World-shaking First Daughter: Powerful Medical Princess

Chapter 346: Don't want to die, fight back

Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

When Jiang Yingxue opened her eyes, she was alone on the bed.

She turned up and sat up. If it wasn't for the stomach, she really thought that the appearance of Su Yuzhen last night was just a dream!

Jiang Yingxue rubbed his stomach and felt that the perverted mind was incomprehensible to ordinary people.

Fortunately, Su Yuzhen was perverted and perverted, and she was barely a gentleman. At least she hadn't manually manipulated her, but even so, it couldn't stop her from hating him!

Jiang Yingxue wore clothes and went out. No one was waiting for her. She went to the backyard to wash and wash herself, and went to the big kitchen to grab some food by herself!

There was food, drink and Gao Fushui when she was crossing. She crossed, and she was almost on the sword.

Jiang Yingxue was washed clean, and after grabbing a dozen steamed buns in the large kitchen, he walked out from the main entrance of the palace.

She got a horse from the palace, and when she was about to turn over, she saw Ming Zhen coming out of the gate.

The girl still yelled at her yesterday. Why did she follow up today?

"Is Mingzhen going out early in the morning?"

Ming Zhen walked out of the door and whistled, and a black horse ran out from the side door of Wangfu.

"Master Wang ordered me to protect the safety of Girl Jiang."

Jiang Yingxue shook his lips. The talents sent by Su Yuzhang are the most dangerous!


Jiang Yingxue caught a carriage and was about to leave. No one knew that as soon as she moved, a person rushed out, and she hurriedly rushed to avoid rushing to the other side.

"Cousin, wait for me, I'll go with you."

After allowing the horse to stabilize, Jiang Yingxue almost didn't throw the whip over. "Cousin, you are dead!"

"Cousin, take me there." Hu Ruixuan smiled deadly.

Jiang Yingxue endured the urge to roll his eyes. "Oh, if you can keep up with me, I'll take you!" After she said, she slammed her whip and ran away!

"Well, cousin, wait for me!" Hu Ruixuan looked anxious, and looked at Ming Zhen's horse in a blink of an eye. "Girl Mingzhen ..."

"Drive!" Mingzhen ran faster than Jiang Yingxue ...

"Cousin, I will definitely catch up with you!"

It's still early, there are few pedestrians on the street, and Jiang Yingxue is driving on the street. This feeling is still very good.

Arrived smoothly at the agreed place, the girls were already waiting there.

Jiang Yingxue turned over and dismissed the number of people silently. Thirty, none were no less.

"Let everyone wait long."

"The place we are going to today is the barren hill outside the city. Today our training starts there. Are you full in the morning?"

"I am full."

"Okay, just eat enough. From now on, until dark, you haven't drunk."

Jiang Yingxue took them down to the barren hills and dismounted.

"Have you been to the mountain?"

"Has been."


The girls answered sporadically.

"It's okay. I haven't been to half the copper plate of the project we are training today."

Mingzhen glanced at her silently, it doesn't matter if you ask a fart ...

Jiang Yingxue came under a big tree and rubbed his hands. In the unexpected situation, everyone rushed to the tree like a monkey, and then returned to the original place as quickly as possible.

"See what I just did?"

The girls nodded in doubt.

"I see."

"See, everyone will find a similar tall tree and climb up."

"Climbing a tree? What's the use of climbing this tree without having to go to the tree to steal fruit?"

Jiang Yingxue nodded with his hands around his chest. "Well, that's a good question, but I'll tell you after you've finished climbing."

Although confused and somewhat unwilling, the girls still obediently climbed the tree.

Jiang Yingxue walked back and forth between them with a small whip. "Girl, you don't have enough food in the morning, just at your speed. If there is a big bug underneath, you will be swallowed first."

"I, I ..." The little girl is also fourteen and fifteen years old, thin and small. I don't know how she passed the assessment yesterday.

After Jiang Yingxue took a circle, he put his whip around his waist and began to climb up the tree.

Climbing trees especially emphasizes the coordination of the body. It tests the strength of the arms and legs, and the mentality.

She rubbed her hands and started crawling back and forth on the tree until she was behind, and her body was wrapped around a tree trunk.

"Cousin, what are you doing?"

Hu Ruixuan, who swears to follow, finally found someone.

Jiang Yingxue looked down at Hu Ruixuan, who was standing under the tree. His feet wrapped around the trunk slowly slipped, and there was hardly any sound during the period.

"Cousin, how about playing a game with us?"

Hu Ruixuan instinctively wanted to shake his head, he always felt that every time his cousin let him play any game, there would be nothing good.

"Cousin, can't you play?"


A quarter of an hour later, Hu Ruixuan was blindfolded and a leaf was stuck in his head.

"Cousin, what game are you going to play?"

