Worldly Stunning Blade

Vol 8 Chapter 321: Chrysanthemum

Chapter 321 Chrysanthemum

“Mr. Li Ningke knows this kind of original stone?” Kang Sanshao looked at the other eight tentacles that were constantly shaking, and his heart was disgusting. But when he thought that he could exchange a lot of money from him, he still asked with patience.

Lining can really know the moonstone, and it can be said that the world's understanding of the moonstone can be deeper than him, I am afraid not much. Although Rinin is a businessman, he still has another identity, the current patriarch of the family in the sea.

The Chaucili family is a degraded aristocrat of the Haizu, but the Chaili family has participated in the construction of the Undersea Magical Array, and there is a collection of ancient magical arrays in the family, so Li Ning can recognize the moonstone at a glance. .

When the family was down, the people in the family were not the ones who had never played the magic circle. If they can repair the magic array, they will once again become the focus of the sea, and huge wealth will follow. Unfortunately, The Chaili family searched for a long time, and could not find the introduction moonstone that must be repaired by the magical array. At this time, seeing the moonstone, Li Ning’s mind was also alive.

"Kang Shaoye, it does not contradict each other, although this stone is a rough metal, but it is rare, but for the people nowadays, it is not very useful." They said that there is no traitor, Li Ning can put the moonstone in their hands. On the table, I began to flicker Kang Jianlai. "The enchanting property of this metal rough is a space attribute. It is different from the empty stone that can make a space ring. Only those who have space attributes will exert their power. Now in the world. There are many people in the space attribute, I believe that Kang Shaoye also knows, so, it is flashy."

Seven points, three points, always the highest state of lies, the most difficult to be seen. When Lining's words were just exported, Kang Jian's eyes suddenly dimmed. Although he was a straw bag, he also knew that the merchant was profitable and he would not do anything without interest.


Li Ning's "but" immediately raised Kang Jian's heart, and the light in his eyes brightened a lot. He hurriedly asked: "What?"

"My brother and I can say that it is the same. Since Kang Shaoye is a little troublesome, I would rather not be a kind person. Even if I make a friend with Kang Shaoye, these metal rough stones, I bought it with 80% of the original stone price on the market. You See how?” Li Ning can clearly understand what Kang Jian wants, and with his own words, Kang Jian will not be unwilling.

"80%?" Kang Jian's heart quickly calculated, the moonstone from the hands of Ada and other people have three baskets, even if it is 80% of the market price, it is also a lot of income, so the heart is quite a bit When I was proud, I nodded and said happily. "Since Mr. Li Ningke is so kind, I am not a person who is not straightforward. I am having a good time here tonight. What will happen in Momba City in the future? I am looking for me."

The two continued to tout each other, and they were all contented in their hearts. They all thought that they had taken advantage of it, and then pushed the cup and sneaked away.

In the Mumba City Prison, all the guards have been stunned on the ground, and they are all stunned. No one has seen who is starting.

"Christina!" Ling Feng appeared on the third floor of the dungeon, and at a glance saw Christina being locked in the iron prison. The light blue dress is full of dirt and the face is very embarrassing.

"Ling Feng?!" Christina heard the familiar voice, and immediately raised her head, but saw that the person who thought about it day and night had stood in front of herself.

"铿", the chain on the door was cut off by Ling Feng, and just after opening the door, Christina’s soft body flew into the arms of Ling Feng.

"I'm sorry, sorry... If I didn't move too much to Linger, let Xiaohei and Xiaobai follow her, then you won't have any armed forces around you. It's not good for me, too much." Gently stroking Christina's supple hair, he said with annoyance that he was too careless. He only thought of letting Christina participate in the event of the magic array, but he neglected the safety issue. A few people, but the strength of the third-order peak, such an armed force is really too weak. However, when the manor in the north of the city was built a few days ago, should he build a private team of his own?

"Stupid, I don't want to go by myself, otherwise I will not run away with a small donkey?" Christina heard that Ling Feng blamed herself for her, but although she was sweet, she explained to her that she did not leave. The reason, "If I am gone, I am afraid that Ada will have to suffer a lot, and the construction site in the north of the city is also..."

"The construction site in the north of the city has been smashed by him. This kind of villain is absolutely a must." Ling Feng patted Christina's shoulder and said softly, "I am not saying that your efforts are in vain, but many times stay. It’s not a good thing to come down with heroes. Where are they from Ah Da? I don’t think they will suffer too much.”

"It’s in the cell at the end." Christina heard that A few people might suffer, and quickly rushed to the back with Lingfeng.

Sure enough, none of the people in Ada was spared, and they were all thrown up with a shovel. The body was full of scars, and it must have been beaten. Seeing the misery of the people of Ada, Ling Feng’s heart could not help but provoke an anger.

"Young Master, Moonstone..." Ah Da had just been put down and wanted to say something, but it was stopped by Ling Feng.

"Nothing, some things, ours will always be ours, and everything you have suffered, I will let him return a hundred times." Ling Feng gently glared at Ada’s shoulder and helped him to the side. And went to unlock the iron shovel of Ah.

"But the guy still wants to be a thin lady..." Ada sat on the ground, grievances said, in his heart, Ling Feng and Christina are absolutely not allowed to offend anyone.

"What?" Ada's mutter made Ling Feng's face suddenly cold, and looked back at Christina, hoping to get a definitive answer from her.

"That is... Kang Jian just wanted me to move my hands when I caught me... But Xiao Yan created a space barrier, and he couldn't approach me." Christina was also like a murderous look. I was shocked and said lowly.

Ling Feng only sighed softly at this time, but there was a trace of fear in his heart. If it wasn’t for a small shackle, I’m afraid I would regret it for life. However, the anger in Ling Feng’s heart is getting more and more prosperous, and a cold smile is on the corner of his mouth.


Kang Jian and Li Ning can come to Yingchunyuan, the largest fireworks site in Mumbai City, after drinking and drinking. This is Kang Jian’s proposal. Since Li Ning can generously make himself earn a fortune, he does not need to use this. I have no money, I haven’t been here since I’ve been due to a duel, and I’ve just released my passion today.

Soon, the two glamorous women with heavy makeup were brought over by the boss wife. Kang Jian showed a slutty smile to Li Ning: "Lining can be a brother, it is better for us to have a room, so... oh..."

"I am doing this. I don't think Kang is also a good middleman!" The wines of the two men have begun to rise, and the names of each other have become commensurate with their brothers.

The proprietress is very good at doing business. The three young masters of Kang’s family have come, naturally arranged to be comfortable, specially designed to make people a spacious upper room, all kinds of appliances are available, Kang San Shao and Li Ning can I want to play how I want to play.

Kang Jian and Li Ning can each hold a woman in their arms into the room and start to move their hands.

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