World-shaking First Daughter: Powerful Medical Princess

Chapter 300: Body, starting from the girl

Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

Hu Ruixuan stopped Jiang Yingxue from Fushoutang.

Jiang Yingxue stopped and looked at Hu Ruixuan. "It's much better, I haven't thanked my cousin well."

Hu Ruixuan nodded heartily. "It's better, I'm going to practice martial arts, cousin first go back."

Martial arts ...

"Cousin and more."

Hu Ruixuan stopped and looked back in confusion. "what happened?"

"Cousin taught with Master Wu?"

Hu Ruixuan shook his head and looked at Jiang Yingxue after a few people whispered, "My father and mother didn't let me practice martial arts, I secretly practiced."

Jiang Yingxue blinked and suddenly thought the boy was a bit cute.

"Where did my cousin practice, so I'm not afraid to find them?"

After listening to Jiang Yingxue saying this, Hu Ruixuan proudly lifted his chin and said, "They won't find it. There is a relatively secret courtyard in the house. No one usually goes there."

Jiang Yingxue looked at his proud smile and slowly raised his lips. "My cousin takes me with me, too. I want to practice martial arts."

"Ah? You, your cousin you, what are you talking about, then, where is your girl's family practicing." Hu Ruixuan was obviously frightened.

Although Da Xia Guo is still martial arts, that is also talking about men, not a little girl like Jiang Yingxue!

"Cousin, if you don't take me, I'll tell them to go!"

Hu Ruixuan lost her face, and looked at Jiang Yingxue unbelievably. The cousin looked at the weak and weak, but did not expect that she would be gripped by her.

In his opinion, Jiang Yingxue Bacheng was a little curious about the practice of martial arts. If she let her know the hardships, she would definitely shrink back, and she would not linger next time.

"Then I can say that, you can't tell anyone about this."

"Cousin, don't worry, if Jiang Yingxue doesn't talk, he will be ten pounds fat!"

Hu Ruixian "..." What punishment is this!

With the two together, Hu Ruixuan came up with an idea and solved the two girls who were behind Jiang Yingxue. Then he took her from the more hidden path in the town government to a town that looked like the whole town. In front of the court's solemn and luxurious courtesy.

"It's inside."

Hu Ruixuan pushed open the obsolete door, probably because Hu Ruixuan often came here, so the courtyard looked old but still clean, at least no dust fell when the door was opened.

"come on in."

As soon as Jiang Yingxue stepped into the courtyard door, Hu Ruixuan locked the courtyard door.

Jiang Yingxue looked up and down the front yard.

There were a few trees in the yard that had fallen out of leaves. Apart from that, there was no ornament in the yard.

"Cousin follow me."

After Hu Ruixuan closed the door, he quickly walked to the largest room in the yard and pushed open the door.

Inside is a small training martial arts field, with many weapons on both sides of the house.

Jiang Yingxue made a round in the room and felt the environment was ok.

"How long has my cousin been secretly practicing here?"

"Earlier this year."

The ancestor of the Zhen Guo Gong Government was a military general, but in the current generation of the Zhen Guo Gong, he began to abandon martial arts. Perhaps he felt that it was too dangerous to be a military general and began to let his children and grandchildren develop in this area.

Hu Ruixuan likes dancing swords and getting guns, but he could n’t get the consent of his family. He repeatedly asked him to focus on reading. Hu Ruixuan found such a place to practice by himself.

"What did your cousin do?"

Hu Ruixuan saw Jiang Yingxue was really interested, so he picked up the spear and waved it twice. "I learned Wuxingquan and single-headed marksmanship. I will show you."

Hu Ruixuan danced with a spear in her hand.

Jiang Yingxue stood by and watched. She used to fight in addition to eating. When it comes to fighting, she is best at Sanda and boxing, but this is considered by some to be an unlovable hobby. If she shows her skill in front of people, even Su Muge doesn't know much about her hobby.

Hu Ruixuan's spear dance was so lively that he had to say that this child was still very talented in martial arts.

A set of spears danced down, and Hu Ruixuan was sweating.


"Cousin is amazing!"

Jiang Yingxue still applauded.

Her good work was praised, and Hu Ruixuan's young face was full of joy.

"Cousin, although it looks easy for me to dance this long gun, but this gun weighs several tens of pounds, you can't get it, this martial art is not so easy." Hu Ruixuan did not forget to attack Jiang Yingxue's initiative.

Jiang Yingxue raised an eyebrow and smiled, "Who said that I would practice a long gun." Hu Ruixuan was right, as she now has a body that is more like a whole long gun, but the gun head cannot move.

"My cousin is practicing by himself, don't worry about me."

After Jiang Yingxue spoke, he opened the door and went out.

Hu Ruixuan looked at her back in confusion, not knowing what she wanted to do, but as long as she promised not to tell others, he would let her go. Anyway, the little girl's house would get tired soon.

