World of Warcraft: Foreign Realm Domination

Chapter 46: Fighting continues

Updated: 2012-04-04

The orc infantry took the plunge and quickly drove all the infantry out of the city gate. If they didn't go out, they were already trampled.

The strength of the orc infantry was once again manifested at this moment. These hundred orc infantry in the gates of the city are all carefully selected by Xiao Yu, reaching the level 4, and the strength is extremely strong.

Level 4 orc infantry, even if faced with five or six human soldiers can also be killed, as long as they do not fall into each other's formation.


After the orcs violently, the loud roar filled the entire city gate. The soldiers around saw the orc infantry rushing over. They all came around and wanted to kill the orc infantry and then attacked the city.

Xiao Yu waved his hand and recruited the great magician.

"Throwing a cone of ice at the gate of the city." Xiao Yu said to the great magician who had just recovered his magic. This primary magic potion is really slow to recover from magic. It takes about four or five minutes for the great magician to recover the mana.

When it is estimated that it can produce high-level magic potions, the recovery magic will be faster.

The great magician smiled very arrogantly, nodded, and then walked over the gate of the city gate, and a large piece of ice cone was sprinkled.

Just a bunch of soldiers who wanted to storm the gates of the city were immediately worn by the ice cones, and they fell to the ground.

At the last time, Xiao Yu sent 50 Elf archers in the back as a heavy firepower to support the orc infantry to help them hold the gate together, but this time, Xiao Yu chose to support the orc infantry with the great magician. .

Because the scale of the Karu army attack was too large, the Elf archers could not be adjusted, and they had to stick to the city wall. Therefore, Xiao Yu transferred the big magician.

The scope of the Great Sorcerer's Ice Cone is basically just enough to cover a large area of ​​the city gate. Once a soldier is surrounded, the Great Sorcerer will smash down a cone of ice, and immediately kill it all the way to the Orc Infantry. To ease the pressure on the orc infantry.

"The first row, preparation, shooting, second row, preparation, shooting." Xiao Yu looked at Tyrande and searched for a magician, and immediately directed the Musketeers to begin the suppression of fire.

In the continuous shooting of the Musketeer, no magician would dare to take the lead and be attacked, so there is no way to sing magic.

Oh... ah...

Along with a scream on the head of the city, a new soldier under the dragon's hand was directly penetrated by the body, and fell to the wall.

Although the other party’s brakes were destroyed, most of them were within the range. However, this kind of thing, but also the precision of the car, although more precise than the catapult, but such a distance, such a high wall, they can only be the approximate scattering, and not Able to make absolutely accurate shots.

At this time, the other five slings have already reached the shooting distance, and a huge piece of stone flies from below and slams into the city.

However, the slinger under the city is going up, and the power is definitely not so powerful from above. Moreover, the Karu army’s catapult uses a block of large stones, and one catapult only launches at a time. A boulder, instead of a small stone like Xiao Yu who chose a few jins, a catapult directly fired seven or eight such scattering.

Large rocks have the benefit of large rocks, and small stones have the benefit of small stones. The big rock suddenly smashed, and even the wall could be pulled out of a gap, but because there is only one boulder, the accuracy is much worse.

The first few boulders, all of which were projected empty, went to the city.

"The first group of catapults, aiming at the first brake on the left side, ready, put." Xiao Yu chose to deal with the brakes for the threat of the brakes and the catapult.

Stones as big as a catapult can be shunned as long as they are clever, and their power is greater, but the car is different.

The accuracy of the brakes is much higher than that of the catapult, and it is powerful enough to kill the great magician with a three-level ice shield.

This is definitely not what Xiao Yu wants to see, so he must first kill the brakes and then deal with the catapult.

Four consecutive volleys, a wide range of coverage attacks accurately killed four scattered brakes, although the brakes were also fired several times, causing some damage to the city, but fortunately did not cause too much damage.

There was an orc infantryman who was smashed through the chest but still stood still, waving a big axe to continue the battle.

Xiao Yu immediately called the two orcs to work hard to pull the buddy down, pull out the strength, and use the healing potion to rush into the wound. Through a period of accumulation, Xiao Yu also licked a lot of therapeutic potions, but this kind of war, the speed of consumption of therapeutic potions is also very fast.

Xiao Yu’s order is not to cherish the potion. It is the most important thing to hold life, so the potion is also very luxurious.

After the four brakes were killed, Xiao Yu ordered ten slingers in the city, and four blade cars began to attack Kalu's catapult.

The massive scattering once again had a huge effect, and it was not long before Karoo's slinger was killed.

After killing each other's catapults and brakes, the only remaining threats were magicians and fighters. However, these two threats are much smaller. The only threat is actually the number of people.

The number of each other is still much more than them.

The tug-of-war at the gate of the city was extremely fierce. The soldiers of Karoo rushed up again and again, thinking that they could break through the defense of only a hundred orc infantry, but under the leadership of Grom, these people resent each time. Or directly become a ghost under the knife.

The heavy infantry was also wearing heavy armor. Together with the light infantry, they wanted to break through the defense of the city gate. Their heavy armor made them climb the wall obviously impossible. They could only choose the gate of the city gate to attack.

Although the orc's big axe is sharp, it is very difficult to cut an armor with a heavy infantry armor.

The power of the orc's big axe slashed, but the power of the bladed car could not be caught, but it didn't matter, Xiao Yu taught them a way to deal with this heavy infantry.

Xiao Yu's method is to take the axe horizontally, and take a shot of the infantry's head, even with a steel helmet, but if it is beaten by the orc's strength, it will definitely have a concussion.

If the heavy infantry used shields to resist the way the orcs patted their heads, then Xiao Yu told them another way. At this time, the orc's big feet were used to directly squat the infantry's knees.

The knee is the joint, the protection is not strong, although there are knee pads, but the orc infant's big foot scorpion goes down, and it can definitely smash the heavy infantry knee.

It turns out that Xiao Yu's approach to heavy infantry is very feasible. The orcs rely on strong strength and strong body, slap their heads and knees down. This heavy infantry is easier to deal with than light infantry.

The light infantry can also be used to deal with the orc infantry. The heavy infantry has a heavy armor, and it is impossible to dodge. It can only choose hard resistance, so they can only be tragedy.

Where the heavy infantry is a powerful unit, if it is a general human soldier, there is no way to break their defense against them. They only need shields and slashes, and it is easy to kill ordinary human soldiers, but Orc soldiers simply don't care.


After a while, the golden light continued to fall. Xiao Yu did not pay attention. The great magician had reached the 9th level. Xiao Yu directly upgraded the water element to the big magic.

Suddenly, two water elements appeared next to the great magician, helping the great magician to play the Karu soldiers below.

Because of the constant killing of the whirlwind during this time, Juggernaut has reached the 11th level, and Xiao Yu chose to raise the first whirlwind for the Juggernaut.

Level 2 whirlwind, the power is 100%, much stronger than 50%.


Juggernaut launched a level 2 whirlwind, a larger circle than before, and the whole body seems to be surrounded by a strong vindictiveness, such as the same harvester constantly harvesting life.

Tyrande also reached level 11, and Xiao Yu gave her another level of aura. Now in this battlefield, the role of the aura is too great, because it is not the strength of her alone, but the strength of the entire long-range force. Floating astronomy registered members recommend this work

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