World of Warcraft Murloc City Guide

Chapter 118 Tried and tested

After more than ten days of contact, the blackfin murloc Swart finally spoke up and chose to join the Ratchet murloc village.

Ratchet finally has a fish-man ambusher in the village, and his talent and expertise are pretty good.

[Name]: Swat

[Qualification]: C

[Level]: Level 2 Murloc Ambusher

[Race]: Black Fin Murloc

【Gender】: Male

[Ability]: Combat (Dagger 17/20)

[Experts]: Enhanced poison, low-light vision, learning ability

[Skills]: Stealth, ambush

One morning a few days later, the Colosseum in Ratchet Village was full of joy, and the circular stairs were filled with excited and shouting murlocs.

The fishmen's favorite entertainment is to watch bloody gladiatorial scenes.

Gladiators were driven into the arena to kill each other or engage in hand-to-hand combat with wild beasts, while the bloodthirsty murlocs derived a savage pleasure from the bloody sacrifices of the gladiators.

Yang Yi took two little murlocs, Benbolba and Mojimus, to sit on the "VIP" stage with the best view in the Ratchet Village Colosseum and watch the life-and-death duel being staged in the open space.

A blue slippery-shell lobster man is fighting a fierce battle with a red velociraptor. This lobster man's shrimp shell is thick and hard, but he is still underage after all. Under the sharp claws of the agile velociraptor, he can only Relying on two large shrimp claws to support him, the lobster man finally fell down due to exhaustion and was killed by the Velociraptor biting the head of the shrimp.

The bloody battle scene made every fishman watching the scene excited. Even Yang Yi found that he got a barbaric pleasure from the bloodshed and sacrifice of the lobsterman.

"Do I also have a bloodthirsty gene hidden in me? Or am I gradually becoming like a fish-man because I have been with the fish-men for a long time?" Yang Yi thought while applauding.

After a duel ended, several murlocs quickly ran forward to pull away the dead lobster man's body. Yang Yi and the murlocs were waiting for the new gladiators to come on stage, when a beach patrolling murloc ran over. .

"Village chief, the tauren are looking for you." The fishman patrolling the beach reported.

"What tauren? This lord is looking very excited. Just tell the tauren that the village chief is not free now." Yang Yi waved his hand and dismissed the beach patrolling murloc.

With the development of Ratchet Village, more and more people have recently come to ask for Yang Yi, the village leader, but it is usually trivial matters, and he does not have time to go there every time.

The beach patrolling fishmen retreated, and the next battle was the highlight of the day. This time it was a duel between two lobsterman gladiators.

None of the lobstermen enslaved in Ratchet Village had any combat training, so after the two lobsterman gladiators met, there was a direct physical collision.

The two tall lobster men wielded four large shrimp claws and launched fierce attacks at each other regardless of their own safety. This duel was about the physical strength of both sides.

Such a battle scene without tricks can make the fishmen's blood boil even more, and the arena is suddenly noisy.

This duel between the lobstermen ended with the two lobsterman gladiators dying together. Yang Yi clapped vigorously, and then the beach patrolling murlocs ran over again.

"What's wrong?" Yang Yi was impatient.

"Village chief, the tauren said his name is Tuga Rune Totem." The murloc patrolling the beach said tremblingly.

"Tuga? What did this tauren say?"

"Said he needed help."

Yang Yi was confused when he heard that the tauren Tujia came to ask for help, but he got up and left the Colosseum immediately.

After leaving the Colosseum, Yang Yi was shocked to realize that the direction the beach patrolling murlocs took him this time was not to the west of Ratchet Village, but to the east where there were few people.

Tuga is a tauren druid with a kind attitude. This tauren is not bad. During the last negotiation, he even took the initiative to give notes on identifying herbs to Ratchet Village.

When Yang Yi followed the beach patrol fishmen to the east gate of the village, he saw the tauren Tujia. The always gentle tauren looked very anxious at this time.

"Young head of Ratchet Murloc Village, we need your help now." Tuga immediately asked for help after seeing Yang Yi.

"What happened? How can the Fishman Village help?" Yang Yi asked.