Thinking of this, Hu Ruixuan didn't think about it and practiced it by himself.

After Jiang Yingxue came out of the house, he tied his skirt corners and wide sleeves together, so it would be more convenient to exercise.

She looked around the courtyard. Although the location of this courtyard is remote, it is very wide, and there are no obstacles. It is a good place to exercise.

After the symptoms, Jiang Yingxue pressed his leg. "Oh this body, this old muscle is so stiff, where is it like the body of a teenage girl."

Jiang Yingxue pressed his legs, and his body became a little hot. I can imagine how much he lacked exercise, that is, he was still young, otherwise he would lie in bed early and die.

After stretching, Jiang Yingxue began to trot in the yard, jogging in small steps, the speed was not fast, and at first he needed to slowly adapt to his body.

It was only after she had not run a lap that she was so tired that she could not breathe. "I'm going, no, I'm not teasing my sister, this won't work!"

Jiang Yingxue gritted his teeth and ran for four or five laps, feeling a little dark before his eyes.

"Cousin Yingxue, you, what's wrong with you? Are you all right?"

Hu Ruixuan fired his gun for a while, listening to the movement outside, and wondering what Jiang Yingxue was doing, he walked out the door and looked at him, and saw Jiang Yingxue sitting on the steps with a pale face, panting, good guy Almost didn't scare Hu Ruixuan into tears.

If Jiang Yingxue had a good deal, his grandmother would have to chop off his skin!

"Me, I'm fine, cousin, I'm just a little tired." Jiang Yingxue took a sigh of relief, squashing the writhing in his stomach.

It ’s really uncomfortable. I guess I ate too much in the morning. I can't help it anymore.

"You, you are you all right?"

Jiang Yingxue shook his head for sure. "Cousin, don't worry, I'm really okay, I'm just a bit tired, just take it easy."

Hu Ruixuan heard Jiang Yingxue say this, and then looking at her face, it seemed as if her cheeks were gradually flushing, in addition to being a little pale, so it seemed to make her whole body a little more angry.

"My cousin Yingxue also saw that this martial art is not so good. You will embroider and raise grass in the yard in the future." He saw that his sister was like this, and he still hated the sweat from his body in the day. Boy, he will have a bath after he goes back to practice. Where is the sweat?

Who knows, under Hu Ruixuan's bitter persuasion, Jiang Yingxue slowly shook his head. "No, I saw my cousin dancing like a gun today. It's too mighty. I will definitely stick to it!"

"The woman who dances with her sword can't marry." Hu Ruixuan regretted it as soon as he finished speaking. His cousin was only retired by King Zhan not long ago. "Cousin, me, I mean ..."

"Cousin, do you think your bones are better than before?"

Hu Ruixuan nodded after thinking. "It's a lot better."

"My cousin looked at me, and I was blown away by a gust of wind. If I didn't practice well, I'm afraid I wouldn't live to be twenty years old!" Jiang Yingxue said with a sad face on his face.

Hu Ruixuan was shocked. "No, no cousin, don't just think about it."

Jiang Yingxue lowered her head, and secretly gave herself a puddle, causing her eyes to be reddish, and she sucked her nose. "My cousin doesn't know. I used to drink medicine like water. I was really fed up with my run-down body. I want to be as healthy as my cousin."

Hu Ruixuan heard what she said, and felt that his cousin was really pitiful. "Well, cousin, don't be sad. I will bring you here in the future to practice martial arts. You can rest assured that your body will get better!"

Jiang Yingxue's eyes flashed a smile very quickly, really a kind child!

"Thank my cousin, I believe that my cousin's effort will definitely be the best place to go to take a martial arts champion."

"You feel the same way ?!"

Hmm ... I just talk casually, don't take it seriously ...

After Jiang Yingxue slowed down, he did some simple aerobic exercises. After a sweat on his body, today's exercise is considered complete.

"In the future, I will be waiting for you at the rockery behind the garden every day, and we will come together." When preparing to leave the courtyard, Hu Ruixuan came to Jiang Yingxue and said.

Jiang Yingxue now knows the place, and knows how to follow her daughter-in-law, and feels that it doesn't matter if he doesn't come with Hu Ruixuan ...

But she couldn't say the words. "Well, my cousin is more careful, but it can't be discovered."

"My cousin found that no one has noticed for more than half a year."

After the two had a good discussion, Hu Ruixuan woke up the two girls who followed Jiang Yingxue, put them in the gazebo in the garden, and left.

The two maids woke up quietly, watching Jiang Yingxue sitting in the gazebo drinking tea for a moment, and then looked at herself, and fell asleep on the stone pillars in the gazebo, frightened.

"Miss Watch, forgive me, slaves **** ..."

Jiang Yingxue quietly picked up the tea cup, her eyes flashed with pure and doubtful light. "What happened to the two sisters? Did you do something wrong?"

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