Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Vol 2 Chapter 22: Lord of Fear




"You get some of the power of the Doomsday Palace of the Palace of Fear, and this sequence manifests it as an elementary element of Doomsday."

"The Lord of Fear (Beginner): Any being that is fighting you will see all kinds of illusions that cannot be eliminated, and feel the real fear from them.

"——When the end is coming, fear spreads among sentient beings."

Gu Qingshan finished reading quickly, and was secretly surprised.

This ability is unheard of and does not belong to any side. It can directly act on the enemy's mind, and it is invincible.

Most importantly, these hallucinations cannot be eliminated.

In combat, this is too deadly.

This is just the "master of fear" ...

How powerful will the more advanced "fear of horror" be?

Suddenly, when he remembered something, he asked:

"Sequence, did you wake up?"

In the void, two small scarlet lines appeared:

"not at all."

"To save energy, please don't talk to me."

Gu Qingshan sighed.

With a sudden expression, he looked up suddenly.

I do not know when the graves in this graveyard disappeared.

Those tombstones also disappeared.

Only the tombstones of the six war generals fell to the ground and cracked into pieces.

"Everyone run away?"

Gu Qingshan said to himself.

Suddenly, there was a flower in front of him.

The snow is screaming.

The world was white.

There was nothing over the glacial land, and the broken palaces had long since disappeared.

-He returned to the land of the Five Elements War!

Gu Qingshan was a little bit nervous.

The Basilisk said that everyone who came into this place had to face a kind of doomsday, and now the palace of fear fears that the doomsday has been swallowed up by itself.

Gu Qingshan receded at the beginning of his journey.

Before long, he saw the broken steel giant lying on the ground, and--

The snake-headed monster, bound by seven or eight iron chains.

"Hi, I'm back again." Gu Qingshan greeted.

The snake-headed monster looked at him, and said with disappointment, "You are not dead ..."

"Yes, thank you for your information. You are telling the truth about the palace of fear." Gu Qingshan said.

"Even so, your path has come to an end." The monster sneered.

Gu Qingshan spread his hand and said, "Oh? What's the point? I listen to you."

The monster's expression was even more arrogant.

Gu Qingshan held his arms and asked, "Looking at you anxiously, what's going on?"

The monster ignored him, but rolled on the ground, and his body gradually merged into the ground.

It used a long tail to push the surrounding dirt over it, and then pressed it down.

Gu Qingshan: "..."

The wind moon is getting stronger.

Over the ice and snow plains, roars came from the distant mountains and mountains.

The world gradually darkened.

"It seems like something is going to happen." Gu Qingshan said to himself.

There were warning signs in his mind.

what exactly is it?

Seems ... a bit dangerous.

-The reaction of the snake-headed monster is the best illustration.

Gu Qingshan groaned, stepped forward, stepped on the ground with his feet, and shouted, "Hey, come out."

"Get out, kid."

The voice of a snake-headed monster came from the soil.

——It is fixed by iron locks, so it can only be integrated shallowly into the ground and cannot be hidden deeper.

"What are you afraid of? Tell me." Gu Qingshan said.

"Huh ..." The snake-headed monster sneered and didn't respond.

"Don't be so heartless, let's talk about the situation." Gu Qingshan said with interest.

Anomalies suddenly


The earth is flying.

The monster suddenly broke out from the soil, and sharp sharp claws pierced Gu Qingshan——


Its claws pierced its own chest.

The two eyes looked up.




Blood kept dripping.

Gu Qingshan sighed and said, "Why not a long lesson? Look, it bleeds again."

The snake-headed monster bit his teeth and said, "Don't be proud, do you think you can run away this time? Dream!"

It yanked its claws and waved at Gu Qingshan.


Gu Qingshan held his knife against his paw and frowned, "Do you really want to die?"

The snake-headed monster sneered and whispered, "I'll entangle you, wait until--"

He suddenly shut his mouth, his eyes filled with fear.

Two faint shadows appeared behind Gu Qingshan.

Virtual shadows are very blurry, and they can be found only by a closer look. They turned out to be bugs in some kind of container, with human faces and insects in their lower bodies.

The two bugs, a man and a woman, looked at the snake-headed monster together, with strange smiles on their faces.

The snakehead shrank, shuddering, "You can call them ... who are you!"

Gu Qingshan's eyes moved.

A line of scarlet prints appeared in the void:

"The Lord of Fear (Beginner) has taken effect."

