Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1011: Body armor

The bronze door was closed behind him.

It is dark.

Nothing can be seen around.

A group of people flew forward along the secret road.

"For this ruin, don't you have any intelligence?" Gu Qingshan asked.

"The secret seal that our family has handed down since ancient times is printed in our minds. Unless we reach the corresponding place in the ruins, the seal will be untied and we will be able to know the relevant things." King Road.

Gu Qingshan praised: "The wonderful way to avoid secrets leaking unintentionally."

He did not worry about the king telling lies.

I gave up all the possible gains and only asked for intelligence.

According to the contract, everything the king knows must be said.

The dark secret road is very long.

Everyone flew for a long time before slowing down.

There is a cliff in front.

Beyond the cliff is a rushing wind, mixed with cold and chilly chills, coming out from the depths of the ground, whistling and flying straight into the darkness of the invisible top.

A giant pillar that stands all over the sky stands out from the cliff, showing a horror to everyone.

Countless bodies were fixed on the columns.

Or, the pillar is composed of corpses.

A variety of mysterious bodies.

a dense shell of insects,

People who overlap each other,

a dead animal,

Amazing abyss monster.

There are countless.

Gu Qingshan even saw a creature that was completely in the myth of comprehension.


The dragon is surrounded by a corpse, and the huge body is grayish white, like some kind of specimen that has lost its vitality.

These corpses stand in the darkness of the bottomless, leading to endless deep air.

There are infinitely upper and lower.

This scene deeply shocked everyone.

The king lifted his hand and made a painful embarrassment.

He endured the pain and whispered: "Hey... I have felt some kind of secret, its seal is being uncovered, wait a moment."

The people stood waiting in the same place.

Gu Qingshan said: "Lola, you have to wear armor."

Lola is stunned.

She first put herself on the armor of the King of Thorns, and then came to Gu Qingshan to find a piece of ice that was slap-sized and square.

"What is this?" Gu Qingshan was curious.

Lola looked like a mysterious secret, but did not answer it directly, but communicated with the soul: "You still remember that at the time, outside the broken abyss of the world's debris, I said that there is something stronger than the king's armor. Approaching us from the vortex, I was not fishing at the time."

"Remember, we didn't hold back the temptation at the time, and eventually we got fishing." Gu Qingshan said.

"It's this thing, I haven't figured out the benefits, but I feel it's definitely a good thing that goes beyond all my armor. You try it out." Lola said.

She handed the ice to Gu Qingshan.

Start with cold.

Gu Qingshan holds the ice and finds that it is a piece of crystal clear ice. There is a wandering current in it. I don’t know if it is a stream of water, or something else. It has been running.

On the God of War interface, I quickly popped up a line of fireflies:

"The royal element of the element, the song of the night, the body of the king of the elemental elves: the embrace and praise of the wind of the night and the robbery."

"Description: This is a lost and defective costume, you can't use its full attributes."

"Description: This is an artifact. You must know the corresponding attributes by talking to the spirit."

"Special note: The spirit of this battle armor has disappeared before the endless years, but the God of War interface has a relevant record of the battle armor, the following attributes will be known to you:"

"Song of Ice: Whenever an enemy's attack touches this armor, his attack speed is reduced by 3% until it is completely frozen (not available)."

“Yon night tribute: When night falls, your defense will increase by three times.”

"Song of Icewind: Whenever you kill an enemy, all the power of his soul will be wrapped around your weapon to enhance the power of your next attack (not available)."

"The tribute of the wind of robbery: the wind that surrounds you will completely eliminate the attack of the other party, once a day."

Gu Qingshan looked dazzled and asked: "War God interface, why are there two kinds of abilities that are not available?"


After a crisp sound, the God of War interface said: "Because this armor has been damaged very seriously, half of the ability is not available, but you already have two kinds of praise, this is enough."

As soon as the voice fell, the ice in the hands of Gu Qingshan split and turned into invisible.

On the God of War interface, I jumped out of a small line:

"Time judgment: It is currently in the night."

“The tribute of the night tribute and the robbery wind is activated at the same time.”

"Any enemy attack on you will be completely destroyed by the armor, a total of three times."

Gu Qingshan felt a faint wind and swayed back and forth on his body.

This is an invisible armor.

This is too strong.

He couldn't help but look at Lola.

At this time, Lola is taking out three sets of armor and handing them to Zhang Yinghao, Ye Fei, and the boss.

The armor she carried with me is the strongest in the 900 million world.

Several people thanked him and put on the armor.

Ye Feiyi exclaimed: "Generally, according to the rules of the game, all the monsters must be killed before they get rewards, but we have already got such a powerful armor before the battle."

He was wearing a scarlet armor, and there was a pair of illusory wings in his back. The whole person looked very fascinating.

Lola smiled and said: "I won't fight, but I have to protect you later."

"Of course, Her Majesty." Ye Fei left the road.

At this time, the king had opened his eyes and quietly looked at the jungle of the corpse in front, saying:

"I know how it passed."

He walked over to the edge of the cliff, kneeling in front of a remnant stone, whispering the prayer of the **** of life.

For a while.

The debris continued to vibrate.

Outside the cliff, a suspended slate appeared out of thin air.

The king stood up and said, "We must stand on the slate, and it will take us across this corpse."

"Remember, don't let go of any power, or you might attract unknown monsters."

The people nodded together.

Lola curiously asked: "What happens if the amount of power is introduced?"

The king took a small, delicate box from his arms and threw it away from the corpse.

The box smashed on a cadre, cracked open, and exposed a scroll of magical fluctuations inside.


Billions of screams.

All the corpses made a snoring sound.

The people have not seen what happened, and the scroll has disappeared into the air in seven hundred and eight.

The bodies on all the corpses seem to have come alive, looking crazy for new movements in all directions.

There is even a corpse that has a giant arm full of carrion.

This arm is caught in the void.

The void is shattered.

Gu Qingshan and others kept quiet and looked at this scene silently.

The king couldn't help but wipe the cold sweat from his forehead.

He just wanted to be a demonstration, who knows that the situation is more horrible than he expected.

"Have you seen it? Never give up strength, otherwise it will be shredded directly."


"It doesn't matter if you talk, but I suggest that you still communicate with your heart."

Everyone nodded unanimously.

The strength of that arm is terrible, and it is impossible to resist when you look at it.

"Okay, be careful, let's go." Gu Qingshan said.

He leaped gently onto the slate.

The crowd followed and stepped forward.

The king had a new discovery at this time.

The guys who explored the ruins with him all wore armor.

Yes, to explore such dangerous relics, of course, to wear armor.

But what about these armor!

The king's gaze swept across the crowd, and his eyes were straight.

He knows the goods, and knows how powerful these armor are than Zhang Yinghao and Ye Fei.

These people are not strong.

But their special abilities are very powerful.

And the equipment is very good.

It is really great.

Zhang Yinghao noticed his gaze and said: "What do you see? Is there any problem?"

He wore a black armor, and the whole person was hidden into the void from time to time. It looked very mysterious.

The king was silent for a long time and finally said with a sigh: "that"

"Speak up"

"I actually only have a problem."

"Although I am a king"

"But I also have more ideals."

"You know, in fact, when the king is very hard, not that I really want to be."

Zhang Yinghao listened to confusion and couldn’t help but ask: "What do you want to say?"

"Do you still accept people?"

The king asked.

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