World of Warcraft Murloc City Guide

Chapter 139 Spear Thrower

The little Naga drank a large gulp of acorn wine and immediately became drunk.

Yang Yi was dumbfounded. Now he could only wait for the little Naga to wake up.

Unexpectedly, the little Naga slept for three days and three nights without waking up. Yang Yi ran to the cave where the little Naga was imprisoned several times. He felt relieved when he saw that the little Naga had been breathing steadily.

These days, Yang Yi has been training at the Murloc Tidewalker Camp. Now the Murloc Tidewalker Camp is the highest-level building for training combat professionals in Ratchet Village.

The buildings of these combat professionals in Ratchet Village all have architectural functions. For example, the Murloc Beach Walker Camp has the effect of improving the success rate of the Murloc Beach Walkers in learning and comprehending skills. Yang Yi wants to make full use of the system's special effects to improve Training efficiency.

Shock wave!

The sea monster harpoon in Yang Yi's hand hit the ground diagonally, and a white blast rushed forward in a straight line. The shock wave traveled seven or eight meters before slowing down and dissipating.

"Huh~" Yang Yi breathed out.

"It's progressing pretty fast. At the beginning, the shock wave looked like a mist. Now it's much more noticeable, and the impact distance has also increased a lot."

Currently, Yang Yi's two major killing moves are the Murloc's special skill Sonic Spear obtained through a lottery and the shock wave learned from Bain Bloodhoof. Both of these skills are very powerful, especially suitable for large battlefields. used on.

The Sonic Spear fires a cone-shaped sound wave in the direction pointed by the pole weapon, while the Shock Wave sends a force field impact straight forward along the ground.

In terms of the killing range, the sonic spear has a wider range, and the shock wave has a longer distance; there is no limit on the attack direction of the sonic spear. It can be fired in the direction the weapon points, but the shock wave can only be fired along the feet and in front.

"It's a pity that I couldn't learn War Stomp from Bain. The group stun effect of War Stomp combined with area-of-effect killing skills such as Sonic Spear is a perfect match for charging into battle and harvesting lives on the battlefield. War Stomp is a racial skill of the Tauren, Fish It is difficult for people to learn, but it is also very good to master the shock wave skill. Sonic Spear and Shock Wave are both range-killing skills. These types of large-scale destructive attacks are most needed on the battlefield. Both skills still have their own characteristics. Practice hard."

Yang Yi rested for a while and practiced the two skills several times, and then put away the harpoon.

Today is the day of the maiden voyage of Ratchet One, the first sailing ship in Ratchet Village. As the village leader, he is going to the dock to preside over the maiden voyage ceremony.

Yang Yi rode on the turtle mount and took two little fishmen, Ben Bolba and Mojimus, with him. Surrounded by a group of fishmen, they headed towards the dock in a swaggering manner.

Ratchet One is docked at the dock. A sky-blue flag is flying on the sail of this two-masted sailboat. On the flag is a milky white clam shell shield and two crossed harpoons. This will later represent Ratchet. The flag of the Murloc Village's identity.

"The fishmen in the village are very good at craftsmanship." Yang Yi was very satisfied with this flag.

The craftsmanship of the fish people has always been good, and making a flag is no problem.

Recently, Ratchet Village is preparing to build a large-scale murloc handicraft workshop. This workshop will specialize in producing murloc handicrafts for external sales. In particular, the village has accumulated a lot of pearls. If these pearls are made into jewelry and sold, the price is much higher than selling the pearls directly.

"Village Chief, Ratchet One is ready, please give us instructions." The fishman Mojitov reported to the leader in a decent manner. His sailing technology was learned from the humans in Gilneas, and he was influenced by it. I also learned a lot about human behavior.

Mojitov is now the captain of Ratchet One. He is accompanied by the troll Talley and two undead gnolls, and behind them there are thirty murlocs.

These thirty murlocs are the sailors of Ratchet One. These murloc sailors are mainly composed of beach patrolling murlocs, and ten of them are combat professionals. In addition to being responsible for sailing the sailboat, they are also responsible for protecting the sailboat. Safe mission.

