World of Xianxia

Chapter 158: Thunder

Ye Yun stood quietly, and the terror that flashed in his heart was instantly thrown out of the clouds by Jiu Xiaoyun.

Although the King of God Yu is extremely powerful, all of this is to be expected. After all, it is a monster at the peak of the ninth level. And Ye Yun's goal is to challenge the God Feather King to gain experience in fighting with monsters.

If you turn around and run now, what's the point of coming to Jifeng?

Ye Yun took a deep breath, and a wave of light shone from the purple shadow sword in his hand, then pointed out toward the front.

"Ye Yun, don't mess around."

The blood of Duan Chenfeng's mouth overflowed with blood, and he couldn't help anxious to see Ye Yun raise his sword in his hand.

"Brother Ye, let's go." Yu Minghong has always been known for his defense, but was seriously wounded by the blow of the King of the King of God Yu. Such a force is not that they can fight at all.

Ye Yun shook his head, his eyes firm, he did not retreat, and walked step by step toward the King of God Yuyu.

There was a faint flash of light in the eyes of Shenyu King Wang. The previous blow has shown how powerful it is. It is not that the three disciples of Tianjian Sect who can't live and die can resist, but why they still do not retreat, but continue to charge Come up?

Shenyu King Wang practiced to the ninth peak. Although there is no real spirit, he already has some wisdom, but he can't understand slightly complicated things.

The disciple in front of Tianjianzong is obviously extremely embarrassed in avoiding his attack. He will end up just like half a step away from the other two. His strength is already very obvious. Why should he come up?

Suddenly, the King of God Yuyu was angry, and a small disciple who was heavy in gas cultivation even dared not to be grateful to save his life, but instead shot.

In this case, let's die!

The king of the feather feathers jumped violently, huge wings spread out in the air, and were ten feet in length.


A tweet rose into the sky, extremely high-pitched, with anger.

In this way, the King of God Feathers unfolded his wings and suspended in mid-air. His eyes, with irony, still waited for Ye Yun's shot.

Ye Yun didn't dare to neglect, his face was extremely dignified. An attack just now told him the strength of the King of the God Feather King. Even if he went all out, he might not be his opponent.

However, since it is necessary to increase the combat experience, it cannot naturally shrink back.

Ye Yun slowly raised the sword in his hand, shaking slightly, and the purple waves were rippling.


He gave a low drink, the sword stabbed abruptly, and the air crackled. Only heard the rumbling thunder rumbling in all directions, from near to far, in an instant.

"Leiyun's electric lightsaber is the first, and Leiyun is here!"

Ye Yun shouted loudly, and his body shot out suddenly. The purple shadow sword in his hand turned into a purple electric snake, with a thunderous thunder, and stabbed into the eyes of Shenyu King.

Although the God Feather King is extremely powerful, even the most powerful creature, its eyes will be its weakness. When he saw the purple electric awn coming instantly, he closed his eyes violently.


The sound of a light and extremely crisp metal collision sounded, and the purple shadow sword stabbed on the eyelids of the King of God Feather, as if stabbed on the fine iron, clinking.

Ye Yun couldn't scream in the heart, a qi was injected into the Purple Shadow Sword, and then pressed down, the whole person flew upside down and rushed to the sky.

Suddenly, the sky's electric light suddenly appeared, flying like a snake, flying back and forth in the air. In the rumble of thunder, the snake suddenly burst into flames, turned into thousands of lightnings, and shot at the God Feather King.

The strength of Shenyu King is comparable to the six masters of refining Qi, and the flesh of the monster is inherently extremely powerful, but when the lightning flashes in the sky, his body shrinks, which means to avoid.

"Where to hide? Thunder, let me explode!"

Ye Yun sighed angrily, and the thunderbolt of the second type of thundercloud electric lightsaber was suddenly offered, and the lightning flashing across the sky was like an electric snake flying down.

The King of the God Feathers somewhat underestimated the strength of a disciple in the Qi-refining environment. When the sky electric snake flew, he wrapped his body as much as possible to avoid the sky-lightning lightning.

However, these lightnings are not naturally generated after all, but are the fairy skills played by Ye Yun. If you do n’t cultivate into a refining atmosphere, you ca n’t condense qi. However, after these lightning strikes, you ca n’t control it. You can only rely on luck to bring the strongest damage to the enemy.

But now it is different. Ye Yun breaks through the moment of sacrifice to achieve the refining atmosphere, and the inner chapter of Quexian Xinmao moves by itself, condensing out in a hurry and rolling in the body.

At the moment Ye Yun's promotion to the refining atmosphere, the spirit of the thunder spirit seemed to be unlocked, suddenly becoming more condensed, and it was several times more powerful.

The thunderous million controlled by Zhen Qi seemed to have long eyes and saw the moment when God Yudi Wang dodged. However, he also changed the direction of the attack. Many even gathered together and rushed to the back of God Yudi King.


Thousands of lightnings fell almost on the body of Shen Yuhuang King, only to see that it had a slightly golden back, which became scorched.

