Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

"Some tricks, if you use it too much, it will fail." Su Yuyin laughed Yin Yin.

Jiang Yingxue got up from the bed and glared at him secretly.

The figure that flickered from the front door quickly entered the backyard of the post. There was a separate room in the backyard. From the outside, this room had no doors or windows. The whole room was surrounded by walls.

The figure came to a wall and knocked lightly or heavily on the wall, and the wall opened a door that could be passed by two people.

The figure quickly entered.

In the room, a big man with a bare upper body sharpening his knife turned to look at him. "Why, is there fresh material?"

This figure is not someone else, it is the second brother of the station.

"It's not new, it's been used."

"Ding Jing Ding Jing"

The ringing bell rang in the room, and Xiao Erdian laughed. "It's lively today. This is the first wave of people to come and make more buns."

"I see, go out."

Having said that, the shop junior opened the door and went out.

Jiang Yingxue walked upstairs from the lobby with a hot water basin in his hands, watching a dozen braided men with small braids enter the station. "Ten bedrooms."

"Kaiguan, I'm really sorry, the shop is crowded today, and now there are only five rooms left. Look here ..."

"There will be five rooms, and then 20 pounds of vegetarian buns." A few strong men Yihui gave a pack of silver to the counter.

"Anyway, guest officer, please go upstairs." The store's second child collected the money and invited people to the second floor.

Jiang Yingxue stood outside the door with a water basin. It seems that this shop has only one shop, Xiao Er, which is too strange.

As she was about to open the door and enter the house, she saw two people walk into the post. She looked at them and looked a little stunned. Isn't that the two men? How come they are here?

No, the two men must have been severely tortured by Su Yuzheng's confession after being sent to the palace.

Could it be that……

Su Yuzhang opened their mouths, and then found someone to disguise them!

If so, it makes sense.

The two reached out, and there was a "man" who looked thinner and wore a coarse cloth. The "man" followed behind them and never looked up.

"Three guest officials, we only have a shop here. If the three guest officials don't mind, the younger ones will bring in two."

"Tongpu, just shop, take us there." The man wearing the bandit mask was a little impatient.

"Well, anyway, this will take two of them."

As the two entered the post, a man sitting in the corner of the lobby looked at their backs, took a drink and took a sip.

In the room opposite Jiang Yingxue, three or four braided men stood in the room, with only one sitting in the middle.

"People who came early reported that King Zhan had not arrived yet."

These guys are the people of the Santa tribe who want to talk to Su Yu, and in the middle is the great prince Huluner of the San tribe.

"The time for reconciliation is noon tomorrow. It is normal for him to arrive. You should be alert, and no one should relax your vigilance during the post." Hu Luner frowned a pair of thick brows.


The time has passed, the people sitting in the lobby have returned to their houses, and the whole post has been quiet.

Jiang Yingxue sat down on the bed Su Yuzheng. There was only one bed, a quilt, and a pillow in this room. Then the question came, where would she sleep tonight! ?

"Gu Ye, where do I sleep tonight?"

Su Yuzhen opened his eyes and took off his shoes, and he lay down on the bed. "A big room like this, don't you know where to sleep?"

Jiang Yingxue was so relieved, haha!

Good women do n’t fight with men!

She picked up her bag, swept across the table, sat up, and lay down directly on it.

The light in the lobby of the station is off. From the outside, the entire station looks like a monster standing in the dark, and at this moment the monster is preparing to open its mouth of blood.

A ghostly figure appeared on the second-floor room corridor, and he took out the smoke from his body and blew the smoke into a room.

When he arrived at the door of Jiang Yuxue's house, Jiang Yingxue lying on a chair suddenly opened his eyes and sat up.

I don't know if this place is too quiet, so quiet that she couldn't sleep at all.

Through the faint moonlight, she could see the smoke sticks reaching into the room, and she quickly held her breath and twisted the wet parcel to cover her mouth and nose.

When she was sure that someone outside was leaving, she turned around and saw Su Yuzhen, who had already sat up in bed.

Damn it!

Startled her!

Su Yuzhang looked at Jiang Yingxue without moving.

Jiang Yingxue went to Su Yuyu and sat down. He whispered in front of him: "Master, this is a black shop."

"You're alert." Su Yuzhen stood up to the window, just opened the window, and a shadow of ghostly flashed in.


"Stop them, don't break me."


The shadow echoed, and then came out again.

After Jiang Yingxue watched the man in black leave, he ran to the bed and sat down first.

"Guye, it's too dangerous here. I don't think you're going to sleep anymore. Safety is more important!" He rolled the quilt and rolled it towards the bed.

