World of Warcraft: Foreign Realm Domination

Chapter 37: Collision of thought

These days, the entire Lion King is undergoing intense pre-war preparations. Everyone seems to be a clockwork machine, working non-stop, and contributing to defending the Lion King.

At the time when the army of Karu came to attack, the situation was not like this. At that time, no one felt that the lion king was able to keep it. Everyone was ready to replace the owner and came to them. Say, there is not much difference in changing a master. But no one thought that Xiao Yu could summon the orc soldiers and elves soldiers and defeat the army of Karoo.

After that battle, Xiao Yu also implemented a series of policies to enable the people in the territory to obtain unprecedented benefits. In any place, there is absolutely no better territory policy than this.

Now, everyone is attached to this kind of social policy that is extremely beneficial to the people, and I hope that this policy can be maintained. In order to maintain this policy, we must ensure that Xiao Yu is the lord here, and that the Lion King will not be captured by Karoo this time.

Now, Xiao Yu has successfully tied all the people to his own boat.

Now the most relaxed one is Xiao Yu. After Xiao Yu has set up the task, every day, a person strolls around, sees the city defense, patrols the soldiers at the inspection base, and plays a few dances of the Boss, peek a few When the scorpion is tired, the sweaty body reveals the graceful body, and it is a pleasure.

The slaves who had been robbed from Carus had basically split into two batches. The first batch was some former merchants or some local civilians robbed by Carus, and occasionally some aristocrats who traveled, second. The batch is the kind of one that has become a slave for a long time and is homeless.

For the first type, Xiao Yu directly issues severance payments and lets them go home. The second is to stay and prepare to give them the status of civilians.

Now the social system of this world is basically in the late stage of the slave society. The embryonic form of the feudal society was built. It seems that at the time of the ancient Chinese Spring and Autumn Period, although slaves existed, most of them had been transformed into civilians, only a few ethnic groups. Still can not get rid of the status of slaves. The whole society is in a period of transition.

For example, the black iron family is a race that is considered to be a slave forever.

More than half of the male slaves that Xiao Yu received from Carus were black iron people. The slaves of these black irons were very tall, strong, and some were even inferior to the orcs. They are slaves from the far south of Karum.

The black iron people still belong to the very primitive tribal race. Thoughts, civilizations and everything are very backward, but they are very strong and hard-working, so they become the best race to be a laborer slave.

Every year, a large number of adventurers go deep into Karum, go to *the slaves come over and let them do the hardest and most tiring work, and don't give them enough to eat. Many black iron slaves are almost 25 years old. Just die.

Xiao Yu originally wanted to give them the status of civilians, but they were faced with two difficulties. On the first aspect, these black iron people did not have their own ideas. After being enslaved for a long time, they felt that they were born slaves and gave them freedom. They don't know how to survive. In the second aspect, the old butler Xiao Hong strongly opposes the power to give such black-iron civilians. The old housekeeper had a good life for Xiao Jiazhong, but his thoughts were very old-fashioned. Many of Xiao Yu’s new ideas could not stand it. Previously, because of Xiao Yu’s tax policy and the excessive treatment given to civilians, there were several times when Xiao Yu had a conflict with him. If it is not for the current territory to be too weak, Xiao Hong absolutely disagrees with Xiao Yu’s large tax exemption policy and the treatment given to the fallen soldiers. In this world, only the aristocrats will be qualified to be left behind. The name will pass on to the future.

The old and weak women and children who came from the last time, even though there were traces of robbers, many of them were former civilians, not slaves, so Xiao Yu gave them the power of civilians. Although the old housekeeper was somewhat dissatisfied, there was no Say what.

Although the Bo Yi women, Xiao Yu has promised to give them the power of civilians, but the old butler is still the best *, saying that the Bo Yi women are dancers, how can become a civilian of the Lion King, which will make the Lion King Leading into a joke.

Xiao Yu made several orders, but the old housekeeper Xiao Hong only thought that Xiao Yu’s head had a problem. He directly assigned these Boss women to several young ladies as slaves, and did not treat them as slaves, but also They are not given full freedom and they are truly civilians.

Xiao Yu looked at the women of several Boss who were not wearing anything, and they were not very dissatisfied. They were very happy and too lazy to manage. Some of his nephews are not mean people, nor will they be too bad for these Boss women.

This time, these people were handed over to the old housekeeper. Xiao Hong divided the civilians and merchants who had been brought by the robbers. They also agreed with Xiao Yu’s practice and gave them the freedom to let them go home.

In this world, if a nobleman rescues some civilians from the robbers, they actually have the right to enjoy the personal rights of these civilians. They can be regarded as slaves. If the families of these people want to take these people away, they need to pay a certain amount of money to redeem them.

But as a noble aristocrat, the rescue of some civilians who were taken away by robbers and then released without compensation is also regarded as a noble character.

Therefore, in order to improve the reputation of Xiao Yu, the old housekeeper also agreed to let go of these civilians and merchants without compensation.

