World of Warcraft: Foreign Realm Domination

Chapter 51: Territorial change

Looking at these two long-awaited heroes, Xiao Yu is excited.

"Old Sa, you are finally here, fortunately, I will be lucky." Xiao Yu took Saar's hand and asked for help. "Is it tired on the road? Is it hungry?"

"There is Laowu, you are too good, I want to see you too much, I said, excited." Xiao Yu followed these two heroes for a while, showing how much he valued these two heroes.

After the guest was finished, Xiao Yu found that these two people did not know how to answer him. Xiao Yu was no longer able to sneak up. He first looked at the skills that they can learn now.

The skills that Sal now can learn are:

Lightning Bolt (up to level 3) can send a powerful lightning bolt to attack enemies, causing powerful lightning damage.

The Earth Force Totem (maximum level 3) summons a totem to increase the power of all orc soldiers within a certain range by 20%, the second level by 40%, and the third level by 60%.

Stone skin totem (up to level 3), summons a totem, which can make a layer of stone armor on the surface of orc soldiers within a certain range, increasing the defense. For every level of totem, the totem increases by 20%.

Summon earth elements (up to level 3), summon a soil element and fight for Thrall.

Uther’s current skills to learn are:

Holy Light (up to level 3) can heal an injured soldier, increasing the level of healing by 30% for each level of the ability.

Power Blessing (up to level 3), you can add strength blessings to some Terran soldiers, increasing their power attributes by 20%, the second level by 40%, and the third level by 60%.

Devotional Halo (up to level 3), in the area covered by the Paladin's aura, all Terran soldiers receive the blessing of the Holy Light, the armor is upgraded, and each level of the halo is increased by 20%.

Judgment (up to level 3), the paladin uses the power of the Holy Light to give a power of judgment, causing damage to the enemy, and if it is an undead creature, the damage doubles.

Seeing the skills of these two heroes, Xiao Yu’s face immediately revealed a smile of yin and satisfaction.

"Sure enough, as I expected, there will be totems and blessings at first. In this case, the overall combat effectiveness of the army is improved. This is much more powerful than a hero's singles skill. It's a pity that Sal's totem only Can increase the orcs, the blessing of the paladin can only increase the number of Terran soldiers, can not be universal."

Xiao Yu has a slight regret, but this is normal. After all, the beliefs of orcs and human beings are different. If human beings can use the orc's power of totems, then it is not four.

Xiao Yu directly chose the skills of Thrall and Uther. The first skill of Thrall is the totem of the earth. Uther's first skill is the blessing of power.

At this stage, it is necessary to improve the overall combat effectiveness. As for the hero's own combat power, even if there is no offensive skill, the powerful Sal and Uther individual combat strength will not be very bad.

After purchasing two heroes and upgrading the four ethnic blacksmith shops and shops, Xiao Yu’s money and merits have already bottomed out. The more you go to the back, the more merits and money you need to upgrade your building level, and you can't afford it.

Xiao Yu originally wanted to produce the Terran heavy cavalry, but there was no money at all. Moreover, the Terran heavy cavalry buys a lot of gold coins, 400 gold coins, 500 heavy cavalry, you have 200,000 gold coins. This is not the money for the heavy cavalry to replace the equipment.

Xiao Yu knows that when these soldiers have just been summoned, the equipment can be very backward. Now upgraded the level 2 blacksmith shop, you can buy level 2 equipment, it seems to be a good thing, but that requires a lot of money. Especially the equipment of the heavy cavalry, it is simply a burning pot.

Fortunately, last time defeated Karoo's 20,000 army, lost a lot of armor and weapons, you can get the blacksmith shop to go back to the furnace, saving a lot of money.

After returning to the city, Xiao Yu learned from Long Hui that the situation on Karuan was not very good now. The 20,000 elite troops were almost completely annihilated, and they were so badly hurt that there was no action for revenge.

Although Karoo’s territory is much stronger than the Lion King, the elite soldiers are only four or five thousand. In this battle, nearly half of the troops are gone, and the other half can be won.

Karoo’s father was not an idiot. Although he had severely punished the defeated Karoo, he also knew that this was definitely not a problem for Karu. Even if it is a fool, with 20,000 people playing less than 2,000 people, it will certainly win, but Karoo is still defeated, and the defeat is so heavy, there must be something special.

