Updated: 2012-03-24

Back in the city, Xiao Yu just had to go back to the room to rest for a while, but found that the old butler Xiao Hong and Long Hui are waiting for him at the door of the room.

At this time, Xiao Hong and Long Hui are no longer the kind of desperate eyes on him, but their eyes are full of enthusiasm and full of spirits. It seems that they are younger and younger, and obviously they are full of confidence in the future of the Lion King.

Indeed, today’s embarrassment has greatly encouraged the morale of all.

Although I don’t know where the Xiao Yu got these orcs and elf soldiers, they saw a hope in Xiao Yu’s body.

This kind of hope is not only that Xiao Yu brought these soldiers to win less, but also defeated Karut’s army. It was also the kind of change that Xiao Yu had reborn. He commanded the city and looked at himself. After the war, he arranged it. Well organized, well-organized, everything seems to be in the hands, so that everyone has a strong trust.

Especially in the post-war Xiao Yu promulgation of the measures of the pension, people feel that this is a true talent can do it.

In fact, Xiao Yu is a great man, but it is just a move from the previous movies and novels.

The era in which Xiao Yu lived in the past was two thousand years advanced than the world. Any thoughts in this world are novel and shocking in this world.

"Hong Shu, Long Shu, are you looking for something?" Xiao Yu said with a smile and a negative hand.

"Young master, of course we have something." Xiao Hong also brought a smile on his face, saying: "Master, your orc soldiers and elf archers, where did you call them? Can these be Let's talk about it?"

Xiao Yu smiled and said: "Come on."

For this matter, Xiao Yu has already thought of an excuse, so now is to give them a reason, let them believe it. Even if you don't believe it, it doesn't matter. Anyway, now that you have the strength is real.

"Oh, it’s a long story. After I was seriously injured by Karoo, I knew that I had a misfortune, so I was afraid of it, but I wanted to run away." Xiao Yu came up, but it seems to be very real. if. In this case, Xiao Hong and Long Hui feel very natural, and they will not feel that Xiao Yu’s role is changing too fast.

Otherwise, they may have doubts about their previous understanding of Xiao Yu. A child who eats, drinks, gambles, is timid, and has nothing to do, suddenly changes so much, it will definitely make people feel abnormal.

Sure enough, Xiao Hong and Long Hui heard Xiao Yu say so, and his face was so expressive. This guy, Xiao Yu, should have been like this.

Xiao Yu continued: "When I was in a panic, I fled into the depths of the Angola Mountains and thought that no one would find me there. Now think of it, it is really a silly thing. The Angola Mountains are full of World of Warcraft, isn't it even more dangerous. Sure enough, I didn't walk in the mountains for a long time, I met a big brown bear, and it screamed at me, it seemed like a wind. I thought I was dead, I was scared to sit on the ground, I didn’t know how to escape. But at this time, suddenly a flash of light flashed, and two figures suddenly appeared in front of me, one of them. It was an extremely large orc, and the other was a slender, very handsome elf. They appeared on one of the two, just a look. The brown bear was scared and ran away. I was surprised and asked. Who are they? They told me that they are the gods of the orcs and the gods of the elves. Because the orcs and elves have declined, they need a great person to lead the revival of the orcs and elves, and they choose... it is me "

Xiao Yu said these words, high in the jaw, a pair of me is the way of life. Xiao Hong and Long Hui were blindfolded and looked at each other. For a long time, they did not say a word.

Until it took a full five minutes, Xiao Hong pointed to Xiao Yudao: "Checked... you?"

Xiao Yu nodded proudly, a very arrogant look, as if he is now the emperor on this continent, said: "Yes, I chose. The elf **** and the beast **** said, I am destined to be this The greatest king of the age, to unify the entire continent, so they have to use my strength to revive the orcs and elves."

After Xiao Yu finished, he still had a self-satisfied look. It seems that this is true.

It is also a skill to lie without blushing. Xiao Yu is born with this ability.

Xiao Hong and Long Hui face each other and look at each other for a long while, and they have not said anything. Xiao Yu’s statement is too ridiculous.

To say that the elf **** and the beast **** selected Xiao Yu’s father, Xiao Zhantian, they may still have some belief. After all, Xiao Zhantian is also a man of great talents. It’s just that when he is not in time, choose Xiao Yu... This is too much to say. .

Is the elf **** and the beast **** blinking? Choosing such a loser?

Xiao Yu himself knows that this is a bit ridiculous, but it is really difficult to find a better excuse. After all, this orc and elf are not a race. How can they follow Xiao Yu with willingness? The contradiction between races has always been very deep.

However, Xiao Yu can indeed order these orcs and elves. If this is explained, other people will not believe it, and they will not be able to say anything else.

This excuse is not only used as an excuse to explain the origins of these elves and orcs, but also a head of Xiao Yu's hegemony in the world, just like the allusion of Gao Zuyu's white snake, to let people believe that Xiao Yu is destined.

This era requires such an idea to convince people. Xiao Yu does have the ability to summon elves and orcs, and with his ability to gradually expand in the future, this conviction will become stronger and stronger. Now, Xiao Yu will continue to use this statement to establish a prestige for himself.

Xiao Yu knows that people who have a little bit of brain will not believe this nonsense. But the vast majority of ordinary people believe it.

Xiao Yu remembers that a politician in his previous life had said that the people were used to be fooled.

"Cough, it turned out to be the case. The young master was originally destined to return to life. We will certainly assist the young master in the future and become a great cause. However, what I worry about with Longhui is that the so-called elf **** and beast **** has any conspiracy. After all, non-my people have different hearts, they will not give these soldiers to you to help us fight. Is there any plot?" Xiao Hong obviously does not believe Xiao Yu's statement, but He is also not so good to say that the elf **** and the beast **** can not choose you so blindly, so too hurt the self-respect of Xiao Yu.

Therefore, Xiao Hong can only say so euphemistically.

Xiao Yu waved his hand and put a pair of celestial faces on the face and said, "Hung Shu, Uncle Long, I know what you are worried about, but you can rest assured that I am not a child, certainly not fooled. In short, these soldiers are absolutely reliable. The two great gods are not arbitrarily let me command these soldiers. They have blood curses on my body, so that I will accomplish the hegemony command in the future to help them revive the orcs and elves. If I don't fulfill my promise, I will die of pus and blood."

This so-called blood curse is also what Xiao Yu sees from the martial arts novels, and he just said it.

"What? They have a blood curse on your body?" Xiao Hong was shocked. Although he does not believe what Xiao Yu said, but for the loyalty of the Xiao family, he is still very afraid that Xiao Yu has a long and two short.

"Yes, but don't tell other people about this matter. Otherwise, they will use my blood curse. Only two of you know this." Xiao Yu said solemnly, his face was sorrowful and seemed to bear How big a burden is.

"Okay, we will keep it secret, but this blood curse, is there no way to lift it?" Long Hui said with concern.

Xiao Yu shook his head in a despondent manner and said: "The blood curse under the Great God can be lifted, but as long as I help them to renew the Orcs and Elves in the future, they will solve it for you. You don't have to worry. So, Our next step must be to improve our strength as soon as possible, not only to hold the lion collar, but also to expand the territory and compete for the world. Then, we can help them to revive the orcs and elves and lift the blood curse on me." works

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