Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Vol 2 Chapter 675: Wangchuan River

Lola yawned and asked, "Gu Qingshan, how long are we going to stand?"

"Wait a while." Gu Qingshan said.

He overlooked the entire city, his expression focused and serious.

"Do you believe that chicken so much?" Lola asked.

"Be careful not to be wrong. I have to look at the city. As long as there is something strange, I can immediately notice it." Gu Qingshan Road

——The colored rooster is actually the option of “War God Intelligence”, so he cannot believe it.

"But we've been standing here for almost ten minutes--"

Lola said halfway, her voice stopped suddenly.

Listening to only one radio broadcast enveloped the entire city:

"Please note that charity auctions throughout the city are about to begin."

"Every professional who arrives in the Black City, you can take out your most precious treasures for public auction."

"Please note that this is a charity auction that occurs only every three thousand years."

"Black City will not take a 50% profit, all auction proceeds will belong to you."

"Meditate:‘ the black city manager ’and the auction menu will pop up.”

"Treasure this opportunity."

"Start now!"

The whole city fell into a brief silence, and then fell into a loud noise in an instant.

Everyone is going crazy.

Heicheng does not charge money, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

"Is this what?" Lola asked.

"Probably," Gu Qingshan stood on the top of the building and said, "The manager of the black city."

A soft light fell from the sky, spread out in front of him, and turned into an arc-shaped light screen.

"Mr. Gu Qingshan, you are a strong person who understands the power of the world. I will directly open the VIP interface for you."

Such a line is displayed on the light screen.

"Thank you, what can I do?" Gu Qingshan asked.

"Place a lot, or browse the auction page to participate in the auction of an item." Electronic channel.

Gu Qingshan Road: "I want to browse the auction."

Tens of thousands of auction items suddenly appeared before him-

Light weapons are divided into more than one hundred categories, and protective gear is divided into more than four hundred categories according to use and type. Various cultivation methods, minerals, plants, special contracts, artworks, machines, historical secrets, formulas, formulas, messages, Information, organs, slaves, wonders, buildings, spaceships, relics, permits, blood vessels, specimens, doomsday images, exclusive knowledge, etc. are countless.

Over time, more and more auctioneers appeared, and the entire list of auctions quickly expanded with the speed of sight.

Gu Qingshan thought for a while and asked, "Can you screen the lot?"

"Of course." Electronic channel.

Gu Qingshan said: "In the history of the dusty world, there were some temporary world systems that disappeared quickly. I want to focus on those items left by the world system."

——The curtain once talked about the world.

When he came to seal the world, he retrieved the fake artifact for Renee Dorr.

He once mentioned that when he left, the entire Pantheon's stronghold in the dusty world turned into fly ash and no longer existed.

— But something must have been left behind.

Gu Qingshan thought about it, and there were only Pantheon who could relate to him countless years ago.

The Pantheon is extremely insignificant in the dusty world, and the curtain has only gone once. What kind of connection can this place have with itself?

"Screening for you, please wait." Electronic voice said.

The list of blockbusters on the light screen disappeared.

-Only more than a thousand auction items left.

They appeared in front of Gu Qingshan's eyes page by page in the form of holographic images and text introductions.

Gu Qingshan took a serious look at the past and quickly excluded one by one.

Time passes slowly.

Gu Qingshan has ruled out more than 700 things.

In fact, the world system that has disappeared in the dusty world is not just one pantheon, there are many other world systems.

So Gu Qingshan still saw a lot of strange things.

— But nothing to do with him.

Lola sat honestly on his shoulder without saying a word.

She also knew what Gu Qingshan had done in the ancient times, and then silently inspected the items with him.

Suddenly, she felt that Gu Qingshan was a bit strange.

"Gu Qingshan?"

Lola whispered.

no respond.

She leaned over to look at him, but saw him staring at something on the light screen, her expression full of wonder.

Lola looked along Gu Qingshan's eyes and immediately found the auction item.

It was a pendant wearing a black thread.

Stony statue pendant.

Carved a serene old man, holding a sickle, holding his cheeks with his hands, sitting on a stone hiccup.

This is the replacement contract, the token of death.

"No! This is obviously—" Lola lost her voice.

She reacted quickly and closed her mouth tightly.

-Never reveal any secrets in front of the black city managers.

She moved her eyes to see the caption next to the pendant:

"Death Pendant, also known as 'Replacement Contract', treasures left by the Pantheon."

"Explanation: The person who owns this thing will die for him when he is dying. This magical ability against the sky is not unpaid. Death will draw from the last person who owns this thing. Times more vitality. "

Gu Qingshan has calmed down and said, "I want this death pendant."

An electronic voice sounded: "This is an item in the Great Collection, priced at eight million evil coins."

Gu Qingshan said: "I will come up with some rare gems, please convert them to evil coins for me."

