Worldly Stunning Blade

Vol 9 Chapter 353: God level!

Chapter 353 God level!

"Brother, you are finally out!" Ling Feng once removed the field, Ling Ling, who was wondering about the emergence of the powerful energy, immediately jumped over and hugged Ling Feng’s arm and asked happily. While still excited to say, "The momentum is just scary, Linger has never seen such a powerful momentum. Brother, is that you made it?"

In the eyes of Ling Ling, Ling Feng can be considered omnipotent.

"Little devil, how could it be that your brother got it." The language is screaming at Ling Ling. "We don't have that ability. In addition, ... don't you feel the momentum, and your brother's Is there a fundamental difference?" After that, he also looked at Ling Ling with a playful look.

"Yes, oh." Ling Ling took a small head and thought for a moment, then nodded and agreed. "But, my brother, that's not what you got out. Who made it out? It's amazing." The wind is even stronger, and it will make Ling Ling amazed.

"Right, willn't it be him?" Ling Ling looked at Cameron, who was dragged out by Ling Feng, and immediately shook his head and denied it. Then I looked at Yusa again. At this time, even if I was out of the field of Lingfeng, I did not break away from the energy space of the tiger. So Ling Ling only stayed on his body for a moment, and then paid attention. Concentrated on the whole person who is still shining with the handsome brilliance of the beautiful - Eusia.

"He is the one, that,..." Ling Ling looked at the handsome - Eusia's appearance, and was really shocked. Not only Ling Ling, but also Scarlett and other women, I was shocked to see the handsome - Eusia a pair of people who were not close, and the whole body was surrounded by colorful light.

The change of this younger brother is too expanded.

"Yes, it is him." Ling Feng is still relatively calm in his heart, after all, he also knows that handsome - Yousia has changed like this, definitely not handsome - Eusia's own strength, but should be in his family An elder, what is produced by an artifact attached to him.

Just, what kind of strength is needed to have such a powerful and beautiful magical instrument?

"Wind, where did the octopus go?" Christina didn't care about other people, as long as she saw that Ling Feng was fine, and in her consciousness, it was the octopus blame that first attacked Ling Feng and disappeared at this time. Everyone has appeared, and only the octopus is missing, and it is no wonder that Christina wants to ask.

"It's ah, it's estimated to be going back to the deep sea." Ling Feng showed a bitter smile. For the octopus, it was really a headache. Ling Feng even began to pray, it is best not to meet later. . There is also the so-called all the Warcraft family of Warcraft, it is best not to meet.

"Oh, that's good." Christina looked at Ling Feng's gaze, soft, talking voice, but also full of delicate care, so that Ling Feng's original depressed mood, temporarily appeared some warmth. By the way, Ling Feng looked at Christina's gaze and gradually became gentle.

"Cough, ..." is at this time, it is not suitable to interrupt the move of Ling Feng, "Stinky boy, your trouble has not been resolved, just here you swear at me. Look Ah, hey, let's get out of here soon."

"Oh, yes, let's leave here and say." Ling Feng looked around and the scenery on the beach didn't change much, but the atmosphere was really not suitable for play. Moreover, after such a disturbance, everyone would have no fun. Thinking about it?

Wan Haoming Yao several women, especially Nicole, originally wanted to ask about the things that had just been fought, and see Ling Feng’s words, and there was no sound for the time being.

"Then what do they do?" Ling Ling pointed to Cameron and several others, said.

After the appearance of Cameron, many sea warriors have gathered at the side of Ling Feng and others. Nai Cameron has been controlled by Ling Feng, and the warriors of the seas seem to be somewhat restrained, just surrounded by Ling. There were a few people in the wind, but there was no substantive attack.

"Linger, you should go back with them first." The language is to look at Cameron's meditation, and suddenly said to Ling Ling, with a look of Wan Haoming Yao several women, then looked Liu Baiyi, Dao, "Liu Shantou, you will go back with them. In addition, after you return to the city, no matter what happens outside, stay in the hotel, don't come out...."

"What do you mean?" Ling Feng asked. "Don't we go back?"

