Worldly Overlord

Chapter 67 - The Truth About The Devil

Meanwhile, in the hall, the old man who faced Teresa some days ago was standing in front of the man, Devon met earlier. The man was still seating on the obsidian throne.

It was as if nothing in the world could ever make him leave his seat.

"Who are you?" the old man stated softly, he was very mindful of the way he spoke to the man on the throne as he knew this man was extremely powerful.

Just from the ancient aura that was brimming out of his body, the old man had lived for a very long time, he recognized a monster when he saw one.

Especially how the man was capable of summoning him into this place without any close contact.

But that also didn't mean that he feared the man.

"That's not important.... Devil, you see that contract you made and any other shady things you've planned against that kid is going to have to be on hold." the man on the throne said, with a smile on his face.

The old man grinned, "Why?"

"Oh... A mere Demon lord dares question my words. Have I stooped low that even someone of your level dares question me." the man on the throne said in a not-so-friendly manner.

The old man's body shook, he was shocked at how the person in front of him knew about his true identity.

That was his real identity. He was the 84th Demon lord of the Demon world. Before he passed on, thanks to the elders of the Demon World, he managed to preserve some of his life and then entered into a deep sleep.

During that time, he wasn't dead, but neither was he alive. The only way he was going to wake up was if the Demon encountered some catastrophe that they weren't able to solve, then would the Demons wake him from his sleep.

This was also one of the reasons why the Demon's world was still intact. They possessed several bizarre techniques that were capable of protecting their ancestor's life. Most of the Demon Lord and high-rank Demons were always kept in this state.

However, as soon as they come out they can remain in the world for fifteen minutes. Anything higher than that would cause the wrath of heaven upon them.

Also, they were incapable of stepping out of the Demon world because of their vulnerability to the celestial energy in the underground world.

If a mid-grade Demon steps into the underground, he or she would be reduced to a low-grade Demon depending on how abundant the Celestial energy in that area possessed.

In some cases, a high-grade Demon could only have the power of an inferior grade Demon. The same thing also would happen if a human steps into the Demon world.

Which was why most of the battle between the demons and humans were held in the Doomsday ground.

Fifteen minutes wasn't considered little in the face of a powerful powerhouse, and because of this reason the underground world and the mortal world had never dared to attack the Demons in the Demon world.

Who knew that during the era of the 92nd Demon lord, the demons would encounter a terrifying force that wanted to erase them from the surface of the world. That year, all the demons who were kept in that state all woke up to face the crisis that was ahead of them.

And even after all ancestors and Demon lords came out to battle this force, they couldn't still annihilate the forces. It was even them who suffered heavy loss, as they lost about seventy percent of their forces.

This also leads to another reason why the demons lost tremendously in the last hundred thousand years battle against the underground world.

All they knew was that the forces that suddenly attacked them were searching for something in their world. It was unknown whether they found it or not, but after some days all of them left the Demon world.

Strangely, out of some luck, the 84th Demon lord managed to survive the catastrophe. However, it came at a huge cost.

It turned out that someone saved his life and was given two months to enjoy life to his fullest, and after that month he would have to pay his debt.

Two months passed in the blink of an eye, and he was told to go to the underground world. Demons were not as deceitful as the humans so of course, he went there even after the vulnerability the celestial world rendered to Demons.

And his action was rewarded greatly by that person as his life span increased by some margin.

Just like he began working for the person, in return, the person offered him what he desired the most. He never saw the person for once all he receives was a telepathic message and when he completed the work given, his reward would be given.

While on his last mission, he was required to steal a chest from one small shop in the Mayor's city. The mission went well, and he successfully stole the chest.

However, who knew the chest belonged to one of the big three. As soon as he then escaped away from the city, the chest suddenly disappeared from him, and before he knew what was happening he was hunted by a member of the Heaven and hell organization, and even with all his experience and powers that person killed him.

The mysterious being he was working with didn't even bother with him anymore and just when his soul was about to vanish away something magical happened before him.

A young boy suddenly appeared beside him, the boy was wailing on the ground while blood was oozing out from the boy's eyes and head.

As soon as the boy appeared, the mysterious being spoke to him once again and from the person's voice, he could sense panic and yearning from the voice

The being quickly suggested they had a deal once again but as the 84th Demon lord, he was conning in some ways, and sensing how tense the situation was he managed to strike a deal of his own with the person.

Just like he expected, the mysterious being agreed to his deal. However, the powers were going to be given to the boy instead. But the powers would be shared among the both of them.

When he heard the terms that came along with the deal, he was delighted.

However, he had already planned that once the boy reaches level 50 he would then erase his soul and take over the boy's body.

He remembered when he asked the mysterious being for that power he wasn't sure that it would accept, neither was he sure if that power was within the person's capability. He just gambled.

It was said that when a Demon or any human acquires this power and masters it full, he or she would then be able to advance further and gain immortality, possessing power like no other being in the entire world.

The ultimate power of all, the power of desires.

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