Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Vol 2 Chapter 34: The Battle of Double Gods!

The tentacles of the **** of life are all over the sky, like the tide of darkness.

The Kuroshio surges, tumbling, and rolling up huge waves, seemingly to drown all the things that are in front of them.

However, the Kuroshio encountered a nemesis.

The sharp screams of the Soul Screamer let the black tentacles melt into a desperate soul.

These souls are involuntarily and can only be inhaled into the mouth of the soul screamer and turned into its food.

The black tentacles one by one disappeared.

At the beginning of the battle, the **** of life ate a little loss, and the heart became more and more angry.

"A small role that devours the soul, I dare to come to me and let it go!"

Thousands of black tentacles flew back to her and turned into a row of godly souls.

In the long years of nearly 100 million years, these souls have mastered the same mysterious system of life, and then released the power together under the urging of the **** of life.

God skills, broken souls!

On the hands of the soulless, there was a translucent flame knife.

"Okay, give it to me!" The **** of life is evil.

All the flame knives flew out of the hands of the souls, and fell into the hands of the **** of life, turning into a glimpse of the light.

The souls were robbed of their magical skills and once again turned into creeping black tentacles.

The **** of life grasps that spot of light and draws a force in the direction of the soul screamer.


Hundreds of gods, the soul of the magic blade!

I saw a thin, fluttering edge of light, from the sky to the earth, all the way forward.

Wherever the edge was crossed, the earth suddenly broke through a bottomless crack.

Hey la la la -

The crack spreads rapidly on the ground, like a long snake.

Soon, the whole world is full of cracks.


The earth was completely cut into countless pieces.

In addition to the earth, the sky of nothingness is also opened.

The blue sky disappeared on both sides, and the deep emptiness began to appear in the world.

The high-pitched scream of the Soul Screamer came to an abrupt end.

The edge of the light passed through its body and rushed out of the end of the world, flying away along the void, and eventually disappeared.

The Soul Screamer was cut in half.

- But this did not take its life.

"Combined magic?" Half of its body said to the male voice.

"Too too old soul skills, not at all." The other half said to the female voice.

I saw countless souls flying out of the broken body of the two bodies, turning into nothingness in the mourning.

Just a short moment.

Millions of souls die.

The body of the Soul Screamer re-bonded and returned to its original state.

"Ah, ah, ah! The power of chaos is added to me, and I am smashing the enemy of the era!" The soul screamer roared.

The mighty pillar of light came from the endless void and descended upon the soul screamer.


Glittering and the wind whistling, flashing on it.

The Soul Screamer panted, with a sacred and majestic tone: "The guy who hinders me from destroying the order, all-------"

The six arms on the side of the body were placed on both sides of the body, turning into shredded wings with claws.

And its body squirmed and turned into a double-headed behemoth full of gray.

This is a chaotic mythical monster that will be born in the chaotic era.

Time and future devourers!

Roar! ! !

The behemoth made an earth-shattering cockroach, fanning the wings of the two wings, and the body shape flicked like a lightning to the **** of life.

- It slammed into the other side!

Between the electric and the flint, the behemoth flutters the fleshy wings and tears the body of the **** of life.

It opened its mouth and slammed a smog into the wreckage of the **** of life.

Suddenly, the body of the **** of life was completely burned.

The behemoth still didn't give up, and opened the mouth again, spitting out a bit of gray inflammation on the countless black tentacles that slammed into the sky.

The gloomy flame touches the tentacles, and all the tentacles are wrapped in a blink of an eye.

With the screams of countless souls, all the tentacles burned and made a burst of noise.

The black tentacles that had not burned out for a while fell on the ground, and the gray flame suddenly spread.

The earth began to burn.

- No, it should be that the entire Anshun Township is in the burning of gray inflammation.

Everything in the world is turned into ashes.

The behemoth hovered above the sky, unfolding its wings, and yelled at the sky: "It’s the end of the chaos, and it’s never a blessing!"

In its screaming, the glory that fell from the sky was even more blazing.

The world burns at its feet, and the wreckage of the old gods is gone.

At this moment, it is the true God who is invincible!


A few kilometers away from the battle between the two gods.

Gu Qingshan and others have just collected all the gods into the mirror world. Just after a turn, they saw this scene.

Under the umbrella, Lola lost her soul: "Is this the killing between the gods?"

"Yeah, it is over..." Zhang Yinghao sighed.

Everyone is silent.

Just a few times back and forth, the heavens and the earth have been shredded and burned.

This is simply a fabulous force.

Gu Qingshan thought for a moment and said: "Boss, I remember you said that the war between the gods did not end so soon."

"Yes," Old Avenue, "unless the gap is too big, it is impossible to end in one day - continue watching -"

Everyone is at a glance.

Still watching?

Did the soul screamer win?

The boss slowly laughed and whispered: "After all, it is a new god, it was discovered at this time..."

Everyone looked at him.

I saw that everything was shattered and burned, everything was destroyed, and the black tentacles of the **** of life were almost burned out.

Only the last black tentacles are left.

The gray flame burns on the tentacles, but the black tentacles are not damaged.

The soul screamer apparently also noticed the tentacles.

It will cover all the glory of the body, contained in the mouth, turned into raging ash.


