Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 689: Life observer

Among the 900 million world layers, the world is almost infinite.

In these vast worlds beyond the Milky Way, there is a special world that is different.

They are the first world to be born, and some of them are even earlier than the time when the gods were born.

These special worlds are naturally generated and not made by the gods.

Such a world is collectively referred to as the prehistoric world.

The world in which Gu Qingshan is currently located is a prehistoric world.

In the past few years, it has experienced far more frost than most other worlds.

Just because it contains a world of origin has a feature.

Eternity does not die.

All beings created by the gods must have an beginning and a end.

But the prehistoric world has the characteristics of “eternal”.

Even in the history of the catastrophe that was extinct, it was only temporary destruction.

In just a few years, their world laws are glued again.

The prehistoric world is reborn.

Of course, the restoration of the prehistoric world of existence will inevitably be somewhat different than it used to be.

For the lives of hundreds of millions of worlds, this "eternal" beyond the gods has become one of the things that the strongest are most interested in.

The quicksand world has experienced a total of thirty-seven world leaders, sixty-one natural destruction, nine million catastrophe, and seven thousand and nine hundred and twenty-five wars.

The book taken in the hands of Gu Qingshan is the detailed record before and after the fifth destruction of the quicksand world.

At that time, there was a hegemonic powerhouse who used the means to defeat the former master of the quicksand world and occupied the world.

He is strong because he has a special ability.

Copy yourself.

He can completely copy oneself.

This is different from the methods of avatar and avatar, which produces a real living person.

The new self is like a born-again, with all the experience of force.

The new one only needs continuous tempering, and you can start from scratch and step on the peak again.

And the strongman of the hegemonic level will try his best to cultivate a new self after copying himself.

In this way, the new one will grow rapidly, and the strength will advance by leaps and bounds without any danger.

When the overlord won the quicksand world, he already had more than seventy of himself.

He is the equivalent of more than seventy hegemons!

The reason why he seized the quicksand world was to study the "eternal law" of the world.

At first, everything was normal.

He has gained a lot of insights from the operation of this world.

But one day, the hegemonic powerhouse went crazy when studying the "eternal law."

A dozen of them attacked each other, not only killed themselves but also destroyed the whole world.

Gu Qingshan read all the detailed introductions and closed the books.

The book asks: "Do you want to see other content?"

Gu Qingshan looked forward.

At the entrance to the town, dozens of heavily armed fighters stared at the crowd.

Whenever a person walks to the door, the soldiers aim the weapon in the hand at that person.

Those who want to enter the town must stick their hands out and put a book floating in the air.

It was a thick, pure silver book.

This book has a name called a life observer.

The life observer will decide whether to grant the person in front of the town.

At this moment, the team's long progress is slow, and then I don't know when to queue.

Gu Qingshan said: "If I can, I want to see some more about the world."

"Please wait."

The book should be heard and fly into the sky.

Soon another book will fall in front of Gu Qingshan.

Gu Qingshan opened the page and looked at it seriously.

This book is about a civilization that was born in the quicksand world.

This is a civilized world on the magic side, and it has gone glory in the course of 13,000 years.

At that time, this civilization was connected to hundreds of millions of people, and people could freely travel between world layers.

Suddenly one day, this civilization no longer explores outward.

They already know that the world in which they live is a prehistoric world.

So they decided to explore the world in which they live.

A few years later.

Overnight, the entire civilization suddenly collapsed.

Hundreds of millions of worlds have lost contact with this civilization.

In the following days, other world powers came to see the situation because of curiosity.

They found that the whole world has completely collapsed, and that civilization has only a myriad of ruins.

Everyone is dead.

The world is re-evolving.

The scene at the time made the observers shudder.

A brilliant civilization has thus come to an endless silence.

Gu Qingshan closed the book and frowned slightly.

“Do you want to see other content?” the book asked.

Gu Qingshan looked at the front.

The team is still moving slowly.

"Okay, please give me another book," he said.

The book immediately flew into the sky, and another book fell in front of Gu Qingshan.

Gu Qingshan opened the book and saw a new world destruction process.

In the process of queuing, he watched many books in succession and found that the world is always being destroyed and reborn.

Countless strong players occupying this world, none of them have a good ending.

Later, people gradually came to understand.

This prehistoric world, I am afraid there is a strange "curse", or something else.

No one dares to come to this world casually.

