Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

In the single-floor room on the third floor of the smoke-free residence, a hundred-lily robe of flower robes leaned on a pure white woolen blanket.

He was surrounded by beauty, with three or five beauties lying on each side.

Yun Ge got out of the room where Jiang Yingxue was, and then pushed in and walked in front of the door of the third floor.

"Master Wang, the man said he wanted to come to you, it looked like a bitch."

The sound of Baili snoring didn't even open his eyes.

"Leave him alone."


After Yun Ge answered, he retreated.

Jiang Yingxue posted a slit in the door of the room and watched Yun Ge come down from the third floor, then closed the door completely.

"Bali is on the third floor."

"How does the lady know?"

Jiang Yingxue sat back on the chair with her legs crossed and said, "Her eyes changed when I told her about Kao just now. Although it was very fast, I still caught it. This shows that she is very interested in the person I mentioned. Interested, when she talked about Kao, she looked unconsciously with a touch of respect. This is not the attitude of a fireworks lane willow woman towards the skirts, so I suspect that the entire smokeless home is Kao's. . "

I have to say that sometimes women's instincts are very accurate.

"What does the lady plan to do?"

"Wait, when the night is busy, we will have the opportunity to take advantage of it." She doesn't care if Barry is really a playboy, her purpose is to cut his fingers and demand his blood!

"It's still early at night. I'll go to bed first. You'll call me later."

"it is good."

"Oh, Lord, you can take it lightly. Where did you get such a good spirit in the morning, the slave family's bones will fall apart."

"Hey hey, you know how good Master is."

As soon as Jiang Yingxue lay down on the bed, he heard various sounds from the next door. Is the sound insulation here so bad? She could clearly hear what happened next door.

She couldn't sleep under such movements, Jiang Yingxue turned over and sat up, listening to the movement over the wall.

She turned red in the early morning.

With this movement, Jiang Yingxue was skeptical that people on the entire floor could hear the movement.



"You said, isn't the master more capable than the bald donkey in Chongshan Temple?"

A bald donkey at Chongshan Temple?

Jiang Yingxue listened more carefully.

"Well, he has so many tricks. How can he be as compassionate as you are?"

"Hey, you know just fine."

Chongshan Temple outside Jingjing City is the best and largest temple in Jingjing. Can the monks there still be like this? The water is really deep enough.

The movement next door stopped for a while.

Jiang Yingxue returned to bed boringly, and in the blink of an eye, he saw the first day in which Bian was flushed, sitting there.

"During the first day, don't be embarrassed. This is not a big deal. I will get used to it when I meet more."

First day "..." Why should I meet so much!

Jiang Yingxue closed her eyes and actually fell asleep. She slept strangely for a long time. When she woke up and opened her eyes, the sky outside was almost dark.


She sat up and stretched, and she slept a little.

"Miss, there are already a lot of people outside." Chu first stood and looked out the door.

Jiang Yingxue turned up and sat up, opened the door and took a look. The downstairs was already lively.

"You're waiting here, I'll go around."


"Everyone, everyone, we have smoke-free homes today, but there are some beautiful women from the East. At the request of everyone, we will release them tonight to serve you." Every time I go to the newcomer's building, I can make a lot of money.

"Toyo beauty?" Jiang Yingxue went to the lobby and looked at the backyard, where there was a door leading to the backyard.

Jiang Yingxue walked to the backyard. There was a make-up room in the backyard. Many girls were preparing inside.

"Then some of the beauty in Toyo, let them clean up and go out soon." A man came to the hall to push away the makeup room and asked the humanity inside.

"In the room behind."

"I'll call someone."

Jiang Yingxue glanced at the direction the buddies left and followed him.

In the innermost room of the backyard, five women sat inside, all wearing veils.

The buddy opened the door to explain a few words and then left, and the women left behind one after another.

Jiang Yingxue jumped in through the window when the last woman stepped out of the door, covered her mouth behind her and dragged her into the room.


"Dear Grandpa, our Toyo Beauty is coming out immediately, and I promise you everyone will like it."

Silk music sounded in the lobby, and several Toyo beauties arrived.

This silk music is different from what they used to hear, but a very light rhythm. Those beautiful people twist their slender waists, like a water snake, which usually keeps the audience down the mouth.

Jiang Yingxue, who was mingling with several beauties, twisted his waist vigorously and kept up with the others.

"Okay, okay!"

"Mom, let's talk, how much money are these beauties."

After a dance, the beautiful people are standing on the stage, as if waiting for the goods to be selected.

