Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

Jiang Yingxue went to the man and sat down. The man's face was dirty, and he could only see the big and bright eyes in the dark. "Then why are you still alive?"

The man was stunned, apparently did not expect Jiang Yingxue to ask him that.

"Everyone has the right to live."

The man grinned. "After tonight, you can say that again."

Jiang Yingxue leaned against the cold wall, took a bun from his body and ate it, and then took out one and shook it in front of the man.

Jiang Yingxue clearly saw him swallowing. "Tell me your name, and I'll invite you to eat buns, meat."

A small hand quickly reached over and grabbed the bun in her hand and stuffed it into her mouth.


He swallowed the buns and then looked at Jiang Yingxue. "soul."

"Broken?" Jiang Yingxue raised an eyebrow.


Jiang Yingxue leaned to his side and lowered his voice, "Xiao Po, there are girls in this room. How did you get a boy in here?"

After listening to her saying this, Gou stunned and looked at her in astonishment, as if not expecting it.

"Rest assured, I won't break through you." Jiang Yingxue smiled and patted his shoulder.

As night fell, footsteps sounded outside.

Jiang Yingxue noticed that as soon as the footsteps sounded, the people in the room couldn't help shaking.

After a while, the door was opened, and a sturdy woman put a broken bowl on the ground. "time to eat."

Those who were curled up in the corner rushed to grab the **** in the bowl before the door closed, and then retracted in their corner to gobble up.

Jiang Yingxue stood up and went to the window surrounded by wood and looked out.

"Don't watch, unless you have wings like the birds in the sky, otherwise you can't escape, that person is caught and found back because of the escape, and it becomes like that one night." Empty road, he was talking about the woman tied to the shelf.

"I didn't even think about escaping. There are less than one or two hundred people in this village, so how can I escape?"

Xiao Pi heard her say so, snorted coldly, and didn't talk to the wall.

The moon in the dark night is getting brighter and brighter, and the night on the mountain is extremely quiet. Jiang Yingxue standing at the window seems to be able to hear the loud drinking of those loud horses not far away.

Footsteps rang again outside the door, Jiang Yingxue looked out through the gap in the door, and saw a big man approaching this side.

When he pushed the door open, Jiang Yingxue quickly hid behind the door.

The Dahan had a strong body of alcohol. He drunkenly swept around the room, reached out, and caught the two girls in Jiangfu.

"Ah, let me go, what are you doing fast, let me go ..."

"Pap" the big man slapped the two girls with a slap. This slap, Jiang Yingxue doubted whether her eardrum was broken.

"Smelly girl, I'll kill you if you don't listen!"

He was beaten and people were honest.

"Boss, these two are fresh. I'll give the boss a taste before we reach our brothers."

"Rest assured, I just brought it to the boss."

"Well, isn't there another one?"

"The one with a rash face, the boss said it looked scary, let it go first."

"I'll get one for fun too."

Immediately afterwards, two or three big men came one after another, dragging everyone out of the house, not even the half dead on the ground.

I don't know if those people are blind or what, even one by one ignores the courage sitting in the corner and ignores her rotten face. Of course, it may be that she is hiding behind the door without anyone paying attention To her.

Jiang Yingxue looked at the open door with a little surprise, and looked at his soul. "Why don't you run away?"

Po turned his head to the side without answering her.

"When did you come?" Jiang Yingxue didn't leave in a hurry, but instead sat down and chatted. "You probably know the terrain of this cottage?"

"Aren't you running?" Po was annoyed by her questioning and turned back to give her a wink.

"I just came here and I don't understand anything. I'm running now. What if I get caught?"

Tightened his lips and said nothing.

"I still have meat buns and jerky. Would you like to eat them?"

Someone's eyes fell silently on her.

Jiang Yingxue took out a piece of jerky and took a bite.

"Well, this dried meat tastes pretty good. It's more delicious if it can be served with a bowl of chicken soup."

"We are in the back of Zhaizi. After going out from here, we can walk backwards and we can see the back door of the cottage. You can escape from there." Pony's eyes stared at Jiang Yingxue's jerky tightly. Reach out to grab.

Jiang Yingxue's hand quickly closed, avoiding his hand.

Dark face sank. "give me!"

"If what you say is true, I will give you all my meat buns."

Momu looked at her with a face. "What I said is real."

"Really, don't you know if you show me a way?"

