World of Warcraft Murloc City Guide

Chapter 200 Altar of the Prophet

Yang Yi knew that he had guessed correctly as soon as he saw Baoyu's embarrassed expression, so he asked Lang Shaoer in a low voice: "You didn't tell anyone else where you buried things.

"Of course not. I'm the only one who knows where things are buried," Longshall said with certainty.

Yang Yi thought to himself that if Lang Shaoer was right, then this Baoyu was really suspicious. He actually knew so many inside stories that he shouldn't know. Could he be the legendary game manager GM?

In fact, there are often various rumors circulating on the forum, many of which include various rumors about the world of Azeroth. Some people believe that the world of Azeroth is a realistic game world, so there are also rumors that there is a game manager GM in the world, and some people even swear that they have been to the GM island.

Finally, Yang Yi returned to his position.

Baoyu next to him didn't drink any wine at all, and basically still had a bottle of [Old Chen's Stormstout].

"You seem to know a lot of inside information." Yang Yi asked.

"Haha, really? Actually, I don't know much." Baoyu hesitated awkwardly. Facing Yang Yi's still suspicious eyes, he made up a random reason: "Actually, my uncle told me these, yes. , my uncle said."

Who was he kidding? Yang Yi didn't believe it. He glanced at the full wine bottle in front of Baoyu. "Why don't you drink more? Come on, let's have a drink."

"I really don't know how to drink." Baoyu declined.

Yang Yi thought to himself that it would be better if he didn't know how to drink, as he could just get you drunk, so that he could make easy jokes.

So Yang Yi tried his best to toast Baoyu and get him drunk.

The next morning, Yang Yi woke up in the hotel. He was drunk yesterday.

Yang Yi opened his fish-man eyes and saw that everyone who had been drinking together yesterday had passed out. Everyone was lying in a mess in the hotel.

Yang Yi patted the murloc on the head. Unexpectedly, the [Old Chen's Stormstout] invented by the panda man Old Chen was so powerful that he didn't even know when he got drunk.

I don’t know if it’s because of drinking water all day long. Murlocs are born with a good capacity for drinking. It can be said that fishmen are born with a large amount of alcohol. However, every time Yang Biao gets high, he can’t control himself and ends up getting himself drunk. .

Yang Ye's current drinking capacity is not comparable to that of Pandaren Old Chen, but compared with these people in the hotel, Yang Yi is still the first to wake up.

"Fortunately, Big Chin agreed to be a teacher, Van Cleef also agreed to help, and even Longshall agreed to stay." Yang Yi proudly counted the harvest with his fingers, and got a few things done in just one meal and a drink. Make money without losing money.

"It's not a loss this time, hahaha."

"Yesterday when we were drinking, that boy Baoyu said that the pirate treasure he was talking about was buried by Longshore. I remember asking him how he knew it at the time, and the boy actually replied that he had an uncle who knew the inside information. All this happened. His uncle told him, and it’s up to you to believe it or not.”

Baoyu is a young man, but he is also very cunning. I don't know whether what he says is true or false.

Yang Yi stood up. In the hotel, Spoon and Cookie were already making breakfast. Spoon finally met a murloc who was better at cooking than him and was seriously learning from Cookie.

Yang Yi had just woken up from drunkenness and had no appetite. He picked up a delicious fish and left the hotel.

While eating delicious fish and blowing the sea breeze, Yang Yi's head slowly came to his senses.

By the way, the pirate Longshore decided to stay while drinking yesterday, and at that time he heard the system prompt that the mission was completed. It was just that I was drinking at that time and there were too many people around, so I didn’t check it out.

So Yang Yi took advantage of the fact that no one was around to enter the mysterious space.

After completing the mission, there were four rewards waiting for Yang Yi to choose from. Yang Yi looked at them and finally chose [Building Plan: Tannery (Town Level 1)]. The tannery in Ratchet Town has always been a key target of support. It is now a level 3 building in the village and needs to be continuously upgraded.

After completing the task, there is also a chance to draw a lottery, and Yang Yi draws again.

The disc pointer rotated and stopped in area one.

[Architectural Picture: Murloc Prophet Altar (Town Level 1)]! ! !

"Good stuff!"

Yang Yi was happy. Before, he was worried that the Murloc Prophet Altar and the Murloc Tidecaller Altar were upgraded from small village-level buildings. In that case, there would be no chance to get them from the lottery. Now those worries were gone. It's superfluous.

The main fighting professions of the murlocs are the murloc beachwalker and the murloc tidewalker. If we still have to rank third, it would be the murloc prophet.

These three professions are warriors, hunters and shamans, which are the so-called hunting and shaman combinations.

Therefore, the Murloc Prophet Altar is a very necessary building for Ratchet Town.

As for the corresponding task, it turned out to be to keep Van Cleef.

"Well, thanks to what I said before, the mission has become reasonable. Van Cleef is the leader of the Defias Brotherhood. It's a shame that he can stay in Ratchet Town. System, why don't you send me a mission to get Storm?" Will the king of the city stay?”

Yang Yi didn't want to embarrass himself. He gave up on such a difficult task immediately.

"It is better to build the Murloc Prophet Altar within 20 days and complete the construction task."

Yang Yi took the drawing and first found the empty wine barrel of the fishman. He designated the construction location of the Murloc Prophet Altar, and then asked the empty wine barrel to take several small fishmen with leadership skills to arrange the construction of the altar.