"Yes." Yang Yi nodded, "Get ready to set sail!"

"Yes, village chief!" Mojitov stood up straight and shouted loudly, saluting at the same time.

Mojitov took the crew aboard Ratchet One, and the maiden voyage ceremony ended simply like that.

Amidst the cheers of many fishmen on the coast, Ratchet One slowly set sail, and the two-masted sailing ship slowly left the dock.

"The captain is a murloc, the first mate and second mate are undead gnolls, the navigator is a troll, and there are thirty murloc sailors. The crew combination of Ratchet One is quite strange. If other ships are at sea I will definitely be shocked when I encounter Ratchet One." Yang Yi couldn't help but think as he watched Ratchet One leaving the dock.

Ratchet One set sail smoothly and gradually moved away. Yang Yi asked the fishmen gathered at the dock to disperse, and then he returned to the village to continue training.

"The construction of the village's level 3 pier is completed. Complete the task of building a completion-level pier within 10 days, and the reward is: a lottery opportunity."

The task completion prompt sounds, and a task is completed.

"This construction task was completed very quickly. Upgrading to the village's level 3 dock requires a level 3 construction worker. There are currently two level 3 murloc construction workers in Ratchet Village. It is very simple to complete this construction task."

Yang Yi, who was training, put the harpoon on the weapon rack, and he immediately entered the mysterious space of the lottery.

The task on the scroll in the last lottery was to retain two tauren. Faced with this unreliable task, Yang Yi could only choose to complete the hidden construction task, so this time he had no chance to choose the task reward.

"Start the lottery."

The black pointer on the large disk appeared and began to rotate.

Yang Yi's eyes were fixed on the black pointer that was constantly slowing down. He had seen many lottery scenes like this, but he still couldn't help but feel nervous and expectant every time the lottery was drawn.

Finally, the black pointer stopped in area one.

"The construction drawings of the Village Level 3 Murloc Beach Walker Camp! Good, good. What is the mission this time? Leave the little Naga behind!? Is this little Naga an awesome talent?"

The blueprint of the village's Level 3 Murloc Beachwalker camp is what Ratchet City needs. As for whether the little naga can be left behind, we have to try and find out.

Yang Yi has been keeping statistics on the training success rates of various training buildings in Ratchet Village.

Among these training buildings, the training at the Murloc Hunter and Beach Patrolling Murloc Training Camps is undoubtedly the easiest for Murlocs to succeed. After that, the Murlocs in the village have the highest chance of advancement after training at the Murloc Beach Walker Camp. Therefore, now in the village The most common fighting profession of murlocs is the murloc beachwalker.

The Murloc Beachwalker is a warrior profession of the Murloc tribe. This profession does not have high requirements on the talent and expertise of the Murlocs. As long as the physically strong Murlocs undergo sufficient training, they can advance.

The Murloc Tidewalker camp is different. To successfully advance to become a Murloc Tidewalker, a Murloc usually needs to have some throwing or animal-related expertise. Although such expertise is not uncommon, it also greatly affects the number of Murloc Tidewalkers in Ratchet Village.

Ratchet Village also has two buildings for training Murloc Tidecallers and Murloc Ambushers. They are used to train the Murloc Mage profession and the Murloc Rogue (thief) profession respectively, but so far the village has been able to advance to these two professions. There are still only a handful of professional fishmen.

Yang Yi has now determined that it is basically impossible to form an army of murloc mages or murloc thieves to fight on the battlefield in the world of Azeroth. These two professions can only exist as small-scale special forces.

"Obviously, the main force of the battle in Ratchet Village so far is still the murloc militia of the murloc tribe - the beach patrolling murlocs. However, in the future, the murloc warrior profession of the murloc beach walker will slowly replace the beach patrolling murlocs on the battlefield. "So how will the Murloc Tide Walkers be arranged on the battlefield in the future? They can't be mixed with the Murloc Beach Walkers like they are now." Yang Yi thought about how to make reasonable use of the characteristics of each profession and arrange different battlefield tasks for them.

