Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Vol 3 Chapter 111: Coming!

"What's wrong with you?" Fei Ying asked carefully.

——Gu Qingshan's face is ugly, as if he has encountered unprecedented problems.

"The real fundamental world, or the world that is different from all parallel worlds, is the world that the door at the bottom of the eternal abyss leads to." Gu Qingshan said.

Fei Ying understood.

"It's really... difficult." She sighed.

At this point in time, the primordial saint disappeared, the apostle of the era avoided the world, and the six reincarnations were not opened. In terms of strength, even the scene frankly frankly had "terrifying and invincible monsters" at the bottom of the abyss. He was not an opponent.

No one can pass through that door at all.

"It really doesn't work, you smash the two world stones and merge into one person again. In this case, all your strengths will be recovered." Fei Ying said.

Gu Qingshan thought for a few breaths and shook his head: "No, I must have something to do in the future. It's not the time yet."

Fei Ying was silent.

If this is the case, there is no way to pass through that door.

Gu Qingshan thought back and forth for a while, then suddenly said, "Feiyue...Do you know anything about the Holy Realm?"

"I heard that it is the upper level of the world system of the river of life and death... but it is too mysterious, no one has ever been able to investigate one or two." Fei Ying said.

She looked at Gu Qingshan's expression and couldn't help saying: "Do you want to summon the existence of the holy world? But if you don't crush the two world stones, you will not be able to retrieve the lost summoning powers, and you will not be able to summon them."

Gu Qingshan suddenly remembered something.

At the beginning, I passed the test of the Ten Thousand Realms God Overlooker and got its reward——

A secret:

"...The door of the world where you are, actually hides extremely unique things. Countless doomsdays and survivors are looking for them... Even the dusty world is looking for them. Unfortunately, they are all in a sealed state. Find them, and no one can let them lift the seal, let them fuse, and exert their real power to accomplish that incredible thing."

This is the original words of the overlooker of the Ten Thousand Realms, referring to the Four Holy Horcruxes.

In other words--

Those who overlook the world also know about the Chaos God of War!

Gu Qingshan sighed and said: "There is no way, more and more secrets are emerging, but I still don't know what the holy world is. This is actually an extremely unstable factor for our final battle, so even if it is In order to figure this out, we must also find the Holy Realm!"

He was determined, so he raised a hand and said, "I did lose all my abilities...but I also mastered some new things."

"What?" Fei Ying asked.

Gu Qingshan gently put his hand on the other hand, pressing his hands together in the void.

——Qian Yuan Calling the Spirit? Launch!

"You used a dark magical power: Qianyuan summons spirits."

"Rely on something, find its connection with all beings and all things, call those spirits who have been in contact with it? Let it appear in front of you immediately."

"——Let everything continue."

A new prompt came up:

"Your reliance is yourself."

"The Spirit of Contact you designated is the Overlooker of the Holy Realm and Ten Thousand Realms."

"It has sensed this epoch's supernatural power from a past era? It will soon appear."







The entire broken void world turned a crimson.

A huge scarlet pillar that penetrated the sky and the earth appeared? Vaguely visible there was a strange and constantly changing shadow in the huge pillar.

The weird shadow changed several times, and finally stopped moving and looked towards Gu Qingshan.

"Gu Qingshan? Are you calling me?"

The person who overlooked the world asked.

"Yes? I need your help on one thing." Gu Qingshan said.

"what's up?"

"At this moment? I can't pass through that door at the bottom of the eternal abyss? I want to ask you to help? See if you can send me there."

The overlooker of Ten Thousand Realms was silent for a few breaths? He gradually laughed.

Its laughter shook the entire void.

Gu Qingshan waited for it to finish laughing, then said, "Your Excellency, this doesn't seem to be a funny thing."

"Of course it's funny, Gu Qingshan." Wanjie looked down on Urn.

"But why?" Gu Qingshan insisted.

The Overlooker of Ten Thousand Worlds hesitated, and said in a deep voice: "We said? If both sides know a secret? Then they talk about the secret? There is no need for taboos.

Its voice continued to spread in the lonely space.

The infinite runes appeared like a sea of ​​stars? They turned into a natural barrier, enclosing Gu Qingshan and Feiying.

"A little means of keeping secret-now we can start talking." Wanjie overlooked.

"Is there any secret that both you and I know?" Gu Qingshan asked.

"Illusion-the illusion of sentient beings." The Ten Thousand Realms overlooker said.

Gu Qingshan immediately said, "Do you also know that sentient beings and ten thousand realms are just the magic of evil?"

"All illusions? They are made by evil demons, they dominate your destiny... So this battle is meaningless, because you will undoubtedly lose." Ten Thousand Realms overlooker said.

Gu Qingshan didn't speak for a while.

He felt that someone was holding his hand tightly, and looking back, he saw Fei Ying standing beside him with a pale face and a sad expression.

Gu Qingshan patted Fei Ying's hand and said again: "Your Excellency, I don't think so."

"Oh? Why?" the Ten Thousand Realms overlooker asked.

"Six ways of reincarnation." Gu Qingshan spit out four words.

The overlooker of Ten Thousand Realms seemed to be interested, and said in a low voice, "Go on."

Gu Qingshan said: "The six realms of reincarnation come from the prehistoric world, and the prehistoric world comes from chaos. The relationship between chaos and demons is hostile to each other. Therefore, even if all beings are illusory, as long as they reincarnate for one life in the six reincarnations, they will become six realms. Freed from the illusory art of demons."

The more he said, the clearer his thoughts became, and he continued:

"That's why the evil demons have to completely destroy the six reincarnations, and since then become the positive era. If this is the case, they will completely defeat the chaos, and even control the chaos, there is no longer their opponent."

Among the crimson giant pillars, the voice of those who overlooked the Ten Thousand Realms had some changes.

"The demons have already controlled the initial doomsday...No era is the opponent of the demons. They have defeated the prehistoric in the past, and the next six reincarnations are not their opponents... Therefore, the outcome of all beings is still doomed."

Gu Qingshan said: "But what if we have experienced the baptism of the six reincarnations, recast the prehistoric era, and fight the demons again?"

The voice of the overlooker of Ten Thousand Worlds disappeared.

for a long time.

From the huge pillar came a whisper from an overlooker of Ten Thousand Realms:

"The Holy Realm originally couldn't interfere with anything. This is an iron law, even I can't violate... But..."

"But what?" Gu Qingshan whispered.

The Overlooker of Ten Thousand Realms sighed, and said: "But no one thought that you merged the river of life and the river of death into the six reincarnations, and the river of life and death is the wheel of the holy world, so your success or failure has something to do with the holy world. ..."

In the void, the infinite blood red color kept surging.

The densely packed skeletons appeared from the blood, covering all the sights.

They seem to have souls, shaking their bodies in the void, making strange movements, as if calling for something.

In the void in front of Gu Qingshan's eyes, a few lines of small characters suddenly appeared:


"Phase World: The source of the river of life and death is coming soon."

"This is the world system: the upper world of the river of life and death——"

"It can also be called: Blood Sea World."

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