World of Warcraft: Foreign Realm Domination

Chapter 553: The situation on the mainland

After Xiao Yu had conquered Arza last time, because of the huge victory, the rank has been upgraded to the first level and the third base can be upgraded.

There is no need to say anything at this time. It is directly upgrading the base of the Orc, reaching the third level, and the Orc Base can summon the Tauren.

The Tauren's toughness doesn't need to say anything more, but when it comes out, Xiao Yu is still shocked. Every one of them is more than three meters. The huge body, holding a huge totem pole, is easy to go. Under the ground, you can take out a shock wave and stun the surrounding people.

After another rank, the number of soldiers that Xiao Yu can summon has increased by 15,000. This is five thousand, Xiao Yu has nothing else to say, directly summoning the Tauren warriors.

One of the Tauren warriors is 5 units, so the 15,000 quota is the summoning of 3,000 Tauren warriors.

Three thousand Tauren warriors, how strong is it, Xiao Yu did a test, 30,000 elite silver hand soldiers, was smashed by the three thousand Tauren in less than ten minutes.

The Tauren was too **** to be strong, even if it was against the cavalry, it was not afraid at all. The cavalry rushed over and the Tauren waved the totem pole and flew out with the horse.

Finally, Xiao Yu asked the Tauren and Kodo to try it out. It turned out that the Tauren’s strength was more than that of the Kodo.

"I have a rub, this Tauren is not the first Marine Corps, it is really nb."

Xiao Yu was excited. With these tauren, what are the ghosts of Gul'dan? Directly three thousand Tauren can sweep across the tens of thousands of people.

Coupled with the charge of the tank, the tank cooperates with the Tauren, it is absolutely invincible.

This is only a level of Tauren, if it has reached 10, how much nb, you know, the skill of the 10th Tauren is shattered.

This crushing skill, a direct glimpse, can directly smash the other's armor, and fly out. When it comes to the troops, even if they encounter heavy armor, they are not afraid.

Then, the last hero of the Orc was also summoned, Shadow Hunter.

Shadow Hunter's most eye-catching skills are undoubtedly healing waves, deformation, and the serpent guard.

Xiao Yu is still letting them upgrade as much as possible, so that they can improve their strength.

Now, through the last battle, the flame lord has reached the sixth order, and the king of the hill has reached the peak of the fifth order. No way, this kind of war, the experience is really too fast.

Especially the King of Fire is not a human creature. You don't have to rest at all. If you have magic, you can always play. Now his body has reached more than ten meters. It looks like a huge fireman, so that everyone can Taboo.

The hotel hero can also summon one more. Xiao Yu chose a goblin tinker. The goblin tinker can use a large number of weapons such as bombs. Xiao Yu is ready to let him lead the goblins to form a mechanized unit.

Because now with the deepening of Higgins research, the goblins have made a lot of wars and other things, and when they let them drive the wars together on the battlefield, it must be very nb.

It is because of so many heroes that Xiao Yu is very optimistic about the current situation.

What if the old boy of Gul'dan is coming over? There is a gun under the hand, so there is a bottom. Now Xiao Yu has a cannon, and the bottom gas is even more sufficient.

The situation in the mainland is changing, everything will start soon, and it will soon end. A new era is coming soon. Xiao Yu’s heart is clear, everyone knows it, so everyone starts to take this time. The state is adjusted to the best, so you can start preparing for the battle.

Xiao Yu first went to the outermost place to see the combination of Gul'dan and Roberts. Now, what is the idea? Is it because they want to engulf themselves first?

How do you say that Xiao Yu is not a soft persimmon now? Among all the forces, Xiao Yu can be said to be the most powerful now, with tens of millions of troops, so many powerful heroes, who dare to provoke easily?

Unless it was the head of Roberts’s kid’s head. In fact, Roberts's head is indeed a little teasing, and Gul'dan is constantly bargaining, wanting to attack the Lion King.

But Gul'dan is a guy who is a savage gangster. He naturally knows what is called a game and how to make a profit in this chaos.

Therefore, Gul'dan decisively rejected Roberts's suggestion. In any case, he refused to attack Xiao Yu first. Moreover, Gul'dan also sent people to negotiate with the rain and expressed his willingness to live in peace with Xiao Yu.

"Nima, this is the old fox."

