World of Warcraft Murloc City Guide

Chapter 136 Clam Shell Shield

The Kokar Centaur fled. The fighting murlocs of Ratchet Village stopped their pursuit after hearing the sound of the horn. All the fighting murlocs returned to the west gate of the village.

After driving away the centaurs, the murlocs in Ratchet Village began to count the casualties, clean up the battlefield, and collect loot.

Kokar centaurs are good at making bows and arrows. Basically every centaur carries this longbow, so there are a lot of longbows collected on the battlefield. In addition to bows and arrows, the trophies harvested include the huge and heavy wooden clubs, axes, and spears commonly used by centaurs. The largest number of them are large spears suitable for the centaur's body structure.

"Lord, a total of eighty-five Kokar centaurs were killed and seventy-eight were captured. Forty-two fishmen and more than forty lobstermen were killed in the village." The old blind man reported to Yang Yi road.

"We still had an advantage against the centaurs, attacking from both front and back. I didn't expect so many murlocs to die. The centaur's longbow has a long range and is powerful. The murlocs in the village lacked enough armor, especially they didn't have large shields. "

Yang Yi nodded after listening to the old blind man's report. He was thinking about the configuration problems of the fighting murlocs in Ratchet Village.

The fighting murlocs without shield protection were at a huge disadvantage when facing enemies like centaurs who were good at bow and arrow attacks. Before the two sides even got close, the dense arrows fired at them had already caused heavy casualties to the murlocs.

“Although the Murlocs are not good at crossbows in terms of long-range attacks, they still have a certain talent for throwing. Perhaps they can form a specialized spear-throwing unit like the Troll Spear Throwers of the Darkspear Trolls of the tribe. "Yang Yi thought.

Yang Yi learned about the casualties in this battle and came to the side of the tauren Bain. "Thank you for your help. These centaurs are really difficult to deal with."

"It's just a little effort. You and the fishmen in your village helped rescue Jerick, and Bain hasn't repaid you yet." Bain put the halberd on the ground, and then he continued: "These centaurs will not give up here, sooner or later they will Will come again.”

"Even if the Kokal centaur comes again, our murlocs in Ratchet Village will beat them until they run away with their tails between their legs like today." Yang Yi said confidently.

"Well, your Ratchet Village is an unusual fish-man village, not to mention you, the mayor of the fish-man village who is even more unusual. Bain believes that you can do it." Bain said with a smile.

"Yes, Ratchet Village can do it. Let's go in and the murlocs will be sent to clean up the battlefield."

Yang Yi and Bain walked into the west gate of Ratchet Village side by side.

Adventurers usually stay here to the west of Ratchet Village. These adventurers hid after seeing the menacing Centaur brigade.

After the centaur escaped, the adventurers appeared one after another, and they were all talking excitedly about the battle just now.

A dozen adventurers emerged from a secret place outside Ratchet Village, including Ouyang, Mu Xiaolan and Ajie.

"It seems that the relationship between this murloc village and Bain Bloodhoof is very unusual. Bain Bloodhoof not only attacked the centaur camp with these murlocs at night, but also helped this murloc village deal with the centaurs." Mu. Xiaolan looked in the direction of Ratchet Village and said softly.

"The relationship is indeed extraordinary." Ouyang agreed.

"I heard that this fishman village is very willing to deal with us adventurers. Maybe we can come here to visit more often." Ajie suggested.

"Anyway, if you want to kill centaurs, why not use this murloc village as a resting place? At least it is much closer than going back to the crossroads. And the murlocs in this murloc village are indeed very different from the murlocs in other places." Ouyang said . He had been in contact with the murlocs of Ratchet Village very early on, so he was deeply impressed by this murloc village.

"Yeah." Mu Xiaolan nodded.


Yang Yi and Bain returned to Ratchet Village. As soon as he separated from Bain, he received news from the murlocs in the village that the construction of the Altar of Oath was completed.

It took a total of nine days to build the village's Level 3 Murloc Oath Altar, and it has only been completed now. The construction time alone is almost equal to the ten-day time limit for the construction task.

Yang Yi came to the beach. The Altar of Oaths was built on a deserted beach east of Ratchet City. Few people usually come here.

The murlocs in Ratchet Village are busy healing the injured combat murlocs or cleaning up the battlefield. Currently, there are only about twenty building murlocs responsible for construction on the beach here.

"Village Chief, is the battle between the murlocs and centaurs in the village over?"

Gulu, a level 4 construction worker, ran over immediately after seeing Yang Yi. He was accompanied by a murloc, who was a newly promoted level 3 construction worker in the village.