"Most of the people in the village who have learned throwing skills are Murloc Tidewalkers. Why not gather all these Murloc Beachwalkers together to form a brigade of Murloc Spear Throwers. The Darkspear Troll Spear Thrower unit in the tribal camp is very famous. The spears they throw are weapons for harvesting lives on the battlefield."

Yang Yi has long wanted to form a team of murlocs with long-range attack capabilities like centaurs, but currently only a small number of murloc hunters in the village who were trained from the hunter camp are good at using bows and crossbows, and the other murlocs are not. Use a crossbow. However, throwing weapons is a fighting method that the murlocs are good at, especially the murloc tidewalkers, so Yang Yi decided to imitate the dark spear trolls and form a murloc spear throwing unit.

Yang Yi immediately took action after thinking about it. He asked Old Blind Eye to gather all the murloc tidewalkers in the village, and asked the murloc tidewalkers who had learned the throwing skills to start training collective spear throwing in a group of ten people, while those who had not yet learned the throwing skills Others are doing specialized throwing training on one side.

The murloc spear thrower unit began to be formed, and the construction of murloc shield soldiers was also about to begin. Yang Yi asked the murloc beach walkers to serve as murloc shield soldiers.

Ratchet Village suffered a lot from the strong bow of the Kokar centaur last time, and the matter of forming a murloc shield brigade has always been in Yang Yi's mind.

Currently, there are not many shield equipment in Ratchet Village. Except for some purchased in the early stage, the others are the shields of Theramore soldiers captured from the Murloc Village in the Canyon. Therefore, currently only some Murloc Beach Walkers can temporarily hold wooden planks or Large clam shells act as shields for training.

"Training soldiers is not an easy task. There are no fish-men talents in this field in the village."

Yang Yi looked at the two teams of Murloc Spear Throwers and Murloc Shield Soldiers that had been formed, and he began to worry about how to train these two teams effectively. After all, he didn't know much about it himself.

Yang Yi and the old blind man were discussing the methods of training soldiers from other races in the world of Azeroth. At this time, three beach patrolling murlocs came running from the direction of the beach.

"Village chief, a lobster man was found in Ratchet Bay." The fish man patrolling the beach reported hurriedly.

"Lobster Man, did the fishmen in the village fight with them? Are there any casualties?" Yang Yi asked quickly.

"There's no fight, the lobstermen are hiding from us." The beach patrolling fishman returned.

"Oh? How many lobster people are there?" Yang Yi was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the lobster people would avoid the fish people.

The three murlocs patrolling the beach each made a gesture with their hands.

Yang Yi already knew these fishmen very well. When he saw the fishmen patrolling the beach, he roughly guessed that there were about ten lobstermen entering Ratchet Bay.

"Where are these lobster people in Ratchet Bay now? What did they do after coming to the bay?" Yang Yi asked again.

"The lobster man is walking on the beach toward the coast, not doing anything." The fish man patrolling the beach replied.

"Old Blind Eye, assemble a team of fighting fishmen. Regardless of the purpose of these lobstermen coming to Ratchet Bay, we must drive them out anyway." Yang Yi ordered.

Since the murlocs of Ratchet Village destroyed the murloc village in the canyon, the waters of Ratchet Bay have basically become the territory of the murlocs of Ratchet Village.

Although Ratchet Village cannot yet completely control Ratchet Bay, hostile fish-men races such as lobstermen will never be allowed to enter this area and move around at will.

The team was assembled, with a total of sixty fighting fishmen in the two squadrons.

"Set off!"

Yang Yi asked the old blind man to stay and look after his family. He took Brak and set off with two squadrons of fighting fishmen.

After marching quickly along the Merchant Coast, Yang Yi saw the lobster people, a group of slippery-shell lobster people, after half a day.

"There are only nine in total. Brack, lead the fishmen to rush over and try to catch a few alive." Yang Yi used the eagle eye technique to observe the situation of the lobster men and then handed the battle over to Brack.

"Yes, village chief!" Brak replied excitedly.


Brak picked up his spear and rushed over immediately.

"Wow, wow, wow, wow..."

