Worldly Overlord

Chapter 45 - Hopefully We Make It In Time

At first, the duo was not planning on making the training too difficult for Devon, but seeing how he had almost gotten the wooden stick from them, they decided to make things a little hard for him.

Devon stood up, his attire had become spotless with the previous stains of blood already gone. Strangely, even after the damages done to him by the weapons a smile still surfaced on his face.

"Kid, you can forfeit and forget about even avenging your mother's death." the bald-haired man stated.

"Hehehehehehe..... I was just messing around just now. Time to get serious!" Devon said, brushing his archiles gold hair to the left side.

Weapons from several parts of the room were dispatched with full force at Devon from different angles, as if telling him that they were also messing around. Weapons aiming at different areas of Devon's body to the extent that no part of his body was saved.

Devon stood still, not even making any attempt to move away from his position despite the force that was coming at him.


And like a stone thrown inside the water, the weapons passed through Devon's body. The situation was a very surprising one as Devon was still standing there, but each of the weapons passed through him like he wasn't even there in the first place.

Devon had his hands gently placed behind his back as he began to move towards the bald-haired man, taking each step slowly as if he wasn't in a hurry.

Nevertheless, the weapons kept attacking Devon as he took each closer and closer, but still the result of the attack remained the same.

The duo seating on the chair looked at each other with shock and yet fear in their eyes.

They had both heard about this ability but had never seen it and never did they expect to see it in a place as low as this. This ability was one that even records had it, that even the gods were terrified of during the ancient days.

Meanwhile, in an empty room beside the stone hall, the man seating on a chair had his hand rubbing a red orb as he watched the widescreen which was displayed in front of him.

The man found the scene amusing as he had a smile on his face, clearly the man was delighted by what he was seeing on the large screen.

Devon arrived at the front of the bald-haired man he stretched his hand at the wooden stick and unlike before where a force had blasted him away this time Devon felt his hand passed through the barrier that was obstructing him.

He then successfully took the wooden stick away from the bald-haired man while returning to his original position.


Sounds of clapping resounded in the stone hall. The duo had a proud look on their face, as if they were the ones who had done all the work.

The bald-haired man stood back up to his feet, the wooden stick flew straight back to his hand. "Hahahahaha that was really impressive kid. What did you do back there?"

Devon shrugged his shoulder responding to his question.

The bald-haired man laughed at Devon's action. In the underground world or in fact any other world, everybody preferred to keep their ability a secret to themselves. Even some married couples don't share that.

"We won't use it against you.... I might even be able to help you improve that ability of yours."

"Look, the only way to make you improve is to know what ability you specialize in and use it to our advantage. Each individual as his or her fighting pattern, no teacher will teach you to do that all we do is Improve that part of oneself."

The bald-haired man decided to elaborate more, seeing there wasn't any response from Devon when he asked earlier. And of course, this was completely normal, no one would be willing to reveal that kind of thing.

Except they trusted the other party to an extent.

"I don't know, most of the time it just happens." Devon kept his words simple and concise.

The sovereign who was quiet the entire time stood up and approached Devon. "Relax kid," he said as Devon was about to move away from him.

He touched Devon's shoulder and the same thing happened, his hands completely passed through Devon's body. Seeing what had just happened, he turned, glancing at his partner with a confused look.

"Can you make it stop?" the bald-haired man asked this time around with a look of hope in his eyes.

Devon shook his head at the man's question. Truthfully, he had no idea how the ability works, he just feels himself tapping into a strange force present in his body and then the ability comes up afterward.

He had not once or twice asked the voice about what this ability was, but each time he asks the voice never answers his question.

"Sigh........ Now that's a big problem right there." the bald-haired man stated, as he began to walk back to his seat.

The sovereign kept staring at Devon and one could see that his eyes which were black before had become sky blue. That eyes of his seem to be analyzing Devon's body.

Devon had the feeling that under the gaze of these eyes, his whole body was read like a piece of paper.

"The kid is saying the truth, he doesn't know. But I have to admit those are one of the best bone structure I've ever seen." the the-haired man stated, glancing over to his partner.

Devon stumbled straight down to the ground, feeling himself completely drain of all energy. He fell unconscious afterward. The ability must be really tasking to keep up it as it consumes a lot of energy.


"Boss, the kid just passed out. We believe it must have been because of the ability he used." the duo could be seen talking to the man seating on a chair with a red orb in his hand.

"Yes, boss.....The sovereign and I are thinking of giving the kid a break before he continues his training because using that kind of ability for a long time is not a good thing considering how young the kid is."

The man on the chair listened to the duo's words, keeping his eyes shut closed the entire time.

....... After a while, the two men stopped talking, seeing the look on their boss's face with all the years they had spent together, the duo knew he was upset about the matter.

"No break for the kid! And if you ever come here again for something like this, I promise you both that it's going to be your last day in this world."

"GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!" the man on the chair yelled at the duo.

The two men left the room with their heads bowed down. They both couldn't understand why their boss could be upset about something like this.

They had waited for years for the son of prophecy and finally, he was here, so isn't he meant to be happy.

"Sigh.... Hopefully, we can make it in time.." the man referred to as the boss said, heaving a sigh.

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