World of Warcraft Murloc City Guide

Chapter 160 Warrior Island

After Yang Yi learned that a South China Sea pirate group was stationed on Warrior Island, he immediately organized the fishmen in Ratchet Town to prepare for an active attack.

Yang Yi mounted the turtle mount and rushed to Warrior Island with 300 fighting murlocs.

The location of Warrior Island is outside the entrance of Ratchet Bay, close to the direction of the Dread Bay of the Blackfin Murlocs.

If Yang Yi rode a turtle mount alone, he would be able to get there in less than a day, but it would take a fishman three or four days to swim there.

Three days later, Yang Yi led the fishmen to the vicinity of Warrior Island.

Yang Yi followed suit. He learned from the tactics used by the blackfin murlocs last time. He asked all the murlocs to lurk in the seawater, and then he quietly emerged from the water to observe the situation on Warrior Island.

Warrior Island is a large island with a radius of 20 to 30 kilometers. There were originally scattered human buildings on the island.

The last time the people from Rumeng Guild lured the murlocs to the island, they set a fire and burned the murloc team led by the black-finned murloc to the point where they fled in defeat. They also burned down all the buildings and trees on the island.

Yang Yi used his eagle eye to look over. Many tents were set up on the high ground on the island. Wisps of white smoke rose from the island. It seemed that someone was lighting a fire for cooking.

There are two sailboats docked on the coast of the island, with pirate skull and crossbones flags flying on them. One of the two ships was a brig, and the other, a larger tonnage, was a barque.

"It seems that the only three-masted sailing ship is the 'Heartless' as the pirate prisoners called it. This is the ship of Balon Longshore."

These South China Sea pirates were very cautious. There were pirates standing guard on the masts of the pirate ships. After Yang Yi inspected the situation, he quickly dived into the seabed.

"The information we got from the pirate prisoners is that there are three pirate ships left. Only two ships are parked on Warrior Island. Where did the other one go?"

"But it doesn't matter if the other pirate ship isn't here, we'll find a way to capture the two remaining ships first. It's a pity that these ships were damaged. We need to capture them intact."

Yang Yi brought the murlocs here with the purpose of seizing the ship in addition to taking a preemptive strike.

When the pirate ship was sailing at sea, it was difficult for the murlocs to attack the ship. Now that the pirate ship is docked on the shore and most of the pirates have disembarked to rest, it is easier to succeed.

It was not easy for the murlocs to approach the pirate ship during the day, so Yang Yi decided to start the operation at night, so that the murlocs' night vision abilities could be fully utilized in the dark.

Yang Yi dived into the deep sea with other fishmen, and he patiently waited for the night to fall.

Before the fishmen could launch an attack to seize the ship, when dusk came, a ship sailed towards Warrior Island from a distance.

"Boss, there are three ships coming up." Mojimus reported to Yang Yi.

Yang Yi, who was hiding in the dark deep sea, looked up and saw three long black shadows moving on the white sea. Sure enough, there were three ships coming.

"There should only be one pirate ship that left, so why are three pirate ships coming back?"

Yang Yi was confused. He asked the fishman to stay still and swam to the sea again alone.

When Yang Yi swam to the sea, all three ships had docked. He noticed at a glance that two of the ships had unusual shapes. The flags hanging on these two ships had been lowered deliberately.

"These two ships don't look like pirate ships, and they look very familiar." Yang Yi was even more confused, but he couldn't remember where he had seen these two ships.

After the ship docked, the people on the ship began to disembark, and a large group of pirates cheered and landed on land.

Yang Yi carefully observed that there were about fifty or sixty pirates disembarking from the pirate ship that had just returned. According to the information Yang Yi had previously received from pirate prisoners, the pirate group currently has three ships and more than 200 pirates left. In other words, there are probably nearly a hundred pirates on each pirate ship, so there are less than forty pirates left guarding the ship.

In addition to the pirate who came back, several people got off the other two ships, including several goblins and a human. After they got off the ship, they were led by the pirates towards the high ground where the tents were set up on Warrior Island.

"Aren't these the goblin shipowner Grimby and the adventurer Luo Wansan who often do business with Ratchet Town? It turns out that they also have dealings with South Sea pirates. No wonder these two ships look so familiar."