This at least shows that Xiao Yu’s orc troops are indeed extremely powerful and cannot be speculated according to common sense. Especially the news that the soldiers brought back, Xiao Yu here has the ancient weapon of the blade car, and the powerful trebuchet, which suddenly casts hundreds of stones down. He also began to pay attention to Xiao Yu, impossible. Then send troops easily.

Xiao Yu also knows that if Karoo’s father wants revenge, he will definitely not be the present. He will definitely take a break for a while, and listen to more news about Xiao Yu, or will use any intrigues to draw some others, then Come together to deal with Xiao Yu.

Although Xiao Yu has won a great victory in the battle against the city, if he is allowed to attack the territory of Karoo, it will not work. His strength is too small to be suitable for such a large-scale siege.

However, Xiao Yu does not intend to let them go to Karu.

Although it is impossible to send regular troops to attack, Xiao Yu can send undead troops to harass, let their people live in fear every day, and it is difficult to recuperate.

This is like the tactics in the game before, to kill the peasants a truth.

After Xiao Yu built a crypt on the side of the undead, he has produced 100 ghouls, and at the same time he has made several aides to prepare for harassment in the territory of Karoo.

However, his energy has recently focused on making money, and he is not worried that he will go out with these ghouls alone, and he will be in trouble if something goes wrong.

After all, this undead army is a big secret, and every time it is used, it must be extremely cautious.

So, the next month, Xiao Yu still took these soldiers out to annihilate the robbers, on the one hand to make money, on the other hand to upgrade the ranks of new recruits and new heroes.

With the auxiliary skills of Uther and Thrall, the overall combat effectiveness of the army has immediately increased a lot. For those robbers who are not regular, they can be said to be invincible.

Although I have encountered some hard battles, such as the previous Carus, but now the strength of Xiao Yu is not the same, the hard robbers can not resist the attack of Xiao Yu and the soldiers.

After a month of shackles, Xiao Yu’s own level has finally reached level 10, becoming the world’s second-order standard. Juggernaut, Tyrande and the Great Sorcerer also reached level 13.

With two more skill points, Xiao Yu learned a heroic leap from Juggernaut and learned a sprint. These two are not attacking skills, but are auxiliary skills, but they are very good for improving the overall combat power of Juggernaut. helpful.

In the Tyrande, Xiao Yu added two points to her attacking the aura. Anyway, I don’t expect Tyrande to go head-to-head with it. It is still the most useful for this group attack skill. Now, Tyrande's strong aura has reached level 4, and the overall strength of the Elf archers has nearly doubled, which is the most useful.

On the other side of the magician, Xiao Yu added a little frost star to him, a little teleport, and added a little strengthening water.

Xiao Yu himself has already had eight skill points, so he decisively raised the heroic leap to the full level, and then ordered two sprints. The remaining three skill points were all added to the teleport.

This time, Xiao Yu suddenly became nb.

The heroic leap allows him to jump up ten meters at a time. What is this concept, it is simply Spider-Man. The teleportation allowed him to move directly to another place, and then cooperate with the blast step. It is definitely coming and going, and the dragon is not seeing the tail. He feels that he can now be an assassin.

The heroic leap made Xiao Yu excited for a while, the feeling of flying, the person who had not experienced it, could not understand the passion.

Xiao Yu now knows how to see the basketball players' high-altitude slam dunk on TV. When the high flying, the wind swiftly passes from the ear, it will make you boil.

People always have a kind of liberation from the gravity of the earth. When this kind of ** is satisfied, it will be the release of passion that has never been seen before.

The new heroes Saar and Uther passed the battle of this month and the grades reached 8th. The current skills of Thrall are: Earth Force Totem (Level 3), Stone Skin Totem (Level 3), Earth Element ( Level 2) As for the lightning bolt, Xiao Yu did not give Thrall anxious to increase, but thought of waiting for the lightning chain to learn the lightning chain directly.

Uther's current skills are: Strength Blessing (Level 3), Devotional Aura (Level 3), Holy Light (Level 2), the role of the Paladin, Xiao Yu still wants to be used as an aid, plus state, for treatment This is very useful.

Although there are therapeutic potions, sometimes some very serious injuries may not be cured, but with the Holy Light of the Paladin, as long as it is not a very serious injury, it can be saved back, and then through the aid of therapeutic syrup, basic It will enable a soldier to recover quickly.