The King of God Feathers felt the pain and numbness from his back, and could not help but roar,

Suddenly, I only saw it spreading its wings, and then opened its mouth, spraying a golden flame ball, burning, and fell down against Ye Yun's head.

No one has ever seen this golden flame ball, nor do I know whether it is the treasure of the God Feather King or its demon core, but it is just under a sword, and even such a treasure is displayed.

With the improvement, Ye Yun's perception and manipulation of the fire spirit and ice spirit has also been greatly improved. When the golden flame ball appeared, Ye Yun felt an extreme danger. If he couldn't cope with it, he didn't even have time to crush the life-saving amulet.

However, Ye Yun's eyes did not have the slightest fear, but she showed a war of will, and it was burning.

"It's a very familiar feeling." Ye Yun moved forward without moving backwards, spreading his right fingers with five fingers, grasping the golden flame that protruded toward the King of God Yuyu.

There was a faint flash of light in the eyes of the King of God Feather. Why couldn't he understand why the Tianjian Sect disciple didn't choose to evade or attack? He just grabbed it directly with his hand. What did he want to do?

At the next moment, the king of the feather feathers slammed a low whistle, then flew his wings and flickered, a flash of terror flashed in his eyes.

Because it saw, Ye Yun grabbed the golden flame ball he sprayed in his hand.

In fact, Ye Yun didn't know if he could catch this golden flame, but suddenly there was a feeling that this golden flame ball might be very lethal to others, but to him, it might be a chance.

When the right hand touched the flames, Ye Yun felt only a icy coldness actually seeping through the flames, and got into the palm of his hand.

Immediately he grasped the palm of his hand as if it were the size of a dove and the flame was burning.

Ye Yun looked down and saw a cobblestone-like thing lying quietly in his palm. The flame was still burning, but it was dissipating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

call out!

At this moment, the King of Gods in the air suddenly looked like a sharp arrow, and rushed down madly toward Ye Yun.

Because the monsters haven't opened their spirits, the strongest is their bodies. The physical body of each monster is almost powerful, at least ten times stronger than humans at the same level. The King of God Feathers does not know how long it takes to cultivate, even if there is no spiritual enlightenment, but why its cultivation is so powerful, it rushes down and almost leaves a faint crack in the air.

Ye Yun raised a brow slightly and yelled, "Come here!"

He turned his mind to send the golden flame into the ring of Leiyinhua, then clenched his fists, and made two punches fiercely towards the King of God Feather.

Ye Yun's strongest is also physical strength. Even his physical body, Luo Wencheng, who is the seventh-best in the refining environment, can't be compared. It can be said that he is an invincible player in the foundation environment.

The King of God Feathers did not perform any magical powers, nor did he hide the attack in the strong wind and dimness as before, relying only on the strongest flesh to completely crush Ye Yun.

Ye Yun's body was condensed, two fists were hit one after another, and the first shot came first, colliding fiercely with Shen Yuyu King in the air.


A loud noise exploded in the air, and Ye Yun felt only the incredible impact coming down, and rolled him up instantly, falling out of several feet.

The King of God Feathers was knocked out by Ye Yun's two punches, spreading his wings and whispering in the air, and then rushed down again.

Ye Yun's face was dignified, his throat was slightly sweet, and a sip of blood almost came up.

The purple light and shadow reappeared, and there was a splendor of light in the air. It is gorgeous ~ ~ Since the fist can't convince you, then taste the taste of Tianlei. Ye Yun shot sharply, avoiding the second attack of Shenyu King, then flipped the purple shadow sword in his hand, and a cloud appeared inexplicably on the top of the mountain.

The third form of thundercloud electric lightsaber, **** thunder dies! "

With a single blow, Ye Yun knew that his physical body would not be stronger than the God Feather King Wang. After all, the monsters are uniquely endowed with powerful physical bodies.

However, Ye Yun can have the current practice and physical body at this age, and the senior officials of Zongmen should slowly pay attention to it. By then, he will likely become elite after entering the inner door.

Jieyun appeared out of thin air, quickly condensed into a piece on the top of the four, and then a flash appeared on top of the king of Shenyu.

It seems that the King of God Feather King was greatly frightened. Looking at the flashing electric mang in the robbery cloud above the head of King God Feather King, he knew that this attack could definitely be resisted without hard resistance.

Suddenly, the King of God Feathers rushed up into the sky, and rushed towards the cloud that had not yet completely formed the sky calamity, and wanted to disperse it.

However, although this is just a heavenly mission transformed by the imagination of the law of heaven, even so, it is not just that any monster can break through the robbery. If so, there is no need for the thundercloud lightsaber to survive.

Immediately after the body of Shenyu King Wang touched Jieyun, there was a sudden increase in electric mansions, crackling, and he was not allowed to touch Ye Yun's body at all.

Ye Yun laughed, and swords and maggots shot out, stabbing at Shen Yu. The robbery clouds in the sky have also taken shape. After the rumble, a space crack that almost splits the sky into two appears suddenly.

Shen Yu's speed is naturally extremely fast, and Ye Yun's sword speed is never slow.

At this moment, a purple **** thunder fell from the robbery cloud, split the sky, and landed on the back of the King of God Feather.

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