Xiao Yu’s negotiations on Gul'dan will naturally not refuse, and promised, and vowed to sign a peace agreement.

But in fact, Xiao Yu has begun to deploy here, and the soldiers have begun to mobilize.

This main task was handed over to two people, one is Arza and the other is Qin Che. From the last siege, Xiao Yu knew that Arza was definitely a strong hand, let him carry it out, sure Will not let him down.

And Qin Che has already proved his ability, no one has any objections.

These two people, the presiding battle line is completely ok, Xiao Yu himself is still at ease, every day wandering around, can not see the urgent look.

The Naxxramas continued to float over the base of the undead base, and Arthas could gradually grasp the movement of Naxxramas.

This is a very strange thing, Xiao Yu is very puzzled, but now Arthas can command this Naxxramas.

Moreover, Arthas also opened Naxxramas. Xiao Yu once went up in person, with Arthas and others, but found nothing in it.

Naxxramas is a completely empty city.

This made Xiao Yu very shocked and didn't know what the situation was.

In the end, Xiao Yu was only able to leave, and then continued to let Alsace command Naxxramas, and if necessary, continue to use Naxxramas to fight.

After a while, Arthas suddenly discovered that he could establish a connection between Naxxramas and the Undead base, so that the undead could be moved to Naxxramas, in this case, In the future, the disappearance of the undead is more elusive.

Xiao Yu tried to completely move the base of the undead. In this case, everything is perfect, and there is no fear that someone will find the undead here.

As a result, Xiao Yu found that this was feasible. After all the base buildings were demolished, they were rebuilt in Naxxramas and became an aerial mobile base.

"Nima, cool, if you want to go anywhere, just fly over."

After moving these undead soldiers into it, Xiao Yu also found that these undead soldiers quickly improved their strengths one by one. Obviously, it is more suitable for their growth.

The problem of undead is temporarily solved.

Later, Uther screamed that he must go to the Angola Mountains to annihilate the undead. As a result, he went several times and said nothing was found.

After such a period of time, the transformation of the Crusaders was also effective, and their gradually changing values ​​began to change.

During the period, Xiao Yu only observed the situation of other forces, and he did not have any movements.

After Gul'dan and Xiao Yu concluded a peace treaty, they began to attack other forces to continuously expand their own territory.

For this practice, Xiao Yu did not care about it. At that time, when he hit the black pawn, he saw how they played.

Although Xiao Yu had pondered before, Gul'dan and the black soldiers will not be a group, but there are many signs that they should not be a group.

At that time, let them bite the dog.

Xiao Yu is self-deprecating, and this is not a policy of appeasement.

After the undead entered Naxxramas, Xiao Yu gave the undead an order to let them go to the sites that had been transformed by the black soldiers to develop and build a force.

Anyway, those black soldiers have already died of their souls, and they have been transformed into undead troops and reused. It is also good.

Arthas, still very loyal to himself, Xiao Yu had a preliminary plan to settle Alsace, that is, let him either enter the dark city, continue to be king, or even enter the Naxxramas You can go drifting around.

Now, he is ready to develop the power of Arthas first, so that it can be of great help to resist the black soldiers.

According to the undead, he continued to fight. Soon after, Xiao Yu believed that his rank could be reached the highest. At that time, he would also give the last hero of the undead to the demon king.

In this case, if they lead the undead, they can truly become a huge force.

Going to the development of the black pawn, it proved to be a very wise decision of Xiao Yu. Shortly after arriving there, Arthas killed countless black soldiers through his excellent commanding ability, and then after killing All converted into their own undead soldiers.

Before the black soldiers introduced in Yunmeng, many of them were not attacking, but some civilians were completely transformed, so it is still very easy to be killed by the undead.

It didn't take long for Arthas to build a large base there, in conjunction with Naxxramas, to form the other side of the **.

The entire continent is overwhelmed, and a black soldier is enough for them to receive. Now there is another undead family. It is really an eventful autumn.

Xiao Yu is secretly secretive, and the power of Arthas has grown stronger. After that, it is a force that can compete with the black soldiers.

Because the number of black soldiers is too large, it is impossible to fight against the human army. The undead is a common feature with the black soldiers, and the more they play, the more they play.

Moreover, to a certain extent, the undead is the nemesis of the black soldiers. After the black soldiers are dead, they can be transformed into undead. However, after the death of the undead, there is no way to use them.