"No problem, His Excellency Gu Qingshan." Electronic channel.

It didn't take long for that death pendant to be sent to Gu Qingshan.

Gu Qingshan didn't go to see it.

He concentrated his energy, finished reading the remaining items, picked a few more items from it, and completed the transaction on the spot.

After doing all this, he switched the menu and picked out all kinds of strange things from various types of auction items to buy.

He didn't stop until he bought hundreds of treasures.

"How long does the auction last?" Gu Qingshan asked.

"Three days," the electronic voice said.

"Very well, I want to take a rest now, please give me an absolutely quiet environment." Gu Qingshan Road.

"No problem, there is an emperor suite at the best Saint-Devil Hotel in Heicheng. The room number is 99219. If you need it, I will give you the card directly."

"Give me." Gu Qingshan said.

Lean less.

A card fell into Gu Qingshan's hands.

"Sheng Mo Hotel is a joint venture of several spirits. No one will dare to make trouble here, and no one will snoop and disturb your rest." Electronic synthesis voice said.


Gu Qingshan held the room card and waved gently.

A teleportation flashed.

He disappeared from its place.

He appeared in an extravagant room with a view of the entire black city out of the window.

Lola opened the small satchel and quickly pressed her hand inside.

"Yes, Gu Qingshan, that pendant—" Lola whispered.

"We have to see if this room is safe or not." Gu Qingshan said.

"Rest assured, I just detected 691 treasures as soon as I entered the door, no problem, but just in case, I activated 1,535 shielded treasures again, and then we took the umbrella open!"

Lola said, covering Gu Qingshan's head with a flower umbrella.

Universal Asylum takes effect!

Gu Qingshan breathed a sigh of relief, took out the pendant of death he just took, and placed it on his hand.

"Sister Anna said that she finally hung this pendant around your neck to determine if you are safe," Lola said.

"Yes, I always carry it with me." Gu Qingshan said.

He put his hand around his neck and pulled out a long black line.

Soon, the sculpture appeared in his hands.

The two death pendants, exactly the same, lay quietly on his hands.

"Why are there two?" Lola wondered.

Gu Qingshan said in silence: "Instead of asking why there are two, it is better to ask who these two pendants are."

Lola stunned and said, "Yeah, you are the **** of death in the Pantheon. If this pendant was not made by you, then who pretended to be the **** of death and made these two identical pendants?"

Gu Qingshan did not speak.

He looked towards the God of War interface, and saw a small line of firefly appear on the interface:

"You get two Death Pendants."

"The item awakening condition has been met."

"Some power hidden in the death pendant is activating."

"A picture of some sort of bygone era is about to appear."







A yellowish scent emerged all around.

Light and shadow.

Everything went from blurry to clear.

Gu Qingshan and Lola looked at the surrounding scenes, and they stayed at the same time.

Under Tiewei Mountain, on the bank of the Forgotten River.

The wind billows and the tide rises and falls.

One dead man floated up and down in the river and left with the current.

The sky was dim and no one was around. There was only a lone figure.

That's a woman.

She seems to have been waiting by the river since ancient times.

No one knows what she is waiting for.

She was just sitting on the shore, staring at the river foolishly.

I don't know how long after that, in the mist behind her, another white-haired woman appeared.

The white-haired woman walked up to her, sat down, and accompanied her to look at the endless stream of forgetfulness.

"Do you really have to wait?" The white-haired woman asked.

"Well," said the woman.

The white-haired woman sighed, and said softly, "Ann ... no, Redhead. Listen, I have something to show you."

Akamura turned her head and looked at the white-haired woman next to her.

"You have the power of death. Are you the later **** of death?" Akagi asked.

"Yes, now I show you this thing, you must remember it," said the white-haired woman.

She took out a pendant and shoved it into Chichi's hands.

-Death Pendant.

"I can feel it is full of the power of death ... to use one's life to supplement another, and that's what it does." Equatorial Road.

"Yes, it will become a token for you and Gu Qingshan, connecting your life with everything." The white-haired woman said.

"Why are you doing this ...?" Akagi asked.

"Redhead, you have to remember that once you meet him, once you meet him, you need to give him this thing-this matter is very important." The white-haired woman said.

"How important is it?" Akagi asked.

"It's about his life and death," the white-haired woman said.

"Why should I believe you?" Akane asked again.

The white-haired woman laughed and said softly, "In fact, it's a long story, but you already know that he is from a later age, so I can explain it."

"By the way, my name is Su Xueer. Things will start from the day I graduated from high school ..."

Two women were sitting on the banks of the Wangchuan River, one said and one listened.

I don't know how long it has been before, Akabane lowered her head and looked at the pendant of death in her hand.

She looked at the pendant seriously, and seemed to want to imprint it deep in her soul.

Never forget.

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