The next day, Wang Tianhu sent someone to Xiao Yu to go to the luncheon.

Originally, Xiao Yu was such a small lord that he was not qualified to let Wang Tianhu hold a luncheon for him. However, Xiao Yu’s unusual series of this show made Wang Tianhu curious about Xiao Yu and attached importance to it. .

Xiao Yu also knows that today's banquet Wang Tianhu will not be as simple as asking him to eat a meal, so he is fully prepared to bring Antonidas, Grom, and ten orc infantry all.

These orc buddies no longer carry the cloak, wear the neat armor directly, take the car axe, and walk all the way.

The place where Wang Tianhu hosted the banquet was the administrative hall in the city, not the city government, to show the treatment of the Duke of Xiao Yu. Since Xiao Yu had made such a worry yesterday, Wang Tianhu did not need to let Xiao Yu feel that he did not pay attention to his duke.

Aristocrats, self-respect is extremely strong, even if it is a fallen noble, but also to maintain the dignity of the nobility.

The administrative hall in the city is a certain distance from the place where Xiao Yu lives, so Xiao Yu decisively took his luxurious carriage and appeared in absolute momentum.

Such a carriage is not available anywhere.

Xiao Yu listened to the robbers saying that this carriage was the car given to the Emperor of the Yunmeng Empire. Although he did not know whether it was true or not, at least the spectrum was absolutely large enough.

A luxury to luxury carriage with eight white horse-drawn carriages, surrounded by orc soldiers and magicians, such a place, no matter where it is, is absolutely full of gas.

When Xiao Yu’s carriage was so rampant on the street of Fengyan City, the people on both sides looked at each other and thought that it was the Emperor of the Tiens Dynasty.

When I arrived at the entrance of the administrative hall, this time Wang Tianhu led a group of people to personally receive the reception here, and to the reception of the Duke.

Seeing that Xiao Yu was so arranging the carriage, even Wang Tianhu was shocked. He just listened to Wang Zimo and said about Xiao Yu’s luxurious carriage, but when he saw it, the visual effect was too strong.

Especially the eight white Pegasus made him a red eye. At that time, he also found countless relationships, bought some Pegasus, but only bought a few pedigrees.

Xiao Yu directly used eight noble white horse-drawn horses, and it was almost **** that he was forced to work without limits.

Is such a good horse riding bad? Have to pull the car.

"Ah, haha, Uncle Wang, you are too polite, how can you let you meet at the door in person? The last time I said that is not for you, just for the fat man. If you do, let me dare to be. Xiao Yu got off the carriage and said that he was busy.

Wang Tianhu smiled and said: "Xiao Xianyu, you are now inheriting your father's duke title, greet you, in fact, is equivalent to welcoming Xiao brother, this is the respect of the first class of Xiao brother."

Wang Tianhu’s heart is swearing: “If you didn’t make such a big move last time, do you think I am willing to come? I’ll come to meet you, not to you.”

Looking at the orc guards around Xiao Yu, Wang Tianhu’s heart was also a dark shock. Although he knew that Xiao Yu had orc guards, he did not expect it to be so strong, and he was much stronger than the orcs he had seen before. Especially Grom, the kind of mere-only power, makes people feel that this orc is definitely a leader of an orc.

"Where did Xiao Yu come from so many orcs? And there is such an orc leader? Now the relationship between orcs and humans has long been incompatible. The orcs see human beings, they hate the extreme, how can they still become him. Guard?"

Wang Tianhu is very puzzled, but at this time it is not easy to ask, you can only greet Xiao Yu first.

Xiao Yu entered with Grom and Antonidas, and the other ten orc buddies waited outside, standing next to the carriage.

Many people who watched the excitement had already followed, and gathered in front of the administrative hall. They pointed at the luxurious carriage and the mighty orc. They talked about this, which allowed the lord to go out and meet. Who is it?

Xiao Yu and Wang Tianhu entered the administrative hall together. At this time, there were already some celebrities waiting in it. When Xiao Yu arrived, all of them came out and bowed to Xiao Yu.

Indeed, the title of Xiao Yu, wherever he went, almost everyone else saluted him. The people who can let him go first, the whole empire is not much now.

Wang Tianhu gave Xiao Yu one by one to introduce these celebrities. Xiao Yu said that every one of them laughed and said hello. The attitude was modest, the etiquette was standardized, the words were right, the words were not humble, and the gestures were all absolute. The demeanor of the aristocratic family, who can play him and yesterday. The lord is connected?

Xiao Yu looked at Wang Tianhu and invited so many celebrities nearby. Some strange, my heart said: "Even if you want to fix me, you don't need to get so many people. How come the leaders of several other territories are coming? Wang Laotou seems to be not a small means."

These celebrities, many people simply look down on the lord of his broken lion collar, but because of the title of the other Duke, and the prestige of Xiao Zhantian, they all came to salute.

They saw that Xiao Yu responded well and was ceremonially elegant. Everyone felt that the Xiao family had fallen, but the heir seemed to say the past.

Moreover, seeing Grom next to Xiao Yu, they are extremely curious, the orcs are not unusual, but the ones that can really be seen are, after all, less, and can become the orcs of human guards, even less.