Therefore, Xiao Yu determined that the undead is the savior of the mainland. As long as the use is good, the undead is the killer that can really save the continent.

Arthas has made great achievements in the front line. Xiao Yu’s merits have been continuously increased, and he has finally reached the highest rank of Marshal. When he arrived at the rank of Marshal, he can upgrade the three-level base of the undead.

After the third-level base, the undead appeared, but the frost dragon, Nima Frost Dragon, that is what nb thing.

A group of frost dragons went out, it is not invincible.

As a result, like the Emerald Chimera, the maximum number is still 100, each occupying 10 units.

Xiao Yu has a mother-in-law, but there is no way. There are a hundred of them that are not bad, and they will not be summoned after they die.

After reaching the highest rank, the number of soldiers in the control base of Xiao Yu has also increased by 15,000. This is five thousand, and Xiao Yu has given the undead.

Now, Xiao Yu is very dependent on the undead.

In addition to the 1,000 quotas of 100 Frost Dragons, Xiao Yu added some units to each of the undead. In this case, the total number of undead base units has reached 20,000.

The 20,000 undead bases appeared, and the undead immediately became extremely powerful. After all, these base units were much stronger than those of ordinary undead soldiers.

As a result, the undead's fighting power is even stronger, and the black soldiers continue to grab the land, and the occupied area is getting bigger and bigger. For some unconverted humans, Xiao Yu strictly forbids Arthas to kill, and they are required to be held to somewhere, and then pretend to be rescued by a group of mysterious people.

These mysterious people, of course, are sent by Xiao Yu.

In this way, the forces on the mainland are gradually beginning to clear up. The power of Nikolay has now become another force that is even stronger than Xiao Yu.

Nikola, this guy, is really a solution, and his family's heritage is very strong, so it can be developed.

The guy Leonardo started to be king, but later found that there was too much pressure, so he no longer became a king, and got a farce.

Because of the pressure from the black soldiers and Gul'dan, they had to form an alliance with Nikolay. Nikolay also knew that he needed a force to help himself, so he also accepted Leon. Nado's alliance.

Then another force, the alliance between Roberts and Gul'dan, but there are some indications that that Roberts is probably already completely controlled by Gul'dan.

Just kidding, Gul'dan is a connoisseur who plays with spiritual spells. He is working with Gul'dan. Isn't that a hide with the tiger? Xiao Yu believes that the current force has been completely controlled by Gul'dan.

The rest is the power of Xiao Yu, and the current power of Xiao Yu is in the best position. Because the only place where he can be attacked by the black soldiers is blocked by the undead, so the enemy he faces is only Gul'dan.

Nikolay and Leonardo are on the other side of Gul'dan, far from Xiao Yu.

In addition to this, there are some other small forces, including some small countries, such as the Lance Empire that Xiao Yu once ransacked, have fallen apart and invested in other forces.

The Reims Empire chose to rely on Gul'dan.

The vast majority of the forces chose to rely on Nikola, because the small and medium-sized forces on Xiao Yu’s side have already been planned, and there is no way to rely on him.

Then, there is the Yunmeng who is the lion king and the west. Yunmeng now kills the black soldiers almost killed, and then sent an expeditionary army to the Lion King to help Xiao Yu fight.

This is Tuobahong owing Xiao Yu.

Moreover, Tuoba Hongxin is also very clear. Now the mainland is in danger. If one is careless, it may be destroyed. In this case, everyone can be said to be on the same boat. If the mainland is destroyed, Yunmeng will not benefit.

Therefore, Yunmeng must do everything in its power to support and win this war.

Xiao Yu was very happy with the arrival of the Yunmeng army, especially the 50,000 Tigers, and Xiao Yu was very excited. This tiger army, Xiao Yu is very aware of its strength. I used to cooperate with the Tigers and the Army many times, and Xiao Yu liked them too much.

Yunmeng’s troops were still mostly cavalry, and Xiao Yu gave them all to Qin Che’s leadership. Because the leader of this expedition is the commander of the Tigers, and the extension of the tiger is also very familiar with Qin Che, so there is no objection to this decision.

"As long as you need it, please use us." This is what Tuo Yuhu said to Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu was very touched by this, and Tuoyu Tiger is a true man.

The war is coming, the whole world is in an extremely delicate state. On this day, Sir Alex Ferguson came to the Lion King with some people.

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