Until 1.7 years ago.

The owner of the black market came to this world.

He gave up the rule of the world and only built a black market in this world.

From the beginning, those who simply traded did not have any bad things.

Moreover, because of the power of the black market owners, no one dares to take risks to manage the black market.

The owners of the black market do not hinder those who want to study the world.

He allowed the strong to penetrate the world and explore the mysteries.

As a result, those who are strong will not bother to provoke the black market.

Even because of the existence of the black market, the strong will receive the protection provided by the black market in terms of replenishment and recuperation.

As a result, the black market has won the recognition of most people.

As time went by, the black market became more and more prosperous.

This is what has happened in the last millennium.

Gu Qingshan closed the book and let him fly to the sky again.

This time, he no longer looks for new books.

Finally, after a long wait, there were only two people left in front of Gu Qingshan, and it was his turn to enter the town.

At the moment, at the entrance to the town.

A man carrying a sniper rifle placed his hand on the cover of the "Life Observer".

He is accepting the test of this silver book.

"Technology side, the eagle-winged creatures, approved to pass." Life observers screamed with enthusiasm.

The man walked into the town in the gaze of many guards.

There is still one left in front of Gu Qingshan.

This is a tall man.

He walked to the entrance of the town and pressed his hand on the silver book.

The life observer paused, and the tone was lazy:

"The side of the element, the dark elemental creature, everything is normal."

The thin man listened and looked a little loose.

However, he did not notice that when the silver book said "everything is normal", the soldiers who maintained the order all looked for it.

The thin man walked toward the town.

Behind him, the life observer suddenly cried: "Kill him!"

The warriors who had prepared for it had swarmed up and burst into full force.

The thin man's face changed.

He only had time to turn into a huge mass of dark matter, and even if the technique was not made, he was killed on the spot.

The shadow of darkness was torn apart from his collapsed body, and it flew away like a gust of wind.

Seeing that this monster was killed, the soldiers slowly retreated.

The headed soldier asked the life observer: "Hello, what is the situation?"

The life observer said: "A guy who loaded the end of the world online: the origin of the guy, I have smelled the order of his order across the distance."

The leader of the warrior showed the color of anxiety, saying: "It’s already the fifteenth in the near future. What do you want to do in the order of the devil?"

"No matter what it is, anything like the order is not mine," said the life observer.

It shouted at Gu Qingshan: "It's up to you, come on."

The soldiers looked at Gu Qingshan.

Just a servant of the devil, will this person be an accomplice?

They clenched the weapons in their hands again.

Gu Qingshan calmly stepped forward and placed his hand on the cover of the silver book.

There is no order for the devil in himself.

However, I have loaded the order of the demon king, the order of the gods, and the order of life.

Can this book be detected?

Gu Qingshan was slightly nervous.

Soon, he felt a force coming out of the book and turning around around himself.

This is probably the prying of life observers.

Time passed quickly.

Life observers have never said anything.

This is already very abnormal.

Those guards gradually revealed their killing.

Gu Qingshan silently, secretly encouraging the spiritual power of the body, and preparing for the battle ahead of time.

Suddenly, the life observer laughed loudly.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

It shouted: "A human cultivator who just passed the novice world, was thrown into the emptiness of the collapsed life, it was a bad luck!"

Gu Qingshan looked around and looked around.

The breathing of those soldiers slowed down, and the hand holding the weapon was slightly loose.

They couldn't help but smile at the gloating scene.

The order of life is to help people get strength quickly.

Unfortunately, with the emergence of the road to God, the order of life has been crushed by the Seven Gods, and the power of it has become a light figure.

This newcomer is not too late, just happened to encounter such a thing, this experience is really unfortunate.

I haven't been eaten by the monsters in the void, it is already his ability.

However, in this way, the identity of this person is no problem.

The work of the Professional Affairs Section of the 900 million World Federation is very rigorous and will never be biased in the identification of newcomers.

Gu Qingshan looked at the crowd and saw that they all showed a smile.

He spread his hand and smiled with a smile on his face: "Is there any way to catch up."

Those people listened and smiled more.

"Go in, hapless, I hope your luck is good." Life observers said.

"it is good."

Gu Qingshan walked past it.

As he walked, he let go of God and carefully observed the people.

I saw that as I entered the town, the soldiers had already regained their gaze and turned to look at the next person.

It seems to have passed.

He entered the town safely.

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