World of the War Machine

Chapter 399: Ark universe

The cosmopolitan city is countless times larger than the fortresses such as Babel, and even the fortress can have its own cosmic port, and it can still hold many warships regardless of its size. Too.

If the basic area of ​​this cosmic city is changed to Blue Star, it is absolutely appropriate to be a super-mega city, and the cosmic port will only be larger and not smaller.

When the Glorious entered the cosmic port of the cosmopolitan city, you can clearly see the large and small spaceships parked in the port, and the number is also quite large. However, the number of warships inside does not actually park outside. The number is large, and it can be said that it is less than a quarter.

In fact, the functions of Cosmic Port are almost the same, so the overall layout is not much different from the Federal Cosmic Port. I really want to say that the difference is the style. The internal construction style is very different, but how much is used in it. High-tech can't really see it at this moment.

After the link between the Brilliant and the Cosmic Harbor link, the first to rush out of the Brilliant was the fully armed guards, and then the team mission led by Qin Yun.

Out of the link bridge, a group of people appeared in Qin Yun's eyes. The clothes they wore had a medieval style, but they were much simpler than the real medieval clothes, but they were very grand, and most of the men were Tuxedo style, with gloves, and the clothes worn by the person standing in the middle look more gorgeous.

The person standing in the middle is wearing a white body, and the body is embellished with precious stones. It is supported by golden lines and lines, which makes it look more noble than others.

And this man's age seems to be middle-aged, maybe 50 years old. Although he is not young, there is a noble and unique temperament in it, and it is not difficult to see the handsomeness of his youth from his face.

The expression is firm and serious, but he can't see more things in his eyes. On the contrary, other people can see something in their eyes, such as uneasy and dazed.

"General is here."

Qin Yun came out first and the guards shouted loudly, which also made the people on the Tarol side notice Qin Yun who was walking in the front and wearing a white uniform with a mask on his face.

This time, including the middle-aged and middle-aged man in the middle, all bent his right hand slightly toward Qin Yun to caress his chest.

Qin Yun walked directly to the middle-aged man. This was King Dylan Tallor of Tallor. He was originally on the battleship. After getting permission, he first came to this cosmic city, although he had not met him officially. , But this does not prevent Qin Yun from recognizing him.

"The Kingdom of Tarol doesn't have to be polite."

Qin Yun stretched out his hands to help the other person up, and looked at the other people around him: "You don't have to be too polite."

After everyone stood up again, Qin Yun took a slight step back: "I am Qin Yun, the highest commander of the Star Gate Guards of the First Solar System, and I welcome everyone on behalf of everyone in the Star Gate Special Zone."

Qin Yun couldn't see his appearance with a mask, but it was the exposed place and the voice of his speech, which was enough to make people judge that his youth should not be very big.

This also somewhat surprised these people in Tarol, but they did not dare to show any disrespect for Qin Yun.

The people in the cosmic city or the fleet brought back by Qin Yun, everyone, like the guards of the Star Gate Guards, saw the huge power that Qin Yun showed, not to mention Qin Yun’s current identity but they Asylum of Tarol.

Surprise is due to surprise. There should be no respect for it. Even if you just keep respect on the bright side, you must be very decent. After all, to some extent, can Tarol continue to exist in the end? It was Qin Yun’s decision.

Standing in front of Qin Yun, Dylan Tarol did not dare to tell Qin Yun what young and promising he was, and said calmly: "Thank you for your help to Tarol, the Tarol will remember it In my heart."

Qin Yun nodded gently, seeing that the other party did not carry any translation equipment, but was able to communicate without hindrance. This was also a smile.

Although it was a bit strange in my heart, I didn't give it out, but said: "I don't know if King Tarol is willing to show us this place."

Dylan Tarol asked and nodded: "Of course, I have arranged everything, please come with me, sir."

The two sides are not familiar with each other and have not had any contact before. Qin Yun did not see any urgency in doing things at this time. First, he was going to visit this cosmic city first.

Dylan Tallor did arrange everything, took the initiative to accompany Qin Yun and then left the Universe Harbor together, the people on both sides naturally followed quietly.

Qin Yun couldn't help but looked up when he left the Universe Harbor building, and the sky-white cloud that he saw also made him gently raise his eyebrows, and then he sat in a car at the invitation of Dylan Tallor There are vehicles of luxurious style.

Around this car, there is a very large team, enough to install all the teams on both sides.

"I have arranged that people will entertain your subordinates. I will introduce Ark City to the adults in the next trip."

Qin Yun heard Dylan Tallor's words when he got on the bus, and nodded and said, "Trouble."

"No trouble."

The two sat in the car and waited until the people in the back got on the train one after another, and even the guards also had special vehicles to carry. To be honest, Qin Yun is actually a very dangerous thing to come to this place by himself now. It is very likely that they will be taken hostage by the Tarol people.

But the danger is only relative. There is a charge, a flying eagle, and his own powerful ability. Qin Yun does not feel that anyone can catch or hurt himself. Such self-confidence makes him not care that it may happen. The dangers that arise.

"This is the last hope that our Taurian civilization has consumed all the resources to build, the cosmic city Ark."

"The living area of ​​the Ark is divided into four floors. Each floor is a huge city. Each city has a different area. Now it can accommodate more than 200 million people. The total area of ​​the living area is more than 20,000 square kilometers. Lakes, forests, mountains, grasslands and other natural topography are the highest scientific and technological achievements of the Tarol civilization, using very advanced environmental simulation technology."

