Along with the screaming of the squatting, Xiao Yu also came to the top with the dragon. The dragon was also very angry at this time with a scream, accompanied by the squatting of the squatting, two together, forming a share Extremely powerful momentum.

Tuoba looked at it all coldly, holding a huge spear in his hand, burning with flames, and it looked like a demon. At this time, he already knew that this was an essential battle. The appearance of the ancient spirit has completely destroyed all his plans.

"In the name of my god, destroy all obstacles." Tuoba screamed and waved the spear in his hand, and rushed toward the squatting.


The plucking of the knives was not allowed. The blade of the catastrophe rushed up and touched it several times. However, although it was attached to the ancient spirit, it still fell to the bottom.

Tuoba’s strength at this time has reached an extremely abnormal situation.

"Because of death." Takuya's eyes also slammed out two flames, shouting loudly.

"Hey, can you beat me with this ability?" Both of them were sneer, and the momentum suddenly rose. The shadow of a huge golden wolf emerged behind it. The blade of the catastrophe in the hand also burned. The golden flame of the stock, this is the flame of the fighting.

The two men then fought together and struggled.

When Xiao Yu saw this, he grinned and directly greeted Grom, Mawei and Illidan, and smashed Tuoba. At this time, he also talked about what he was one-on-one, that is, a fool, killing it earlier. Tuoba, the war here will end soon, and many people will die.

This is the most fundamental thing.

So, Xiao Yu also came down from the back of Xiaolong, holding the revenge of Kalimdor and rushed up. Xiaolong took out the nunchaku and was also a mammoth against Tuoba.

Originally, Tuoba faced one and both sides, and could not fully grasp the victory. Now there are so many powerful masters. He immediately left and right, and he lost his heart. His black palace has already been Xiaolong. It was ruined with a nunchaku.

Illidan fluttered with double knives, and he was also a demon. He was not afraid of the soul attack that was released from Takuya. Instead, he was so eager to play the role of the egg knife and gave him a huge kill.

At this time, Grom also showed the true strength of the Orc Juggernaut. With a long sword, various attacks were constantly displayed, and with the attack of the blasting back and forth, I didn’t know how much in Tuoba’s body. Sword marks.

Ma Wei's strength is even stronger. At this time, he also summoned the revenge god, constantly summoning a small revenge soul from the body, forming an extremely powerful force, and all the people around him who want to rescue him. All are blocked.

Takuya's men also have many powerful demons, which could have helped him. But now that there is the existence of the ancient spirit, the demons are completely entangled, and they simply can't make a rescue. Hey.

Therefore, Tuoba can be said to be a person fighting.

"Hey... you guys."

Tuoba is a roar, like madness, because at this time, the human army has clearly occupied the advantage, they are already the end of the strong, and he himself can not even run away.

The Tigers and the Army have already fully ran at this time. Under the support of Xiao Yu’s air force, the Tigers and the Army have been invincible. The huge impact of the Rema has completely crushed the black soldiers into bolognese.

Now, the situation is not good, the black soldiers also began to retreat, step by step toward the back.

"This world is destined to burn, it will be destroyed." Tuoba suddenly screamed, and then violently lowered a lot of fire and rain around him, with a strong burning magic.

"Get out of the way." Xiao Yu immediately noticed the power of this kind of fire and rain, so immediately let everyone flash off, this kind of fire rain is much stronger than the general fire and rain, falling on people, if strength Weak, directly burned back to ashes.

Even if it is a dragon, it will be burned by this kind of fire, and there will be a small pit on the body, which shows that it is powerful.

Everyone's body was very agile, and they immediately escaped, and did not cause too much damage. At this time, Tuoba shouted and waved the flame spear in his hand to the distance. Rushing away, want to escape.

However, how can everyone let him escape? At this time, it is necessary to kill him here. Then, Xiaolong screamed, the first one flew past, and the nunchaku smashed down.

Now, Xiaolong has used more nunchakus, and he is already very skilled. It is no longer the same as before. Now the use of skills makes the nunchaku more harmful and the precision is very high.

It's as if the stick is going down now, Tuoba quickly flashes away, but Xiaolong picks up one by one and fiercely hits Tuoba from midair.

Then Xiaolong rushed over again, and after a while, Tuoba had to get up and fight. In this case, there was no way to escape.

At this time, other people have already followed up, and it is a fierce battle against Tuoba. Their battlefields will cause a tsunami every time, and the black soldiers next to them will be affected by the impact and directly crushed.

After reaching the sixth order or above, the power is already abnormal. Not to mention the power of these people belongs to the existence of the sixth-order peak.

Just as Grom fled in one direction in order to stop Tuoba, he directly caused a blade storm, and suddenly formed a violent whirlwind, all the things around him were killed.

Although Takuya is strong, he does not dare to touch the blade storm of Grom. Once he touches it, even if he does not die, he has to peel off the skin. He wants to escape in the other direction, but there is It was a sharp storm again, because Xiao Yu also caused a blade storm.

