World Seed
11 Chapter 11
"Now tell me about when you threw your spear. I want to hear every detail." Tylin asked excitedly.
"I don't know, i just saw a goblin that was about to stab Rin and i felt those weird emotions again."
"Weird emotions?"
"It's difficult to explain... It feels as if the emotions are mine but not mine at the same time. As if i'm remembering them while they're happening. It first happened in the dream with the faceless man and then once more when i thought back to it that morning when i nearly melted the bedroom."
"Hmm... No matter, all things will come in time. Practice controlling your flames tonight and try holding your spear... Hmm, perhaps it's a staff after all."
"What difference would it make if it were? I mean it has blades on it, so whether it's a spear or a staff it still stabs things."
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"Staffs are often enchanted to help mages focus their mana. It allows us to have one less thing to worry about when casting spells. Remember how long it took me to summon my death knights? If i was using my staff they would have appeared near instantly. However when i inspected your spear i didn't sense anything different from an ordinary spear, besides it having a soul which is a feat in and of itself. Regardless it's worth a try when you practice later."
Tylin began to walk away before seemingly remembering something.
"Ah yes, don't forget to harvest the mana cores."
"Mana cores?"
"All living beings have them... Well except for you, your body doesn't contain any mana so it cannot have a mana core. They can usually be found near the heart. Primarily they are used to strengthen ones mana but there used in just about everything from enchanting to creating potions. You can sell them in the village and perhaps buy your new goblins some steel weapons."
"Why didn't we harvest the lok's then?"
"Not all mana cores are valuable, harvesting lok cores would have been more time consuming than they're worth. A general rule is the stronger the enemy the more valuable the mana core. Now get to it."
Tylin immediately turned away hearing no more of Aerwyn's questions. He began to search the large huts while Aerwyn inspected his new purple eyed goblins.
"You, your name is now Teek. You will be in charge of the goblins." He said pointing to the first goblin he killed that was equipped with bone armor.
"Have the ones who aren't wearing bone armor take it from the dead. I want all of them in full bone armor with weapons to match."
After giving out orders he walked to the nearest goblin corpse while being shadowed by Rin and Ren. 'It seems like they're my protectors now.' He thought, chuckling to himself and kneeling down to take a look at the ugly creature. It was the first one that Ren had nearly decapitated and it still wore a hideous grin as if it had died imagining how it would cook him.
He called Teek over and took the goblin leaders dagger before plunging it into the corpses chest, making a small hole. Unable to see any crystal he pushed his hands into the wound and pulled the chest apart. Aerwyn felt a chill down his spine from cracking sound of the creatures rib cage snapping. A small translucent cylindrical crystal could be seen being held in place next to the heart by two tendons.
He grabbed a hold of it and pulled, snapping the tendons before turning to Teek.
"After the goblins are done changing their armor have them collect these." He held up the small crystal showing it to Teek.
"Bring them to me once you collect them all. Shake your head if you understand."
"Krag..." Teek spoke in a shrill voice before shaking his head and taking off running towards the other goblins.
"Sigh... Rorik could learn from your work ethic."
"AWOOOO!" Rorik howled from the other side of the glade.
"Tsk, don't be so nosy Rorik! Eavesdropping is rude!" He yelled back before walking through the gates of the goblin encampment.
The instant he got inside a strong smell of ammonia began burning his nose. He was keeled over nearly throwing up when Tylin appeared from one of the huts lost in his own thoughts as was his default setting.
"Unfortunate... Ah Aerwyn, there you are. What took you so long? Ahem never mind it, your luck is poor. Often times goblins like to hoard precious metals and gems, anything shiny really... This must be a newer colony, possibly exiles from the large encampment to the west. Anyway, take this and tend to your wounds while i go get the horses."
Throwing him a vial filled with green liquid he headed back out the gates. The wound on his hip was still bleeding so he poured most of the liquid on it before using the rest on his arm. The liquid made the wounds feel numb and quickly stopped the bleeding. Aerwyn assumed it was the same liquid used on his burned butt yesterday. He sat against a hut and played with Rin while the liquid did it's work.
Tylin appeared a short time later and began rummaging through a pack on his horse. He pulled out two hunks of meat wrapped in large leaves and handed one to Aerwyn before munching on his own. Aerwyn took a bite of the cold venison and looked at Rin.
"Can undead creatures die?"