Yang Yi recognized him. He turned out to be an old acquaintance.

This goblin ship owner is a mercenary businessman. His merchant ship mainly sells metal ores. Sometimes he also engages in slave trading. They brought the kobold slaves in Ratchet Town.

Yang Yi kept staring at the goblin captain and the others. He found that these people were taken by the pirates to the largest tent on the high ground.

Soon after, adventurer Luo Wansan came out of the big tent.

A group of pirates escorted a large group of bound ogres onto the merchant ship of the goblin captain. Luo Wansan inspected the ogres while directing the sailors on the merchant ship to continuously move boxes of goods.

"It seems that this big tent is probably where the leader of the pirate group, Baron Longshore, stays."

After Yang Yi found out the situation, he dived into the deep sea again. It was not the time to take action yet.

Under the deep sea, Yang Yi arranged for fishmen to keep an eye on the situation on the sea surface.

The sky gradually darkened, and the light on the sea became increasingly dim. The two goblin merchant ships sailed away from Warrior Island in the night.

Yang Yi did not let the murlocs attack the leaving goblin merchant ships. After dark, he led the murlocs slowly closer to the sea. He was still waiting for the opportunity to take action.

"Wait until the second half of the night, when most of the pirates should be asleep. That's the best time to take action." Yang Yi waited patiently.

Under the darkness of night, there was silence on Warrior Island, with only a few campfires beating in the darkness.

"Wow la la..."

"Wow, wow, wow..."

Suddenly, a strange scream came from a distance, instantly breaking the tranquility of the night.

"It's a fish-man's cry. Where did the fish-man come from?"

"Not our Murlocs from Ratchet Town, our Murlocs are all here."

Yang Yi was surprised to find that a group of fishmen of unknown origin landed on the coast at the other end of Warrior Island. They screamed strangely and launched a surprise attack on the South China Sea pirates on the island.

Yang Yi used the eagle eye technique. The eagle eye technique and the fishman's night vision ability allowed him to vaguely see what was happening on Warrior Island.

A large group of murlocs rushed to Warrior Island, and at this time, the pirate tents had already been invaded by murlocs holding short blades. These murlocs seemed to have sneaked onto Warrior Island early in the morning, and were now killing the pirates who woke up from their sleep. , judging from their appearance, these murlocs should be murloc ambushers from the Blackfin Clan.

This was a premeditated raid.

A murloc figure holding a long-handled staff appeared on the beach. This murloc did not rush forward, but stood in the distance and directed the murlocs to fight.

Yang Yi was familiar with the figure of this murloc mage. He was the hidden leader of the Blackfin clan - Thief Eye, a level 5 murloc tidemaker.

There was chaos on Warrior Island. The pirates who stayed on the pirate ship were also alerted and found that an enemy was attacking. Many pirates rushed to support with weapons raised.

"Although these pirates were awakened, more than half of the people left on the ship were reduced. Unexpectedly, those fishmen did a good thing. Why didn't I think of this plan to lure Hu Lishan?" Yang Yi was overjoyed.

Most of the pirates who stayed behind on the pirate ship landed to support them. This was a God-given opportunity. Yang Yi quickly directed the murlocs from Ratchet Town to sneak towards the pirate ship.

"Again, no one should scream. Try to catch as many alive as possible, and let these pirates sail the ship."

Under the command of Yang Yi, it was rare that the murlocs in Ratchet Town did not let out the strange murloc cry of "wha la la" before the war started.

A few months ago, it was extremely difficult for the Ratchet Murlocs not to scream strangely before the war started. Now these fighting Murlocs in Ratchet Town have undergone long-term training, and at least they can obey orders. Keep quiet before the war.

There were only a few dozen pirates left on the three pirate ships, and these pirates were all greedy for life and afraid of death.

Three hundred murlocs swarmed forward. The pirates saw that there was basically no resistance. All the pirates on the deck abandoned the ship and fled to the island. They rested in the cabin and became prisoners of the murlocs.

The three pirate ships were easily captured by the murlocs of Ratchet Town.

"Immediately take the ship to the sea and tell the pirate prisoners that as long as they are willing to cooperate, they can be spared their lives. Anyone who disobeys will be killed and thrown into the sea to feed the fish." Yang Yi announced loudly to everyone.