"Bad boy, do you still want to go back?" said a sigh of incomprehensible tone. "When you have dealt with this trouble, let's talk about it. I don't know if it is a hard life. I finally came out with a glimpse. It’s going to be exhausted and tired. Hey, don’t you say you, ......” whispered and said, seeing everyone’s confused eyes look at her, I couldn’t help but smile. “Look what, you still Go back soon, you can only stay with the stinky boy and deal with some troubles."

Several women heard the words, and then subconsciously looked at the surrounding sea warriors, and they also guessed a few points. Only Liu Baiyi, who has a long time to get along with the language, and Ling Feng, pondering the singer's smile at this time, most of them have a stubborn look.

"That is the predecessor, we will go first." Liu Baiyi looked a whole face, thinking of his ability, leaving trouble with it, it is better to leave as soon as possible. Although Ling Ling’s heart was not very happy, she had a look of protest on her face, but under the gaze of Ling Feng, she was not good enough to stay alone. It can only be pulled by white plus black and black feathers.


"You go back too." The language indicated that Ling Feng had placed Cameron in his hand and said to Cameron. "However, I think you should dismiss your men immediately. Otherwise, you know, the consequences, It may not be as simple as you think...."

Cameron waited until he recovered his freedom. He first looked at Ling Feng with a hateful look. Then he turned to look at the words and said to him: "Thank you. But, when I started doing this, I started. I have never considered the consequences at all. We look up the people in the family and have a hatred!"

The sound sounded still full of mechanical indifference. The sea warriors around Cameron, after seeing Cameron’s peace, the kind of heartfelt happiness on the face for a moment, and working together again to watch the fierce eyes on Ling Feng and the language. Hey, let Ling Feng feel the cohesiveness of these soldiers under Cameron!

"Speaking sister, this is, ..." Ling Feng looked at Ling Ling, with Wan Yiming Yao and several other women left, and then released Cameron, then looked at the imprisoned Yussa. I couldn’t help but ask. If Cameron wants to make some more flowers, without the help of the octopus, Ling Feng does not mind killing him directly.

"Oh, it's not too bad to come." The language did not answer Ling Feng's words, but instead looked at the handsome - Eusia. At this time, the handsome - Eusia, there is a slight change, the gorgeous colorful brilliance has gradually dimmed.

Just, handsome - Eusia's original servants, at this time see the handsome - Eusia's appearance, want to be close, but still close. The closer to the handsome - Eusia, the greater the repulsiveness.

The deep blue sea surface of the sea, at this moment, at a glance, the blue waves are rippling, there is no slight abnormality.

The language has put its own line of sight in the depths of the endless sea: "Bad boy, wait for the listener, you take care.... Perhaps, this time the trouble will soon pass."

"Speaking sister, what do you mean? How do I listen and listen, but I feel a little confused?" Ling Feng asked.

"Sui thought that some people, for a lifetime, can't meet those who exist." The lyrics showed a good-looking smile to Ling Feng, but the corner of his mouth was a hint of bitterness or helplessness. "Just, it’s like forgetting your luck. It’s always been so different.... Well, don’t look at it like this, but you can tell the truth. You can not only see many people dreaming of seeing it. The saints, the supreme, and even the powerful people in the hidden family, now, congratulations, you can see a presence beyond the emperor."

"Beyond the Imperial level?... God level?" The first word that appeared in Ling Feng's mind was the **** level, and blurted out.

"Yeah." The language blinked handsomely - Yuscia’s location, said, "Here, are you satisfied?"

"God level, how powerful is that?" Ling Feng’s mind showed Joseph, Tong Hu, slang, and even the octopus screaming, and finally vetoed one by one. These people, or World of Warcraft and Spiritual Beast, are only at this stage of the Imperial level.

"You can understand it right away." The language suddenly looked at the northeast, which was the stretch of the coast, but when Ling Feng looked at the past with his gaze, he suddenly found his mind lost for a moment. Immediately, as if the feeling of the moment was an illusion, a white woman appeared in the line of sight, step by step on the sea, slowly coming!

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