Sargeras died. Xiao Yu rode on the back of Xiaolong and looked at the chaotic battlefield. Suddenly there was some confusion between the hearts. It was over and everything was over.

As in the prophecy, he defeated Sargeras, he saved the world, and he is about to become the greatest king of the world.

Xiao Yu quietly gave Arthas an order to let him immediately withdraw with the undead. Then, only the devils of the human army were left behind, and they continued for a long time, and all of them were slowly eliminated.

Gul'dan has not formed any threats. After this incident, Xiao Yu’s strength has been turned over several times. The forces of Gul'dan are no longer a grade compared with Xiao Yu.

Soon after, all localities began to rely on Xiao Yu to set up a brand new dynasty for him as the new king of the continent.

Everything, so smooth, is like a process that has already been designed.

Everything is so weird, it seems that all of this is unreal, it seems, very familiar and strange.

Three years later, the situation on the mainland was completely stabilized. Gul'dan was led by Qin Che to the sunset swamp and never came out again. Arthas broke into the Undercity with the undead, and never came out again.

On the day that Arthas left, Xiao Yu found Arthas. At that time, he finally couldn't help but cry with Alsace.

His favorite Arthas is going to leave.

Since the day when Summon Alsace was summoned, Xiao Yu was wary of Arthas and did not train him with all his strength. However, Arthas did not have any complaints, remained loyal to him, and saved in the final battle. this world.

No one knows why these undeads appeared and then suddenly left.

Only Xiao Yu knows that it is the quiet effort of Arthas.

The establishment of a new dynasty, the establishment of a new capital city, everything does not require Xiao Yu to worry about anything, naturally someone has done everything for him, he just needs to wait for the ceremony to be enthroned.

The original Emperor of the Tiens Dynasty had retired, voluntarily gave the throne to Xiao Yu, and married the princess to Xiao Yu, in the hope that their royal blood would still exist in the future royal family.

On the day of the throne, the whole continent was celebrating. Everyone shouted for the raining of Xiao Yu, and blessed and worshipped.

The history book began to record the history of the new dynasty. It gave endless praise to Xiao Yu. The former hooligans faded all the indecent auras and became an elegant, intelligent, brave and perfect man.

Xiao Yu saw those history books, just a faint smile, and said nothing.

Xiao Yu still disregarded everyone’s opposition, and Lin Bingxue was the queen, and other women were taken as scorpions. Lin Bianxue is the new guardian of the mainland, and saved the mainland at a critical moment. Although there are some die-hard dissents, there is not much hindrance.

Thus, after the throne ceremony, it was the main hall of the emperor's marriage.

Everything, perfect, is like a fairy tale.

Since then, Xiao Yu has become the emperor of the mainland, and a lot of women such as Lin Yixue, Xi Wen, Scarlett, Aussie and so on have lived a happy life, and those women who are slightly related to him have become his nephews. No one has any criticisms, but instead praises Xiao Yu Ying Ming Shen Wu, who is favored by many women.

A few years later, Tyrande and Malfurion came to take the opportunity to leave, and they would leave the kingdom of mankind, go to the forest, and establish a new elf dynasty.

Xiao Yu naturally expressed respect for their decision. Now that he has finished playing, the elves should return to their hometown and become a new elf country.

Soon after, Grom and Thrall also brought people to say goodbye, leading the orcs to reopen an orc country.

Then, Kael'thas and a group of blood elves also chose to leave, but did not leave too far, just looking for a place to continue to study magic, Xiao Yu satisfied them, not far from the human kingdom, can often see when there is time Look at Xiao Yu.

Under the leadership of Muradin, the dwarf, although left, still maintains close ties with the human kingdom, and often sells dwarf weapons to the human kingdom, which is very popular.

Xiao Yu gave them a lot of money and materials, so that they can have a good life, and issued a decree in the human world, it is strictly forbidden to hunt orcs and elves, or they will be sentenced to death.

Uther became the new **** of the Church of Light and promoted new teachings. Xiao Yu deliberately gave him a holy city and gave him a name and became a legitimate religion.

As the chief magician of the human court, Antonidas still stayed with Xiao Yu, which made Xiao Yu slightly comforted.

Once the former partners have left, Xiao Yu’s life has truly become a wise emperor, stable and peaceful, and peaceful.

Everyone praised Xiao Yu’s wise and gave him great respect. He is the savior of this continent and the savior of all mankind.

Occasionally, Tuo Honghong will come here, chat with Xiao Yu and play chess, so Xiao Yu is very happy, every time he will pull Tuobahong live for a long time, not letting him leave.

The three magicians passed away, because that battle took all their energy.

Before the death of Theodore, he gave Xiao Yu a box and told him that if one day felt that the soul was extremely empty and felt that the world was no longer true, open the box.

This box will give him a real answer.

However, Xiao Yu has never had the courage to open this box.

Ronghua is rich, isn't everyone wanting it? Now, Xiao Yu has everything, he should be very happy, but he finds himself not happy.

Because, he always thinks that some things seem to be wrong, but where is not right, and can't think of it anyway.

After ten years, Xiao Yu’s life is all well. The only downside is that he never had a child. This is his biggest regret.

He always hopes to have a child, not just to inherit the throne, but to hope that the soul has a comfort, but God does not want to meet his little wish anyway.

After another ten years, Xiao Yu has reached the age of no doubt. He began to miss the first days and went to the day of qiangjie robbers with Grom. At that time, it was so simple, so happy, so interesting. .

Now, it seems to be like a year.

Xiao Yu misses those who used to be, those partners, in fact, every time, these partners will come over, come together to celebrate Xiao Yu, national carnival, praise him as the greatest king in the world.

Xiao Yu didn't want them to leave, but they must leave when they arrived.

Xiao Yu suddenly felt that he was old, really old, very old and very old.

In fact, his body is not old, old, his heart.

By the time he was fifty, he still had no children. At this time, he knew that he should establish an heir. Otherwise, the country would be in turmoil.

Therefore, Xiao Yu established Qin Che as the heir, and after he died, he took charge of the country.

Qin Che’s warfare in wartime, after the war, governed the country, was extremely wise, and introduced many correct policies, which is very commendable.

Finally, after the order was issued, Xiao Yu went to the room where the Theodore magic box was stored. He decided to open the box and take a look at it. What is the answer?

All the courage was raised, as if it was the biggest choice in life. Xiao Yu finally twitched and reached out and slowly opened the box.

A dazzling white light flashed, and Xiao Yu’s eyes suddenly changed completely. He found himself in an inexplicable world, in an inexplicable room.

This room is no longer the room of the palatial palace, but an ordinary game room similar to his previous life.

And on his head, it seems to carry something.

At this time, a figure walked in and smiled. In front of Xiao Yu, said: "Dear experience, you finally woke up, how do you feel? This is your reward for this Warcraft Championship, one hundred Divided into a virtual reality game of Sims. This is our new product, you are its first formal experience, this is a great luck."

"Experience? Game?" Xiao Yu stood up and touched his head. It was a metal helmet. Then look at the back, it was an alloy bed, and the bed was covered with dense instruments.

Suddenly, Xiao Yu seems to understand something.

Is that all that is fake? Grom, Thrall, Alsace, Lin Bixue, Osielia?

I don't know how, Xiao Yu feels that his heart is being taken away by a piece of meat. He suddenly fell to the ground, vomiting with a big mouth, and the staff immediately surrounded him to check his situation.

At this time, Xiao Yu suddenly fell to the ground and burst into tears, unscrupulous, tears blurred his vision, for a long time, never stopped. It’s like a child who lost his favorite thing.

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