The slaves of the black iron family, as well as some comfort women who have long since become slaves, the old butler said that they would not give them the status of civilians, even forced to die.

The old butler has been loyal to so many years, seeing that the old butler has to take his own life, and Xiao Yu can only give in. The old butler's actions are still maintaining the dignity and status of a territorial aristocratic lord. In fact, it is also for the sake of Xiao Yu, but the difference between thought and Xiao Yu is too much.

The thoughts of Xiao Yu's era are far from the difference of this era.

In the end, Xiao Yu can only let the old butlers give the slaves of these black irons food and clothing, so that they should not eat too much and not wear warm. As for the female slaves who are comforting women, Xiao Yu strictly forbids anyone to carry out xing violations on them. They only let them do some simple work in the territory, giving them enough food, clothing, and necessities. If they are violated, they must be severely punished. .

In fact, such a female slave of a comfort woman, in the home of any noble family, has many, and is used as a private pet of the nobility, as the goods generally show off to others, and even share with others.

For a time, the nobility with the elf slaves was called a symbol of identity and status.

When Xiao Yu began, he saw that these female slaves were so enslaved in the cottage of Carus, and they were filled with indignation. Just because he was a man of that era, it was difficult to accept such casual insults and trampling on women. In fact, in this world, this kind of thing is not a big thing, it is a normal phenomenon.

In the end, Xiao Yu could only sigh and feel a sorrow for their fate. He has limited power and cannot completely change this situation.

If the slavery system is completely removed and the society is allowed to enter a relatively good feudal society, I am afraid it will be extremely difficult.

Don't forget the great shocks and bloodshed caused by the period of institutional change in the history of the past. This change of thinking can be done by his own power.

Unless... unless he really unifies the world and becomes the king of this era, then slowly change through some systems.

Although Xiao Yu and other old schoolers tried to obstruct it, Xiao Yu used the excuse that the elves and the beast gods demanded that he practiced the life of the people as a condition, and gradually let the world enter the feudal society according to the thoughts of the previous world.

If they were allowed to enter relatively democratic capitalism or socialism at once, it would be impossible at all, and they could not accept it themselves.

Xiao Yu also thought about taking the method of Shang Yang in the future. Now, it seems that the resistance is not small.

It is no wonder that the Shangyu was cracked by the car, and now Xiao Yu is really aware of the difficulty. However, Xiao Yan’s set of things, Xiao Yu will have to be implemented sooner or later.

Because as a person of that era, he is too clear, it is absolutely impossible to rely on these Warcraft soldiers to dominate the world. To truly become the king of this era, we must fundamentally let all the people obey themselves, and let the people of this world be willing to fight for you, so that they can be as strong as the Qin Dynasty.

This era is exactly the same as the era when the Qin Dynasty rose. The policy of Shangyu can be said to be just right. If such a good thing is not used, Xiao Yu is an idiot. When the Shang Dynasty changed the law, the Qin Dynasty’s great changes could be seen by the blind. owned. The Qin State was able to unify the six countries, and the Shangyu Reformation played a role of 80%. Relatively speaking, Qin Shihuang’s talents can only account for 20%.

As long as Xiao Yu has laid a certain foundation here, and then slowly implement the measures of Shang Yang, it really becomes the king of the world. It is not impossible to unify the world like Qin Shihuang.

However, this must be step by step, not one step in place, otherwise, even if you are the lord, you will face a huge dilemma.

The slaves of the Black Iron Man had a full meal here in Xiao Yu, dressed in warm clothes, and they were very energetic. Now they are all carrying stones on the head of the city.

They are big and the amount of food is surprisingly big. They have never eaten since they became slaves. In other words, they have not eaten since they were born, because their previous tribal productivity is extremely low, and eating is not easy.

Xiao Yu is full of food here, and the clothes are enough to wear, so that they already feel like they are in paradise.

Transporting stones to the city is the command of Xiao Yu. With the powerful equipment of the trebuchet, the ammunition must be sufficient.

A few days ago, Xiao Yu experimented with the power of the Orc catapult, and at once he could launch a stone weighing 500 kilograms, with a range of more than 300 meters.

If it is two hundred pounds of stone, the range can reach six or seven hundred meters.

This is only on the flat ground. If it is on a tall wall, five hundred pounds of stone can also be used for a distance of seven or eight hundred meters. Such a distance, such firepower, Xiao Yu is extremely satisfied, so naturally I have to prepare for ammunition.

Looking at the hotness of the city, Xiao Yu squinted his eyes and muttered: "Calu, come on, use the blood of your troops to accomplish my glory."


The third is coming. Tomorrow, because there is something to go out, there may be only two more. Xiaosa tries to be more than three. I hope that everyone can vote more tomorrow to help Xiaosa rush to the new book list. There is no good recommendation for Xiaosa, and the position of the new book list is crucial. The war will begin tomorrow, haha, everyone is looking forward to it, how to make the Karoo hit the water.

At the same time, I recommend a friend's book, "My wife is a pastor", you can go and see if you like.

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