However, the treatment of the paladin is still only able to treat the Terran troops, but it can not treat the Orc infantry. This makes Xiao Yu a little depressed. I don't know if Saar has the skills to heal in the later period, but it is estimated to be embarrassing. Since there is a hero of Shadow Hunter, Thrall should be based on combat and will not have healing skills.

However, when you reach the 2nd level main base, you can solve this problem by having a soul home and buying a few witch doctors. Just to rise to the 2nd level of the main base, but it is too difficult, and the required merit is much more than before.

Through this month of robbery, Xiao Yu also received a lot of money and supplies, the Lion King led the unprecedented wealth, the old butler is happy every day, the biggest fun is to look at the warehouse list over and over again. .

But often he just finished finishing a list and immediately revised it, because Xiao Yu has already grabbed a batch of things back. This makes the old butler busy. Xiao Yu is afraid that Xiao Hong will have too much work to eat, and it is called a few 嫂嫂 also help manage together.

Erqi Xuehan is extremely proficient in this respect, and is very arithmetical. With her help, the old butler Xiao Hong is also a lot easier, and does not have to sleep in the warehouse every day.

The old butler now does not need to wear his white dress that has not been changed or washed for more than ten years. Xiao Yu directly makes the dozens of sets of spares for the old butler with the best fabrics. What sets of clothes are worn every day.

A few of them are now radiant, and the feeling of oppression that has plagued them for many years has been swept away, and they are full of confidence in the future of the Lion King.

All these credits are attributed to Xiao Yu, so their attitude towards Xiao Yu has also changed dramatically. Occasionally, Xiao Yu teased them, or they peeked at them to take a shower. They also closed their eyes with one eye.

Especially Sancha Kamina, the kind of Westerner's unrestrained characteristics made her and Xiao Yu hit the hottest recently. Kamina's hot body makes Xiao Yu often feel overwhelmed. Every time she faces such a big temptation, it is Can not see, can not touch, Xiao Yu feels this is simply torture.

The old butler Xiao Hong did not express any objection to this. In the aristocratic circle, Luan Lun, the affair, is a commonplace routine. The old butler has a lot of knowledge, it is simply not strange.

What's more, the old housekeeper still thought that after Xiao Yu grew up again, he married his wife's room. At that time, the territory should be very strong. What is a woman with more than one lord?

These few young ladies are not outsiders anyway. In the past, in history, after some kings inherited the throne, it was not a rare thing to marry the king’s queen and nephew.

Therefore, the old butler is still very open in this regard.

It’s just that Xiao Yu doesn’t know the old housekeeper’s thoughts. Otherwise, he must have put it into action, not just limited to voyeurism and occasional oil.

Of course, his main target of oyster sauce is still a big slap in the face, and the four squats and the five squats are still very strong against him. It is very difficult to succeed.

After getting a lot of money, Xiao Yu has already completed all the planned troops. Now, the total number of troops is 1,900.

Among them, Orc Infantry 600, Heavy Cavalry 500, Terran Infantry 200, Elf Archer 300, Dwarf Gunner 200, Elf Hunter 100.

There are 10 Elves blade car and 10 orc trebuchets. Unfortunately, the undead meat grinder has to be produced at the 2nd base. Some regrets, otherwise, Xiao Yu is looking forward to this new combat device.

Unlike the slinger, the meat grinder can be placed on the battlefield for flat push, which is an offensive device.

Although these units have been produced, the level 2 equipment is still not fully equipped, because the funds required are too large.

Xiao Yu is now aware of how difficult it is to raise an army.

On this day, Xiao Yu just* came back and found the guests coming from the city. At this time, the old butler Xiao Hong, the lion king led the army to lead Long Hui, and Xiao Yu's several nephews are all in the hall.

After Xiao Yu came back, he was immediately invited to the hall and said that there was something to discuss.

Xiao Yu frowned and didn't know what was important.

When he walked into the hall, he felt a repressed atmosphere.

At this time, in the guest room of the living room, sitting a few people, Xiao Yu casually stunned, the family logo worn on their clothes, is actually the same as the logo of the Wuyi Xiwen family.

"What are the people of the five family, what are you doing?" Xiao Yu secretly pondered, but did not say hello to them first, but from a black cloak, went to the main position, first sat down.


Thanks to poqqop, hemar very lemon w011407 really fallen a few rewards, Xiaosa grateful, must make persistent efforts, a lot of code words. o(n_n)o~

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