"Normal undead can be destroyed, but i imagine your questions intent isn't normal undead. We will do some experiments once we get back to town in a few days. Hmm, we can have you create a few undead lok on the way back to experiment on then we can..."
Tylin began to ramble on about experiments but Aerwyn knew he was no longer talking to him, just thinking out loud so he left and decided to check on the goblins and direwolves. The thirteen goblins were standing in a line with Teek in front. They were all wearing bone armor as he ordered which gave them a truly menacing look.
Teek walked forward handing him a loin cloth filled with tiny crystals. It smelled horrid and Aerwyn wasn't sure whether the smell was coming from the undoubtedly used loin cloth or the crystals.
"Go.. Cough... Good job Teek."
Aerwyn immediately headed over to the horses and emptied the contents of the loin cloth into a satchel on the horse.
"You guys can relax, notify me if anything comes near the encampment."
"KRAG!" The goblins yelled enthusiastically.
"...That goes for over-sized dogs who eavesdrop too." Aerwyn whispered in a barely audible voice.
He laughed before grabbing his spear from the nearby hut. Debating whether or not to take off his pants he decided for it. He's been without a shirt since yesterday afternoon thanks to his flames and he'd rather not risk being stuck riding a horse naked. Thankfully it was spring and the weather was quite hot.
Once naked he held his spear in his right hand and attempted to only have the flames appear there. 'Failure yet again.' He thought feeling disparaged as the right side of his upper body burst into purple flames. Closing his eyes he tried pushing the flames to his hand like he had been practicing and immediately noticed a difference.
His eyes shot open to witness the purple flames snaking up his spear as it did earlier in the day. It felt almost like the spear was a dry sponge that was dropped in water. As three snakes of flame reached the tip, they converged into the shape of a small spiraling lance. It instantly shot out straight through the thatch roof lighting it aflame. The whole experience only lasted an instant and left him in shock as purple flames rained down on top of him.
"...MY PANTS!" He ran to the corner of the hut where his pants were located using his body to shield them while running out. He was immune to his fire but his pants were not. Once he was out Tylin appeared magically as he always seems to do when Aerwyn discovers something about his powers.
"Fascinating... Show me."
Aerwyn was covered in soot and coughing. He was in no mood to deal with the unsympathetic dark elf but without the man he would be dead, or at the very least homeless and lost as far as his power was concerned. Sighing in defeat he laid his partially burned pants on the ground before igniting his upper body and pushing the flames to the spear. The flames snaked up the shaft before shooting out a spiraling lance into the air.
"Ha! So it was a staff... That at least partially explains your atrocious melee ability. You're a mage dear boy, honestly i wasn't sure how to tell you this but I've seen children with better melee-"
"Cough.. Alright thanks! I get it, I'm a mage."
"It's nothing, it's nothing." Tylin waved his hands as if Aerwyn took his words as a compliment leaving Aerwyn dumbfounded.
"You should practice speeding up the process. The time it takes you to ignite your body before firing your flames could end up costing your life in a fight. Always look to improve. Now fire a... What are you calling that ability?"
"Hmm, flame lance i guess. The shape-"
"Now fire a flame lance at that hut. I want to see what kind of power it produces on impact." Tylin not missing a beat, interrupted him and pointed at a hut that wasn't currently engulfed in purple flames.
"Fine..." Aerwyn mumbled dejectedly before aiming his spear and shooting out another flame lance.
"BOOM! SWOOSH!" The flame lance easily penetrated the wall before exploding inside the hut leaving two goblin huts now engulfed in purple flames. Tylin walked up to the hut ignoring the fire and inspected the hole were the flame lance had penetrated.
"Hmm, decent penetration. It is very much like a lance of flame, good job."
"Thanks i-"
"Your power is very different from mana. Where mana will recharge naturally throughout the day your soul will not. Thus you need to pay attention to how much of it you use else you'll end up falling unconscious or dead. Fire a few more at the hut and get some rest you're going to need all your strength come tomorrow." Tylin interrupted him once more leaving him red in the face.
"Yes, oh great wise one. I shall do as you instruct." He said through his teeth.
"Ah, i'm hardly great and wise dear boy. Those titles belong to great sages like Tyres. Go on now and practice."
Aerwyn couldn't even look at the man as he left, immediately firing off multiple flame lances in rapid succession at the burning hut. Rin was hiding behind Ren scared, while Ren seemed to be rolling on the floor laughing which only infuriating Aerwyn more. He shot out fifteen flame lances in total before scooping up Rin and heading to bed in the hut opposite Tylin.