The tauren Tuga quickly explained the reason for the matter. It turned out that not long ago, Tuga asked the Archdruid of Thunder Bluff for help and found the hiding place of the wild boar mystic who caused the blight plague. So the orc general Thok at the Crossroads hurriedly organized the orc soldiers at the Crossroads to launch a surprise attack on the largest steel-maned quilboar tribe in Thorn Ridge.

In the early hours of this morning, the orc soldiers entered the thorny jungle of the steel-maned wild boars and found a wild boar crypt. The orc general Sok led the orc warriors directly into the wild boar crypt to eradicate all the wild boar men.

The wild boar crypts extend in all directions like a maze, and the number of wild boar people in the cave is much more than Thok imagined. The orc soldiers fell one by one under the wild boar weapons. Thok and the orc soldiers were fighting in the dark. He was forced into a corner in a cave and had to fight with trapped animals.

Tuga, who had been fighting the Steelmane Wild Boars in the Thorn Jungle, quickly realized the situation of the orcs in the crypt, so he sent people to the crossroads for help. At the same time, he himself found the Rattooth Murloc Village closest to Thorn Ridge. .

"The orcs are trapped and come to the Murloc Village for help. But what can I do in this Murloc Village? Should I bring the fighting Murlocs to the rescue?"

Yang Yi quickly turned his brain, trying to find the best option for Ratchet Village.

The current Ratchet Murloc Village is just a newly rising small force in the Barrens. If it hadn't happened to be closest to Thorn Ridge, the tauren Tuga would never have thought of coming to ask for help from the Murlocs.

If the murlocs of Ratchet Village can rescue the orcs, the benefits that Ratchet Village will receive in the future will undoubtedly be huge. But now even the orcs are trapped by the wild boars. If the fishmen want to make a difference in this battle, they may have to pay huge casualties as the price.

"Should we go or not?" Yang Yi found that his brain was not enough. At this critical moment, others were flashing ideas and coming up with clever ideas, but the more he thought about it, the more entangled he became.

"Go, gather the fighting murlocs in the village, and bring all the lobsterman slaves who are taller than the murlocs." Yang Yi finally gave the order to the beach patrolling murlocs, and went to check the situation anyway. Say it again.

It was morning time at this time, and neither Old Blind Eye nor Brak was in the village. Yang Yi took a few murlocs to the Alchemy Mountain Col to find Slak immediately.

"Slak, the fighting murlocs in the murloc village are going out to fight. How many healing potions do you have here?" Yang Yi shouted as soon as he entered the Alchemy Mountain Col.

Silk was standing behind the alchemy table carefully refining potions. When he heard Yang Yi's shout, he slowly put down the crystal bottle in his hand.

"Village Chief, there are more than fifty bottles of [Elementary Healing Potion] and more than twenty bottles of [Intermediate Healing Potion] here." Silk said lightly.

"Fortunately, we have already stocked up. Go and get all these healing potions. You may need them today."

Yang Yi asked the murlocs who followed him to carry the alchemy potions where they were placed. Today's battle may cause a lot of casualties. Although these potions are valuable, they cannot be saved.

"Slark, after this lord takes the murlocs out, Ratchet Village will be under your care. There is a lack of fighting murlocs in the village during this period. You have to close the doors of the village and don't let anyone in." Yang Yi said. The task of looking after the house was given to Slack.

"Yes, village chief. Slark will guard Ratchet Village." Slark replied solemnly.

Alchemy potions were piled in a small cave, and several murlocs were busy carrying the healing potions. Yang Yi was afraid that these murlocs would break the crystal bottle clumsily, so he hurried over.

"The red ones are healing potions, and those of other colors are not." Yang Yi directed the fishman. At this time, he discovered that in addition to the healing potions, there were many crystal bottles containing light blue and viscous brown liquids in the warehouse. .

"Slak, are these brown things [Fire Oil]?" Yang Yi asked Slak.

"Yes, the brown one is [Fire Oil], and the blue one is [Swimming Potion]." Slark answered.

Oil of Fire is a level 3 alchemy product. It is an intermediate material for refining some alchemy potions and equipment. This is one of the three alchemy potions that Slak recommended to Yang Yi after he upgraded to level 2 alchemist.

Later, Ratchet Village issued an announcement and collected a lot of materials needed to refine the Oil of Fire. Because Slark had not used [Oil of Fire] to refine alchemy potions before, a lot of them were left in the warehouse.