"Different natural climates can be simulated in the Ark, and the sky can also be suppressed, to ensure that the Ark can function normally, life and farming, but in the Ark, most of the people living today are no more than forty. The old man is also the last survivor of our Tarol civilization."

Qin Yun nodded: "This Ark is very good, enough to be called the crystallization of civilization."

If you look out of the window and feel it purely with your eyes, you really can’t feel it. In fact, the place where he is is just one of the floors of the Ark. The sky feels very real. Some distant places are seen as high-rise buildings, and there are also mountains and water It can be described as very good.

Tarol, who can create such a city, feels that he has very good technical strength in the eyes of Qin Yun. Apart from military technology, at least the technology used in this city has exceeded the federal.

Say it is a visit. It is really a visit. Next, Dylan Tarol introduced Qin Yun to the situation of the Ark. Every city also went shopping. There are some different places and buildings on each floor of the four-story city. The styles and customs are also different.

But the only thing that is the same is that it is a city on the planet, not a coffin floating in the universe.

Dylan Tallor is introducing Qin Yun. The people brought by Qin Yun also have people from Tallor civilization who are introducing them to the situation of the city. At the top of the entire cosmic city, it is independent of the upper layer outside the four-story city.

A more open and natural, separate area with forests, gardens, and lakes, the Royal Palace of Tarol.

In the middle, they got off and walked, they also visited the cultural center of Tarol, they went to the zoo, and they strolled on the streets.

I have seen many creatures and plants that Blue Star does not have, and I have seen many Tarols who are confused about the future in their eyes. I have to say that there is no difference between the appearance of the Tarols and humans, at least I want to distinguish from the appearance Words are almost impossible to recognize.

And through this visit, Qin Yun found that Tarol seemed to be a civilization that cares very much about nature. It integrates nature into the entire cosmic city. There are natural scenery everywhere. The green area is quite high. For the environment The emphasis is a bit exaggerated.

But this is not a bad thing for a civilization, and there are countless races in the universe. Each race has its own characteristics. It is too normal to love nature.

"It's a really good environment, it's hard to imagine that this is just a cosmic city, and I really thought I was walking in a place with beautiful scenery when I walked around."

Qin Yun also admired Dylan Tallor after visiting this circle. In short, this kind of cosmopolitan city is definitely not something that can be manufactured by the Federation. The flying eagle over Calel said that the environment is not so good. It is very likely that Tarol will be the most advanced eco-tech among them.

Dylan Tarol shook his head and was not proud of Qin Yun’s praise: “Thank you for your praise, we have paid everything to make the ark, and even had to use all the resources on the original planet. All the good things we see now are finally paid in exchange for countless costs."

"If possible, I would rather not have the Ark."

Qin Yun nodded and chose not to enter the palace. He stood outside the gate of the palace and looked at the garden and the forest further away. As for other people, they could only stand on the spot, leaving some space for Qin Yun. And Dylan Troll.

Qin Yun asked, "Is the spiny beast right?"

Dylan Tarol nodded: "Yes, it is precisely because of the aggression of the spiny beast that we have lost our original homeland."

"Can you tell me something?"

"This is my honor." Dylan Tarol said respectfully, and then began to introduce Qin Yun to the real Tarol.

"The Kingdom of Tarol is located on a beautiful planet, the size of this planet is not as large as the livable star of this galaxy, but it is rich in natural resources, people are also enthusiastic and kind, while developing themselves, they also strive to protect the original Natural environment."

"Tarol once had a population of 3.7 billion, and the only regime is our royal family. Under the unified regime, Tarol has not had any war for more than 500 years, and all the people are united. Together, it only took less than two hundred years to develop to the level of science and technology that it is today from the real exposure to technology."

"And because of our protection of nature, we have received gifts from nature. Very few people have received powers similar to magic, and our royal family of Tarol is one of them. All the people of the royal family are free. Use magic."

"For so many years, I have not really been in contact with alien civilizations, but I have also found traces of the existence and leaving of alien civilizations. We have also found many relics on our planet. Since then, our technology has developed. The speed and the ability to use magic can be quickly improved, forming a unique civilization of our own."

"During the development of technology, we also formally entered the universe from the planet, and then we discovered Tarol's biggest threat, the spiny beast."

"The first time the spiny beast was discovered nearly a hundred years ago, the Tarot’s spacecraft discovered the existence of the spinybeast, and then the spinybeast launched an attack on the It seems to us that the spiny beast is just a monster living in the universe, but it also arouses our vigilance and attention."

"And from that time, Tarol began to increase its military development. With the help of magic, our military development has become very rapid, and a team has been established in a short time. The strong fleet soon wiped out all the spines on the planet near the planet Tall."

"But we didn't expect that after the thorny beast army was eliminated, we only found that this was just the beginning. When we were relieved to explore the universe with confidence, another huge number of thorny beasts appeared, and from this tower The war between Roll and the Spiny Beast began."

"And since we discovered the star gate, we have been maintaining continuous research on the star gate. For many years, we have been guarding the star gate to eliminate the threats caused by the spines, but the spines appear more and more frequently. , And getting stronger and stronger, my father found that with Tarol’s power it might be difficult to resist the threat of the spiny beast."

"It began at that time and ordered the creation of the Ark..."

Qin Yun did not interject, but he was very concerned about a word Dylan Tallor said: "Magic?"

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