Because this murloc not only loves to sleep but also likes to snore, Yang Yi gave him a name - Hulu·Constructor after he was upgraded to an intermediate construction worker.

"It's over. Those centaurs were all beaten away by our fighting murlocs from Ratchet Village." Yang Yi announced loudly.

"The village chief is wise!"

"Long live the village chief!"

"The village chief is awesome!"

"Mula ga ga ga ga!"

Gulu and other construction murlocs cheered when they heard the news that the centaurs were beaten away in Ratchet Village. The murlocs directly beat away the invading centaur team, which was a big deal.

"Village chief, the fish-man sea oath altar has been built." Gulu cheered for a while before saying.

"Very good, Gulu, Hulu, and the murlocs who participated in the construction together. You have done a good job, and you will all be rewarded. Other murlocs must also work hard. As long as you become intermediate construction workers, I will do the same as Gulu and Hulu. Give you a name." Yang Yi said loudly to all the construction fish people.

"Long live the village chief! Mula ga ga ga ga!"

The construction murlocs cheered loudly again, but unfortunately these murlocs' vocabulary was too poor, and they could only repeat the same few sentences over and over again.

After another burst of cheers, Yang Yi asked the construction murlocs who had worked hard for nearly ten days to go back to the village to rest. He stepped forward to observe the newly built altar of each other's oaths.

The appearance of the Murloc Oath Altar is very different from the common Murloc buildings.

There is a row of five or six meter high wooden arches built with large square wooden blocks. These wooden arches are connected to form a large arc-shaped wooden array. Below the arc-shaped wooden array is a ground paved with flat stones. At the center of the arc-shaped wooden formation is a larger stone that is supported by three irregular boulders. The upper surface of the stone is as smooth as a knife and an axe. On top of it will be placed the sea. A place where sacrifices are made.

"This Altar of Oaths is quite well built. It is much better than the simple buildings with uniform murloc style in the murloc village. At least it looks distinctive." Yang Yi was very satisfied after seeing it.

"When the murlocs and Kokar centaurs in the village were fighting just now, they had completed the task of destroying the centaurs. You can choose rewards and continue the lottery."

Yang Yi chose [Building Map: Beach Patrol Murloc Training Camp (Village Level 3)] as a reward, and then he used a large disk to draw a lottery.

"The one I drew is [Building Map: Pier (Village Level 3)]. The mission is to keep two tauren..." Yang Yi looked at the mission on the scroll and couldn't help but want to curse. There was no need to look at the mission rewards below. .

Jerick Takayama will not talk about it for now, but Bain Bloodhoof is the son of Cain Bloodhoof, the tauren chief of Thunder Bluff. If he were in the human world, he would be a prince. Even if the fishman village chief married this family, It's impossible for a brother who paid homage to him to keep him.

"It's better to upgrade the dock. This is much more reliable." Yang Yi put the scroll away.

Yang Yi left the Altar of Oaths and walked along the beach towards the Pier of Ratchet Village.

There are two buildings built on the coast near Ratchet Village Pier. One is a long-established shipyard, and the other was just built. This is a water forging house used by the village's water forging masters.

Now the buildings in Ratchet Village are beginning to slowly approach the sea.

When Yang Yi passed the shipyard, he stood at the door and looked inside. A two-masted sailboat was docked in the shipyard.

This two-masted sailing ship was salvaged from the sea and sunk. The evil-finned murloc Mojitov and two undead gnolls in the shipyard were leading a group of murlocs to repair it.

Troll hunter Talley and his Snapjaw Turtle were also staying in the shipyard at this time. One person and one beast were watching the busy fishmen and the two undead gnolls with interest.

In order to salvage the sunken ship of Theramore humans from the deep sea, the murlocs of Ratchet Village spent a lot of effort. Yang Yi expected from the beginning that salvaging the sunken ship would not be easy, but he did not expect that the actual situation was much more difficult than he expected.

At the beginning, Ji Yangyi regarded a slightly damaged three-masted sailboat as a salvage target. Who knew that after spending a lot of effort, the fishmen of Ratchet Village still could not salvage the three-masted sailboat. So Yang Yi could only settle for the next best thing and chose a two-masted sailboat that was not too seriously damaged. It took Ratchet Village nearly a month to slowly tow the sunken two-masted sailboat to the village's shipyard.

People in the shipyard were busy. Yang Yi did not go in to disturb them. He went to the water forging room in front.

