Updated: 2012-03-27

After killing the child, the rest of the bandits are naturally landslides, running around, but this time, it shows the advantage of the elf hunter.

The elf hunter riding a leopard is definitely much faster than the two legs of the robber.

The fit between the Elf Hunter and the Leopard is perfect. They are born to ride on the leopard, so they are as flexible as the two legs on the ground.

In this case, it is almost impossible for the robbers to fight back. The elf hunters are dodging and attacking, so that these robbers have no way to resist, and they are all harvested soon.

Looking at these gangsters, Xiao Yu ordered the orc infantry to take over their weapons armor and take them back to the furnace.

The orc infantry is absolutely competent, and many of the robbers are not left, and even the underwear is ready to be brought back.

This makes Xiao Yu a sweat. These orcs are not too bad to eat and wear before, and they want to grab anything.

After such a battle, Master Da has reached the fourth level, and Xiao Yu has improved the level of the ice cone of Da Master to reach the third level of the full level.

In this case, the next da Master battle is even more powerful.

However, Master Da is not too vulnerable to the Ice Shield. He is shot by the other side, or is attacked by a sneak attack.

Da Master's attack is extremely powerful, much more powerful than Juggernaut and Tyrande, but the defense is extremely fragile. This is the occupational balance.

Xiao Yu decided to wait for Da Master to upgrade again. He must first learn a cold ice shield. If Da Master accidentally hangs, he can cry.

After searching for these soldiers, Xiao Yu took the crowd to the cottage again. At this time, there were only two hundred robbers who kept the house in the cottage. Xiao Yu directly ordered Grom to rush in with the orc soldiers.

When these robbers saw the orcs on the watchtower, they had collapsed across the board. They immediately shouted at the voice of the mother, and the women and children cried aloud and were at a loss.

Xiao Yu ordered the orc infantry to hold several Zhaimen, and then nb found a very high platform to stand up and shouted at everyone: "Everyone listens, we don't kill the old and the weak, as long as you are now Surrender, surrender the property here, and then return to me, the lord of the Lion King, I promise you to drink spicy, the banknotes are big."

Xiao Yu suddenly found that he is now a bit like a devil in the village. It is estimated that it was too much to watch the film in the past.

Listening to Xiao Yu’s screaming, everyone has gradually calmed down. The more than two hundred robbers who kept the family have long put down their weapons, and they have no will to resist.

Xiao Yu watched them stabilize, and they finished the whole clothes, coughed twice, and hugged the chin high. "You are my father and mother, hello, introduce yourself, my name is Xiao Yu, it is a lion. The lords of the king's collar, these orcs are my soldiers. Without my orders, they will not eat people casually, so you can rest assured."

When I heard Xiao Yu said that I could eat people, the children in the crowd suddenly became scared and cried.

Xiao Yu was very proud. What he wanted was this shocking effect. He continued: "The place was originally the territory of the Lion King, but the child Tong actually made robbers on my territory and plundered my people. This is let I am very angry, so I have already killed this evil guy. Since then, you have returned to the management of my Lion King."

Speaking of this, Xiao Yu slammed his head, and Juggernaut immediately took out the head of Tong Tong and showed it to everyone. Everyone saw the head of Tong Guan, and immediately exclaimed, and several people cried out.

Xiao Yu looked at the desperate eyes of everyone and was very satisfied. They knew that they had no idea what to do. They immediately said: "I know that many of you are not willing to be robbers. They are all forcibly attacked by robbers. Now, lions. The lord of the king's collar, that is, me, Xiao Yu, assures everyone that as long as you return to the lion collar, I can exempt you from the tax for three years, and will help you settle down and let you live a good life. ""

After listening to Xiao Yu’s words, everyone looked at each other and looked suspicious. After all, they don't know if Xiao Yu is the lord of the Lion King, and they don't know if Xiao Yu's words will be honored.

