Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

Jiang Yingxue thought he would question her, but Su Yuzhen stood up and walked directly past her.

I go!

Really when she is out of air?

Su Yuzhang crossed her and went to the bookshelf behind her and took a book from above.

Just before he went back to the case, his thigh was hugged.

Su Yu stumbled slightly, looking down at the person who was blocking her pace.

Jiang Yingxue held Su Yu's thigh in both hands, and looked down at his perfect chin and delicate nostrils.

"Master Wang, I was wrong. I shouldn't be curious. I slipped out of the palace to cause such a big trouble. I really didn't kill someone. I even kindly wanted to save her."

Su Yukun has never seen such a shameless woman!

He darkened his face and moved his legs. "Jiang Yingxue, let go!"

Jiang Yingxue sucked his nose. "Master, if you don't believe me, I won't let go!"

Su Yuxi sneered. "Okay, you aren't loose. My king just made you a waste."

The next moment, Su Yuzheng's legs were free again, Jiang Yingxue's waist was upright, and he was kneeling upright.

Sure enough, she is a ghost story!

"If you let my king believe in you, then you will come up with the evidence to let my king believe in you."

"If I can come up with the evidence, Wang Ye believes me?"

Su Yuzhen raised her eyebrows as she watched.

Jiang Yingxue secretly poked his lips and took the mask from his body.

"I removed this mask on the face of one of the two men, exactly like the bandit leader."

Su Yuzhen went over and picked up his mask and looked at it. "anything else?"

"That woman died of poisoning."

"Master Wang, Mr. Han asks."

"Come in."

The study door was pushed in, and a man in a white moon gown came in.

He looked very thin, with amber eyes that looked extraordinarily peaceful. He walked slowly and looked like a scholar. "See Grandpa."

"Say it."

Mr. Han held a food container in his hand, and when he heard that, he put the food container in front of Su Yuying's desk, his white fingers quickly and elegantly opened it.

Jiang Yingxue thought he was bringing food to Su Yuyu. As soon as the food box was opened, she smelled a thick **** smell.

Hey, what, Su Yuyong's taste is really heavy.

Jiang Yingxue stretched his neck and looked at him, and he faced a pair of dilated pupils!

"If you look at these eyes, her pupils have become dark red ..."

Ouch I go!

"This is the lungs of the deceased. The entire lung is completely black, which proves that this is a very poisonous virus that will attack in a short time ... It is a pity that this lung was very good before it was poisoned and it also grew very beautiful."

Su Yuzheng "..."

Jiang Yingxue "..."

Jiang Yingxue lifted his forehead. Sure enough, he gathered people into groups and groups, and they were all around him!

"My king just wants to hear the results." Su Yuzhang raised his tea cup and looked away from the desk.

Mr. Han glanced at him with a bit of grievance before putting away everything in the food container. "It was poisoned by Chinese opera."

"What poison?"

Mr. Han shook his head. "The subordinates didn't know enough about poison, and they asked Wang Ye to forgive him."

She now made it clear that she was being put together. If you want Su Yuzhen to believe him, you must first find out the cause of death of the deceased.

Poo only knew that the woman had been poisoned by a glance, maybe he could see something. "Master, can you show me the boy who was in prison with me? Maybe he knows what the poison is."

"Bring people up."


Xu Xuan, the soul was sent to the study by officers and men.

"Soul, didn't you say that woman was poisoned, is there any way you can tell what kind of poison she is?"

Mr. Han carried the food box to Moo, took out the contents and set it open in front of him.

Frightened frowned.

"The pupil is red, the liver is blue, and the poisoned person will violently die within two quarters of an hour. It is red bamboo."

"Red bamboo? Yes, I forgot it, prince, this person is poisoned by red bamboo." Mr. Han said with a stunned expression.

Jiang Yingxue looked blank, and explained with a shameful face: "Red bamboo is the name of a bamboo. This bamboo looks no different from other bamboos. When the bamboo is cut open, the heart inside is really red. Yes, this poison is made from this bamboo. "

"Yes, but this kind of bamboo has extremely strict requirements on the growth environment. It needs a lot of rain to grow out all year round, and it takes at least five years for a red bamboo to produce deadly toxins. Only the rainy land in the south can Plant it. "

"This red bamboo is very toxic. Even if it is packed in a porcelain bottle, the toxins in the bottle can quickly dissipate, resulting in different degrees of rash on the body. It takes at least seven days to dissipate." Su Yu shouted.

Jiang Yingxue's eyes lit up. "Master Wang, as long as you let the two of them judge and ask them where the poison came from, you know if we are innocent."

The two men wanted to push things to her, and naturally said that the poison was given to her, but as long as this was not right and she had no rashes on her body, it proved that the two were false. words!

