Worldly Overlord

Chapter 93 - I Really Am A Selfless Person

Time passed slowly...

And the auction came to an end as it was already in the morning. The auction was mostly held at night, and it would then end at midnight. That was how the three masters set it, and even after their disappearance, it wasn't changed.

While all the guests who came to the auction had left, both people who were in the private room and the others, none of them remained.

Some of them left with a happy face, while some didn't. Nevertheless, they didn't have any other choice but to accept it th9eir loss and move on.

Presently, all the private rooms in the auction were already empty except one.

A man was standing in front of one of the private room doors, he stood there throughout the whole night, not only that, he even prevented anyone from entering the room.

The man was Edward Melendez. Because of his status as the junior master of the Melendez family, the staff didn't want to cause trouble for him, so they left him alone.

All of the staff still remained in the main hall, each seating on a chair as they waited for Devon to arrive. Except for the secret book and four other treasures, the others were brought in by Devon.

That could show how precious and high valued those items Devon brought in were.

As Devon was the man of the day, they decided to wait for him to arrive.

The staffs were happy to the core as the money they made was huge. To be exact, when the money was counted, it was about 165 million gold coins.

Even if the money was split among themselves, at least each one of them would be able to take 18million gold coins.

That money wasn't in any way little for them. With that amount of money, they can decide not to work anymore and still live lavishly for the rest of their life.

Besides the money they earned, by auctioning off so many high-valued treasures, the white auction had gained some reputation among others.

It was as though the auction was implying that even with the three masters, they were still one of the colossal forces In the underground world.

They were some truth in their words as even though the masters had gone they couldn't be harmed anywhere in the underground world. As they were protected by the big three.

After waiting for several hours, the door of the private room which Edward was standing in front finally opened and a figure slowly walked out.

"Good job," Devon said, giving Edward a thumbs up.

Edward ignored Devon and ran inside the room. He regretted his action deeply, he had to sacrifice the love of life for him to have strong support in the family head battle against his elder brother.

While he was outside, he was thinking of going inside the room and canceling the deal. However, when he peeked inside the room, he saw that the damage was already done.

There was no going back anymore, the only thing he could do was to accept things the way there were.

"K-Karen!" Edward shouted out loud when he found Karen sleeping on top of a table.

He slowly walked towards her, the look on her face was as though she was having a blissful dream.

Edward didn't understand what was going on with her, so he couldn't help but tap her body slightly, "Karen..... Wake up."

"Mmmmm... Faster... Yes, ahnnnnnnn." Karen moaned when she felt a body touch hers.

Devon dominated every inch of her body, no area of her body was left untouched by him. It was because of this that she had that reaction.

Karen was still naked on the table, hearing his moans, Edward's mouth formed an 'O', shocked beyond anything. This was the first time he was seeing something like this.

Juice began flowing out of Karen's pussy as soon as he touched her body. Like a kid who just found a new toy, Edward touched her body once again.

This time around, he touched her body even more gently than earlier.

"Feeeelsss soo good!" Karen moaned out louder. Thanks to the barrier that was still placed around the room.

Edward didn't know what to do as every time he touched any part of her body, she would moan with sexy juice leaking out of her pussy.

Edward clenched his hand into a fist, if only he was powerful enough.

He checked the other side of the table and realized that there was a piece of note right beside Karen. Edward picked up the piece of paper and read what was written on it.

"It's a pleasure working with you, Mr Edward... Congratulation on becoming the head of the Melendez family." Edward read the words out loud. What kind of concept was this, he hadn't even become the family head, yet he was already receiving a congratulation note.

Even though Edward knew what that statement meant, he wasn't in the mood to celebrate the new support he had acquired.

And this person had clearly slept with his fiancee yet, he still said it was a pleasure working with him. Edward promised himself that as soon as the deal was done, he was going to get rid of that person.

Regardless of the consequence.

Unable to stand there and see his fiancee moaning to someone else, Edward transferred celestial energy into Karen's body, hoping to clear up her confused mind.

"Mhmm... I thought you left Edward." Karen said, barely able to open both of her eyes.

Edward helped Karen get up from the table, looking at the state she was in, he couldn't help be wonder what she must have been through. This wasn't the face of someone who just had sex, instead, it was of someone who had been tortured.

As soon as she landed on her feet, an intense feeling of weakness assaulted Karen's body, causing her to fall to the ground.

Just as she was about to touch the ground, Edward quickly lifted her up, Karen was already in Edward's embrace.

Karen's eyes opened wide and seemed to have realized the situation, "What are you doing here, Edward?" Karen said.

However, she soon remembered all that happened to her, a faint blush appeared on her face, "So it wasn't a dream." Karen sighed deeply.

Looking at Edward's face, her expression couldn't help but turn bitter.

"I'm really sorry, Karen... I-I shouldn't have agreed to him. I was too selfish, I didn't think about you..... Please forgive me, Karen."

Tears were rolling out of Edward's eyes as he said each word, "I know you must have hated each second of it, Karen, please find it in your heart to please forgive me."

"I'm even willing to call the deal o-" Just as Edward was about to say his last words, Karen placed her hand on top of his mouth, preventing him from saying it.

Well, on the contrary, Karen wanted nothing more than to experience this blissful feeling all over again. This was a day she would never forget.

But to make her fiance be at peace, she didn't have any other choice than to pretend she didn't enjoy what had happened.

Karen caressed Edward's face, "It's fine my love, I'm ready to lay down my life, even if it means having meaningless sex with a stranger just to give you what you want, I'm willing to do it."

"I can give that up for you..... We are both building a prosperous future for ourselves and the children we would have in the future."

Karen blushed, If only sex with Edward could be as good as that, then she wouldn't have to worry for the rest of her entire life.

Karen's words, made Edward hug her, as much as he tried to stop the tears in his eyes they still came gushing out, "Thank you, Karen..... I love you so much."

She heaved a sigh of relief.

Karen's eyes couldn't help but stare at the room, looking at the sex juice which was all over the floor and table. If someone told her that a day would come, and she would lose herself to sex, Karen would never believe it.

But there it was....

A total stranger had put her in place, to the extent that she couldn't count how many times she orgasmed throughout the entire night.

"Edward... Can you please carry me?" Karen said, even after the celestial energy that was flowing through her, she still wasn't able to walk.

Edward smiled bitterly, he gently nodded his head and carried her in a princess like a manner.

With Edward stomping his foot slightly on the ground, the couples disappeared away from the private room.

Devon had not left yet, he was still standing in front of the door, "That was so romantic." Devon jested.

"In one night, I brought two lovers even closer to one another...." I really am a selfless person" Devon said, placing his hands behind his back as he went towards his room.

That day, Devon made a promise to heaven and earth to always help bring lovers close to one another. No matter how hard it was.

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