Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Vol 3 Chapter 114: Third door

Lights and shadows appeared on the Divine Boundary Sword, showing scenes from the past era.

Holding a long sword, Dugu Peak continued to punch various mystery runes into the spine of the sword, saying: "As the apostle of the water age, I should have been fighting side by side with the future, but now I have discovered another one. The secret... I have to find a way to take refuge in demons and see if I can become one of them, so as to understand their weaknesses."

"This sword—"

"Just stay in the age for me until the future, and fight with that person."

He took the mystery technique in his hand and raised the long sword.

——It is Chaoyin Sword!

Gu Qingshan silently looked at the light and shadow and said with a sigh of relief: "It seems that there is no problem with Dugu Peak."

If there is no problem with Dugu Mountain, then there is no problem with huge corpses.

This is really a pleasant thing.

At this moment, a voice full of laughter came from behind him:

"Of course I have no problem, but here comes your problem."

Gu Qingshan turned and looked around, only to see Dugu Peak standing not far away, looking at himself.

"What's wrong?" Gu Qingshan asked.

"The demons have turned into the summons of the Demon King's Preface, and they have penetrated into our defense with all their strength, and we suffered heavy casualties." Dugufeng said.

"So what?" Gu Qingshan said.

"You have absorbed all the power of chaos, combined with the holy power of the past four epochs. It can be said to be the strongest existence in the entire void. If you go with me, you can't defeat the evil spirits... Then we simply admit defeat. "Dugufeng said.

"You want to go with me? How much strength do you have?" Gu Qingshan asked.

Standing on the spot, Dugu Peak shook his whole body slightly.

I saw his black armor turned into tiny scales, suddenly scattered, and recombined into a complete body armor, covering him completely.

Dugufeng buckled a piece of black visor on his face, and Weng said: "Before they caught the other me, I had transferred all my strength into this body."

Gu Qingshan asked: "So, you are in full bloom?"

Dugufeng said: "Yes."

"It's finally the moment of decisive battle." Gu Qingshan sighed and moved around at will.

Xuan Tianyi appeared from the void and quickly set on him, and then, the True Ancient Demon King Armor appeared, covering his whole body.

"You have the power of demons, and I have the power of Chaos and the Four Saint Epochs, plus other apostles and saints, we can cooperate with each other and we will definitely defeat the demons." Gu Qingshan said.

Dugufeng nodded.

The two of them flashed and left the world of Shenwu.


In nothingness, the space is almost endless.

The concept of time almost no longer exists here-

Gu Qingshan stood in the darkness of nothing, looking around.

He vaguely perceives that only himself is still attached to the basic time law.

As if here, time has no meaning.

As I was thinking, I saw two lines of fireflies appearing quickly in the void:


"In the current time flow, you have reached the fundamental void world."

Gu Qingshan thought for a moment, stretched out his hand to draw a beam from the four rays of light behind him, wrapped it around his hand, and stabbed the void forcefully.

A light door opened.

He stepped in, and instantly arrived in front of a series of bronze doors.

He gently pressed his hand on the bronze door.

Suddenly, another line of prompts appeared:

"Explanation: This door leads to the bottom of the eternal abyss."

Gu Qingshan retracted his hand, and the prompt disappeared quickly.

That's right.

At some point in the future, when the six realms are fighting for supremacy, the entire six realms of reincarnation will break through this door and reach the fundamental void where oneself is now.

In order to break through this door, he used all the power of the Chaos God of War, and even used another closed loop, which made him catch up.

Gu Qingshan stopped to ponder.

——Why do the six reincarnations rush into this door? Why do demons want to control this door again?

At that time, I wanted to come down and have a look, but because of fear of many monsters, he has never been able to reach here.

It now appears that the void in this door is the real realm of fundamental void.

And inside the bronze door is an endless parallel world...

And endless, identical beings.

It's like that Rubik's Cube.

——However, there seems to be the only thing.

Earth, water, fire, wind.

Four holy pillars.

They are the Horcruxes of past eras.

That sentence suddenly appeared in Gu Qingshan's heart--

"In the void, the Four Righteous Gods are the strongest."

He was silent for a while, turned and flew into the void, and said: "Feiyue is not there, I would like to ask you to help take a look, is there anything unusual in this fundamentally void world?"

Among the four flames behind him, a flame condensed into the phantom of the book of the sea, and said: "You need to activate the power of me and the key of the wind at the same time-use me to lead the way, and use the wind to pass through infinite space. To get there."

"it is good."

As Gu Qingshan said, his heart moved.

I saw the power of the blue wind entangled in his hands again, and was led to lightly stabbed into the void.

Another light door opened.

Gu Qingshan stepped in, only to see that there was still nothing around him.

Only at the foot, there was a completely different movement from what was expected.

He floated in the air, looking down.

Below is a huge door with no edge, I don't know where to lead.

"It's quite strange. This is already a fundamentally empty world. Why is there a downward door?" Gu Qingshan asked.