Po stood up and looked at her, and walked straight towards the door. Jiang Yingxue smiled, and followed behind him.

There are two similar houses on both sides of this broken house, and Moo said that all the inside was closed by women who were robbed from the outside.

Every night, when the time is almost the same, those evil men will appear to take those women out for fun. If any of them are weak or die, they will throw the body directly into the back mountain to feed the beasts.

I don't know if these ringing horses are too confident, Jiang Yingxue walked out of the dilapidated courtyard without seeing anyone.

"Don't be too happy, if that's the case, those people would have already run away."

She seemed to know what she was thinking, and she spoke directly.

"Hurry up!"

Just as the two were about to walk out of a door, Mo suddenly turned and pulled her to hide behind a large tank.


"Wine, the wine in the village is better than the outside. Madam, you can make a little more, otherwise the brothers are not enough."

Jiang Yingxue looked towards the source of the sound, only to see a drunk ringing horse standing at the door they were going out, as if he was talking to someone.

But when she was going into the door just now, she clearly saw the dark inside and had nothing.

"There's wine over there, get it." A husky voice sounded, but couldn't see where the person was.

"That is the wine lady in this village, who is responsible for making wine for the people in the cottage. The door we just entered was the wine cellar in the cottage. From our side, it was dark inside, but it was inside. People can see it, but they can clearly understand what is happening outside the door. Those who want to escape must pass through this wine cellar, otherwise they wo n’t be able to get out at all. ”Pyo Slowly explained.

"Then why didn't you just say?" Jiang Yingxue lowered his voice and gritted his teeth.

She gave her a cool look. "You didn't say you were going to give me meat buns."


"Then how do we get out of the cellar?"

"I don't know if that's the case, I'll make a fortune. If I get caught, I'll say you gave me directions. If you can't get out, let's not bother!


She was so irritated by her cheeks that she had never seen such a shameless person!

He hummed for a while before pulling out a black piece of silver from his arms and throwing it to the door.

After a while, Jiang Yingxue saw a huge figure coming out of the door. If it was not large enough, Jiang Yingxue would doubt whether her big **** would be given to the card owner by the door!

She slowly took a step, walked to the piece of broken silver and tried to pick it up.

"Let's go now." Poo whispered, and led Jiang Yingxue into the dark door!

"Be careful ..."


Before the spirit was finished, Jiang Yingxue was stunned and almost fell off a dog to eat shit! Fortunately, she responded fast enough!

She stood still and looked back at the door. When I went, there were almost half a meter of steps!

However, as the spirit said, looking out from the inside, you can really see clearly.

"Where is it out of the cellar?"



The cellar wasn't too big, and it was very uncomfortable because it was soggy and wet.

Before the two had reached the exit of the cellar, Jiang Yingxue could clearly hear the laughter from outside, the scream of the woman, and the voice of Si yell.

"Don't ... ah, save, save ..."

"Don't touch me, don't touch me, I beg you ..."

With each step of Jiang Yingxue, his fist clenched.

"Why do you think they want to save them?" Mo sounded lowly with a sarcastic voice.

Jiang Yingxue stood by the door and looked towards the patio.

On the other side of the door is a large patio. There are dozens of ringing horses sitting or standing or lying horizontally. Most of them are drinking and eating meat, but they are more likely to press the robbed women underneath Oh!

"Yeah, Grandpa just likes your cry, ha ha ha ha."

Jiang Yingxue looked towards the front of the patio. The man who lifted the veil from her head was sitting on a tiger stool.

And the two maidservants who guarded her grabbed a cup from him, and one was pulled down and rubbed by someone below him.

"The beasts!"

"Do you still want to escape now?"

"When will these people disperse?"

"They're tired, they're full, they're tired, and they sleep here."

"Except this road ..."

"Yes, this is the only way to get out of the cottage."

Jiang Yingxue turned and headed back. "Let's go back."

Coldly ticked the corners of his lips. "It's good to know that you have a few pounds or two. Gouhuo is better than death."

Jiang Yingxue paused suddenly and looked at him quietly. "You are wrong, Jiang Yingxue will never live, but I will not die!"

She said, taking a jar of slap that big wine out of the door quickly, because the wine lady was too fat, she sat down on the ground and couldn't get up after squatting down. The two went out and came back. Nothing was found.

"Okay, I'm going to see how you escape!"

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