"Starting at five hundred dollars, whoever made more money, these five beauties are his tonight!"

"Five together hahaha, this can't stand it."

"That is, Mom, you are too thoughtful. Do you want to consume Grandpa?"

"Oh my dear, the slave family is saying that this beauty is five hundred and two, and who is more beautiful than the silver tonight is not his, we of Toyo beauties are one over one, they are all heavenly fairies."

"It's so beautiful that we can see it before we see it."

"In time, what is it to cover your face?"

"Give and give, this will let them show you grandpas." The old woman said, and let the beauty behind him lift the veil off.

Jiang Yingxue wore a pale blue veil and painted herself with a delicate makeup in the shortest time. When she put it on her face, she looked very similar to her, and her eyes became much more charming. .

"Come, this is our Yuexiang beauty. Starting from five hundred dollars, who wants to lie down in the gentle village of our Yuexiang tonight?"

At the beginning of the auction, the following people bid in succession, Jiang Yingxue took the bid, and wondered how she could get Bai Li's attention to make her "buy".

"Two thousand two, this man, Yue Xiang is yours tonight."

The beauty in front was auctioned out one by one. In the end, only Jiang Yingxue was left. Jiang Yingxue raised his eyes and looked at the third-floor room. At a glance, she saw Bai Liyu standing in front of the fence. There was a charming smile, and a kiss was sent.

Bailiyu held a wine glass in his hands and watched Yingxue tick his lips with a wink at him. "That beauty, five thousand two, brings me to the king."


Qun Mei, who was surrounded by Bai Liyu, glared at her jealously, and she looked like that, so that Wang Ye spent five thousand two dollars on her!

The people from Bailiyun soon came to Laohua to tell the situation. Laohua laughed quickly: "Dear grandpa, this last beauty has been bought by Kao with five thousand two silvers, and everyone is sorry. "

Talking to the old man turned to Jiang Yingxue. "What are you still doing, and you are not ready to send people to Kao."


Shredded coconut!

Jiang Yingxue compared a victory sign in his heart, and the first step was successful.

"Master, the beauty of Toyo is here."

"Bring in." A lazy voice sounded inside the door.


The door of the compartment was pushed open, and Jiang Yingxue quickly glanced inside. After the entire compartment was covered with a soft aisle except for a walkway, various pearl agates were hung in the room as a simple decoration. Seems very simple, but very valuable box room!

Bai Lixi held a beauty in her hand, playing with her big palm on her chest. "Toyo beauty? Come to my king."

Jiang Yingxue hooked up and smiled, slipping forward, leaning against Bailiyu with a charming face, and stroking his chest with both hands. "Master, the slaves thought that the master was only there to serve him. I didn't expect that there were so many beauties around her." When she said this, she slightly pursed her lips with some dissatisfaction.

The beauty hugged by Baili glanced at her and hummed, her eyes filled with dissatisfaction.

Jiang Yingxue didn't look at her, he took the initiative to grab Bai Li's fingers, and drawn circles in his palm.

Her nails were very sharp and she could cut through his fingers with a little force.

The lips of Baili's lips always carried a smile of evil spirits, pushed away the people around him, turned and provoked Jiang Yingxue's chin. "So proactive, so can't wait for King Lin to thank you?"

Jiang Yingxue smiled, put her nails on his fingertips and began to increase strength slowly.

"It's the greatest honor for the slave family to be able to win the royal family." No wonder!

During the talk, Jiang Yingxue suddenly gave his effort.


Jiang Yingxue bowed her head and found that her fingers had been scratched. Just when she was pressing hard, Bai Liyu suddenly pulled her hand away!

Damn it!

This is the last step!

Jiang Yingxue reluctantly relied on his temper, but who knew that Barry pushed her away with his hands.

"Dance a dance for the king." As he said, Barry took a wine glass and looked at her with interest.

I jump you an alpaca!

Jiang Yingxue really wanted to put his socks in his mouth!

"Master, the slaves are not good at dancing."

"What will you do then?"

"The slave family will make Wang Ye happy, and the slave family's hometown, Dongyang, has a very interesting game. I wonder if Wang is interested?"

"Game? Listen to it."

"Just write out what the other party wants to do and put it in a jar. Then the two parties take turns to draw the paper inside. Whoever draws the paper, whoever will do it according to the paper. How dare you play?"

Bailichi narrowed his eyes slightly and whispered closer to her: "If you write that you want the king to die, the king will not go?"

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