Xiao Yu looked at the expressions of the people and pointed to Tyrande and others to say loudly again: "Look at who they are? They are the most noble elves. Now, even they have returned to me. Are you still unwilling? Is it true? I am the one who is sheltered by the elves and the beasts. It is the greatest king of this era. You will follow me the most happy life."

The people underneath heard Xiao Yu say so, and they began to look at the elves around. At the beginning, they were scared by the orcs, and they did not notice the elves wearing huge cloaks.

When I saw Tyrande, many people, like the people of the Lion King, immediately bowed and worshipped, and they were so devout.

Xiao Yu immediately licked his mouth, and Tyrande was more fragrant than the owner of his own king.

However, his use of this trick is indeed very effective. Seeing that the elves are standing next to Xiao Yu, they immediately trusted Xiao Yu in their hearts.

Xiao Yu looked at the situation almost, so he said loudly: "Who is the steward here, give me out, now help me receive property, punish the wicked, innocent people, I can accommodate, become my people, those Sinful and sinful, all of them are severely punished. I welcome everyone to report that you are the worst in your cottage, no evil, no complaints, I will help you to get rid of the evil, and remember you.

As a result, the housekeeper had just come out, and the following people immediately looked at him with a very angry look. Xiao Yu then pointed to the housekeeper: "Is he the worst person here?"

Most of the people underneath nodded together. Although they usually did not dare to defy this housekeeper, they now respond with a silent nod.

Xiao Yu directly slammed his head on Grom, and Grom came up with a knife, and the head of the housekeeper fell.

Next, Xiao Yu's reception work was very smooth, mainly because these people were very adored by the elves such as Tyrande. Looking at Tyrande's eyes one by one is like watching the goddess.

Under the leadership of some other people, Xiao Yu began to inspect the property in this cottage.

I don't know if I don't know. When I look at it, the assets of this cottage are even more than the lions. Just gold coins, Xiao Yu found more than 200,000 here, plus other property, the estimated value of at least more than 300,000.

Xiao Yu confiscates all of these properties and owns them. The wealth of ordinary people, Xiao Yu is not moving, and they are still owned by them.

After counting all the belongings, Xiao Yu found another good thing. The dancers I have seen in the hall are all the beautiful women of the Boss who have just come from Tong Guan, one by one, the waist and the horns, the long brown hair, and the most charming.

The masters of the dancers have already been killed by the child. Now these dancers have no place to go, and naturally they are also returned to him.

Xiao Yu summoned these dancers and pretended to be very democratic and said that they should give them freedom. If they want to go home, Xiao Yu is willing to give them a toll and let them go back.

But as a result, these dancers, as Xiao Yu expected, are not willing to go back, because after returning, waiting for their fate, it is another sale.

Xiao Yu then told them that they would no longer be slaves in the future. They would later be used as dancers in the territory of the Lion King, and they would be paid monthly.

This makes these self-righteous women who are always female slaves somewhat unbelievable.

However, Xiao Yu repeatedly stressed that he will give them equal status and freedom. These dancers are thankful to Xiao Yu.

After Xiao Yu finished this, he really found out that the loyalty of Tyrande next to it has reached 0, and finally it is no longer negative.

This made Xiao Yu feel a ecstasy in his heart.

In fact, he did not do this entirely to gain the favor of Tyrande, but the people who lived in his time had a strong sympathy for the female slaves and were not used to being slaves. .

Therefore, although I hope that these dancers will stay in the lion collar, they will have the opportunity to watch them dance regularly, and occasionally they will play tricks. Xiao Yu will not really regard them as their own playthings and slaves.

That is not allowed by the morality of his own heart. It doesn't matter if you peek at a few baths, but if you play these slaves like other nobles, he can't do it.

After cleaning up the property and gathering the people, and then killing a few bandits that were usually sinful, Xiao Yu took the other old and weak women and drove several carriages and returned home.

After going back, he has more important things to do. With money, there are more than 500 soldiers. Floating astronomy registered members recommend this work

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