Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Vol 2 Chapter 82: The identity of the six lanes (for the silver Meng and then add more!)

The God of War interface has not been so careful for a long time.

Gu Qingshan looked at the prompt, but also cautiously a few points.

The first giant...

I don’t know how many years it has lived –

No, it should be said that time is such a thing, I am afraid that it has lost its power in front of it.

Gu Qingshan closed his mouth and did not speak, just waiting for the other party to wait silently.

After all, the giant said before, there is a person in front of him.

Wait a while.

The guy in the first place still didn't show up.

At this time, the giant was a little bored, complaining to himself: "Is it a guy who doesn't dare to meet his fate? I hate this untimely guy."

After that, it looks at Gu Qingshan.

Gu Qingshan smiled and nodded in agreement, did not speak.

The giant did not care about him.

Gu Qingshan remembered the flash of lightning and immediately recalled what the giant had said when he first appeared.

"Whether it's an ant or a god, every guy who comes here has its fate, and your fate is ready."

Fatalism is something that will happen in destiny.

The fate of all things is vacant, and only one fate can be called fate.

Cause and effect.

The law of causality cannot be broken, even if it is time and space, there are reasons for it.

In other words, the giant will bring some results to the people who arrive here.

Gu Qingshan wants to follow this idea.

- What is the result?

The end of a thing is the result.

The end of a life is also the result.

One entrusted, one sentence, one thing.

As long as it represents a certain result, it is possible.

This is hard to guess...

But Gu Qingshan slowly relaxed.

Throughout the reasons he has created, he still has some confidence in the next fruit.

At this time, the side of the giant suddenly appeared a person.

The man was wearing a full set of armor with a colorful armor and a giant sword.

The power in his body was all the sense of the clouds, and he couldn’t help but rush to the back, but it quickly swept.

The moment the person appeared, he saw the giant.

He looked at the giants, then looked at Gu Qingshan, and then looked at the boundless sea of ​​clouds.

- Obviously, like Gu Qingshan, he is somewhat confused about the current situation.

"Hello, you are finally here."

The first giant said.

Its sound is too loud, so that the whole piece of void is constantly shaking.

The man in the colorful armor stayed and stood in front of himself with a giant sword. He was alert and asked: "Who are you? How come you are here?"

"I? I am a giant, well, the greatest giant." The first giant introduced himself.

"Giant, oh, I ask you, you seem to be waiting for me here, aren't you?" the man asked.

The first giant nodded and said: "I guess it is correct. I have been waiting for a while. In fact, everyone who comes here must greet his fate..."

The giant took out a book that had been worn out and worn out, and opened it, always finding the mark he made.

It squints and shreds:

"The ninth hundred and eighty-eight kings of the world in parallel, well, people are right."

"The date is today, and it is right."

"The King of the World has slaughtered countless worlds and won the only chance. He finally arrived at the clouds and stood in front of me, so his fate is-"


The voice did not fall, Gu Qingshan only felt a flower in front of him.

Still don't know what happened, he saw the guy wearing the colorful armor being fed into the mouth by the giant.



Then there was a bit of chewing.

The giant muttered as he ate: "Good guy, armor is really hard, but this hard-shell food is my favorite snack."

He held out a finger and licked the blood in his mouth, then gently tapped the book.

“Yes, today’s first business is getting paid – there’s a little bit of a bonus.”

After that, the giant spit out a group of colored cockroaches.

- It is the set of armor of the King of Heaven!

The first giant was satisfied with the embarrassment and threw it into the clouds.

After doing all this, it turned and faced Gu Qingshan.

Gu Qingshan looks indifferent.

"Interesting guy... You have plenty of time to run, but you didn't move?" the giant asked.

Gu Qingshan said: "Since it is a fate, look at it anyway."

The giant paused.

"You can see the fate of that person?" it asked.

"See it." Gu Qingshan.

"Don't you be afraid?"

"I guess that is not my fate."

Giants said: "Why?"

Gu Qingshan said: "Because fate comes from causality, I just thought about it. I have nothing to make me die here."

The giant said: "Don't you be afraid of having an enemy? If you know that I am doing business, I might accept it and let you die here."

Gu Qingshan smiled and said: "I have always been loving, broad-minded, never creating evil, so I am not afraid."

The giant showed an unbelief and asked, "Don't you kill someone?"

Gu Qingshan said: "I am murderous."


"All are clean, they have no chance to come here to ask you to kill me."

The giant raised his hand and looked at it. He said: "Smart people are annoying."

Gu Qingshan is like what he thinks. He said: "Yes, I forgot to say - people who have done business with me have made a fortune."

"Oh? Really?" The giant suddenly had some interest.

"Is it a business, I dare to talk about it? Besides, I generally don't lie." Gu Qingshan is right.

The giant asked sharply: "When are you lying?"

Gu Qingshan said: "I don't talk about business, but I want to kill me."

The Giant thought for a moment and nodded. "That is really annoying."

Its expression was milder, taking a piece of jade slip from behind and handing it to Gu Qingshan.

"This is a fate that you have left. It will pass through my hand and pass it to you."

One of me?

Gu Qingshan looked at Yu Jian and his face became dignified. He said, "I don't know much. Please explain it in detail. I am grateful."

The giant patiently explained: "This jade slip belongs to another, from a very powerful parallel world, that you are about ten times stronger than you, but the parallel world is destroyed, and you are dead, sorry. ”

"As for why he will leave this little jade piece for you, then I will not care, I just collect money to do things."

"Give this jade piece to someone who can come here - this is your original words."

This will be understood by Gu Qingshan.

He immediately asked: "There are countless parallel worlds, and there is only one place here?"

The first giant looked at him and appreciatively said: "Yes, here is the road to the clouds, to the place, of course, there is only one place."

It sighed again: "It's so smart, obviously already strong, why is it going to rush to find death? I can't figure it out, but it doesn't matter, we are just business relationships."

Gu Qingshan is speechless.

It’s a bit weird to hear your death.

He took over the jade, and he thought about it and inspired it.

Suddenly a voice passed from the jade slip to the sea of ​​knowledge.

This is my own voice.

"I have left a shadow in the original world, so you should already know six things."

"Overall of my steps, there is almost no flaw."

"The only thing I should not do is to give up the identity of Huang Quan Ghost King."

"Never give up the identity of the six roads, or regret it."

"Besides, I have nothing else to tell you, because those things are said, you will die when you hear them."

"Remember, although the six roads are broken, you can't give up six..."

After Gu Qingshan listened to it silently, the jade was crushed into pieces.

"Thank you, I have already received his fate." He hugged the giants.

The giant stared at him and said strangely: "Did you hear about your death, are you not afraid? Or, don't you fear the sadness of your death?"

Gu Qingshan said faintly: "You don't have to think about it. Death is just another beginning. He must be transformed into something else. He is fighting hard. If he is still alive, he will never give up. I believe that I must have done this."

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