This water forging house was transformed from a level 3 fisherman hut in the village. The difference is that the water forging house's hut stands on the sea water. A wooden platform is directly connected to the hut from the shore. The bottom of the hut and the wooden platform looks like a dock. Many long wooden stakes were also laid.

When Yang Yi came to the water forging room, he saw Kagumoji and several small fishmen studying something. They did not stay in the hut on the sea, but gathered around the shallow water reef under the hut.

Kagumoji was a fish-man tidemaker when he came to Ratchet Village. This fish-man likes forging and has "forging armor" and "water element", two specialties suitable for water blacksmiths. After several months, After hard work, he finally became a level 1 water forger.

The water forging method is different from the common fire forging technology. Water forging relies on the impact of water pressure and water flow to change the shape of materials such as stone and metal. Law professionals who are proficient in water spells can use spells to manipulate flowing water and use materials such as stone and metal to build buildings or forge equipment.

Kagumoji is now demonstrating how to use the water forging method to several little murloc water forging apprentices. He placed a polished black stone on a rock exposed out of the sea, and his hands kept dancing. The hand glowed with white light.

Kagumochi used magic to guide the seawater, and the seawater formed a water column that impacted the surface of the black stone.

The water column of sea water continuously impacts the black stone, and the impacted parts of the stone slowly become smooth and dense at an undetectable speed. It takes a long time to completely water-forge a piece of stone equipment. Water-forging is a technique that tests your patience.

This time, Kagumoji was trying to demonstrate the principles of water forging to several small fishmen apprentices, so soon after, the sea water column dispersed, and several small fishmen were vying to see the black stones on the reef.

After Kagumoji demonstrated the water forging method, he found Yang Yi standing in the water forging room. He climbed up to the platform along a wooden pile in the sea.

"Village chief, you are here. Kagumoji heard that the fishmen in the village defeated the centaur." Kagumoji shouted happily.

"Yes, the centaur was defeated." Yang Yi nodded and said.

"That's great. Kagumoji knows that the centaurs are a tough race. The bows, arrows and spears they forge are very good weapons."

"Yes, centaurs are very powerful. Especially their longbows are very powerful. In this battle, many murlocs in the village were hit by centaur arrows and lost their lives."

"Village Chief, Kagumochi learned how to make a clam shell shield using water forging. This shield may be able to help the murlocs in the village withstand attacks from centaur bows and arrows."

Kagumoji ran to the water forging room and took out a clam shell shield. The size of this clam shell shield was similar to the standard shield commonly used by Theramore soldiers.

Yang Yi took the clam shell shield in his hand. He found that the clam shell shield was not light in weight, almost comparable to an iron shield of the same size.

"Is this clam shell shield forged from the shell of a hard-shell clam?" Yang Yi asked as he looked at the clam shell shield. He found that this clam shell shield forged by water forging basically retained the texture of the hard-shell clam. Original appearance.

"Yes, village chief, this is indeed forged from the shells of hard-shelled clams raised in the village's breeding farm."

"There are already several shellfish farms in the village that specialize in raising hard-shell clams. In this case, there will be enough sources of materials for mass production of these clam shell shields."

Yang Yi looked at it with the Lord's Eye and found that it was a level 1 ordinary quality shield.

"This kind of clam shell shield is very good. Kagu Moji, how long will it take you to forge how many of these clam shell shields?" Yang Yi asked immediately after seeing the clam shell shield.

"Village Chief, because the hard-shelled clam itself is very strong, Kagumochi can forge such a clam shell shield with water forging within ten days. The shell of the hard-shelled clam is not considered a high-quality material for water forging. It would be better if there was a turtle shell, but it would take more time," Kagumoji replied.

There is currently only one water blacksmith in Ratchet Village, Kagu Moji. The water blacksmith can use a useless sea clam shell to forge a level 1 ordinary quality shield. This kind of turning waste into treasure is already amazing.

Compared with traditional fire forging, the water satin method has an obvious disadvantage, that is, the water satin method is too time-consuming. It takes ten days to forge a level 1 ordinary quality shield. It is too slow. In this way, Kagumoji could only make more than 30 hard-shell clam shields in one year of non-stop work.

Yang Yi nodded after listening to what Kagumoji said. He knew that the advantage of water forging is that materials are easy to obtain, but water forging is like water milling and requires more time than ordinary forging.

"Kagumochi, there is a shortage of shields in the village now. We must forge more clam shell shields during this period. Also, you are the only water blacksmith in the village at the moment. You must teach these little fishman apprentices as soon as possible." Yang Yi explained.

"Don't worry, village chief, Kagumoji will definitely work hard." Kagumoji promised. .

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