Next, Yang Yi rode on the big turtle, called Ben Bolba and Mojimus, and began to patrol Ratchet Town.

First up is the Murloc Town Center.

【Mloc Town Center】

【Small Fishman Town】

[Civilization level 4, military level 4]

[Civilization value: 8801/10000, military value: 8933/10000]

In four or five months, the civilization value and military value have increased by more than 4,000 points. Yang Yi estimates that Ratchet Town will be upgraded to a medium-sized Murloc Town within two months.

Currently, there are more than 3,000 adult murlocs in Ratchet Town, and the number of little murlocs exceeds 9,000. If you add the little murlocs and murloc fry in Ratchet Bay, the number will be even greater.

Judging from the proportion, the number of underage murlocs is too high, mainly because Yang Yi arranged for the murlocs in Ratchet Town to collect and protect the murlocs and young murlocs in Ratchet Bay, which greatly reduced the number of murlocs. Mortality rate of fry and minnows. So during this time, many murlocs and baby murlocs grew up in a safer environment and joined Ratchet Town.

"In order to provide enough food for the murlocs in Ratchet Town, many underage murlocs have been assigned tasks. However, according to this development situation, the proportion of underage murlocs will continue to increase in the future. The pressure to provide food will also increase, so we need to find other ways to increase the number of adult fishmen."

Adding more adult murlocs cannot be done in a short time. Yang Yi took Ben Bolba and Mojimus to the west of Ratchet Town.

The west side of Ratchet Town, close to the West Avenue, is mainly occupied by murloc huts for murlocs to live in. More than 2,000 murloc huts of different levels stand here, which looks spectacular.

A large area of ​​these murloc huts is surrounded by wooden fences of the village's first-level wall. This area is specially designated for small murlocs to live in.

In order to prevent these little fish people from misbehaving all day long, and to cultivate the collective spirit of these little fish people, Yang Yi had arranged them all together.

In order to manage these little murlocs, Yang Yi had previously asked Silak to find some adult murlocs to take charge of the management here.

Yang Yi sat on the big turtle mount and asked the murlocs responsible for management: "Has this little guy caused any trouble recently?"

"Mayor, there are still a few little fishmen causing trouble." The fishman in charge quickly reported to Yang Yi.

The murlocs responsible for managing these little murlocs have slowly become leisurely recently. These little murlocs have learned nothing else in the past month, but they already know that they have to eat and sleep on time. Otherwise, if they miss the time, they will not only have no place to complain, but they may also be punished. A beating.

But there are always some little fishmen who are naughty in nature and refuse to change despite repeated admonitions. The fishmen responsible for management also have a headache and have no solution.

"In this way, those troublemaking fishmen who are still disobedient will be caught out and thrown into the bay." Yang Yi said.

Although the only requirements for these little fishmen so far are to eat and sleep on time, at other times except for those who have study and training arrangements, they are free to move around. But Yang Yi was very strict with these little murlocs. He decided to throw them back to Ratchet Bay to fend for themselves. He wanted all the little murlocs in Ratchet Town to understand that there are some things they cannot do. .

The adult fishmen in charge were relieved when they heard what Yang Yi said. The headache that had caused them finally had a solution. Now it would be easier for them to manage the little fishmen.

Next, Yang Yi went to the north of Ratchet Town.

To the north of Ratchet Town lies the high plains of Thorn Ridge, which is mainly a place for raising animals.

Under a steep cliff in the high plain of Thorn Ridge, level 4 construction worker Hulu was leading a construction murloc to build an excavation site.

Currently, there are two level 4 murloc construction workers, Gulu and Hulu, in Ratchet Town. Hulu is responsible for building the excavation site, and Gulu was asked by the empty wine barrel to build the murloc prophet altar.

The excavation site is a level 1 building in the town. When the excavation site was drawn, the corresponding task was to keep the pirate Longshore. Now that the task has been completed, the construction of the excavation site can be completed as soon as possible.

No mineral veins were found at the location where the excavation site was constructed. Yang Yi only hoped that after the completion of the excavation site, it could provide more stone materials for the construction of Ratchet Town. He also hoped that the improved quarrying efficiency after the completion of the excavation site would release more fish. People work hard to do other things.

In addition to the excavation site, the newly completed buildings in Ratchet Town include the Murloc Aquatic Mount Training Ground, the Fish Herding Murloc Training Camp, and the Coral Reef. All three of these buildings are built on the coastline of Ratchet Bay.

Yang Yi originally wanted to go and see the situation on the coast, but at this time, the people who drank in the hotel last night were about to wake up. Yang Yi found them and had more important things to arrange, so he took Ben Bolba and Mojimus to the hotel.

The first and most important thing is the construction of the backwater village in the backwater oasis. Yang Yi and Fan Cleef talked in detail about the harassment of the backwater village by the Kokar Centaur and the construction of a wall.

When Van Cleef was drinking yesterday, he didn't expect that a fishman village would need to build such a long wall, and that the urgency of building the wall would be so high, so he casually agreed to build not just a wooden wall, but an earth wall.

However, Backwater Village is still just a village no matter how well it is built. This problem cannot be troubled by the former leader of the Stonemason Association of Stormwind City.

After listening to Yang Yi's explanation, Fan Cleef made a decision. He announced proudly: "Leave this matter to us. We will demolish all the level 3 wooden fences of the villages under construction and change them to build level 3 towns." Earth wall."

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