"Okay, bring all these [Fire Oils] with you." Yang Yi had an idea and thought of using fire to attack.

Fire attack, this is probably one of the easiest war strategies to think of, and it is also one of the most common strategies in war.

Just because it's easy to think of doesn't mean that fire attack is a bad strategy. Just judging from the number of times it has been used, it can be seen that fire attack is a tried and tested best strategy.

By the time Yang Yi commanded the murlocs to carry the potion out of the Alchemy Mountain Col, the fighting murlocs in the village had also gathered. There were more than 200 strong fighting murlocs and more than 80 lobsterman slaves, and their momentum was not inferior to the others. clan soldiers.

The situation was urgent, Yang Yi took the fish and lobster slaves and set off quickly with the tauren Tujia.

Along the way, the murlocs and lobsterman slaves marched quickly, and the tauren Tuga transformed into an agile cheetah and led the murlocs forward.

"The Druid's transformation skills are so cool. It turns out that the tauren named Tuga used the Druid's cheetah form to travel. No wonder he rushed to Ratchet Village so quickly to ask for help." Yang Yi followed and transformed into a cheetah. After seeing the picture, I was amazed and envious.

Tuga ran very fast after transforming into a cheetah, but the murloc group could not keep up with his speed, so it was not until late at night that Tuga took the murlocs to the outside of the thorny jungle where the orcs were trapped by the steel-maned boars. .

"Inside?" Yang Yi pointed to the huge thorn jungle in front of him.

"It's here." Tauren Tujia nodded to confirm.

After getting Tujia's confirmation, Yang Yi looked over with his eagle eye. He wanted to save the orcs, but he didn't want to rush in with the murlocs rashly.

If nothing can be done, Yang Yi will directly take the fighting murlocs in the village back to the village to sleep.

Through the eagle eye technique, Yang Yi discovered that most of the thorns had withered and withered due to the side effects of the Blight Plague, but it still caused a headache. It was said that this was the territory of the largest tribe of the Steelmane Wild Boars in Thorn Ridge.

"It just so happens that the moisture in the thorn jungle was originally very humid and difficult to ignite. Now the residue left after the thick thorn vines wither are flammable."

The air in the barren land is dry, and the withered vines will dry out quickly. Yang Yi found that the thorn jungle, which was mostly withered at this time, was a good place to use fire attacks.

Yang Yi immediately directed the murlocs in the village to pour the flame oil everywhere. Now the wild boar people in the thorn jungle are surrounding the cave, and no one is guarding the outside.

Flame oil is extremely flammable.

Soon, red flames rose into the sky from the thorny jungle.

The flames quickly ignited the withered remains of thorns and the thick dead leaves on the ground. After dozens of breaths, the raging fire surrounded the wild boar people in the thorn jungle.

After the fire spread, the wild boar people in the thorn jungle immediately panicked, and for a while, the wild boar people's alarm howls came one after another.

After Yang Yi directed the fishmen to set the fire, they all retreated into the night.

In the light of the fire, Yang Yi discovered that there were countless wild boar figures in the thorn jungle. The murlocs from Ratchet Village would probably never return if they rushed in, so he immediately gave up the idea of ​​rushing into the thorn jungle.

"The fire has been set, and the fire is enough to hold back a large number of wild boar people. Ratchet Village can only help so much. The orcs trapped inside can just wish themselves well."

Yang Yi held his hands and prayed to the orc, which was his last effort.

There were countless withered remains of thorns and vines and thick dead branches and leaves in the thorn jungle. This fire was as difficult to extinguish as a forest fire in the hot summer. The raging flames burned for a whole night without being extinguished. sign.

Early the next morning, dark clouds suddenly filled the sky, and a sudden heavy rain fell on the barren land.

"I'll just go ahead. It's not that our murlocs in Ratchet Village won't help. This fire attack strategy has been tried and tested. But today I'm going to kill you, so you might as well just go with it."

Yang Yi watched helplessly as the downpour gradually extinguished the fire and washed away the ashes and stains on the ground.

The barren land may not see a drop of rain for several months, but at this time it rained heavily. This rain was unusual. .

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