Chapter 316 Big Star

"I'm on fire!"

Benbolba came down from the big rock stage and was immediately surrounded by fish-man fans.

Most of the fishmen are tone-deaf when they sing, and their limbs are out of tune when they dance. Acting geniuses like Benbolba who are proficient in singing and dancing are simply an anomaly that only emerged from the fishmen race in thousands of years.

In addition, although Benbolba is still underage, he has a row of bright orange dorsal fins and bright sky-blue fish scales, making him a perfect little fish-man.

Benbolba became a rising star, and his popularity surpassed that of Brak, who had just won the gladiatorial ring championship.

The enthusiastic murloc fans put various delicacies, jewelry, handicrafts, etc. as gifts into Ben Boer Ba's hands.

Ben Bolba received so many gifts that in the end he could no longer hold them in both hands.

"It's so exciting to be a star!"

Ben Bolba was already flying into the sky with joy in his heart, but he still had to maintain a cold attitude on the outside.

More and more fish-man fans gathered around, becoming more and more fanatical.

Benbolba was surrounded in the middle and couldn't move.

Fortunately, a group of murlocs patrolling the beach happened to pass by. They kicked away the enthusiastic murloc fans one by one and rescued Benbolba.

After finally escaping from the siege, Benbolba hurried to the fishman hut.

Benbolba has his own murloc hut, which is located in the elite murloc residential area of ​​Ratchet Town.

All the murloc fans were chased away by the murlocs patrolling the beach, and Benbolba staggered back with a bunch of gifts in his arms. Ben Bolba had a strange feeling while walking on the road. He felt as if someone was always following him.

Ben Bolba turned around and looked back several times along the way, but every time there was nothing behind him, and no suspicious person was found.

"Is it my misunderstanding?" Ben Bolba wondered.

Seeing that he was about to enter the elite murloc's residential area, where there were special beach patrol murlocs responsible for patrolling, Benbolba felt relieved a lot of his worries.

At this time, a call came from behind.

"Ben Bolba, look here!"

Benbolba turned his head and took a look, and found a little fishman waving to him on the roadside.

This little fish man had bright green fish scales and looked very strange. Ben Bolba was sure that he did not recognize this little fish man.

"Is this little fish man following me all the way?" Ben Bolba wondered.

"Wait a minute, this is a little fish-man with green scales! Is the town looking for the assassin's accomplice to assassinate Jiagu? The killer's accomplice must also be a killer!" Ben Bolba was shocked, he never thought that he would Being stalked by a killer.

Ben Bolba's guess was correct, this little green fish-man was Fenjie.

Fenjie saw that Ben Bolba turned to look at him and looked very excited. He immediately reached out and took out a black shell from his waist.

"What did he do with a shell?"

I saw Fenjie shaking his hand while holding the shell, and the shell flew towards Benbolba.

"Ah! It's not a shell, it's a dart!"

Benbolba was so frightened that he threw the gift in his hand into the air and ran for his life.


"Oooh, help!"

While crying for help, Benbolba rolled and crawled back to the elite fishman residential area.

The nearby murlocs patrolling the beach heard the cry for help and rushed over. They only saw Benbolba who was frightened and crying, and Fenjie had disappeared.

The frightened Ben Bolba touched his whole body and found that he was not injured.

"Fortunately, this little fish man's aim was not good, and the dart didn't hit me. I almost lost my life, so I went back and hid."

Returning to his fishman hut, he quickly put down all the aquatic mats hanging around the platform of the hut, covering the hut tightly.

Benbolba was so frightened that he hid in his fishman hut and never dared to come out again.

Benbolba lay down in the fishman hut and secretly observed the situation outside through the gaps in the aquatic mats. He saw fishmen patrolling the beach passing by from time to time.

"With so many beach patrolling murlocs walking around, that little murloc must have escaped."

Just when Ben Bolba felt a little more at ease, he saw an astonishing scene.

I saw the aquatic grass mat hanging in the fishman hut in front of me moved automatically in the wind, as if someone had pulled it open, and then quickly put it down again.

Not long after, the same scene happened again in a nearby fishman hut hung with aquatic mats.

"It's over, the killer didn't escape. The boss said he was a murloc ambusher, and he is now looking for me in every murloc hut in stealth mode!"

Ben Bolba was so frightened that he lost his mind.

At this time, the beach patrolling murloc had just walked away. If he rushed out of the murloc hut, he would be discovered immediately.

Ben Bolba buried his head on the floor in despair, hoping that the other party could not find him.

"Wow, I didn't expect that on the first day I became popular, a killer would try to kill me."

"If I had known this, I should have worked hard to raise my level. If I were at a higher level now, I wouldn't have lost the chance to escape."

Ben Bolba suddenly regretted it, but there is no regret medicine in the world.

After a while, Benbolba, who had his head buried on the floor, found that there had been no movement. He began to feel lucky that the killer had missed his fishman hut.

However, the opposite happened.

There was just a crash, the sound of a pile of things falling on the floor.

Benbolba looked behind him and found the little green murloc standing in his murloc hut.

"Ben Bolba, these are the things you just threw away."

Fenjie looked at Benbolba who had his head buried on the floor with a smile, his smile was very innocent and bright.

"Ugh! I'm dead!"