The Book of the Sea: "I can only sense that there is a door here through the law of the void, but I don't know where it leads to."

"In this way, there are three doors in the fundamental void world." Gu Qingshan said.

"Yes." Calligraphy on the bottom of the sea.

"The sea of ​​blood is on the top, and everything created by the void and the demons is in the middle... Then what is under this?"

Gu Qingshan muttered, reaching out and pressing on the giant gate.

Lines of small fireflies quickly appeared:

"The door to the unknown."

"When this door opens, all laws will completely fail."

"Besides, you cannot pass through this door."

Gu Qingshan retracted his hand, thought for a while, and shook his head.

There is no intelligence at all.

This door is just like this, at the bottom of the void, boundless, there is no way to detect its secrets.

Then, it can only be inferred from elsewhere-

There are no sentient beings and all things in the void, only three doors.

A door is on the top of the void, leading to the world of blood;

A door is at the bottom of the void, boundless, without knowing where it leads;

There is also a huge bronze gate in the void, which was created by an evil demon, which leads to the endless parallel world and the gate to the endless parallel world.

Thinking this way, Gu Qingshan had a general idea of ​​the fundamental void world.

But I still don't know what the door at the bottom of the void is.

He thought for a while and took out the blood card book again.

The sea of ​​blood is on top, giving birth to countless heroic cards, so is there any connection between these cards and the giant gate under the sea of ​​blood and the void?

A card was drawn by Gu Qingshan.

This is one of the three cards before--

Gu Qingshan threw it away, and the card instantly turned into a mist.

A little girl walked out of the fog, stood in front of Gu Qingshan, and said dumbly: "This king is here, follow your battle instructions."

Gu Qingshan knelt down, looked at each other seriously, and whispered softly, "Lola, don't you recognize me?"

The little girl looked dull, staring at Gu Qingshan, as if staring at nothingness.

The coolness in Gu Qingshan's heart became deeper and deeper, but he was afraid that any of his actions would hurt the opponent, so he waved his hand, turned the opponent into a card, and put it away again.

He opened the Scarlet Card Book, flipped it quickly for a while, and suddenly moved his hand.

He drew another card.

This is a gray card with another slightly larger thorn bird painted on it, with the same crown on its head, resting on the old thorn tree, looking down at the treasures piled into the mountains below.

However, this card is gray.

Gu Qingshan grabbed the card with two fingers, and was about to throw it away, but saw the card suddenly leave his fingertips and land on the giant gate.

The card flicked slightly and turned into a middle-aged man wearing a crown.

Before the middle-aged man had time to say anything, the whole person suddenly fell into the giant gate, and suddenly sank and disappeared.

Gu Qingshan was dumbfounded.

Giant gate.

Eat up a card in his hand.

This is another card of the Thorns Bird Race. It is Lola's father, the former King of Thorns who was assassinated and killed in Abruzzi.

However, as soon as this card was taken out, it was immediately swallowed by the giant gate.

Gu Qingshan couldn't help it, and suddenly drew another card.

The card was thrown out and turned into a mist, and a man wearing a black trench coat walked out of the mist.

"I am the king of killers, and I am waiting to be sent here." The man said dumbly.

There was a slight clicking sound from the guns in his hands, as if he was ready to participate in a battle at any time.

Gu Qingshan said solemnly: "Yinghao, what's wrong with you?"

The man didn't answer, his eyes lowered, and he made a warning gesture beside him.

Gu Qingshan suddenly held his shoulders and shouted: "Zhang Yinghao, what spell have you hit?"

He vigorously shook the man, but found that the man's body was as solid as a rock, unable to shake at all.

The man's killing intent was just as real, and his strength far exceeded Zhang Yinghao's level.

He hadn't heard Gu Qingshan's words, and looked at the surrounding space vigilantly: "Everything is safe, you can rest temporarily, if you need to fight, please call me at any time."

Gu Qingshan was startled.

This is obviously Zhang Yinghao, but it is much stronger than Zhang Yinghao.

The same goes for Laura just now.

Even Laura's body is a few points stronger than Zhang Yinghao...

They are obviously still alive, why did they become the heroes of the blood sea world?


The book in his hand is not a book of blood at all?

Gu Qingshan forced himself to remain calm, thought about what had happened just now, opened the Scarlet Card Book, and drew another card from it.

This is another gray card with a weird figure painted on it. Half of its head is a woman and the other half is a man.

The moment the card was taken out, he broke free from his hand, fell on the giant door, fell deeply into it, and was nowhere to be seen.

Gu Qingshan was dumbfounded.

next moment.

He seemed to understand something, and suddenly reached out and took out the two-world stone.

"Forget's not time yet..."

For a long while.

He put the two world stones away again, shakes his body, and flies upwards.

After flying for a while, he waved his hand to open a ray of light, penetrated into the light gate, and disappeared for a moment.

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