"Cousin, this game can train your hearing and responsiveness." Then, she took Hu Ruixuan in the middle of the woods where the girls were.

"Everyone comes over to me."

The girls stopped and looked at Yun Mu.

"Did you see this leaf on his head? I'll let him walk under the tree where you are. If anyone can pluck the leaves from his head on the tree, I will reward you with twelve silver!"

Those present were all from ordinary families, and some of them could not even eat enough food. These twelve were full of attraction for each of them.

"Cousin, if I walked around and they didn't take the leaves away, would I win?"

"Of course, cousin, if you win, I'll teach you a terrific one."

"Okay, I won't lose."

Jiang Yingxue early Hu Ruixuan tied a rope around his waist and pulled him in front of each tree to shuttle. He guaranteed that the time he passed each tree was maintained at five to ten seconds.

A thin girl with dark black legs was tightly pinched on the trunk. When Hu Ruixuan was about to pass by her, she slowly moved her body down. The moment Hu Ruixuan approached her, she A lower back, like a gust of wind, took the leaves on his head with two fingers!

By the time Hu Ruixuan responded to dodge, the leaves were already in the hands of the little black girl.

"Okay! In the first game, the women's guards won! Little girl, it's yours for twelve dollars. You will come back to me after a while."

The little girl's dark and thin face showed a look of ecstasy. "Thank you, Girl Jiang."

Jiang Yingxue heard a face somber. "What girl Jiang, you want to call me instructor!"

"Instructor Jiang."

"Well, Xunzi can teach, let's continue below. This time the reward is five or two silver!" Jiang Yingxue said, pulling Hu Ruixuan to the other side, this time starting from another direction. "Cousin, you have to work harder."

Hu Ruixuan closed her lips. "I must win this time!"

Jiang Yingxue took the rope and continued to take him under the tree.

This game, Jiang Yingxue they have been playing until noon ended.

"Now, I'll give you a half-hour break. You can't go back and forth to the city during these half-hours, so you're thirsty and hungry. It's a big mountain.

After speaking, Jiang Yingxue found a tree and sat down, pulling out the **** from the big kitchen as early as possible.

"Cousin, I'm hungry too."

Jiang Yingxue bit his mouth and scratched his head. "hungry?"

Hu Ruixuan nodded.

"Follow them to find food. You didn't win the game, which caused me to go for dozens or two dollars. You still have face to eat my buns."

Hu Ruixuan "..."

Ming Zhen glanced at Jiang Yingxue sitting under the tree after eating, thinking that she was doing some great martial arts, but when she approached, Jiang Yingxue's frivolity came from her ears ...

This is, asleep ...


Inside the King's Mansion.

Su Yuzhang wielded a spear on the training ground, sweat slipped down the ground along his forehead, and was instantly evaporated by the gradual sunlight.

Ding Xiang looked at Su Yuying's chic and eagle-like figure, and felt that Wang Ye's spirit seemed good today ...

Obviously yesterday was like snow drifting in June ...

"Yi" and "Bang" two times, the long gun in Su Yuzhen's hand fell into the weapon rack steadily.

Ding Xiang came forward and handed it to Su Yuzhang.

Su Yuchen wiped his sweat and walked out of the training ground.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to say that the woman didn't seem to lie to him. When the wound hurt, lying in one's arms and falling asleep, the wound did not seem to hurt so much.

Not only does it not hurt, he even fired a gun today!

"Master, Ma Qiang has been found."

Ma Qiang is the on-line of the trafficker caught by Shun Lian.

Su Yuzhang stepped forward. "Ok."

"It took a long time for his subordinates to pry open his mouth. He said that he was on the line with a man named Laowu."

"Old five? Last time I let him run away!" Ding Xiang said in a deep voice.

"Yes, the subordinate guessed that Ma Qiang ’s fifth child was probably the one who ran away before, but their fifth child would enter the city once every three months. This time there are still three days to go.

Ding Xiang frowned. "He was shocked last time, dare you come this time?"

"Ma Qiang said that he has sent a batch of" goods "to the fifth child, and he is very likely to come."

"Where do they usually trade?" Su Yuchi turned his eyes slightly and turned his fingers.

"It's in the ruined temple just outside Dongcheng."

"Three days later, Wang will see a strong obedient Ma Qiang."

"Master Wang rest assured that Mr. Han must let him obey."


Su Yuzhang came to the guard's training ground and watched the guards training in the field frown slightly.


The captain stepped forward.

Su Yuchen lifted his eyelids. "Did you forget what she taught last time?"

The captain of the guard froze, who taught?

"Please also ask Wang Ye to show."

Su Yu pinched her eyebrows and suddenly made a move to the guard.

The captain of the guard was shocked and could only evacuate back away.

"Don't want to die, just fight back!"

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