Seeing that others got the aircraft blueprints, but what he grabbed was the fireworks launcher, Yang Yi almost cried.

However, Yang Yi had no more time to be sad because he found that he was already in danger.

Yang Yi's pounce just now was fast and violent. The movement caused by this pounce woke up Dr. Wavell who was taking a nap in the room.

Van Cleef had already sneaked up to Dr. Wavell's wooden bed. When he saw that Dr. Wavell was about to wake up, he quickly waved to Yang Yi. Then the other hand quickly reached for the notebook in Dr. Wavell's hand, preparing to snatch it away before he came to his senses.

Yang Yi took a look and realized that Van Cleef waved his hand to let him run away first. After all, Dr. Wavell had a good reputation and was a dangerous person.

Zorro, who had the window hanging upside down, also noticed the danger. He quickly turned over and climbed onto the roof, escaping immediately.

Yang Yi didn't have time to think too much. After all, Van Cleef was an advanced stalker, and he still had to worry about himself more than him, so he quickly jumped out of the window.

Yang Yi climbed through the window and jumped down. While he was still in the air, he heard Dr. Wavell's duck-like scream and the sound of things being knocked over from the second-story wooden house.

Dr. Wavell was awakened, and Van Cleef fought with him.

Dr. Wavell's screams alerted the security robots. Seeing the security robots running towards the two-story wooden house one by one, Yang Yi immediately started sneaking as soon as his feet landed.

Then Yang Yi quickly used the remote control to control a nearby mechanical spider scout, letting the robot stand in front of him to avoid being discovered by the approaching security robot because his stealth level was too low.

Soon, except for the robot controlled by Yang Yi, all other robots that were alerted ran into the two-story wooden house.

"Van Cleef himself is the leader of thieves, and his ability to escape is first-class, so there should be no problem."

All the nearby security robots entered the wooden house, and the patrol force outside dropped sharply. Yang Yi could only comfort himself that Van Cleef would be fine, and then took this opportunity to escape quickly.

After Yang Yi escaped, he reunited with Marisa and Caitlin. At this time, Mengfan and the others did not know where they had gone.

Marisa was very anxious when she heard that Van Cleef was in danger again.

Yang Yi could only comfort her that Van Cleef was strong and could escape.

However, Yang Yi and Marisa's worries were unnecessary.

Not long after, Van Cleef appeared in front of them. Except for his hair, which seemed to be singed a little by some kind of flame spray, there was no other damage.

"I got Dr. Wavell's notebook. I took a look and it contains the content you need." Van Cleef shook the notebook in his hand.

"Awesome." Yang Yi extended his thumb.

It is indeed not easy for Van Cleef to escape from being surrounded by Dr. Wavell and many robots.

"Chief Van Cleef, as long as you come back safely, let's get out of here quickly." Marisa said.

Yang Yi felt that it made sense and it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, so the four of them ran in the direction of the Defias sailboat.

Garn Mathers was waiting anxiously with the people of the Defias Brotherhood. They cheered when they saw Chief Van Cleef returning safely.

Soon, the sailboat lifted anchor and left Okaz Island.

As the sailing ship got farther and farther away from Orcaz Island, the rescue operation of Van Cleef was successfully completed.

The Defias Brotherhood people on the ship were cheering. They decided to go to Ratchet Town to pick up Vanessa and Mr. Punch. They also wanted to go to Ratchet Town to completely renovate the sailboat and prepare to cross the endless sea. .

Yang Yi still has unfinished tasks and cannot go to Ratchet Town with them for the time being.

"I also want to take Dr. Wavell's notes to Steamwheedle Port. You guys should go back to Ratchet Town first." Yang Yi said.

"I'm going too." The girl's Caitlin was enthusiastic about rescuing Longshore.

Yang Yi rejected her. This time he only planned to go to Hotsand Port alone, not even Marisa.

To go to Hot Sand Port, you have to rely on big turtles as mounts. The fewer people there are, the faster the turtles swim. Yang Yi doesn't want to waste time. Moreover, Marisa must stay on the sailboat to lead the way, so as to prevent the fishmen in Ratchet Town from not knowing the members of the Defias Brotherhood in the fleet and causing unnecessary conflicts.

Yang Yi took Dr. Wavell's notes and swam to Hotsand Port alone on a big turtle.

After arriving at Hotsand Port, Yang Yi did not find Cookie and Guji Gudong sisters.

Yang Yi thought that he had assigned them a task to steal the eggs of sea turtles, but now they might still be on a certain beach, so they didn't pay attention.

Yang Yi did not immediately hand over Dr. Wavell's notes to Narian. He bought a quill, ink, and a stack of parchment from the goblins in Steamwheedle Port, and then began to copy the contents of the notes. After becoming the murloc lord, he not only automatically became proficient in various languages ​​in the world of Azeroth, but also became a master of calligraphy. When he transcribed, he could write with ease and flow.

Not long after, an entire notebook of Dr. Wavell's notes was completely transcribed by Yang Yi.

