Worldly Stunning Blade

Vol 13 Chapter 577: Ah, the sea, all water

Chapter 577, the sea, all water

"No? Is this all right?" Roberts pointed to the sky after the silence, silent for a while. Originally thought that after Ling Ling was pushed to Mitchell, he could rest for a while. Who knows, Ling Feng actually said the last time to let him look after Li Mengyao. This is not nothing to look for.

Roberts suddenly felt that his previous practice was not considered, and it seemed to be worth the loss.

I have not escaped my responsibility and have to pay for labor. I only switched from taking care of Ling Ling to looking after Li Mengyao. Although relatively speaking, the energy spent on looking after the latter is smaller.

But Robertst owed Mitchell a favor.

Moreover, Robertst would not have thought that when Mitchell shot, he made a big work, directly using the water in her Aquarius, swirling the energy around Lingling, and then taking Lingling with the bone dragon. Together, all of them were transferred out. As for where to go, with Robert Butter’s opinion, should I go to the deep sea?

After all, there is a place where Mitchell practiced, and the energy of Mitchell's water system can be used as a fire.

As for the stall left by God's tiredness, it was left to Robert Butter. Even if it was not the wind, Roberts also knew that once Mitchell and Ling Feng had left, he would be duty-bound to look after God's tiredness.

As a result, Robert Butter’s thought of wanting to be lazy can only be aborted in silence.

Robert Butter can even think evilly that what Ling Feng said to let him look after Li Mengyao is definitely Mitchell reminding Ling Feng. Otherwise, how can Lingfeng catch him as a strong man in such a short period of time?

As everyone knows, Li Mengyao’s position in Ling Feng’s heart is also very high.

With the traction of the Red Letter Snake, it is difficult to think that Li Feng does not care about Li Mengyao. not to mention. Mitchell and Ling Feng were originally drawn by the Red Letter Snake. These three together are definitely dry fire, oh, no, absolutely heart and soul, Ling Feng can think of the safety of Li Mengyao for a moment, let Roberts look after it, it is very normal.

To know. Before Ling Feng returned, Li Mengyao was originally taken care of by Robert Butter.

At this time, the city of Momba, after the recent disturbances, has gradually calmed down. However, the arrival of Aragon and others has once again set off the chaos of the city of Mombasa.

After following the mercenary unions such as Aragon and the many members of the chaotic thieves group. Naturally, Miqiuza and other nobles in the city of Mumba. At this time, they are also gray-faced, without the slightest aristocratic appearance, if not a loyal family will support, most of them can return to the city of Mombasa. Still an unknown number.

As soon as I entered the city of Mombas, I saw the chaos in the city. The city of Miqiza, the look of the face, was naturally not good.

It was only in front of him at this time. Although Aragorn and others who have a lingering fear have not had much enthusiasm, the strength of these people, even during the period of loneliness, is not the sin of the city of Mumba. Mi Qiuzha can only just pick up his own hands, and wants to sneak a slap on it, he will take it back and look at it all around. I noticed that most people were patted on their chests, soothing the nerves that they had been tightening, and did not notice him, he just let go of his heart.

Differently, it is precisely because of this that Mi Qiuzha realizes that in the hearts of these people, there is no such a city owner.

Do not say the existence of the Aragonese saints. It was with him that he went to the aristocrats of the bustling city of Mumba. There are a lot of people who don’t look at him at all.

Hey, if I have the strength of Ling Feng, it would be fine. Mi Qiuzha’s heart sighed.

He does not want to think about it. If he has the strength of the wind, will he only need a city owner in the city of Mombasa?

However, when the owner of Miqiuza had such an idea, there should be great benefits for the life of Lingfeng in the future. This is what the current Lingfeng can’t imagine?

At the door of God's tired home, such a big move, especially the Lingling little girl, gave a shock to the mercenary trade union represented by Aragon, and also made Ling Feng a headache.

At the time of Mitchell’s shot, Ling Feng quickly glanced at the ground. If the body was full of eyes, Ling Feng’s heart was slightly surprised, and then he recovered. After all, those people came. Find yourself in trouble, die when you die. Then, the bare scene around the magic transmission array is the pain of Ling Feng.

God knows how much gold it will cost to repair the magic transfer array.

What's more, Ling Ling, now, doesn't know what it will be like, and how much time it will take.

The delay during this period is not just time, but money.