The blade of the storm, this nb skill, Xiao Yu is impossible not to learn, and because Xiao Yu later took the power line, the attribute added is the power, so the power of the storm is even greater. Shouting.

Now, Tuoba is completely a dog of funeral, wanting to escape everywhere, but still can't escape, and it is extremely embarrassing.


At the end of the battle, I caught an opportunity. A sword slammed the weak position of Tuoba’s abdomen, and suddenly a blood burst out.

However, after the blood came out, it was suddenly turned into a flame, and the blood in the body of the Tuoba had already deteriorated.

Picking up swordsmanship, Xiao Yu is still a lot worse than they are. In terms of overall strength, they can make up for them with powerful skills, but in the understanding of Kendo, how can they and Compared with those who have reached the strength of Wu Sheng little by little.

Therefore, this fatal blow, which was shot out, is also reasonable. After this sword, the strength of Tuoba has obviously begun to decline.

He was hurt, his ability is naturally going to fall, but at this time, his whole person seems to be crazy, with a sense of madness in his eyes, and then suddenly, there is another kind of other thing.

When Xiao Yu saw this kind of look, he immediately remembered the look of the statue he had seen in the red-bearded lair. Yes, now Tuoba’s eyes are the statue’s eyes.

The current Tuoba has been attached to the demon god.

Of course, it is not a complete possession, but only a part of the power attached to Tuoba, so that the strength of Tuoba suddenly surged.

Despite this, Tuoba’s strength has reached a horrible situation in an instant, and it is faint to break through the sixth-order shackles and reach the power of the seventh-order.

Once it reaches the seventh order, it is absolutely terrible. At that time, qualitative changes occur, and it is difficult for Xiao Yu to kill Tuoba.

However, at this time, a huge golden wolf shadow rushed from the sky, making a scream and rushing toward Tuoba.

In this golden wolf shadow, there is still a figure of a person, which is the Tuobahong that should have been on the wall of the city.

"The emperor." Zhang pulled out and immediately screamed. His task is to protect the safety of Tuohong. When he came out to fight this time, he did not stay in Tuobahong’s side. It was already a great adventure. Now he saw Tuobahong suddenly flying. On the battlefield, I couldn't help but be shocked.

However, at this time, he also understood in his heart that the emergence of this Tuohong was not his own will, but he wanted to be brought by the power of the ancient spirit.

"The son of Sirius, descended on the world, washing all evil." The voice that summoned the ancient spirit just screamed again, this time, it seems to have been sent from Tuobahong.

In the twinkling of an eye, Tuobahong and the golden wolf shadow have been merged together, and a strong ray of light erupted through the entire battlefield.

Everyone saw the combination of Tuobahong and the golden wolf at this time and became a golden wolf **** of war.


All Yunmeng people cheered loudly at this moment, and saw that Tuoyuhong and the wolf gods merged into one, which shows that Tuoyuhong is the real life-changer and the emperor of Yunmeng.

At this time, their emperors, their saviors, their hits, to kill the evil creature of Takuya.


There was a strong whistling sound in the mouth of Takuya, and then the whole man rushed down from the sky with a pair of golden wings behind him.


Tuobahong’s claws immediately left a trace of many unknowns on Tuoba’s body. After the demon possession, Tuoba’s strength has been raised to an invincible state, but now Tuohong’s The power is stronger, and it keeps moving back and forth around the top of the tower. The claws tear the body of Tuoba to the flesh and blood.

Ah, ah...

Takuya's constant screams, but it is useless, his attack simply can not afford the side of Takuya, can only be constantly torn by Takuya.

Xiao Yu, they were completely shocked at this time, so they stood on one side and couldn’t get into it at all. The speed of Tuohong was too fast, like the same whirlwind, and swept back and forth around Tuoba. Every time I swept a lot of flesh and blood.

Tuoba’s screams grew louder and louder. Finally, Tuoba sent out an earth-shattering horror. Then everything went to silence and all the voices disappeared.

At this moment, the entire battlefield was quiet, and everyone looked at it and watched this century's decisive battle. In the end, Tuo Honghong killed Tuoba, everything, the dust settled.

The fog of the scene fell, Tuoba wearing a golden wolf **** standing against it, and Tuoba has been completely shredded, even the soul has been destroyed, nothing left.

Only the armor and the spear were lying quietly on the ground, indicating that Tuoba had existed.


All the clouds and Mongolians made a general cheer of the mountains and the tsunami. It was over. Everything was over. Their great emperors, their hit sons, Tuohonghong, saved them and ended the battle on the battlefield.

The black soldiers and demons uttered a cry at this time, then quickly fled backwards, no longer have the will to resist, followed by the Tigers and the army, the soldiers of Yunmeng killed and killed, to completely eliminate these black soldiers. .

Xiao Yu looked at it all, and took a long sigh of relief. He knew that it was all over. The problem of Yunmeng is a complete solution.

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