The reason why Yang Yi wanted to copy Dr. Wavell's notes was because he planned to develop the engineering industry in Ratchet Town. Recently, I just got [Engineering Notes] and [Architectural Drawing: Engineering Workshop (Town Level 1)] through a lottery. Coupled with the fish-men's natural dexterity, Ratchet Town has the conditions to develop engineering. .

Although Dr. Wavell is a wanted criminal, he is truly one of the greatest dwarf technicians in the world of Azeroth. There are only a handful of dwarf technicians who can rank ahead of him in terms of engineering attainments. Especially in terms of "evil engineering", it is unmatched.

Yang Yi went to find Narian after he finished transcribing. He originally wanted to give the copied notes to Narian and keep the original ones in his own hands. However, Narian simply ignored his transcribed version.

"Maybe the mission props are wrong." Yang Yi guessed in his heart. Although his transcription was absolutely accurate and his handwriting was even more beautiful than Weiweier's, Narayan simply did not accept it.

Yang Yi had no choice but to take out Dr. Wavell's notes and give them to Narian.

"Oh, it's a note written by Vivier himself. This is the note I dream of. With it, I can understand Vivier's invention. There is a record of the control glasses he invented. Let's see how I can crack Vivier's invention. It won't take long, I am the great dwarf artificer Narian."

After getting the genuine Dr. Wavell's notes, Narian's reaction was completely different. He finally stopped calling himself a diviner and turned back to the dwarf technician Narian. Narian was very interested in the invention that could crack his greatest enemy, Wavell.

Seeing that Narian was so concerned about this notebook, Yang Yi felt relieved. Now the [Narian's Fool-type Dwarf Universal Remote Control] on his body should be able to be worn securely and he would not be asked to take it back.

Narian locked himself and his assistant Stuart in the engineering workshop. Yang Yi stood outside the door and only heard the sound of metal knocking from inside, and from time to time there would be explosions. The sound lasted all night until the second day. It stopped at noon.

Finally, the door to the engineering workshop was opened, and Narian walked out with his head raised.

Narian was followed by his assistant Stuart, and he didn't know what happened during the period of being locked in the dwarf workshop. Stuart's face was charred, and his hair and beard seemed to have been burned away overnight.

This time, Narian no longer wore a turban and ran for a long distance, but wore a craftsman's uniform similar to Dr. Wavell's, and also wore engineering goggles.

"Master Narian, have you successfully cracked Dr. Wavell's invention?" Yang Yi asked deliberately. In fact, he knew that he succeeded when he saw Narian's head held high.

"Of course, Vivier will never be my opponent, Narian. I have the method to crack Vivier's command glasses." Narian said proudly.

Narian opened his hands to show the results of his research. Yang Yi saw three small red firecracker-like things.

"This is my latest invention of 'Narian's Unstable Explosive Salt Explosive 100'. I have made 99 experiments and improvements. It won't be a big problem to blow up Weiweier's control glasses."

Narian raised his hands and declared proudly.

Yang Yi couldn't believe his eyes and ears.

No way, after working on it for a day and a night, what was actually made was three explosives.

"Use explosives!?" Yang Ye couldn't believe it.

Narian's idea was to use a bomb to blow out the ruler's eyes. This dwarf technician's brain circuitry wouldn't have the same problem as Weiweier.

"Yes, just use explosives. What a smart idea. Only Narian can think of it." Narian said proudly, "If one explosive is not enough, then use two. If two explosives are not enough, use three." ”

Yang Bang stared at the three firecracker-like explosives in Narian's hands with wide eyes, and wondered in his heart how deceitful the dwarf's brain circuitry was.

"Master Narian, I believe this bomb may be able to blow up Dr. Wavell's glasses, but people wearing glasses won't be destroyed as well, right?" Yang Yi had to ask.

"Don't worry, I tested it last night. Although the power of the explosive can blow people over, I don't think it can kill them." Narian answered with certainty. After he finished speaking, he pointed at his assistant Si behind him. Tuvor.

It turns out that assistant Stuart was used by Narian as experimental equipment throughout the night to test the power of explosives. Poor Stewart was bombed a total of 99 times, and it was definitely a miracle that he still walked out of the dwarf workshop alive.

Yang Yi looked at the three bombs in Narina's hands and the blown-up Stuart, what else could he say.

After working hard for so long and getting three bombs, let’s just treat the dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Yang Yi could only take three bombs from Narian, hoping that the bombs would be effective and not that there was something wrong with Narian's head.

After getting Narian's bomb, Yang Yi was going to go out to find Cookie and the Guji Gudong sisters, but three fishmen just came back.

"Mayor, come back and see what we have gained these days."

When Sister Guji and Gudong saw Yang Yi coming back, they immediately brought the two barrels over as if they were offering treasures.

"How about it? Are there turtle eggs inside?" Yang Yi asked.

"Yes, they are all turtle eggs. Those sea turtles were so stingy that they refused to give us a few turtle eggs, so we had to beat them up." Sister Gujigudong complained with a pout.

"Haha, you two did a good job." Yang Yi praised him greatly. For fishmen, problems that can be solved with violence are not problems.

