Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

The butterfly spread wings and flew out of the hall after Emperor Shangzong flew around.

The people who were close knew what was going on, and they all showed a shocked look. They looked so distant and didn't know what happened, so they flew out a few butterflies for no reason.

Emperor Shang Zong looked at the colorful butterfly flying away suddenly, and reached out to open the bowls one by one to check the situation inside, but no matter what he looked at, the inside was empty and nothing. "Here, what the **** is going on here? Ye Mingzhu, Ye Mingzhu has turned into a butterfly ?!"

Emperor Shang Zong's face was unbelievable. He just watched the Mingming bowl just before closing it. After all, it became a butterfly!

Jiang Yingxue took out three night pearls on the table, and Emperor Shang Zong changed her eyes. "The emperor, this is the trick, but it's just a smile." Since it is a trick, it is fake. She doesn't want Emperor Shangzong to tell her what to make her what, when he whimpers, then hell.

"Ha ha ha ha! What's your name?" Emperor Shang Zong looked at Jiang Yingxue with light, as if he had found a fun toy.

"My daughter Jiang Yingxue."

Emperor Shangzong nodded. "You are a wonderful person, have you ever been married?" As soon as Emperor Shang Zong came out, the people in the temple became weird. All the emperors and princes knew that the emperor was a little muddled recently, and his room was locked in his mind. There is no room for anything else.

Fortunately, he returned to the chair in a timely manner and sat down, the queen leaned back and whispered: "Emperor, Jiang Yingxue had a marriage contract with King Zhan before, but now both parties have dismissed their marriage."

Emperor Shang Zong was surprised, and then looked at Su Yuzhen a little with disapproval. "It's a pity that such a wonderful person." He thought he was very quiet, but this time, the people in the temple almost all heard.

The queen's eyes slightly changed, and a pair of apricots fell calmly on Emperor Shang Zong's face. "If the emperor likes it, it will be the year of the general election."

The amount of information in this sentence is very large, as long as it is not a fool can hear it!

Jiang Yingxue frowned slightly, she did not want to find all the artifacts before becoming a member of the Emperor Shangzong's emperor's palace, but Jiang Yuncheng, who sat at the head, opened her eyes.

The Jiang family in Jingjing is far worse than those of other generations. If Jiang Yingxue can enter the palace and be favored by the emperor ...

With one word from the queen, Jiang Yuncheng has already made up a world.

After the queen's words, Su Yu's expression faded slightly, and she slowly turned her attention to Jiang Yingxue. Who knew that the woman's face always had a playful smile that shouldn't appear in every lady's look, which made people not see her heart? Think.

"But I ca n’t say that, the queen thinks a lot." The emperor Shangzong was not so interested in beauty because he was middle-aged, not to mention Jiang Yingxue was not a big beauty in the country, he made it every day There isn't enough time for locks, and where else is there any thought to serve the beauty?

The queen's smile softened a little when she heard him say that.

"Jiang Yingxue, the trick you performed is very fond of the emperor and the emperor. The bounty weaving Shu brocade one, and the three night pearls to play with."

"Thank you Queen for your reward."

A golden weaving Shu brocade!

Whoever mixes in this expensive circle does not know that the Golden Weaving Shu brocade of the Daxia Kingdom can only weave three horses a year, and there is no market price!

These three were dedicated to the three most noble people in the Daxia Kingdom, the emperor, the queen and the queen.

Jiang Yingxue's ability to get such a reward shows how satisfied the queen is with her!

Yi Yaxin's eyes were about to stare out. If she knew Jiang Yingxue and this kind of speculative method, how would she not name her to make her stand out!

Jiang Yingxue returned to his seat and sat down, turning his palm under the table and looking at it.

Ok? Why is there blood on the palm of her hand, that blood is already in her body?

Jiang Yingxue's unexpected performance did not intend to show the talents of the ladies in the various provinces, but just said that under the auspices of her juggling, singing and dancing poetry became much more boring.

Emperor Shang Zong had already yawned several times while sitting on a dragon chair, apparently lacking interest.

Until the end of a wave of talent show, Emperor Shang Zong seemed to have been resurrected with blood, and he hated toasting and toasting with the civil and military ministers present.

On such occasions, as the monarch of a country, naturally he could not go wrong and drank almost in the Emperor Shangzong, and the queen forced the people away forcibly because of the discomfort of the dragon body.

As soon as Emperor Shang Zong left, the civil and military officials also had wine on their heads, and some of them were completely clear-headed.

"Come here, Lord Jiang, this glass of wine is in honor of you." A big-bellied official took the glass to Jiangyun City and was too small to be official.

This set of officialdom, Jiang Yuncheng naturally cope with it, even his men will give them face. "Master Li has a good drink."

