Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Vol 2 Chapter 53: The Abyss Alliance (reward for the lord really needs courage to add more!)

Gu Qingshan stood on the edge of the spacecraft and held a colorful piece in his hand.

This is one of the seven sacred soldiers of the Abyss, the fragments of the destroyers of all things.

Through this piece of debris, Gu Qingshan can sense where the spear is.

Quiet for a while.

Gu Qingshan suddenly felt some kind of guidance.

Countless worlds flew away on both sides, and the speed was so fast that they could only see the afterimage.

Gu Qingshan saw the edge of the eternal abyss.

The picture does not stop and continues to move forward.

Through the winds of robbery that destroys everything, we are moving forward toward the unknowable emptiness of the unknown.

No, not enough.

In more distant places, there is no way to be perceived by the 900 million world.

Yes, the colorful spear, the destroyer of everything is there!

Gu Qingshan slammed his hand and put the colorful pieces into the storage bag.

"How?" Lola asked with concern.

"A bit far away, it seems that I have to hurry immediately." Gu Qingshan sighed.

In fact, the distance is not a problem.

Lola provided a very fast spacecraft.

The real question is, as a living body, how to go through the wind of robbery.

This is enough to destroy the world.

There is no point in Gu Qingshan’s heart.

Forget it, or go and see the situation and say, there is no way to stand here.

Old Avenue: "Which direction do you want to go?"

Gu Qingshan pointed in one direction.

"Over there," the boss said unexpectedly. "The eternal abyss is over there."

"Well, I have to go through the eternal abyss and then move on." Gu Qingshan said.

The boss indulged for a moment, saying: "Now is the wartime, the eternal abyss can not let anyone pass me or communicate with the abyss first, so as not to misunderstand."

He closed his eyes and the whole person fell into meditation.

after awhile.

The boss’s face was surprised.

He opened his eyes: "The abyss told me one thing. The dragon is not simply united with the soul screamer. In fact, the dragon is a spoiler of the parallel world."

"The parallel world has been aligned with chaos."

Those wearing masks emerged in Gu Qingshan’s mind.

"There was an alliance." Gu Qingshan muttered.

The boss continued: "The abyss knows that you are going to find a way to deal with the soul screamer, promised to let you pass, and it knows that you want to wake up the order, so made a suggestion."

"What advice?" asked Gu Qingshan.

Old Avenue: "If you succeed in awakening the order, then you are the messenger of the order, you can act on behalf of the order."

"Given the long observations of you, the abyss feels that it is now the most critical point in the entire war, and it proposes that you represent the order with it."

"Aligned? We also form an alliance?" Gu Qingshan unexpectedly said.

"Yes, from a few days ago, the abyss will no longer instill 900 million layers of the world."

The boss continued: "The 900 million worlds have a common enemy with the abyss, so they should form an alliance."

Gu Qingshan said: "Well, I agree, but I don't even know what the abyss is."

"The abyss is the abyss, not any other existence, but I am the abyss woven king, do you agree to form an alliance with me?"

Gu Qingshan: "Agree."

The boss nodded slightly, closed his eyes, and began to communicate with the abyss again.


There was a brass ring in the void that fell in front of the two.

The boss squatted on one knee and picked up the ring. He handed it to Gu Qingshan.

This scene was so unexpected that the atmosphere at the scene became somewhat unclear.

It was quiet on Monday.

Ye Feiwei and Zhang Yinghao stepped back and looked at them as if they wanted to retreat into the cabin.

Lola licked her eyes and opened her mouth with surprise.

"This, this, this! Why!"

She is already stuttering.

Gu Qingshan is still calm, watching the boss strangely said: "What are you doing?"

The boss said: "This is a gift from the abyss. I hope that you can wake up the order as soon as possible and lead the people of the 900 million world to fight side by side."

It turned out to be the case.

The hearts of everyone were secretly relieved.