"Mayor, during your absence these days, we found a teacher and learned a few skills." Sister Gujigudong said happily.

"Looking for a teacher? Learn skills? Who will be the teacher to teach you?" Yang Yi asked continuously.

Murlocs are not popular with people, and there are even fewer people who are willing to teach them.

"It's Teacher Naga Sarasin. He lives in Sarasin's lair in the south." Sister Gujigudong said.

"The male Naga we met the day we were attacked by the pirate ship?"

"Yes, that Naga is Teacher Sarasin."

Yang Yi found it strange that this male naga named Sarasin not only did not reject fishmen, but was actually willing to accept two small fishmen as his disciples to teach them skills. It was really rare.

"That Naga is pretty good. Since you two recognize him as your teacher, you should also learn the Naga's slogans, right?" Yang Yi asked with concern.

"What slogan?" the Gujigudong sisters asked together.

"That's it, drown you in the name of the tide, that's the slogan Naga shouts when casting spells." Yang Yi said.

Sister Gujigudong shook her head.

Marisa on the side rolled her eyes at Yang Yi when she heard this. Yang Yi was actually most concerned about this at this time, which made her dumbfounded, but she still explained, "The instructor of the Magic Academy once said that only hero-level spell skills can be used. It takes so long to chant, so it’s impossible for the two sisters Gujigudong to learn it now.”

"That's it." Yang Yi was very disappointed, "Even if you can't learn that skill for the time being, you can learn the slogan first. In the future, when the murlocs fight with others, they can shout a few sentences. How awesome will that be? ”

The Guji Gudong sisters nodded quickly and felt that what the lord said made sense.

Only then did Yang Yi look at the Guji Gudong sisters with the eyes of a lord.

[Name]: Guji/Gudong

[Qualification]: A

[Level]: Level 2 Murloc Prophet/Level 2 Murloc Tidewalker

[Race]: Blizzard Murloc

[Gender]: Female

[Ability]: Combat (water element 15/20, pole weapon 13/20), knowledge (beast 14/20), leadership (command 8/10)

[Experts]: Learning ability, flow elements

[Skills]: Water Arrow, Murloc Tamer, Torrent, Healing Spring Totem

[Pet]: Son of Ishawak (Level 2/C)

"Learning ability and expertise are good. Why don't you stay here for a few days and find a teacher by yourself? There are not many in Ratchet Town who are interested in learning like these sisters. Otherwise, Ratchet Town wouldn't be so short of talents. ." Yang Yi was very pleased.

Yang Yi discovered that the Guji Gudong sisters had learned two skills: [Riptide] and [Healing Spring Totem]. There were no murlocs in Ratchet Town who knew these two skills. It seemed that Naga Sarasin taught them.

The effect of [Riptide] is to wash a target with restorative water, restore its health, and restore a certain amount of health within 18 seconds.

The effect of [Healing Spring Totem] is to place a totem and restore a certain amount of health to an injured person within 40 yards of the totem every 2 seconds.

[Healing Spring Totem] This skill is actually an upgraded version of the [Healing Barrier] taught to Benbolba by the wise men of the Black Fin Clan. The skills learned by the unique professions of semi-civilized races such as the Murlocs are usually better than the general professions of civilized races. The skills have fewer types and are weaker.

For example, the skills learned by Murloc Beach Walkers are inferior to those of Murloc Warriors, and the skills learned by Murloc Tide Walkers are also inferior to Murloc Hunters.

This is why the murlocs are no match for orcs and other races, because even at the same level, a murloc beachwalker cannot defeat an orc warrior.

This is one of the differences between murloc-specific combat professions and general combat professions. This is also one of the reasons why semi-civilized races have always been weaker than civilized races. Yang Yi thought to himself that maybe the fish-man beach walker had learned all the skills of the fish-man warriors that day, and he would be no different from the fish-man warriors.

Yang Yi was anxious to return to Ratchet Town after Cookie and the Gujigudong sisters. After all, it had taken a lot of time to get out this time, so he decided to stay on the road and ask questions about Naga Sarasin.

It takes several days to get from Hotsand Port to Ratchet Town. On the way, sisters Guji and Gudong told Yang Yi about Naga Sarasin.

Most of the world's naga are evil and cruel, but there are always exceptions.

Living alone in a cave on the beach of Tanaris, Sarazin is one of the few friendly naga in the world. He lives in seclusion in Thrazin's Lair, facing the Endless Sea, the home of the Nagas.

Perhaps Sarrazin betrayed his compatriots, perhaps he was willing to give up living with his vicious compatriots in order to uphold his beliefs. Thrazin has always kept silent about his past, but he is one of the few people on Kalimdor who knows the Great Vortex well.

Yang Yi didn't know why this Naga named Sarasin lived in seclusion on the beach of the rolling yellow sand of Tanaris. However, from all indications, it seemed that this Naga was indeed one of the few friendly Nagas. From what he taught, The skills given to the Guji Gudong sisters are all healing skills, and some clues can be seen. .

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