Worldly Overlord

Chapter 30 - The Punishment For Attacking A Man's Ancestral Treasure Is Death

"Why are you on the ground?!"

That voice was like a wake-up alarm to Devon. It was very annoying, and even the owner had caused his problems all day long. But why did they come back?

Devon knew he had to come up with a good explanation or else this two might start to think he's a spy.

"May I know your name?" Devon asked the lady with ponytail hair with a smile on his face.


After all the attitude and problem she gave him the whole day, the sudden question Devon asked her made even her feel startled. She blinked her eyebrows multiple times before finally giving him a reply.

"Are you seeing someone?"

"No..." she said with her face red, even her heart was beginning to beat fast due to Devon's question.

"It's so obvious." with those words said and the damage already done Devon walked inside the house leaving Amelia stunned and the other one giggling.

"I'm getting rid of that bastard." she was about to go into the room Devon walked in when she got her handheld."

"Even elder Brooke didn't lay her hands on him after saying all those words, why do you think that happened."

"Get the stuff on the ground, let's leave."

Amelia stood still with her legs shaking, cause even someone impatient like elder Brooke didn't touch a hair on that boy. Also, throughout the entire time, she couldn't sense any celestial energy around him. Which only implied two things?

Either he was beyond their league or there was someone extraordinary backing him.

Thinking about all this made her break out into a sweat.

"Don't make any drastic decision that you would end up regretting at the end of the day."


"Urrghhhh! can't I just have a good sleep for once."

Devon woke up to the loud noise of people shouting at his front door. His eyes were barely open, he had tried going back to sleep, but it just didn't work out well.

"Piece of shit!"

"Coward, get out of the house!"

Devon checked through the window of the house with a cup of coffee in his hand, and a frown appeared on his handsome face.

The crowd who were at the front of his house were just too much, with most of them putting on a pure white attire.

Some had even begun to throw stones at the house, and when it finally seemed inbearable, Devon came out of the house.

Seeing the dress Devon was putting on, the crowds began laughing.

Devon looked around, trying to figure out what they were laughing, but it didn't take long for him to realize that they were laughing at his Mickey Mouse pajamas.

He looked at them like a bunch of fools who didn't know the value of what was in front of them. Back in the mortal world, this was the latest pajamas design, a product that brought an income of above twenty billion dollars to the company producing it.

"Are you even worthy of licking elder Brooke's shoes, not to mention becoming her attendant?" One of the men outside said in a very loud voice.

It seemed there were done laughing about the pajamas and finally mentioned the reason why there were here.

"I need a good twelve hours sleep, can you come back."? Devon asked with his usual friendly smile on his face.

"Are you deaf? Anyway, we will give you one more chance to quit the position before dusk, or else you shall face the consequences."

Devon shook his head at the scene in front of him, it seemed his identity as a core tier member wasn't known to the members of the alliance.

"If that's how you want it to be, then." Devon turned around and walked into his house.

"Instead of giving this bastard a way out, why don't we get rid of him? Since nobody comes to this area of the compound, it will be hard for the higher-ups to find proof of us doing it.

The members began to discuss it while some agreed to it, many of them were against the idea of them killing someone. They came to scare him back off and not the other way around.

It didn't long Devon was back out, still in pajamas,, but it was a tom and Jerry design this time. And on his right hand was the cup of coffee from earlier

"I'm going to quit the job if any of you can lay a hand on me," Devon said while seeping the coffee gently.

The words that came out of Devon's mouth left the members speechless and their mouths wide open. Wasn't he looking down on them too much

"Alright, tough guy, let see what you're really made of."

Three of the members dashed at Devon with full speed, two of them were heading for his face while the other attacked with a knee strike toward his lower region and what Devon refers to as his ancestral treasure.

Facing the attack on his face, before both of them could get to him, Devon went first, grabbed both of them by the neck, and slammed them down on the ground with all his strength.

"Pu chi" blood flew out of their mouth in an arc manner simultaneously.

He waved his hand, and a long black wooden stick appeared in his hand.

Devon swung the black stick in his hand towards the person who attacked him with a knee strike.


The stick landed on his forehead, sending him flying, but what flew backward was only a body with an empty head. He fell on the ground lifeless.

His skull was on the ground, shattered with splattering blood.

Just like that, the crowds who were so much to the extent that he couldn't count all of them had reduced to nothing.

Devon waved his hand again at the man on the ground, which made him disappear away from there, with his location unknown.

"The show is over, you can come out."

A woman appeared in front of Devon, she then placed her hands around his neck in a lovely manner with her body glued to him with nothing separating them.

"You knew I was watching the entire time, and still, you killed a member of my alliance."

She whispered those words to Devon in his ear.

"So tell me should I report this or should I kill you myself."

"The punishment for attacking a man's ancestral treasure is death," Devon stated while placing his hand across the woman's waist.

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