Worldly Stunning Blade

Vol 10 Chapter 369:

Chapter 369

Just as Ling Feng worked hard in his own room, he finally opened his eyes, his face filled with a smile, and felt that Ling Ling outside the door was boring to play with white and black feathers. The West Gate of Bacheng also ushered in a team of luxury.

These days, the city of Mumba can be said to be an unprecedented embarrassment. Especially after the energy of the shackles three days ago, almost all the high-ranking warriors in the vicinity gathered in the city of Mumba, and the road leading to the south gate was also very lively. However, those people who were on the beach on the same day spoke very much about what they saw and heard, even when it came to the attack of the Hai people. What they said, for the senior warriors, it is natural to know them. What you see is not the point. As for what happened after these people left, it is what these senior warriors want to know. Of course, some people are very honest about it. After they left, there were some beautiful women and a man who stayed on the beach. Moreover, it seems that those who the sea people are looking for are exactly them.

This is good, almost all the warriors have turned their attention to those beautiful women.

If it is a person who says that the woman who knows the real event of the day is a beautiful woman, I believe that there will not be too many people to believe it, but almost all the people present at the time said this?

Therefore, on the beaches of these days, there are always some people who look cold, have extraordinary military power, and some old-fashioned men, who are looking at the women on the beach with impunity. It has provoked the women to wrap themselves up, and even reduced one of the four major attractions in Mumba City: Bihai Yinsha, the number of times of play. Let a lot of young masters who originally dreamed of escorting in such a beautiful place are disappointed.

Of course, not all are disappointing. Because of the frequent appearance of warriors and the number of people being questioned, many people with brains even opened consultation points on the beach. Anyone who inquired about the news would have to pay a very expensive consultation fee, and also convened some better. The person who was playing on the beach that day.

As for some of these people, it is really true that they are on the beach next day.

All in all, the three days of the city of Mumba have been tossed from the inside to the outside, and they have been alive. So, when the West Gate of Mumba City came to a gorgeous team this afternoon, not many people care about it. Even if it feels normal, it may be the energy shock of the investigation three days ago. .

For this mysterious event, the city owner Mi Qiuza has issued a notice, guessing the normal test between the human senior magician and the sea magician. Therefore, throughout the city of Mombas, it is still fairly stable. However, this is only limited to ordinary residents. Those who came to explore the military, this statement is completely scornful.

Can the test of magicians have such a great energy?

However, no one noticed the smile that was hidden behind the announcement of the city of Miqiza. Nowadays more and more warriors gather in the city of Mumba, and Miqiuza is not worried at all. He still wants to come to more people. A large number of foreigners, especially the arrival of the military, has undoubtedly stimulated the consumption of the city of Mumba. Merchants who originally traveled to and from Mumba City and other neighboring cities were even more like a duck. Didn’t you see that all the hotels in Mumba are full in recent days? A city dominated by the economy, as long as there is traffic, everything will get better and better.

Miqiza City Lord is even praying, that mysterious energy shock, come every month like this. However, I immediately thought that it was not a bit like a woman...

The gorgeous team, as soon as they entered the city of Mumba, began to slow down. Because the style of the team is very similar to the western style of the mainland, quite curious people watched before and after the team. Especially the three carriages in the middle of the team, the power used is not the ordinary red horse, but the close relative of the seventh-order Warcraft Red Armor - the red beast, although only six steps in strength, but that The flaming color, the look of the gods, still attracts the attention of most people.

What's more, ordinary people may not have the difference between the sixth-order Warcraft and the seventh-order Warcraft.

I saw only the place where the gorgeous team passed, even if the carriage of the red horse was far away, it caused the red horse to be restless. The eyes of the masses looked at the red beast and the eyes were naturally different. Especially when a poet in the past pedestrians saw this scene, the smile on his face was even more.

It seems that after the mysterious energy shock, there are more and more things that can be said in the city of Momba. The weather at this time is still winter, but the spring of the troubadour has undoubtedly arrived in advance. ......

In the gorgeous team, the driver of the head of the car, seeing the roadside is curious to look at their passers-by, do not care, still patiently rushing his car, but see the roads in the city of Mumba in all directions After that, I frowned and subconsciously, so I stopped and looked at a person closer to the roadside and asked, "How is the Gaoyang Hotel?"

Seeing that the person did not answer immediately, the driver took a silver coin from his pocket and handed it to the passerby. Ever since, this originally cold-eyed passer-by immediately talked with the coachman intimately, talking about the recent weather in the city of Mumba, what kind of special hotels in the streets and alleys of the city.

The driver did not help but directly made a stop gesture and said: "I just want to know how to go to Gaoyang Hotel, thank you!"

"Oh, go straight ahead, when you get to the east of the city, turn left and bend. If so,..." The passerby just wanted to say something, but found that the driver was driving in the carriage and continued on.

what the hell! The passerby seems to have interrupted his introduction to the driver. He is quite awkward. However, after licking the silver coin in his hand, his face is still smiling and seeing the envy of the few people on the side. "See what? No see. I have passed the money." Now, I also took a step and left in a hurry. If you are angry with a silver coin, you will lose more than you. However, in other words, the luck of going out today is really good!

However, he took a few steps and sneezed. Hey, who is cursing me? ......

"Oriental people, it’s so enthusiastic. However, it seems to be a little bit too enthusiastic. And, too, the city has lost some." The driver of the car came to a crossroad again, and he secretly sighed, but saw Almost all of the people on the street were black-haired and dark-eyed. I wanted to ask him again, and immediately dismissed the idea.

Fortunately, he did not know where to go to the car, through the street on the left, you can see the word "Gaoyang" from afar, and when you are happy, you will go. When the entire gorgeous team did not completely stop, it was obvious that the service staff in the Gaoyang Hotel had rushed out to settle down: "Several people, staying at the restaurant or eating?"

"Looking for someone!" From the first carriage, he walked out of a rather old-fashioned steward. He looked at the banner of the word "Gaoyang" floating in front of the hotel. He thought: It should be here. Let's go! “The store, in the city of Mombas, is this ‘Gaoyang’ hotel?”

"Exactly, it is absolutely unique." The hotel's store responded carefully. "I don't know, who are you looking for?"

When these people saw it, they knew that they were quite big. In the idea of ​​arrogance and wealth, the shop that originally wanted to attract business, at this time, was thinking about not doing anything. The rooms in these days have always been tight, but for the slightly higher-end hotels like Gaoyang Hotel, there are some luxury houses that are not full of guests. This is why the store has seen the luxury team parked at the door of their own hotel and rushed out to meet.

"Oh, just like this one." The old man looked very strong. He immediately jumped out of the carriage and walked to the store and asked, "Here should there be a person named Ling Feng?"

"Ling Feng? Are you?" The store had not had time to answer, and a beautiful voice was worn from the side.

The old man looked for his voice and saw several beautiful women coming out of the hotel door. Behind a few women, they followed four burly men. It seems that they should be alpine giants.

"Miss Christina, you are out. Some of them are looking for Master Ling Feng." The store was very diligent to get to Christina's side, said. It is because of the presence of a few women such as Christina, the business of their hotel is getting more and more prosperous. Although Christina himself and Ling Feng's relationship, the store is well aware. However, the few women around Christina who are not inferior in appearance, it seems that the relationship with Ling Feng is not very close! It is no wonder that many of the young masters in the city of Mumba have come to the ‘Gaoyang’ hotel for a temporary stay.

Just as the old man was happy, he finally found the right place, and found the right person. When he wanted to turn to the carriage and report it, from the second carriage, there was a beautiful voice: "Sister Christina, recently good. ?"

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