Other fighting fishmen also rushed over after Brak.

When the Slippery Shell Lobstermen saw the large number of fishmen rushing towards them, they immediately ran away in panic into the sea.

Lobstermen are huge, and due to their weight, they cannot outrun the fishmen on land, but once in the water, their huge shrimp tails can be used when swimming.

Brak's running speed is very fast. Some time ago, he went hunting in Thorn Ridge with the adventurers of the Knights of the Holy Sword. The adventurous adventurers even gave him the title of "Running Brak".

Brak caught up with the escaping lobster man. He threw a fish-man net and accurately covered a lobster man. The running lobster man was caught by the fish-man net and fell heavily to the ground.

Brak sprinted past the fallen lobster man. He quickly caught up with a lobster man who fell behind. He waved the spear in his hand and used a muscle-breaking skill.

[Breaking Tendon] is a skill of the warrior profession. The function of this skill is to injure the enemy's legs and feet, so the lobster man with injured legs and feet will immediately slow down.

Brak left a total of four lobstermen behind, and the remaining lobstermen all fled into the sea.

The fighting fishmen behind them arrived, and they surrounded the four lobstermen.

The lobster man trapped in the fish-man net quickly used his large shrimp claws to cut off the aquatic plant net on the ground. The four lobster men gathered together. They knew that there was no room for negotiation when facing the fish-man.

The lobster man has great strength, and a pair of large shrimp claws is a murderous weapon. The fish man keeps a distance from them.

"Cast the net!"

Brak commanded the fishmen.

The fishman net, which was more than ten feet long, covered the four lobstermen, and immediately trapped them all.

"Throw a spear!"

Brak shouted again.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

Thirty or forty spears were thrown at the trapped Dun Lobster people one after another.

Although the lobster men were trapped, the shrimp shells on their bodies were very hard, especially those on their backs and tails.

At the critical moment, all four lobstermen curled up and turned into a big shrimp ball, using their backs and tail shells to protect their bodies.

Most of the spears thrown by the fishmen hit the back and tail shells of the lobstermen, leaving only a deep or shallow white mark on their shrimp shells. Occasionally, a few spears successfully penetrated the lobstermen's shells. But the shrimp shells didn't penetrate much deep.


Brak knew that throwing a spear at this time would be difficult to achieve, so he rushed over with the fighting fishmen.

The four trapped lobstermen resisted stubbornly. After injuring two fishmen, they were all beaten to death and became prisoners.

Yang Yi saw the situation of the battle in his eyes, especially the injuries of the two fishmen, which made him think deeply.

"The murlocs are indeed at a natural disadvantage when facing the lobstermen, especially in close combat. The lobstermen are naturally powerful armored warriors. The murlocs should find ways to reduce the number of conflicts with the lobstermen. It’s really difficult to engage in melee combat, but the lobsterman’s shrimp shell is very resistant to long-range attack by the crossbowmen and spear throwers.”

The four captured lobster men were brought to Yang Yi. Although their shrimp shells were thick, they were now turned into four rotten shrimp shells under the brutal attacks of a large group of fish men.

"Tell me! Where are you from? What are you doing here?" Yang Yi asked the nearest lobster man.

"Humph." The lobster man turned his head and said nothing.

"Kill him." Yang Yi ordered.


Brak's spear pierced the lobster man's shrimp head, and the lobster man fell to the ground dead.

"Are you going to tell me?" Yang Yi asked another lobster man.

The lobster man was frightened and hesitated.

"Kill." Yang Yi ordered again.

Brak raised his hand and solved another lobster man.

"I said, I said."

The remaining two lobster men were heartbroken and immediately told the truth.

It turns out that these lobstermen are from a tribe of slippery lobstermen not far outside Ratchet Bay. They came to Ratchet Bay this time to find a little naga that was taken away by the fishmen.

After listening to the words of the two lobster men, Yang Yi realized that their target was the little naga. It seemed that this little naga had some secret hidden in him.

"Take these two lobster men back and send more fish men to patrol the bay. If you find the lobster men appear again, report back immediately." Yang Yi gave the final order. .

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