responsible for hospitality and communication.

"But it must be remembered that we have dissatisfaction and hatred in our hearts, and there must be opposites, and they wished me to die before anyone else. Even so, they must support us with patience and suppression of hatred in our hearts. Mech units in battle must also listen to my command, and even the Spark Fleet can be done by others. "

Everyone said in unison: "Yes."

"Very good, next one."

Qin Yun nodded with satisfaction, and said, "As for the fortress, the college and the technical department are still directly under my leadership. The Babel fortress once belonged to the Fifth Fleet. After the establishment of the Fifth Fleet was cancelled, it was temporarily returned to the Lunar Defence Force until Now it belongs to the Spark fleet. "

"In this process, the personnel and operations have always been normal. The Spark Fleet already has a Spark Technology Department, and the fortress also has its own technical department, even small factories and production lines."

"From now on, the Spark Technology Department will be renamed as the First Fire Technology Department, and the former Technology Department will be renamed as the Second Fire Technology Department."

Colonel Gong, the head of the Spark Technology Department, now the First Technology Department, Lei Li, a woman in her thirties with black-framed glasses, both nodded after hearing Qin Yun ’s words. There was a cry.

Qin Yun looked at the two of them and said, "Colonel Gong, what happened to the project you asked you to do before."

Colonel Gong replied: "Just a few days ago, the key technology breakthrough, but because the relocation work has just started, it will take some time to get the finished product practical. Very powerful, officially because of her efforts to successfully achieve a breakthrough. "

Jinggongsi Jiuyuan was the only technician, and was placed under Colonel Gong by Qin Yun.

Qin Yun asked: "What position is she holding now, and what is her military rank."

"Mainly responsible for the core technology of the project to overcome, for the time being only a lieutenant."

"The chief technical officer turned out to be a lieutenant. This was not done well. Immediately he was promoted to the major military department to arrange for her to preside over the project. The first technical department cooperated fully, and the extra staff prepared the second project At that time, I will hand over the project information to you, Colonel Lei Li, and the second technical department, too, ready to take over the new research project. "

Colonel Gong and Lei Li nodded their heads at the same time to show their understanding.

Next, Qin Yun also gave instructions to each department's tasks, not asking for urgency, not good, and not all at once. All the arrangements emphasized a steady word.

The previous Fifth Fleet and then the Fourth Fleet all had a deep relationship with the rebel party, and the Spark Fleet has always been dominant in the face of the rebel party. But the most skeleton part of the real Spark fleet is only the appearance of fifty warships.

The rest are added later, especially the fleet that was added to this expansion, the hatred and resentment of the rebels are very large.

In this way, I have to cooperate with the rebel party immediately. Three days later, the Star Fleet and the Rebel Party have to act together. If the Star Fleet may change, many people will express their dissatisfaction. The Star Fleet is too expanded. If you are too anxious, there is no room for relaxation, so you can only seek stability for the time being, and you can't hurry the others.

After everything was arranged, Qin Yun turned to Bai Li and asked, "Is there anything else to be added to General Bai Li? Should I do something wrong, please ask Uncle Shi for advice."

General ~ ~ Uncle, two completely different titles are talking to a person, and there are some special meanings hidden in it.

The general is a routine business, you can add as a deputy commander but you ca n’t question and refuse, and the uncle is an elder, I hope you can guide, but if you do n’t listen to me, it means that the Spark Fleet is up to me.

Bai Li didn't know if he heard Qin Yun's meaning, and gently shook his head and smiled slightly: "It's already perfect, I have nothing to add here."

Qin Yun smiled, then looked at the others and said, "There is one more thing. The next time we go to the target is about 20 days. The middle fortress needs to slow down and change direction, which eventually causes the fleet to be disconnected and makes the fortress. It takes up to thirty days to reach the scheduled location. "

"Although some fleets can arrive in twenty days, this time is still too long. My idea is that after the joint space fleet is merged, the two sides will send high-speed ships at the same time, and the time can be compressed to within ten days. Will allow our reinforcements to arrive as soon as possible. "

"The specific arrangement is that the Brilliance will take our trump card first, and Lieutenant Colonel Gong Ye will lead the team. As for my temporary stay in the fortress, what is your opinion?"

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