World of Xianxia

Chapter 547: Yan Rushui

Yunling Lake has been opened once every two years, and it has been opened once in the first half of this year. It will take another two years to consider whether to open it.

However, when Shu Anshi took Ye Yun with a few people to successfully leapfrog the challenge, he got permission to start again.

Of course, this time the opening is not the same as the normal opening, only ten people can enter, which makes other disciples of other peaks very envious, with a hint of jealousy.

However, more than jealousy is admiration. After all, if you want to challenge more than three levels, it is almost impossible to accomplish. There have been such challenges for thousands of years, and they have been successful several times. But those challenges are the best among the peaks. The geniuses in the genius teamed together to reluctantly succeed. Where would they be like Ye Yun? Just three young disciples from Desperate Peak, two elders from Yuanying Realm, The genius named Jin Danjing was so successful that he succeeded in one fell swoop.

However, when they saw ten disciples, there were actually two people in the town of Demon Peak, and after a moment's help, they couldn't help but admire Shu Anshi and Ye Yun even more.

The grievances between Zhenyaofeng and Jingxinfeng are known to everyone. If it were not for the sectarian laws and regulations, they would have fought long ago. At this moment I saw that Shu Anshi actually gave the two places to Zhenyaofeng, and couldn't help but hold them.

The most important thing is that these two town monster peak disciples actually came, and they are still the elite of the two town monster peaks. Ding Qian of Jin Danjing six and Ding Qian of Yuan Yingjing are fearless.

Ten people stood on the square outside the hall of Shenxiu and waited quietly.

Shenxiu Palace Master and Tianyunzi walked side by side and came out of the Shenxiu Temple.

Suddenly, dozens of disciples in the square bowed to salute, and stood upright, without any sound.

Shenxiu Palace's eyes slowly swept across the crowd, and finally fell on the face of Shu Anshi with a smile.

"It's really comforting to think that you would make such a decision. Everyone is in the same door, and they should support each other so that we can grow my Shenxiu Palace. Shu Anshi, you are doing a good job."

Shu Anshi saluted slightly, and replied, "The palace master is too good. An Shi just did what he thought he should do."

The master of the Shenxiu Palace smiled, and his eyes fell on Ding Qian and Chou Wuwei on the other side: "Qian Er, this trip to Yunlingtan, you must practice well and strive to break through to the peak of Jindan Realm."

Shenxiu Gongzhu didn't ask any more, he looked at Ding Qian with a touch of petting.

Ding Qian nodded, and said, "Qian Er knows, thank you for your help."

"Fearless, how can you accept the alms of Zexin Peak?"

Suddenly, a voice came from a distance, but saw a middle-aged woman stepping in the air, stepping forward, and fell in front of everyone.

"Yan Rushui met Brother Gong." The middle-aged woman fell in front of the host of Shenxiu Palace, saluting slightly. The middle-aged woman is wearing a white dress and has a beautiful appearance. Despite the vicissitudes of life, she is still stunning.

"It turned out to be Sister Yan, you're out of the game." The host of Shenxiu Palace smiled slowly and said slowly.

The visitor was actually Yan Rushui, the master of the town's demon peak. She was so close to the peak of Yuanying Realm that she often closed the path and handed over chores to Yin Suxin and the elders.

Yan Rushui smiled brightly and beautifully. She turned her head to look at Chou Wuyou and Ding Qian, her face getting cold.

"The two of you have such a daring courage that you have made Jing Xinfeng so humiliated. It is really a loss of the face of Yaofeng in my town."

Ding Qian saw the appearance of Yan Rushui, and her eyes were full of panic. She could not help shivering: "Master Hui Hui, this is the arrangement of the master sister, and the disciples and Uncle Kuang only acted on orders."

"Follow orders? When did you listen to Su Xin's words? At this moment, if you follow orders, could you believe that this seat can't cure you?" Yan Rushui said as coldly as a knife.

"Qian Er dare not!" Ding Qiang lowered her head, terrified.

When Yan Rushui heard Qianer's dare not, the cold frost on her face suddenly dissipated, and she sighed inadvertently, then her eyes fell on Chou Wuwei.

"Elder Qian, how about you?"

Yan Rushui's face was cold, with a hint of killing in his eyes.

The situation was fearless, holding his fists and saluting, but he couldn't see the slightest terror on his face, his expression calm.

"Su Xin told me that Yunling Lake was opened again, and Ju An Shi, an anxious heart, hoped to give me a place, and I agreed without too much consideration."

Yan Rushui cold channel: "Why?"

Kung Fook looked at Yan Rushui and said, "Because I need it!"

I need!

No one had expected that Chou Wuwei would say his thoughts so directly. I needed three words to directly indicate his attitude.

The fearless practice of the flesh, to this point, every breakthrough is extremely difficult, so is the practice of the flesh, the more difficult it becomes to the back. However, each promotion will bring great benefits. If the situation is fearless and he can cultivate to the triple level of Yuanying Realm, his strength may be increased by more than ten times.

Yan Rushui thought of many answers, but did not expect that Chou Wuwei would say such simple three words.

I need!

The simple three-character words show the fearless determination and tenacity of cultivation.

Obviously, Yan Rushui did not expect that Chou Wuwei would say so, and he couldn't help but hesitated, then his face grew colder and colder.

"What do you need? Who allows what you need? You are my town's demon disciple ~ ~ and the elder protector of law. What do you know about my relationship with Tian Yunzi? Is it all you need?" Yan Rushui's voice is like a knife, extremely cold.

"I'm a disciple of Shenxiu Palace!"

The situation was almost halted, and then Yan Rushui spoke directly.

I am a disciple of Shenxiu Palace!

One sentence showed the position. Zhenxiu Peak belongs to Shenxiu Palace, and Jingxin Peak also belongs to Shenxiu Palace. He is not only afraid of the elders of the town's demon peak, but also a disciple of Shenxiu Palace. There is only one reason why he accepted Shu Anshi's invitation and entered Yunling Lake to promote cultivation. He is a disciple of Shenxiu Palace!

Yan Rushui was full of anger, but didn't speak again. She knew that whatever she said was wrong, because the words of the disciples of Shenxiu Palace had said it all.

"Well, if you want to go, go." Yan Rushui suddenly felt a little dim, looked up to the Lord of the God of Xiu Xiu, and stared at Tian Yunzi beside him.

"Sister Yan, the past is over, why should you remember to hang on for a lifetime? The most fearful way of cultivation is the demon. If you can't let go of your mind so much, how can you fight against the demon when you hit the wonderland?" Taking a look at Yan Rushui, he shook his head and said.

Yan Rushui glared at him and said, "You don't need to say more, the matter between Tian Yunzi and me is absolutely bad, endless."

Having said that, she gave Tian Yunzi a stern glance, turned her head and looked at Ding Qian and Chuang Wuwei, then leapt forward, turning into a Changhong, across the sky, and disappearing into the sky.

She came simply and decisively.

Shenxiu Palace Master looked at the direction she disappeared, and gave a slight smile, then raised her hand and tapped, but saw the burning of God again.

A group of light and shadow suddenly appeared on the burning god's platform, and then turned into a door of light and shadow.

"The Yunlingtan Passage has been opened. Go in!"

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