Su Yuyi glanced at Ming Zhen, Ming Zhen would bow out and walk out.

Soon, Ming Zhen returned and whispered in Su Yu's ear.

Su Yuxi's gaze fell on Jiang Yingxue slowly, Jiang Yingxue burst into a very sincere smile.

Jiang Yingxue was right. Now the two were about to bite Jiang Yingxue, and Zhu Qing's poison naturally pushed on her, saying that she gave it, and also said time, but Ming Zhen found one on them. Large rash.

"Take them down for inspection."


Ming Zhen stepped forward and brought Jiang Yingxue to the cubicle, reaching out to undress her.

Although Jiang Yingxue felt humiliated, in order to prove her innocence, she could only bear it. Who made her decide to hold Su Yu's golden thigh!

"Girl Mingzhen, you can see clearly. My skin is smooth and has no flaws."

Ming Zhen saw her eyes thin as if she were as thin as two or two, but her skin was smooth enough to be real.

"In the future we will be on the same boat. You will have to take more care of me in the future."

Ming Zhen's eyebrows throbbed, and Jiang Yingxue was definitely the most rogue person she had ever seen!

On the other side, Ding Xiang also came out of the other room with his courage.

Both men shook their heads, and neither of them had a rash.

Seven days ago, Jiang Yingxue was still in the palace. It was unlikely that he had poisoned the two people before. It turns out that the two people must have lied.

"Let Zhao Qin pry open their mouths."


"Master, now it's proven that my and my ... guards are innocent, don't we have to go back to the prison?"

When Moo was so angry, when he became the guard of this woman!

Su Yu frowned slightly. "Mr. Han, I think you still have a lot to learn from this guard."

After listening to the words of Mr. Han, Mr. Han classified him as a person of his own. He looked at him with excitement on his face. "This brother, please give me a lot of advice in the future, go, there is a room in my yard, brother can rest there."

Jiang Yingxue stood in the study and watched with open eyes and was taken away by a scholar who seemed to be helpless ...

In the study, only Su Yuzheng and Jiang Yingxue were left.

Jiang Yingxue squeezed out a charming smile and walked to Su Yuzhen.

The world is getting worse, one day her Jiang Yingxue turns into a man holding a **** man's thigh!

"Master, you still have to read the official document. I will help you to polish the ink."

Jiang Yingxue stayed in the cell for a while, with a musty smell on his body.

Su Yu frowned and trembled, suppressing the anger in her chest. "Jiang Yingxue, get out and wash clean again!"

Jiang Yingxue hand loosened, waiting for you to say this!

"Go ahead."

Jiang Yingxue stopped suddenly when he was about to leave the study door.

"By the way, there is one thing for those Rong people who broke into the city, they have no taste."

Hearing that, Su Yuzhen looked up at her.

Jiang Yingxue waved and went out.

After leaving the study, she found Ming Zhen and asked her to arrange a yard for herself.

When she was able to bathe in hot water comfortably, it was half an hour later.

"Huh, it's such a rare time to live a comfortable life."

She collapsed with her hands on the edge of the barrel, and the whole person relaxed.

After Jiang Yingxue left, Su Yuzheng asked Ding Xiang to ask how Ding Zheng was doing.

"Always led people to search the city, but nothing was gained."

"Master, there is a sudden news from Rong tribe, saying that Rong tribe wants to make peace with Daxia Kingdom."

"The gang of Rong dogs want to negotiate with us?" Several adjutants who came into the yard were surprised.

They had just finished training in the barracks, and every day they went to Wangfu to report to Su Yuzheng about the situation in the barracks.

"The story came from a tribe prince of the Rong tribe. He said that he had had enough days of fighting with us. In fact, they just wanted food. If the two sides can have a good way to communicate with each other, There is no need to fight any more. "This is true. The Rong tribe comes to grab food every time they come, because the Rong people are willing to sell their cattle and horses. Buy.

The Rong tribe is not so much a country as a large tribe composed of tribe.

Su Yu's articulated fingers tapped on the desk. "Which tribe is it?"

"The Lausanne tribe."

The Lausanne tribe is considered to be a relatively large tribe among the Rong tribe. If the Rongrong tribe is ten, then the number of Lausanne tribe should be at least three.

"Zhang Xin." The person who came to speak bowed forward.

"Subordinates are here."

"Immediately, Feiying passed the book and reported it to the court. The king could not decide whether to make peace or not."

Even if Huizhou City is the land of Su Yuzhang, it is also the land of the Great Xia Kingdom. The shore of the land is the land of the king. Today, the Holy One is the one who can really make decisions.

If this is not the case, Su Yuzheng doesn't report it, but I don't know how many people will stab the knife in the back.

"Yes, my subordinates go immediately."

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