Worldly Overlord

Chapter 48 - Tessa And Teressa

"Where were we, little girl?" the sovereign said while staring at the lady in front of him.

"Stop calling me a little girl! My name is Tessa!" the lady shouted at the old man.

"Hehehehehehe.... Sorry, sorry, sorry princess, it's this old man's mistake." the sovereign said.

Five months ago.......

Devon could be seen talking to a female in the auction. And from how the conversation was flowing, one could assume that the two knew each other well.

The female, Devon was talking to, was the same one he bumped his head into some months back. And also the lady he slept with, a twin sister.

After that incident, the two had closed really closed, as most of the staff in the auction assumed that they had a lot of things in common. It wasn't a month later did they find out what really made the two really close to that extent.

They were sex buddies......

After Devon had slept with her younger sister, he had become somehow obsessed with sex itself, and the only person who was able to quench that heat he was feeling was the woman in front of him.

The most surprising thing was that the woman wasn't against the whole idea of being sex buddies, to be honest, she was the one who seduced the hot-blooded youth in the first place.

As ever since she found out that her younger sister had some kind of relationship with the youth, the lady had been all around him since then. It was also unknown if the boss did it intentionally or not, seeing how he mostly sent the younger sister on missions.

Lots happened in that short amount of space, with the male and female duo banging each other in any corner of the auction room they find themselves in.

While the younger sister was sent on several missions, her elder sister was busy with her man the entire time making sure she had him all to herself. Meanwhile, Devon spent his days either training, eating, or having sex with the gorgeous lady.

In that period of training, Devon learned a lot of things, some of them including artifacts.

Artifacts could be in different forms such as clothes, jewelry, armor, weapons, and all sorts of things. They were also different ranks to the artifacts. The ranks were in nine categories, rank one all the way to rank nine.

Each level possessed tremendous strength that could strengthen the user beyond doubt. Rumor had it some rank nine artifacts could grant one immortality, while some could create new worlds themselves.

They were numerous ability and power boost, a rank nine or any artifact rank would grant it's the user.

The only disadvantage at hand an artifact would be rendered to its user was a tremendous requirement of energy. Artifact is widely known for its large consumption of energy.

Any user who was capable of handling any artifact rank,, especially a rank 4 to 8 was destined to at least become a level 60 and above powerhouse in his or her lifetime.

Devon already knew a little about all this since he had read a few things about artifacts back in the all heaven alliance library,, but it just wasn't well explained over there.

Anyway, it was a good thing that during his time there he didn't meet anybody who possessed any artifact, well considering how he mostly explored in the outer part of the alliance and not the main part that shouldn't come as a surprise.

The months were good for Devon as he spent his time sleeping with one of the most beautiful ladies in the underground world and also improving his power levels at the same time.

He also performed the little tasks that was giving to him by the Devil, earning rewards. Devon assumed that if things kept going like this, the day he would avenge his mother's death was very close.

As we all know, no secret can stay hidden for a very long time.

The day happened as the younger sister, Tessa caught Devon and Teresa having sex in the bathroom of the auction. Devon wasn't embarrassed by the scene seeing how he walked out of the bathroom that day, leaving the sisters to sort of their issue.

No one knew what the sisters discussed that day, but when the two got out of the room they were both severely bruised and tattered.

In the following days, Tessa remained by Devon's side like a glue that couldn't come off, making sure that her elder sister couldn't come anywhere close to the youth.

The people of the auction found that when the youth was with any of the sisters his attitude was always different, when he was with the younger one, Devon was always calm and reserved.

........ And when he was with the elder sister the youth was completely the opposite seeing how he was always vigorous and active.

The action of Tessa also brought a stop to the banging right and left in the auction, which brought a little bit of peace to most of the staff who were always embarrassed when they walked into the duo.

Well, the peace didn't last that long as Tessa was sent out on a mission by the boss the following week, bringing the action back to them.


"Uhmm! Hmmm! I know about all that. I mean how you guys became close or when did that punk start accepting you." the sovereign said.

"Urghhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Old man, don't you have anything better to do." Tessa said, but seeing how she didn't get up one could say that she wasn't against talking about the matter.

"Hmmmmm hmmmmmm."

"It's not like I'm going to tell the full story anywhere, just the appropriate one." She stated proudly.


It was the day of the full moon. Devon could be seen crouching down on the ground in the building behind the auction.

He tried wiping the tears dripping from his eyes but the more he wiped it off the plenty of the tears that gushed out from his eyes.

A lady clothed in black walked towards Devon gently like she wanted to avoid causing any disturbance to him. The moonlight shined on the lady, revealing her immense beauty.

Whether it was in shape or face, everything this particular lady possessed was top-notch. They were no doubt that even the so-called God of beauty would dare not proclaim himself like that before this woman.

But for a lady to be clothed in black even if it was a backless dress, it was honestly a tough one.

She crouched down to the youth, patting his back like a mother petting her son. The scene was wonderful. She then eventually sat down and brought the youth face to her lap.

Tessa didn't say a word as tears were still dripping out from the youth's tears. It was as if he was crying on the inside, seeing as no sound could be heard from him. Nevertheless, Tessa continued patting the youth lovingly.

A few minutes passed, and the youth stood up from Tessa's lap. He stared at her for a while before stretching his hand at her. Which was suggesting that he helps get her up from the ground.

Tessa gladly accepted his invitation, she launched herself at him, bringing her head to his chest and her arms clutching around him. "That day isn't far, so just keep calm," she said softly.

The youth stared at her and surprisingly, her words made him feel a little bit relax.

Meanwhile, in one of the corners of the building a lady who seemed to have been there for a very long time was looking at the scene unfolding with great interest in her eyes.

The lady was Teresa of course, she was also the one who called her younger sister and told her to go meet him.

Teresa stared at the duo who were hugging each other under the moonlight and after a while, she left with a wide smile on her face.

"That little stunt you pulled of there made you and him close, and it was always your sister who told you to go meet him." the sovereign said, looking very confused.

"That's part of it... And yes, it was Teresa.." Tessa said, standing up, bringing an end to the storytelling.

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