——So, this guy is already in fear?

What did it see?

"It doesn't matter who I am," Gu Qingshan coughed and said seriously, "I didn't kill you before you told the truth. Now we might as well make a deal."

"What?" The monster asked.

"If you tell me the truth, I promise to come back to help you escape the day of birth when I have the ability." Gu Qingshan said.

"What if I don't say it?" The monster asked.

"If you don't say it again, I'll be here for you, no matter what happens, I'll make you face me in front of me." Gu Qingshan laughed.

"You rogue!" Said the monster madly.

He tried to do it in anger, but looked behind Gu Qingshan, and then dropped his paw in fear.

The sky was getting darker.

The monster suddenly looked back, and saw that the snow and snow in the sky became denser, and the buzzing sounds appeared in the sky—

Struggling on his face, he finally sighed, "It's too late, if you have a magical power to dig into the ground, just dig into the ground like me. If you don't have a similar power, look elsewhere to hide, don't stay here Trouble me! "

"What is going on?" Gu Qingshan asked.

The monster said: "One of the most powerful guys was shocked. He will soon release his power to inspect the entire Five Elements War. Whoever dares to take the lead at this time will have only one end-death!"

With that said, the monster jumped up and went into the ground again to bury himself.

Gu Qingshan looked into the distance.

I saw a vague thing rising up in the distant mountains, sweeping the world, rolling in all directions.

"That seems to be the case ..."

Gu Qingshan groaned and walked towards the broken steel giant lying on the ground.

——This steel giant has been lying on the ground, as if it has gone through endless years.

Since it can always exist, it proves that it will not be affected by what happens next.

Gu Qingshan recalled the situation he had observed when he came last time, and continued along a thick cable, and soon found a metal pipe.

He drilled into the metal pipe, walked forward for a while, and saw a gate.

Gu Qingshan's eyes lighted up, and he took a closer look at the structure of the pipes and valves.

He pulled out his long knife and knocked it hard with a knife somewhere on the mechanical gate.

Kaka Kaka Kaka--

The sluice fell quickly to isolate the metal pipes.

Gu Qingshan breathed a little sigh of relief, sitting on the ground with her knees crossed, listening diligently to the outside movement.

Monsters and doomsday are everywhere in this Five Elements War.

If there is one, you can ignore these monsters and doomsday, and sweep the whole land of the Five Elements War--

Then it really deserves the strongest name!

As I was thinking, the darkness around me was suddenly illuminated.

A dark blue band of light appeared in the metal channel.

-The inside of this steel giant seems to be activated!

Gu Qingshan was wondering, but he couldn't prevent himself from being swept by a blue light.

A mechanical electronic sound sounds:


"The creations in the human realm are only available to those who are selected by the Tao of Humanity, and those who are elected by other samsaras have no right to occupy them!"

"Please exit immediately, otherwise this creature will take compulsory measures."

Gu Qingshan froze.

Can't stay here if it's not a human choice?

He suddenly remembered a reminder from the highest sequence when he started:

"The only reminder: when you find the clues of the evil spirits of the past, you can avoid the danger and get temporary shelter."

That's it!

In the land of the five elements of war, the remnants of each reincarnation will only shelter the people of their own choice!

Gu Qingshan was thinking, suddenly a flower.

He reappeared in the snow, with the broken steel giant behind him still lying on the ground.

At this moment, the movement of the sky gradually increased.

The wind was getting sharper, as if there were countless monsters howling in unison.

The dust that swept the sky came from the distant mountains, and gradually drowned the empty space where the palace of fear was located.

——It's too late!

Gu Qingshan went to the flat ground and kicked the ground with his foot.

The voice of the snake head came from the ground:

"You're crazy! Why not find a place to hide!"

Gu Qingshan shrugged, "I don't know where to hide."

"I don't know!" The monster shouted.

Gu Qingshan squatted down, stabbed the knife into the ground a few inches, and said, "No, you know."

He shoved hard--


The monster was pried from the ground.

"Or do you want to see the scenery with me?" Gu Qingshan asked.

The monster yelled frantically and shouted, "You devil! I only know that when the wind is blowing, there is often a living breath in the southeast direction, so please hurry me away!"

Gu Qingshan closed the knife and said cheerfully, "It's so good early on-by the way, if you remember the wrong position, I will come back again."

He stood up, with irregular electric surges around him.


I saw a thunder line flicker on the ice field, leaving the billowing smoke and dust far behind.

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