Su Yuxi looked at her like that, squinting slightly, and walked to the bed to see that she wrapped herself like a worm, and stretched out her hand in the air again.

Jiang Yingxue stuck himself in the quilt for a long time and did not hear Su Yuzheng's movements. He felt that this was the victory of the struggle. He stumbled to sleep!

When Xiao Er, who was blowing smoke in various rooms, was about to start, two black shadows suddenly appeared in front of him.

Xiao Erdian sneered. "Brother, don't get in the way."

"Go back, if it hurts my master, you will not be dead ten times."

The shop prince was ashamed when he said that. "Which way?"

The man in black took out a silver sign from his body, and Xiao Erdian was shocked. "It turned out to be the Ghost King, disrespectful and disrespectful, just in the face of the Ghost King, I won't do this ticket tonight."

The shop's second child turned around and went downstairs, disappearing into the dim lobby.

The golden light in the morning shined into the house through the window, and Jiang Yingxue stretched his waist in the quilt. When the consciousness gradually returned, he remembered where he was.

She lifted the quilt and sat up violently, and then saw Su Yuzheng sitting on the chair.

"Gu Ye, early."

Su Yuzhen picked up the teapot on the table and poured a cup of tea. "That's how you wait for Grandpa?"

When Jiang Yingxue got out of bed and put on shoes, he opened the door and found that there were already a lot of people in the lobby, including those two easy-to-see people.

She went downstairs to the backyard to solve her personal problems, and as she was preparing to come out, she heard someone passing by the door.

"Go and tell the prince, King Zhan is here."


After people left, Jiang Yingxue pushed out the door of the thatched house and walked out.

Su Yuyi arrived yesterday. This "Su Yuyi" will not be his substitute.

Jiang Yingxue quickly walked upstairs, and really saw that Su Yuzheng was still sitting in the room.

"Gu Ye, you don't need to go to the battle to discuss such things?"

Su Yuyi looked at him and stood up and walked to the wall, only pushing his fingertips on the wall, a half-sized slap hole appeared on the wall.

The direction of this hole is just above the bed, and most people don't notice it at all.

Su Yuxi is a head taller than Jiang Yingxue. She can't touch the height he can see!

"King Zhan is on time."

Jiang Yingxue was preparing to lie back on the bed, and heard a sound coming from the next door. Is this room's sound insulation so bad? !!

"Late here, doesn't it appear that Da Xia Guo has no sincerity?"

This voice is exactly the same as Su Yuzheng. It turns out that important leaders of these countries have such perfect substitutes!

"Daxia has been fighting with our Rong tribe for many years, and both sides have suffered damage. The father and king believe that this is not a long-term solution, so the special prince is here to negotiate peace. If King Zhan is willing to cease the war, the Daxia country and the Santa clan can Lead to each other and never meet again. "

Just when Jiang Yingxue listened carefully, a shadow flew in again through the window. "Man, the fifth child appears."

Su Yu suddenly looked sideways at him.

"Where is the person?"

"Now they're talking to him Zhou Xuan."

"Stabilize him, don't leak anything."



There was a loud noise coming from the room next door. Jiang Yingxue froze. He stepped his toes on a stool and looked over there. Good guy, Su Yu's substitute was stabbed by someone, and the person who stabbed him. It was the guard standing behind the great prince.

"Big prince, kill him!" The guard shouted, and Su Yuzhen's guards all pulled out their swords, and the two men killed each other.

Hu Luner was a stunner. He did come to peace today, but ... he looked at Su Yuzhen who was stabbed ...

Since Su Yuzheng appeared in Huizhou City, they can grab what they want from the city as in the past. Su Yuzheng can be said to be the enemies of their entire Rong tribe, if not their Santa tribe was reduced by constant wars all year round. Many young adults, they are definitely not meeting.

But now, there is an opportunity to kill Su Yuyu!

Hu Luner quickly made a decision, he pulled out the big sword in the waist and joined the melee.

Jiang Yingxue was so shocked that he said good peace!

"Master, the fifth child seems to have found something wrong, and ran away!" Ding Zheng glanced through the window into the room and said in a deep voice.

Su Yu's dark eyes sank. "Where did you go?"

"It's out of the station now."

"Take care of the post, I will go after it myself."

Su Yuyi pushed open the door and flew out.

Jiang Yingxue looked at the back of Su Yuzhang's departure first, then quickly chased out, but in fact it would be nothing else, just want to see who dare to let her carry the pot!

"Man, wait for me."

Seeing Su Yu's figure disappearing into sight, Jiang Yingxue could only be angry with Dan Tian, ​​making the teleport to catch up ...

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