The fishmen never showed mercy, and those pirates who dared to resist or disobey were immediately cut into pieces and thrown into the sea.

These pirates are all desperadoes, and most of them are people who are unjust for profit. The remaining pirates saw that their lives were in the hands of the fishmen, and they immediately chose to obey the orders of the fishmen.

Yang Yi had planned to seize the ship early on, so he brought all the murloc sailors in the town for this operation. With the joint efforts of the murloc sailors and pirate captives, the three pirate ships set sail in the night.

The pirates on Warrior Island soon realized something was wrong, and they quickly divided a group of pirates and rushed towards the pirate ship.

The pirate ship gradually sailed away from the coast of Warrior Island and onto the sea.

Yang Yi stood on the bow of the Wuxin. He smiled and looked at the pirates hurriedly coming over.

The pirate ship has arrived on the sea, and some pirates jumped into the sea to take back the pirate ship. When the pirates who entered the water discovered that it was a group of murlocs who had seized the pirate ship, they were immediately stunned and fled back to the coast one by one.

"I really didn't expect that this operation went so smoothly. These three pirate ships were just gifts. I should really thank these South China Sea pirates and those black-finned murlocs." Yang Yi said with a smile, those black-finned murlocs are really It was a big help, otherwise this operation would not have gone so smoothly.

The three pirate ships began to slowly turn around and sail towards Ratchet Bay. Although the sailing speed was a little slower due to the lack of sailors, this was only a minor problem.

The pirate ship has moved away from Warrior Island. It is now ruled by fishmen and there is no need to worry about the pirates on the island.

Yang Yi was enjoying the sea breeze comfortably on the Wuxin, a three-masted sailboat that was the flagship of the pirate group.

"With these pirate ships in Ratchet Town, they can form a fleet, and it is also a battle fleet with artillery. Unfortunately, this ship is also made of low-grade spruce wood. It seems that these pirates also Not doing well."

With this fleet, the fishmen of Ratchet Town can go further.

"Although there are risks in big voyages, it is also a matter of making a lot of money. As a murloc, it would be a waste if we don't develop the sea properly." Yang Yi longed for the Ratchet murlocs' ships to spread all over Ai Ze Russ all over the world, and then have a bright future with abundant wealth.

Suddenly, the fishmen on the outermost pirate ship suddenly became chaotic.

Several fishmen ran out of the cabin and shouted loudly towards the Wuxin where Yang Yi was: "Mayor, there is something under the boat, they are attacking the bottom of the boat."

Before the fishman's shout could be heard, the pirate ship began to shake violently. During the shaking, the pirate ship tilted rapidly, and the stern of the ship sank first.

"There are fishmen under the boat!"

"It's the murlocs of the Blackfin clan, they're building the boat."

"There are dozens of blackfin murlocs in the water."

The murlocs shouted this, and they soon discovered a group of blackfin murlocs under the boat.

"Go into the water and kill those blackfin murlocs." Yang Yi ordered. These dozens of blackfin murlocs actually wanted to pull out their teeth. They were desperate for their lives.

Following Yang Yi's order, there was a loud "plop" sound on the sea surface, and the murlocs in Ratchet Town jumped into the sea one after another.

"These blackfin murlocs took the initiative to go ashore to attack the pirates in the South China Sea. They sent murloc ambushers to the island from the beginning. It seemed premeditated, and I don't know what they were doing. Was it also to seize the pirate ship? No. I heard that the blackfin murlocs can also sail boats.”

Yang Yi didn't quite understand. These blackfin murlocs certainly weren't attacking pirates to do harm to the people or to collect rewards. However, the way the blackfin murlocs attacked the pirate ships as soon as they arrived didn't look like they were here to seize the pirate ship.

Murlocs have never been a brave and fearless fighting race. The forty or so blackfin murlocs who sabotaged ships in the sea immediately scattered and fled when they saw the number of murlocs several times their own jumping off the pirate ship.

The blackfin murlocs who attacked the bottom of the ship ran away. The pirate ship with a large hole drilled in the bottom could not be rescued, and the pirate ship slowly tilted down.

Under the pursuit of the Ratchet Town murlocs, twelve blackfin murlocs were captured alive, and they were taken to the Wuxin.

