Updated: 2012-04-28

The ninety-eighth chapter

After returning to the hand axe, a group of orcs once again stood on the **** again, standing stupidly, waiting for Xiao Yu to continue to give orders.

The cavalry commander's face was very ugly. He also knew Xiao Yu's classic duel in the Colosseum in Benghazi. However, he thought it was just a coincidence. He had three thousand cavalry. Can he still beat the other five orcs?

He wouldn't have thought of it anyway. This time the ambush turned out to be such a twist. First, the left and the right were not able to wait for people, and then it was hard to find. As a result, the first person died and so many people died. Moreover, there is currently no way to attack.

"To lead the adults, if we go on like this, we are afraid that it will be difficult to attack." Next to the commander, the adjutant could not help but say.

The commander said coldly: "What advice do you have?"

The adjutant looked at the obstacles in front and said: "Those obstacles have completely restricted the play of our cavalry. If we want to attack, we must give up the horses and attack with short weapons. Ten people are a small team, through our usual drills. The ten-man squadron attacked the orcs for short-armed squadrons. The flying axe they had just made was really powerful, but once we leaned on the shields, we used the obstacles to cover them and slowly killed them. The flying axe does not have such a big effect. Although the obstacles are a great hindrance to us, they can also provide them with cover. As long as they are close, their long-range weapons will not be able to play out. Well-made soldiers, are they still afraid of five hundred orcs in their area? The ten people we usually train are tactics, but they are specially designed to deal with powerful individual units like orcs and fighters."

After listening to the advice of this adjutant, the commander nodded. In fact, he also saw that the horse was completely useless here. However, if he wants to give up the horse, he is not willing to be reconciled. After all, they are cavalry.

However, they are also elite warriors, even if they are fighting, they are not afraid of anyone.

Even if they died just 500 people, there are still 2,500 people. The other party is just five hundred orcs. What are you afraid of?

Five hit one, but also beat the orcs?

They are not soldiers without organization, but they are usually well-trained. A team of ten people is composed of small squares to kill, and the most is the nemesis of this orc.

If there is time, he can take a delaying tactic to trap Xiao Yu here. After all, although Xiao Yu now occupies the topography, it is also an isolated terrain. If he has three tactics to block the way, block the way out, no Let them come out to purchase supplies, and they can be killed in the morning and evening.

But he did not know that if he adopted such a tactic, Xiao Yu could have many ways to deal with him.

Thus, the commander ordered everyone to dismount, then picked up the shield, the short sword, and prepared for melee. Those spears were prepared to throw and cause damage to the orcs.

You have flying axe, we also have spears.

Xiao Yu watched them all down, ready to fight, and immediately the eyes were quilted.

"Would you like to fight? I thought it would be fine. Prepare to drive."

The cavalry now became an infantry with a shield in the left hand, a spear in the right hand, and a short sword in the waist. Waiting for the right distance, you can throw a spear and then take the opportunity to charge and go for a close fight.

With the last experience, these infantrymen are scattered and not concentrated together, so as not to suffer the kind of extinction.

Moreover, they have chosen the location of the obstacles, ready to rush, and immediately find obstacles hidden, so that the other side of the flying axe can not find.

The obstacles were too big to withstand the charge of their horses, but they also provided good shelters.

The first echelon, already near the obstacle, began to charge, drilled under the obstacles, and then prepared to fight close.

However, at this time, when they thought that the beasts had to start throwing axe again, they found that they suddenly withdrew from both sides.

They gave a slight glimpse and didn't understand what the orcs were doing, but soon they found that the first row of orcs had evacuated, revealing a row of orcs holding a huge giant python, carrying five thick and long The arrow of the arrow is directed at them.

For a moment, their heart jerked a bit.

The next moment, these arrows screamed with a sharp whistling sound, like a strange bird's tweet, breaking through the sky.

Puff puff……

A burst of blood dance exploded, and many soldiers were directly shot into two halves by the thick long arrow, and then the arrow continued to penetrate, continuously penetrating several people before stopping.

In such a face-to-face, dozens of people are all killed, and the death is extremely terrible.

"Assault, rush up, cut off their arrows, otherwise we will die." At this time, a hundred people shouted loudly. His judgment is correct. The range of the rut is too far. If they run away, they will not be ran out and they will be penetrated.

Now, instead of rushing up quickly, the distance is closer, and it can effectively prevent the orcs from continuing to attack.

However, what they did not expect was that the orcs were firing much faster than they thought.

After the first row of orcs had finished shooting, they directly ran back from both sides with these huge squats, and the orcs in the second row had already taken huge crashes and shot them.

Puff puff……

Their shields simply could not withstand the powerful power of the brakes, and they went straight through the holes. Some of the soldiers hiding under the obstacles, the orcs did not care.

In fact, they did not aim at all. They just carried out a range-covered shot in accordance with Xiao Yu’s orders. They were able to shoot and shoot, and they couldn’t shoot them down. They quickly went back and continued to fill.

If it is a general brake, it is very troublesome to operate. It requires two people to push away. It is definitely not so flexible. However, if the orcs directly hold a huge downtime, they can easily switch positions and let the back up, front. Withdraw the arrow.

Xiao Yu set up five rows for each of them, and each row of ten brakes. After the first pai was shot, he immediately returned to the back to fill, then the second row followed up, the second row, and the third. The row is followed, and when the fourth pai is shot, the first row is basically filled.

With five slots, the accuracy of the shots is really not as high, but the coverage is very wide. Ten cars, all of a sudden, shot 50 arrows, and this kind of arrow can penetrate several as long as it hits.

"Ah...they still have, how are they so many cars?" The soldiers are now panicking one by one, either hiding under obstacles and not looking out, or quickly retreating from the range of the brakes.

Now, every soldier's psychological defense has collapsed again. The power of this giant fighter is much stronger than the shock of the flying axe.

Because the shooting speed is very fast, and the density is also very large, the soldiers who escaped are still pierced one after another, and when they leave the plane, they have already killed more than 500 people.

At this time, Xiao Yu ordered other orcs to rush down and kill all the soldiers hiding under the obstacles. If the people in the distance dared to support, they used the brakes to shoot.

As a result, the soldiers who were hiding under the obstacles were all killed again.

In the twinkling of an eye, only two waves of attack, the other party has already died more than a thousand people. They are only three thousand cavalry. If this continues, if there are two more waves, it will basically die.

The commander looked at the body of the land and wanted to cry without tears. Floating astronomy registered members recommend this work

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