"I don't know, i just saw a goblin that was about to stab Rin and i felt those weird emotions again."
"Weird emotions?"
"It's difficult to explain... It feels as if the emotions are mine but not mine at the same time. As if i'm remembering them while they're happening. It first happened in the dream with the faceless man and then once more when i thought back to it that morning when i nearly melted the bedroom."
"Hmm... No matter, all things will come in time. Practice controlling your flames tonight and try holding your spear... Hmm, perhaps it's a staff after all."
"What difference would it make if it were? I mean it has blades on it, so whether it's a spear or a staff it still stabs things."
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"Staffs are often enchanted to help mages focus their mana. It allows us to have one less thing to worry about when casting spells. Remember how long it took me to summon my death knights? If i was using my staff they would have appeared near instantly. However when i inspected your spear i didn't sense anything different from an ordinary spear, besides it having a soul which is a feat in and of itself. Regardless it's worth a try when you practice later."
Tylin began to walk away before seemingly remembering something.
"Ah yes, don't forget to harvest the mana cores."
"Mana cores?"
"All living beings have them... Well except for you, your body doesn't contain any mana so it cannot have a mana core. They can usually be found near the heart. Primarily they are used to strengthen ones mana but there used in just about everything from enchanting to creating potions. You can sell them in the village and perhaps buy your new goblins some steel weapons."
"Why didn't we harvest the lok's then?"
"Not all mana cores are valuable, harvesting lok cores would have been more time consuming than they're worth. A general rule is the stronger the enemy the more valuable the mana core. Now get to it."
Tylin immediately turned away hearing no more of Aerwyn's questions. He began to search the large huts while Aerwyn inspected his new purple eyed goblins.
"You, your name is now Teek. You will be in charge of the goblins." He said pointing to the first goblin he killed that was equipped with bone armor.
"Have the ones who aren't wearing bone armor take it from the dead. I want all of them in full bone armor with weapons to match."
After giving out orders he walked to the nearest goblin corpse while being shadowed by Rin and Ren. 'It seems like they're my protectors now.' He thought, chuckling to himself and kneeling down to take a look at the ugly creature. It was the first one that Ren had nearly decapitated and it still wore a hideous grin as if it had died imagining how it would cook him.
He called Teek over and took the goblin leaders dagger before plunging it into the corpses chest, making a small hole. Unable to see any crystal he pushed his hands into the wound and pulled the chest apart. Aerwyn felt a chill down his spine from cracking sound of the creatures rib cage snapping. A small translucent cylindrical crystal could be seen being held in place next to the heart by two tendons.
He grabbed a hold of it and pulled, snapping the tendons before turning to Teek.
"After the goblins are done changing their armor have them collect these." He held up the small crystal showing it to Teek.
"Bring them to me once you collect them all. Shake your head if you understand."
"Krag..." Teek spoke in a shrill voice before shaking his head and taking off running towards the other goblins.
"Sigh... Rorik could learn from your work ethic."
"AWOOOO!" Rorik howled from the other side of the glade.
"Tsk, don't be so nosy Rorik! Eavesdropping is rude!" He yelled back before walking through the gates of the goblin encampment.
The instant he got inside a strong smell of ammonia began burning his nose. He was keeled over nearly throwing up when Tylin appeared from one of the huts lost in his own thoughts as was his default setting.
"Unfortunate... Ah Aerwyn, there you are. What took you so long? Ahem never mind it, your luck is poor. Often times goblins like to hoard precious metals and gems, anything shiny really... This must be a newer colony, possibly exiles from the large encampment to the west. Anyway, take this and tend to your wounds while i go get the horses."
Throwing him a vial filled with green liquid he headed back out the gates. The wound on his hip was still bleeding so he poured most of the liquid on it before using the rest on his arm. The liquid made the wounds feel numb and quickly stopped the bleeding. Aerwyn assumed it was the same liquid used on his burned butt yesterday. He sat against a hut and played with Rin while the liquid did it's work.
Tylin appeared a short time later and began rummaging through a pack on his horse. He pulled out two hunks of meat wrapped in large leaves and handed one to Aerwyn before munching on his own. Aerwyn took a bite of the cold venison and looked at Rin.
"Can undead creatures die?"
"Normal undead can be destroyed, but i imagine your questions intent isn't normal undead. We will do some experiments once we get back to town in a few days. Hmm, we can have you create a few undead lok on the way back to experiment on then we can..."