If Ling Ling did not recover, who will repair the magic transmission array?

These thoughts flashed away in Ling Feng’s mind. It’s too late to ponder over it. Ling Feng feels his body. With Ling Ling and Bone Dragon, he is constantly moving in an illusory space. . The surrounding air is extraordinarily oppressive and endlessly far-reaching.

Fortunately, the energy swirl around Lingling is already very thin. The bone dragon around her seems to be immersed in a kind of sleep, without any slight movement. Everything is unusually quiet after extreme turmoil. Ling Feng worked hard to get his body close to Ling Ling. Gradually, he could touch Ling Ling's body.

Just when Ling Feng wanted to reach out and grab Ling Ling, suddenly, the eyes lit up, Ling Feng and Ling Ling, as well as the bone dragon on the side, it was like in an illusory space, suddenly came to an exit.

It was transferred out in an instant.


Ling Feng felt that he fell into a deep water. Ling Ling and Bone Dragon, at this moment, entered the water. Different from Ling Feng, after Ling Ling entered the water, it seems that she has been sleeping and has a slight change. The calm little face began to show a wave of volatility.

As for the bone dragon around Lingling, after entering the water, it was firmly trapped by a thread composed entirely of water energy. Even at the moment of entering the water, the bone dragon woke up and struggled subconsciously. There is no way to break the bundle of water energy wires.

Until its struggle gradually calmed down, the bundle of silk still did not loosen.

It is Ling Feng, after fierce into the water, he strives to get himself close to Ling Ling, to know that Ling Ling at this time has no sense of his own, Ling Feng is afraid that Ling Ling has something unexpected in the water. However, when Ling Feng tried to swim toward Ling Ling, Mitchell’s voice suddenly sounded: “Win, don’t go.”

Ling Feng's body shape can not help but be a curb.

Immediately, Ling Feng felt the surrounding water, no longer quietly filled with an inclusive atmosphere, but gradually produced a sigh of anger.

"Mitchell, where are we?" In the mind of Ling Feng, I recalled what Robert Butter had said, and I needed Ling Ling to be in a place where the water system was more energetic.

"The sea." Mitchell's voice, simply and simply.

"The sea?" Ling Feng's mind could not help but emerge from the sea on the side of the city of Mumba, where Ling Feng and Mitchell met for the first time. If there was no such trip to the sea, perhaps there would be no intersection between Lingfeng and Mitchell.

It seems that Lingfeng’s thoughts are the same. In the whole sea area, there is a ripple of ripples around the Lingfeng, so that Ling Feng’s body and mind are completely bathed in the warmth and softness of the whole body. And enjoy. It is like returning to the mother's arms.

Although there is no figure of Mitchell, but in the mind of Ling Feng, it is clear that Mitchell's white clothes are fluttering, and the heroic figure is cool.

"You still have to look at how Linger is going." This feeling makes Ling Feng very intoxicated, but for Ling Ling's worries, Ling Feng finally said that Mitchell's current purpose is to remind him. Mitchell seems to be annoying Ling Feng in the silent. The soft feelings around Lingfeng, such as the tide generally recede, come fast, go fast.

For a time, Ling Feng only felt the most essential temperature of sea water, and the cool feeling of being surrounded by sea water.

Immediately, Ling Feng discovered that Ling Ling’s figure was gradually moving away from himself.

When I reached a certain distance, when Lingfeng was about to see her, suddenly, the surrounding water began to rhythmically turbulent, as if with vitality, it was creeping slightly.

If it is not in the same time as Lingfeng, but in the water, but overlooking from the sky, you can see that the entire sea surface is centered on a certain point, and the surrounding sea water is slowly rotating.

What Ling Feng saw was only Ling Ling’s figure, which was getting more and more blurred. The sea between him and Ling Ling gradually became chaotic, blocking his sight.

"Are you shooting?" Ling Feng said to his side, gently asked, and turned to his own body, with the energy of lightning, formed an independent space, still afraid to disturb Mitchell for Ling Ling The guardian is the same, after all, the energy of lightning, in the water, will spread freely.

Ling Feng's body, under his deliberate efforts, rose rapidly, and the whole person completely separated from the sea, separated from the sea and rose out of the water.

At this time, Ling Feng, you can see that all the water under the feet is sea water, and you can't see the direction of the mainland at all. The entire sea, in the place where Ling Feng is in sight, is a huge swirl of sea water.

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