The boss continued: "I will say in advance that anyone who is infected with the eternal abyss has the possibility of dying. This ring is also the same, so you should not touch it. Only when there is no way at all. When you are about to die, you can Put it on, gamble to see if you can die and live."

"it is good."

Gu Qingshan waved his hand and the ring flew up and fell into his storage bag.

The boss stood up and said: "Now the 900 million-level world is suffering from chaos. I suggest that we immediately announce the alliance to the 900 million-level world, and let those who are still resisting the chaos know, and give them An inspiration."

"I agree." Gu Qingshan said.

Lola interjected: "Gu Qingshan, you might as well return to the kingdom of thorns. I want you to declare an alliance in the 900 million world, and then call the people, and wait for this to be done."

Gu Qingshan is about to talk, and suddenly feels a sense of heart.




Extremely moving! Extremely moving!

A heated drum sound rang in the void.

This feeling

Zhang Yinghao and Ye Fei suddenly changed their faces.

The boss also quits like a snake to go to seven or eight feet.

If the sound of music is continuous, it seems to be a bit of excitement.

Gu Qingshan immediately said: "No! I can't go! I am almost ready to dance when I count the number of days. If it is a problem, it will become a joke. It is a matter of delaying the announcement of the alliance."

After he said this, the music suddenly stopped.

In a word, stop the music?

So amazing?

Everyone looked to Gu Qingshan.

Gu Qingshan took a breath and tried to say: "I want to go back to the kingdom of thorns, declare alliances in the face of the 900 million-day world, and declare war on the chaotic and parallel world."


Hey! Hey!

The drums are coming back!

Although Zhang Yinghao and Ye Feiyi had to withdraw from the old days, the moment when the music sounded, the two men slammed back and slammed back behind Gu Qingshan and set the shape.

The boss found that he did not move.

He just breathed a sigh of relief and muttered: "It seems that I am the first person in my star."

Ticking ticking, doodle

The exciting electric sound is coming!

The old man turned around in a circle and retired to the side of Qingshan with the dance of space.

The four people are assembled.

Boss: "..."

Zhang Yinghao: "..."

Ye Feiwei: "..."

Gu Qingshan shouted: "I decided not to go!"

At the time, the drums disappeared.

The people are restored to their original shape and no longer pose.

Everyone once again breathed a sigh of relief.

"No, I don't think Gu Qingshan can go back, or I will be killed." Zhang Yinghao said.

Lola nodded thoughtfully and muttered: "This dance seems to be born for the big scene."

Gu Qingshan erased the sweat from his forehead and only felt very tired.

"In general, you should first disclose it. When the king of thorns officially announces that the strong people will be involved in the war, my dance should have been skipped once, and then we will officially announce it."

"I will take a step and leave."

He finally said.


the other side.

The original world.

Star Fortress.

A huge light curtain is suspended in the deepest part of the fortress.

Numerous prompts are constantly brushed toward the top of the screen.

“Using twenty-one Starlight Empire technology achievements,”

"Combining the knowledge, experience, and genes of the 900 million world technology giants,"

“Collect precious minerals and materials from all walks of life.”

"This study is over."

"Get results"

The ground opened and a small starship battleship rose.

The battleship lay there quietly, and the entire hall fell into darkness.

"I made it, but unfortunately, I don't know where he is."

A voice full of regrets sounded in a small battleship.

At this moment, suddenly, all the words on the light curtain disappeared.

A new piece of information flashes above the light curtain:

"The eternal abyss is aligned with the order."

"The legendary king of the abyss has reached an agreement with Gu Qingshan, the messenger of order."

"The two sides will officially announce the covenant in the Kingdom of Thorns!"

The information flashed a few times and disappeared from the screen.

The Star Fortress of the Temple was violently vibrating.

The dome of the entire fortress was opened.

A female voice with excitement rang in the entire starry fortress:


"Overtime warfare equipment is put, goal: strange area, kingdom of thorns."






Small starship warships skyrocketed and plunged into the void, disappearing instantly.

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