Tylin began to ramble on about experiments but Aerwyn knew he was no longer talking to him, just thinking out loud so he left and decided to check on the goblins and direwolves. The thirteen goblins were standing in a line with Teek in front. They were all wearing bone armor as he ordered which gave them a truly menacing look.
Teek walked forward handing him a loin cloth filled with tiny crystals. It smelled horrid and Aerwyn wasn't sure whether the smell was coming from the undoubtedly used loin cloth or the crystals.
"Go.. Cough... Good job Teek."
Aerwyn immediately headed over to the horses and emptied the contents of the loin cloth into a satchel on the horse.
"You guys can relax, notify me if anything comes near the encampment."
"KRAG!" The goblins yelled enthusiastically.
"...That goes for over-sized dogs who eavesdrop too." Aerwyn whispered in a barely audible voice.
He laughed before grabbing his spear from the nearby hut. Debating whether or not to take off his pants he decided for it. He's been without a shirt since yesterday afternoon thanks to his flames and he'd rather not risk being stuck riding a horse naked. Thankfully it was spring and the weather was quite hot.
Once naked he held his spear in his right hand and attempted to only have the flames appear there. 'Failure yet again.' He thought feeling disparaged as the right side of his upper body burst into purple flames. Closing his eyes he tried pushing the flames to his hand like he had been practicing and immediately noticed a difference.
His eyes shot open to witness the purple flames snaking up his spear as it did earlier in the day. It felt almost like the spear was a dry sponge that was dropped in water. As three snakes of flame reached the tip, they converged into the shape of a small spiraling lance. It instantly shot out straight through the thatch roof lighting it aflame. The whole experience only lasted an instant and left him in shock as purple flames rained down on top of him.
"...MY PANTS!" He ran to the corner of the hut where his pants were located using his body to shield them while running out. He was immune to his fire but his pants were not. Once he was out Tylin appeared magically as he always seems to do when Aerwyn discovers something about his powers.
"Fascinating... Show me."
Aerwyn was covered in soot and coughing. He was in no mood to deal with the unsympathetic dark elf but without the man he would be dead, or at the very least homeless and lost as far as his power was concerned. Sighing in defeat he laid his partially burned pants on the ground before igniting his upper body and pushing the flames to the spear. The flames snaked up the shaft before shooting out a spiraling lance into the air.
"Ha! So it was a staff... That at least partially explains your atrocious melee ability. You're a mage dear boy, honestly i wasn't sure how to tell you this but I've seen children with better melee-"
"Cough.. Alright thanks! I get it, I'm a mage."
"It's nothing, it's nothing." Tylin waved his hands as if Aerwyn took his words as a compliment leaving Aerwyn dumbfounded.
"You should practice speeding up the process. The time it takes you to ignite your body before firing your flames could end up costing your life in a fight. Always look to improve. Now fire a... What are you calling that ability?"
"Hmm, flame lance i guess. The shape-"
"Now fire a flame lance at that hut. I want to see what kind of power it produces on impact." Tylin not missing a beat, interrupted him and pointed at a hut that wasn't currently engulfed in purple flames.
"Fine..." Aerwyn mumbled dejectedly before aiming his spear and shooting out another flame lance.
"BOOM! SWOOSH!" The flame lance easily penetrated the wall before exploding inside the hut leaving two goblin huts now engulfed in purple flames. Tylin walked up to the hut ignoring the fire and inspected the hole were the flame lance had penetrated.
"Hmm, decent penetration. It is very much like a lance of flame, good job."
"Thanks i-"
"Your power is very different from mana. Where mana will recharge naturally throughout the day your soul will not. Thus you need to pay attention to how much of it you use else you'll end up falling unconscious or dead. Fire a few more at the hut and get some rest you're going to need all your strength come tomorrow." Tylin interrupted him once more leaving him red in the face.
"Yes, oh great wise one. I shall do as you instruct." He said through his teeth.
"Ah, i'm hardly great and wise dear boy. Those titles belong to great sages like Tyres. Go on now and practice."
Aerwyn couldn't even look at the man as he left, immediately firing off multiple flame lances in rapid succession at the burning hut. Rin was hiding behind Ren scared, while Ren seemed to be rolling on the floor laughing which only infuriating Aerwyn more. He shot out fifteen flame lances in total before scooping up Rin and heading to bed in the hut opposite Tylin.
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