Yang Yi looked over with the eyes of a lord. As expected, these murlocs who came to build the ship were all murlocs from the Blackfin clan.

"Tell me, what are you doing here at Warrior Island? Why did you attack those pirates?" Yang Yi's eyes swept back and forth over the dozen blackfin murlocs before he asked.

"have no idea."

"The patriarch asked us to come."



These blackfin murlocs talked to each other, but none of them could answer Yang Yi's question. The IQ of ordinary murlocs was just like this.

Yang Yi didn't say anything. He walked directly to a black-finned murloc.

Through the eyes of the lord, Yang Yi has discovered that most of these murlocs are just the most ordinary murlocs. Among them, there are only two murloc hunters and beach patrolling murlocs. Only the black-finned murloc in front of him is a level 1 The fish-man beachwalker, this fish-man has remained silent from the beginning.

Combat professionals account for almost half of the fighting murlocs in Ratchet Town. This situation is unique among the murlocs. A proportion like the blackfin murlocs is normal.

"Do you know something?" Yang Yi looked at the blackfin murloc coldly.

"..." The fish man raised his head, but after a moment of hesitation, he did not answer Yang Yi's question.

"If you don't want to speak now, we have plenty of ways to make you speak." Yang Yi threatened.

"I said, the clan leader asked us to grab the explosives." The murloc tribe does not have a high sense of racial honor. Under the threat, the blackfin murloc only hesitated for a few seconds before telling the truth.

"What are you doing grabbing explosives?" Yang Yi asked.

The blackfin murloc shook his head. He didn't know why the clan leader wanted to grab the explosives.

"Take these blackfin murlocs down and find a place to lock them up in the cabin." After Yang Yi understood the situation, he asked the murlocs to take these blackfin murlocs away.

The blackfin murloc was taken away, and then Mojimus ran out of the cabin: "Boss, a secret room was found in the cabin, and two people were detained in it."

"There is a secret room on the Wuxin. Who is locked up in the secret room?" Yang Yi asked.

"It's a human and a tauren, and we also found this thing at the same time." Mojimus handed a red mask to Yang Yi.

Yang Yi took the mask and looked at it with the Lord's Eye, and found that it was a [red silk mask].

"There's nothing special about the name. It seems like I've heard of it somewhere. However, the mask covers most of the face. It doesn't seem to be used by upright people, but it is often worn by thieves and robbers."

Not long after, a little human girl and a tall tauren with a black mane were escorted to the deck by several fishmen.

Yang Yi took a look and found that the little human girl was probably in her early ten years. The black tauren was very strong and tall, a rare tall and strong type even among tauren.

The tauren's whole body was tightly tied up with hemp ropes, and he stared at his two big copper bell-like eyes.

"What are your names? Why were you imprisoned on the ship by pirates?" Yang Yi asked.

The tauren snorted twice, and white air came out of his big nostrils. It was obvious that he did not intend to answer.

The little girl had black hair. Her eyes looked at Yang Yi, the fish-man, and she didn't seem to be afraid. Her mouth was tightly closed stubbornly.

Yang Yi chuckled. He had a way to know the answer without answering. He used the Lord's Eye on the two of them.

[Name]: Mr. Punch

[Level]: Level 4 Tauren Warrior

[Race]: Tauren

【Gender】: Male


【Name】: Vanessa VanCleef

[Level]: Level 1 human

[Race]: Human

[Gender]: Female

"Vanessa Van Cleef? Could it be related to Van Cleef, the leader of the Defias Brotherhood?"

Yang Yi remembered that he had heard someone mention it on the forum, saying that it was a gang of gangsters who mainly operated near Stormwind City in the Eastern Kingdom.

"Yes! I heard that people in this organization usually wear red masks. This [red silk mask] must be their identity symbol. But how did they come to the continent of Kalimdor from the Eastern Kingdom? And they were also The pirates are locked up."

The Defias Brotherhood is actually an armed rebel army composed of migrant workers. They rebuilt the current Stormwind City. When the Stormwind City officials defaulted on project payments, these migrant workers fought for the mob. It is no secret that all members of the Defias Brotherhood wear a red mask, which they regard as a symbol of unity. .

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