The soul screamer spit out gray inflammation.

Gray-light silent flight, will burn through the void along the way, forming a long tail of nothingness behind the body.


Gray inflammation hits the black tentacles!

The earth around the tentacles instantly disappears.

Gray inflammation runs down the tentacles and keeps burning down.




The soul screamer waited in the air, quietly watching the ash and the earth.

Suddenly, it seems to be aware of what is going on, and the fleshy wings that are full of claws will fly toward the sky.

There is a voice full of hate in the depths of the earth:

"Want to run?"

A large black hand sticks out from the depths of the ground, catching up with the fast-spirited soul screamer and grabbing it.

The Soul Screamer is a huge monster, but this hand is bigger than its figure.


The earth is completely split, turning into flying ash and escaping into the void.

The owner of the black giant - the monster hidden deep in the earth finally showed the whole face in front of everyone.

A fierce look, this monster is like a **** snake.

But it is not a black snake.

Because it has a pair of huge human arms, a hard shell with a deep purple glow on the head.

No eyes.

No face.

At the very end of its tail is the black tentacles that can't be burnt.

The black tentacles squirmed and turned into a look of the old woman.

The old woman stared at the soul screamer, full of anger and said: "Even the world is destroyed, I have not awakened my true body, you are a little new god, dare to force the real I wake up! ”

During the talk, the black giant gradually tightened.

"Oh, ah!"

The soul screamer makes a painful embarrassment.

It broke out all the power, turned into gray inflammation, and broke free from the **** of the black palm.

Gray inflammation is far away, re-aggregating into a soul screamer.

- How can it be avoided?

The Soul Screamer looked at each other in amazement.

too strong.

Just looking at each other, you can understand how terrible the opponent is.

This monster has just been exposed to the real body, and I don’t know how much power it has.

The soul screamer has a difficult road: "It turns out... you are not a god..."

"God?" The old woman ridiculed.

Her gaze turned and looked at her huge body, giggling in amazement:

"In the endless void, what is the god? They tried their best to kill the body."

The Soul Screamer screamed and said, "Damn! What is your origin?"

In the endless void, the brilliance of chaos comes down to it.

The old woman squinted and looked at the beam of light, whispering in a low voice: "Chaos..."

Just as they confront each other.

Far away.

Gu Qingshan sensed this scene, whispered: "No, this monster is too strong - this is not the result we want."

Boss asked: "What results do you want?"

Gu Qingshan said: "I want the water **** card, the most unhelpful, but also let the powerful enemy die, the weak enemy survive!"

The boss shook his head and said: "The monster, the gods did not -"

"I know that the gods can't kill it."

Gu Qingshan toward Lola: "Go, we are."

"Ah, are you going to pass?"

Lola sighed and stood still.

She looked at the body of the monster and the whole person began to tremble.

There is no way, except for the boss, even Gu Qingshan is still shaking.

A top chaotic mythical monster.

A combination of a **** and a void monster.

Such a terrible existence, just a glance, can wipe out the minds of many people.

Gu Qingshan controlled his trembling body and said with a soft voice: "Lola, listen, I am also shaking, but you and I know that this is our only chance."

Lola’s tears fell.

Gu Qingshan shook his hair band and said: "Reassured, not dead - even if you die, I promise you the last one!"

Lola was afraid, and she couldn’t help but laugh.

She closed her eyes and said: "I am already an adult, I am not afraid! I am not afraid! Ah! It is so horrible, I am not afraid!"

I saw that she skillfully opened the small bag, figured out a piece of treasure, and armed herself.

Her body finally did not shake.

She took out a lot of treasures again and distributed them to everyone.

"These are the treasures of great fighting spirit and courage - you all wear some, so as not to scare the pine blossom umbrella for a while, then it's all over."

Everyone wears a variety of hats, gloves, shoulders, visor, shoes, pants and so on.

After doing all this, the umbrella began to move.


Close again.

Until everyone entered the battlefield.

This time, they quietly suspended on the shoulders of the Soul Screamer.

Gu Qingshan thought about it and gathered the luck that he could almost detect.

- Destiny: The decision of fate!

This is the second time to use this magical skill.

Its limitation is that you can only say one sentence at a time!

Gu Qingshan secretly reminded himself and took a long breath.

I saw him sticking to the ear of the soul screamer and said: "This monster just said that even the destruction of the world has not awakened its true body. It must be because its real body is awakened. What huge problems will arise? It must be dragged until it happens that it is afraid of what will happen."

When you run out of breath, you can finish it.

This sentence not only says to the soul screamer, but also determines a certain fate!


Gu Qingshan gave a low drink.

The umbrella flashed and fled from the vicinity of the soul screamer.

At this time, the old woman just said:

"Go, the **** of the chaotic camp, you are so weak and not worth mentioning, don't come to me again, or I will eat your body and soul!"

The soul screamer looks alive.

Who will let go of each other when they have the strength of crushing?

It does have problems!

What is it afraid of?

The Soul Screamer screams:

"I am the only **** of chaos in the world of 900 million!"

"Come on, today I have to see and see, even the existence of the ancient gods can not be defeated, what kind of power!"

boom! ! !

The infinite chaos of glory once again fell upon it.


. . . m.

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