Ben Bolba screamed, then his eyes turned white, foaming at the mouth and he fainted on the floor.

Fenjie saw Benbolba suddenly fainted and panicked for a moment. He quickly ran over and hurriedly helped Ben Bolba up.

Soon, Fenjie seemed to have discovered something. He hit Benbolba on the back of the head with a sap, causing him to really faint.

Ben Bolba tried to pretend to be dead by relying on his acting skills, but was immediately discovered by Fenjie.

After knocking out Bullba, Fenjie observed the situation outside the fishman's hut, then put Bullba on his shoulders and ran away.

By the time Benbolba woke up, it was already dark.

Fortunately, the murlocs had excellent night vision, and Benbolba found himself lying under dense thorns and vines.

"This should be a gravel pit, where mushrooms are grown in the town." Ben Bolba recognized it.

Ben Bolba touched his big head that was knocked unconscious and struggled to get up.

Pushing aside the hanging vines, Benbolba wanted to get out, but he ran into the little fishman Fenjie who was about to get in.

"Our Benbolba is awake." Fenjie said with a smile.

"What do you want to do to me?"

Benbolba was so frightened that he backed away again and again, and finally sat down on the ground.

"Let's talk about it after dinner, Benbolba." Fenjie said.

Finger came in, holding a plate with food on it.

"I brought these foods from the hotel. There were many people there, so I could only take some secretly," Fenjie said.

"Don't come near me!" Ben Bolba shouted.

Benbolba hurriedly touched his waist, took out the [Magic Star Mace], grabbed it in his hand, and pointed the weapon at Fenjie.

"Don't be like this, Benbolba is a star now." Fenjie said and approached Benbolba.

He easily snatched the hammer from Ben Bolba's hand with one hand.

"Woo, don't kill me." Ben Bolba cried.

"I didn't mean to kill you," Finger said.

"Aren't you going to kill me?" Ben Bolba asked.

"Of course, why should I kill you." Finger said.

"Then why are you following me? Why are you looking for me from fish-man hut to hut? Why are you knocking me out and bringing me here?" Ben Bolba asked repeatedly.

"Because I'm your fan." Fenjie said.

"Huh?" Ben Boerba couldn't wrap his head around the idea that he had such a fan.

"Ben Bol Ba, you are the only fish-man I have ever heard who can sing without going off-key. You sing much better than Magoffin, who claims to be the supreme singer of the island in the middle of the lake." The little fish-man Fenjie said excitedly.

"Huh???" Ben Bolba was still confused.

"After tonight we will go to Gadgetzan, which is the most developed place in the entertainment industry on the continent of Kalimdor. Only by going there can you become a big star." Fenjie said full of longing.

"I'm not going, I want to stay in Ratchet Town." Ben Bolba said.

"Why don't you go to Gadgetzan to make a name for yourself if you're so good at singing, and you stay here as a little secretary?" Fenjie was anxious.

"I will stay in Ratchet Town." Benbolba insisted.

"I'm doing this for your own good. If you want to be a big star, you have to be ambitious." Fenjie put the dagger against Ben Bolba's neck.

Ben Bolba was helpless and thought that even if I become a big star, it is my own business. Why are you so worried?

"Very well, let's have dinner." Fenjie said with a smile.

In a "peaceful" atmosphere, Ben Bolba and Fenjie had dinner together.

After eating, Fenjie cleared away his plate and prepared to leave.

"Let me go out and see. Should I continue to knock you out or tie you up?" Fenjie asked.

"I don't want either," said Ben Bolba.

"You have to choose one, and it's for your own good," Finger said.

Ben Bolba didn't want to be knocked unconscious, nor did he want to be tied up. He rolled his eyes and had an idea.

"I haven't eaten enough yet. There are many kinds of mushrooms growing in this patch of thorns and vines. Please pick some for me." Ben Bolba said.

"Mushroom hunting is a waste of time," Finger said.

"I need to eat more mushrooms so that my voice will be good. This is the secret to my ability to sing well," said Ben Bolba.

"Okay, I'm going to pick mushrooms." Fenjie said.

When Fenjie heard that Ben Bolba said that eating mushrooms was good for his throat, he immediately took action.

I have to say that Fenjie was very fast. He didn't waste too much time and came back with a bunch of mushrooms.

When the murlocs in Ratchet Town were picking mushrooms, they would occasionally find [Poison Cap Mushrooms] mixed in. Benbolba rummaged through a pile of mushrooms, but unfortunately he did not find [Poison Cap Mushrooms].

Ben Bolba's original idea was to trick Fenjie into eating the [Poison Cap Mushroom], which would cause him to have diarrhea for a few days, so that he, the killer, would not be able to kill people.

While rummaging, Ben Bolba accidentally discovered two colorful mushrooms. The two mushrooms were almost identical in appearance, with only slightly different spots in color.

Benbolba recognized the two mushrooms as [Chronic Toadstool] and [Blighted Toadstool]. He had seen these two mushrooms when he and Yang Yi went to the wild boar settlement.

"Let's eat these mushrooms together."

Benbolba divided the mushroom into two parts seemingly at random. He secretly gave the part containing [Blighted Toadstool] to Fenjie, and kept the [Chronic Toadstool] for himself.

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