Master Li drank the wine in the glass. "Master Jiang is really blessed. Miss Jiang is so smart and smart that even the emperor and the queen mother praised it. It is really enviable."

Who doesn't like to listen to the praises of others. Although this man's remarks are like Kuajiang Yingxue, he is also referring to Jiangyun City's teaching. "Master Li is ridiculous, but it's just some tricks of the worm, which just happened to be in the eyes of the emperor and queen."

"Is Miss Jiang marriageable now? My adult also knows that my wife is speaking to my younger son recently. It is said that Mr. Jiang thinks that two children are suitable ..." Master Li didn't say everything, but the meaning he wanted to express was clear. The expression came out.

Jiang Yingxue sat quietly drinking tea as if nothing was happening. Jiang Yuchun listened but looked at Jiang Yingxue with a sneer smile.

Jiang Yingxue didn't know, but she was very clear. The young man of Lord Li was an unscrupulous bitch. I heard that he had fought with others for the flower queen in a building a few days ago. He had told several family affairs before. All have been rejected, Jiang Yingxue is now only married to such a man!

Jiang Yuncheng smiled and broke the conversation. Before that, he felt that Jiang Yingxue had been ruined. In the future, it would be difficult to find a right person in the Jingjing city. But today, it is not impossible. Oh, forget it!

Jiang Yingxue yawned, and now he's used to sleeping early, but he's a little sleepy at that point.

"You talk slowly, I'm sleepy, so I'll go back first." She finally got this first artifact with humiliation and she didn't know if the old man would come to her tonight.

Today, Jiang Yingxue can say a lot of limelight at the banquet. Many people surrounded the rudder when they saw the wind. However, there were still tentative ideas, so many people approached Jiangyun City, but Not many people talked to Jiang Yingxue actively.

"Cousin." Jiang Yingxue was preparing to step out of the hall, and a voice like a mosquito groaned.

Jiang Yingxue hooked his lips and looked back at Hu Yihua, whose expression was halting.

"It turned out to be an art painting cousin. I wonder what's wrong with me?"

"Cousin Yingxue, let's talk while walking." There are still so many people in the hall, and she doesn't want to be heard.

"it is good."

Jiang Yingxue and Hu Yihua left the hall and walked outside the hall surrounded by flowers.

"Just say anything." Jiang Yingxue was too lazy to consume with her.

"Cousin, I'm sorry." Hu Yihua said in a low voice, looking at Jiang Yingxue's face.

"Well, you are really sorry for me, then?"

"I, I know it's all because of me, my cousin has taken the hijacking for me, and my reputation is even worse ... but my cousin also knows that if ... the town government will be pushed to the cusp of the wind, no matter if it is grandfather Even grandmothers don't feel good about them. "

Jiang Yingxue looked at her with hands around her chest. "Are you afraid I will tell that?"

Hu Yihua looked at her lips and said nothing.

Silence is the default.

Jiang Yingxue hooked his lips.

"Hu Yihua, go back and tell the people in the town government and let them rest assured. Now that I Jiang Yingxue has promised to top the tank for you, this is my Jiang Yingxue. If you really believe it, but I have no choice but This is the last time I have said these words to you. "

Jiang Yingxue turned and left after speaking, and Hu Yihua stood on the spot watching her back and walked away. I don't know if I should believe her or ...

She looked around at no one, and walked back to the main hall, but when she left, a pink embroidery floated out of the tree behind her, and a skirt of her skirt flashed past.

Jiang Yuncheng and Zhou's are still entertaining in the hall. Jiang Yingxue went back to the carriage without waiting for the patience.

"Miss, is the palace banquet fun?" For the first time, the first and fifth day of the two people entered the palace. Although they could only wait in the outer hut, it was already a very novel experience for them.

"Fun? Have you heard of Hongmen Banquet?"

The fifth day shook his head, but the first day nodded. "Hear my aunt said, Miss, is the palace banquet dangerous?"

Jiang Yingxue leaned on the carriage and smiled with closed eyes. "Then it depends on whether someone better than you is not pleasing to you."

After arriving at Jiangfu, Jiang Yingxue took off his costume, took a shower and lay down on the bed.

"Don't anyone come in and hear me without my orders?"

"Miss, rest assured, the slaves are standing outside the door, and no one is allowed to disturb you." Cai Yue closed and closed the door.

Jiang Yingxue was lying on the bed. He was just trying to force himself to go to bed. No one knew that his head touched the eyelids of the pillow and started to fight, but he fell asleep and fell asleep.

In front of me is a piece of sea water that “can not see the edge”, and the fresh sea breeze makes the whole body relax.

Walking on the soft sandy beach, Jiang Yingxue saw a person swimming towards him from a distance. When the person approached, he looked closely, isn't that the uncle.

"Hey uncle, here!"

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