Among them, Xiao Yu also saw Yuncao and Cuenca that he saw yesterday. Yunchao was greeted by Xiao Yu with an old mother. At this time, she saw Xiao Yu. Although she could not wait to eat Xiao Yu, her face was still very affectionate. The smile seems to be an old friend for many years. Let Xiao Yu sigh, it is worthy of playing politics, the skin is thick enough, but fortunately his skin is not thin, otherwise he really can't cope with this old guy.

That Cuenca, at the time of introduction, turned out to be Wang Tianhu’s second son-in-law, and Miss Xi Xihong’s husband, which made Xiao Yu somewhat surprised.

Kunka can be as venerable as Yunchao. He was able to bear the anger. He was beaten by Xiao Yu yesterday, and then he went back soon. He also learned that his wife was slapped by Xiao Yu’s female guard and almost killed. Naturally, I was extremely angry. Today I saw the murderous murder in Xiao Yu’s eyes. If it wasn't for Wang Tianhu who had previously instructed him not to do anything, he had already directly killed Xiao Yu's residence.

Everyone entered the hall and sat down in accordance with the guest. Xiao Yu’s seat was naturally high, second only to Wang Tianhu’s theme. The next group of people chatted with each other, and no one came to take care of Xiao Yu, the Duke. Only a lot of people still look at Grom's body, and talk about where the rain is coming from the orc guards, and the eyes are full of envy.

They don't come to provoke Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu is too lazy to take care of them, a person sitting there quietly, wondering how to deal with the martyrdom of these people later.

It didn't take long for the feast to begin, and everyone began to raise their glasses and toasted each other. Some of them also gave Xiao Yu a toast, and Xiao Yu also politely replied.

After three rounds of wine, Wang Tianhu suddenly waved his hand and gestured to everyone to be quiet. Then he looked at Xiao Yu and smiled. "Everyone knows that today Wang is setting up a banquet here for my brother, the Imperial Lion Marshal. Xiao Yuxian, the sixth son of the first-class Duke Xiao Zhantian, took the wind and washed the dust, letting them sing a cup together to show Xiaoyuan Shuai’s reverence.

Wang Tianhu said this sentence, everyone has raised their cups, most of them are true. After all, Xiao Zhantian’s name is there, and if it is not a series of political conspiracy, he will not fall to the end.

People of this era always admire heroes, and Xiao Zhantian is undoubtedly the biggest hero closest to this era.

Xiao Yu looked at the eyes of these people, and he said in his heart: "It seems that the deceased old man I have never met, there is indeed a bit of skill."

After finishing this glass of wine, Wang Tianhu still looked at Xiao Yu and said: "Everyone knows that Xiao Xiong's life is a hero, but he is guilty of the lion's collar. It is a bad day, not a brother of Xiao, but now, the lion Under the leadership of Xiao Yuxian, the good life is prosperous, and the uncle wants to ask the sages to ask the law of governance."

When I heard Wang Tianhu’s words, Xiao Yu’s heart said: “Come.”

Immediately, Xiao Yu smiled and said: "Uncle Wang praised, how can Xiaoxiao compare with Uncle Wang? The territory of the Wang family is now millions of people, and the fields are good, my lion is a barren land, but It is by the mountains to eat the mountains and rely on the water to eat water, nothing to go into the mountains to hunt, dig mines, and make up for the days."

Wang Tianhu listened to Xiao Yu saying this, haha ​​smiled and said: "Yin Yin is too modest, the empire of the empire is countless, but can have the orc, and the lord of the elf guard, but has not seen it for a long time. You can With so many orcs and elves, what are the tips? Can you share them with you? Or I will spend money to buy some orcs around you."

When I heard Wang Tianhu say this, Xiao Yu smiled and said: "This can only be said to be geographical. The Lion King led the place to be remote. When the emperor was sealed, the entire Angola Mountains were sealed to my Xiao family. Barren, but the mountains are rich in resources, there are some World of Warcraft, trolls, orcs, elves. One day I went to the mountains to hunt and play, but unexpectedly met a powerful elf and a powerful orc, they Tell me that they are the gods of the elves and the orcs, because looking at my wise and martial arts, the future must be a generation of heroes, so I specifically asked them to lead their elves and orc tribes to help them survive in this world, so as not to fall. I When I saw the elves and the orcs, they were also powerful races. But now that they have not fallen to this place, they can’t bear it. They are embarrassed and promised their demands as the rulers of the elves and orcs."

Xiao Yu’s remarks are still the same. Anyway, you love or believe it or not. I just say that I have the ability to find other explanations.

If there is no other explanation, then it means that Laozi is the greatest hero of this era, the most wise king, you will honestly return, haha.

When I heard Xiao Yu say this, everyone is facing each other.

Xiao Yu’s words are absolutely very arbitrage, very pretentious, but now the aristocrats who can have the guards of the elves and the guards of the orcs are indeed gone.


The update is late, I am sorry everyone, these days there are too many things, the wallet is lost, the ID card is lost, the cards are gone, there is no money to pay the rent next month, and the money is borrowed everywhere. Thanks for the reward of the sword and the love.

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